ssjd the eagle 2013 michaelmas

Post on 24-May-2015






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The EagleThe Eagle Michaelmas 2013

Dear Friends of the Sisterhood of Saint John the Divine,

Each year, once past the summer equinox, I find it surprising how quickly the daylight hours get shorter both from the perspective of early-morning risers (In the morning, O God, you hear my voice; early in the morning I make

my appeal and watch for you. Psalm 5:3), and from our nightly prayer at Compline (I will bless my God, who gives me counsel; my heart teaches me, night after night. Psalm 16:5). I notice the change of the seasons, moving from summer to autumn. Time has passed since our last issue of The Eagle and there is much to report and reflect upon.

More than two years ago, the largest of the visible organ pipes in our Chapel collapsed; there was no danger of it falling, but it looked ominous. The organ builder, Hal Gober, came to take out the pipe and consider options for repair. In June, with help from another organ builder from Switzerland, he used a series of brass rods attached to the backs of the pipes to strengthen them to prevent further collapses. After having lived with a gap-toothed rank of organ pipes for these past two years, we are delighted the organ has finally been repaired, and received a thorough tuning.

Since the merger of St. John’s Rehab with Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, people sometimes wonder if the Sisters are still taking part in the ministry at the hospital. The short answer is, “Yes.” Sr. Sue took on the role of Spiritual Care Coordinator in May and will be working this fall with Sisters Beryl, Anitra,

Sarah Jean and Debra, ably assisted by Amy Joy Wong (an Alongsider), and a number of volunteers, trained by the Rev. Joanne Davies whom we hired as a half-time Chaplain. The Rev. Joanne Davies began work at the SJR site of Sunnybrook on July 2. She brings a wealth of experience to the Spiritual Care Department from her work at other hospitals in Toronto. In June several Sisters took part in

a High Tea at St. John’s, sponsored by the Volunteer Association. It was on an extremely hot day in June, and all of us there were glad of the hats we wore and parasols we sported!

I travelled to St. John’s House in Victoria, BC, for a short visit at the end of June to help move Sr. Sarah Jean back to Toronto. She had suffered a terrible fracture in her left leg in April. We really needed to get her back to the Convent as she would not have been able to manage the stairs at St. John’s House. Happily, she is almost fully recovered, although she will continue with some physiotherapy and exercise.

In July, Sisters Elizabeth, Constance Joanna, Debra and I travelled to Ottawa to take part in the Joint Assembly of the Anglican Church of Canada and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada. Sisters Constance Joanna and I were delegates to the Anglican General Synod. Sisters Elizabeth and Debra helped to staff the booth of the Conference of Anglican Religious Orders of the Americas (CAROA). Sr. Debra was a wonderful ambassador as she is a rostered pastor of the ELCIC, on special call to the Sisterhood. Many of the sessions of the Joint Assembly were held jointly and decisions were made together. When the two

Sr. Patricia


denominations needed to conduct business separately, Sr. Debra attended the Lutheran Convention while we went to the Anglican sessions. It was a positive move forward in the living out of the Waterloo Accord. The next

Joint Assembly will be in six years.

While I was away at the Joint Assembly, the work began on the installation of the solar panels on the roof of the Convent. Thank you to the donors who so quickly and generously helped us with this special project. The response to the appeal for help with the solar panels was overwhelming, so we were also able to have a solar panel installed to light the Sisterhood’s sign on Cummer Avenue. Although rain in July and August slowed down the installation of the panels, they are now up and running.

The Women at a Crossroads program was attended by eight women this summer. We appreciate sharing our life with these women as they seek to be open to the leading of the Spirit in their lives. Through sessions on prayer and

discernment, each woman attends to the still, small voice of God, heard only in the silence. It was a very contemplative group, and we were happy to get to know them better.

We held our third annual Associate BBQ and picnic at the end of July, and admitted Louise Simos and Andrew Mugford as Associates. This is an opportunity to invite our Associates in the GTA to bring their families and friends for a fun day at the Convent, and to show our appreciation of all that the Associates mean to us and all that they do for us. The Associates in their turn can show their families and friends their appreciation for their connection with the Sisterhood.

I am very sad to report that Sister Constance died on August 2 at age 109½ . I think she would have liked me to note the half. Her funeral was held on August 10 at St. James’ Cathedral because, among the long list of awards and honours throughout her life, she was also an Honorary Canon of the Cathedral. As her body left St. James’ in the hearse, there was a wonderful peal of bells from the Cathedral spire, and traffic on King Street stopped in both directions. A fitting tribute to a life well-lived. We miss her presence among us. You will see her obituary later in this issue.

We held a successful Donor Appreciation event on Sunday, August 4. Donors came for an evening of conversation, coffee and refreshments so that we could say thank you. To the many who support our work and life, I thank you on behalf of the Sisterhood of Saint John the Divine, and especially to those who have given above and beyond their usual donation to help us bridge the gap!

Sr. Debra

Back row: Gwedhen Nicholas, Effie Addai, Nancy Nicholson, and Marilyn Sapsford. Front row: Karen Martin, Beverley Markwart, Margaret Moore, and Valma Hay.


At the end of August, the Sisters met for our Annual General Chapter. This is a time when we gather together to renew our lives in our vocation. We receive reports from all the departments of work throughout the Sisterhood, and we celebrate the work we accomplished during the past year. During the course of this Chapter we interred the ashes of both Sisters Constance and Joyce, and of our Associate Joan Trowles who had lived with us for many years. We spent time after the interment of ashes in a grief workshop. We each shared a symbol of what our grief looks like or feels like to us at this time. We came to realize that the grief in our lives is multi-layered, much like transitions. With each new grief, older ones are stirred. It was wonderful to recognize the grief we share as a community and personally.

Brother Jude, SSF, the Minister Provincial of the Franciscans in the Americas, attended our Chapter this year as an observer. The Sisters have been praying for the Franciscans in our cycle of daily prayers as we seek to work together more collaboratively. I hope that you will see more activity in this area during the coming year as we deepen our relationship with one another.

We celebrated the women in formation in our community: Sisters Rhonda, Debra, Susanne and Amanda. Sr. Rhonda was First Professed on the Feast of St. Sergius, September 25. She is continuing as the Guest House Coordinator, and will take on the added responsibility of being the Alongsider Coordinator.

Several Sisters have moved this fall into different areas and responsibilities. Sr. Anitra returned home from her apartment in St. Hilda’s Towers and is now working in Spiritual

Care at SJR. Sister Dorothy has gone to St. John’s House in BC. Sr. Constance Joanna is working part-time as interim priest-in-charge at Christ Memorial Church in Oshawa, and continues her teaching through Wycliffe College. Sr. Debra has become an Honorary Assistant at the Anglican Church of the Incarnation and will be on the Spiritual Care team at SJR.

This fall we have two Alongsiders with us. At the end of August, we bade farewell to Joyce Lambert, who completed her year with us and moved back to her home in Bayfield. Amy Joy Wong is continuing for another year

as an Alongsider and has been joined by Nancy Nicholson, who was on the summer Women at a Crossroads program. These women are living alongside the Sisters, and joining us in our daily prayer and work while they absorb the life of a monastic.

Next time you visit the Convent, you will see the parking gate finally in place! Please check in with the reception desk for the code to enter the parking lot.

Even though the length of each day continues to diminish as we move towards winter, we pray both day and night, in light and in dark. Our prayers are with you.

Sr. Elizabeth Ann, SSJD Reverend Mother

Nancy Nicholson


News from St. John,s Rehab

In July of 2012, St. John’s Rehab Hospital merged with Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. While this has led to a number of changes for both the Rehab and Sisters who work there, overall the culture of the Rehab is still what it was, and the spiritual care provided by the Sisters continues as before.

Since last September, several Sisters have worked at SJR: Sisters Amy, Anne, Beryl and Dorothy have provided ongoing spiritual care; Sisters Wilma and Jocelyn have helped at our Sunday and Wednesday services. In May, Sr. Sue became Spiritual Care Coordinator and one of the four spiritual care providers. This fall, Sisters Sarah Jean, Anitra and Debra will be at SJR. We continue to use a number of volunteers. Jule Ryder, Irene Mills, Bessy Arvanitis and Chi-Jane Chou help to porter patients for our services. Donna Stanco has continued to play at the Sunday worship services, and Joy Alloway for the Hymn Sings. The Rev. Helga Elliott, Jean Robinson and Larry Barker have all officiated at the Sunday worship services. Since the Rev. Jim O’Neill retired from presiding at the Wednesday eucharist, our presiders have been the Rev. Joanne Davies, the Rev. Robert Gorham and the Rev. Douglas Graydon. We are grateful to all these people for their faithful service to SJR and to the Sisterhood.

After the merger, we were informed that the Anglican Diocese of Toronto could provide us with a part-time chaplain now that SJR was part of the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. This July, after a year of interviews and discussions with the Sisters and the Rev. Douglas Graydon representing the Diocese, a Priest-Chaplain, the Rev. Joanne Davies, was hired.

Having a Priest-Chaplain has already made a great difference to our work. We are now able to offer holy communion to the patients on Sunday afternoons. Also, the Rev. Joanne Davies is skilled at recruiting and training spiritual care volunteers. While the main campus of Sunnybrook does not use volunteers for spiritual care, many of the hospitals in the Central LHIN (where SJR is located) do. When the Sisters are all away from SJR at the same time (during Chapter, Community Days, funerals, etc.), having volunteers will allow us to continue to offer spiritual care. We have

already recruited and begun training a number of women from among our extended family (Associates, long-time friends of the Sisterhood, long-time friends of SJR).

Last October, Anke Flohr, the Professional Practice Leader for Spiritual Care at the Bayview and Holland sites, and some

of the other spiritual care providers from the Bayview site, came to SJR and met with the Sisters. On June 10, Sisters Anne, Dorothy, Debra and Sue attended a workshop on Evidence-based Spiritual Care at the Bayview campus which was very interesting. Over this past summer, we continued the conversations on how we may best collaborate with the other Sunnybrook sites. Our plan is to meet regularly with the spiritual care providers at Bayview and Holland, to share experience and ideas. We are looking forward to this new venture.

For all the changes, it has been a good year, and we look forward to the next.

Sr. Sue, SSJD, Spiritual Care Coordinator

St. John’s Rehab Program at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre


News from the Guest House

The Guest House ministry of hospitality continues to be a vital and integral part of our Christian witness to the gospel-based values by which SSJD is committed to live.

Thanks to increased media coverage via our website, the “Food for the Soul” booklet of upcoming Quiet Days, retreats and events, our e-newsletter “Home for the Heart”, Facebook, blogs, and “word of mouth”, we have been blessed with many new guests. Some come for a day, or an overnight stay, then decide to become regular visitors, or book longer retreats, depending on their time and need. We advise individuals and groups to book early, especially for events featuring high-profile retreat leaders.

We put comment cards in the rooms and welcome feedback from our guests. Some of their comments are: “rejuvenating”, “peace and comfort”, “helped to restore a struggling heart of faith”, “food is awesome”, “clean and soul-nourishing”, “It was perfect. I didn’t know how tired I was.”

Some guests say it feels like a country retreat in the midst of the city, “an oasis of quiet”, especially when they see birds, squirrels, an occasional rabbit, groundhog, raccoon, or fox. This past week we even had two young deer nibbling at the brush by the tree line. The lush gardens and grounds, the labyrinth, shrine, Guest House courtyard, chapel services, etc. all contribute to the healing atmosphere guests find here.

We are truly blessed to be able to share our home with all who hear about us and are drawn to come. Although we continue to host many Anglican church groups – clergy, Advisory Committee on Postulants for Ordination (ACPO), diocesan groups and pre-ordination retreats – we also have people and groups from many different denominations. Two Buddhist groups come for a week each year.

We also provide space for Education for Ministry (EfM) classes, and meeting space for spiritual directors and their directees. We offer

families of patients in St. John’s Rehab (SJR) a place of respite and support. They find the Guest House very peaceful, and it is a comfort for both them and their loved ones to be closer to each other.

The hub of many homes is the kitchen, and that holds true here, too. Sharing meals together is an important part of what Benedictine hospitality is all about. We move from the chapel, where our minds and spirits are fed, into the refectory, where our bodies are nourished by the tasty array of dishes prepared by the loving hands of our kitchen staff.

We are grateful for our Guest House staff – Frisca Ozorio, our administrator, and Gloria Echeverria, our housekeeper. We give thanks for Amy Joy and Joyce, our Alongsiders, who joined us in September, 2012,

and have been a great blessing to our ministry and the life of this Community. Joyce was our Volunteer Coordinator, and Amy Joy a Spiritual Director, as well as an assistant in the office.

And we also give sincere and huge thanks to all of our volunteers who assist in the Guest House office, at the Reception Desk, and tending our many plants, etc. We wish to express our gratitude to Susan Murphy, our former Alongsider who left in May, yet remains editor and publisher of our e-newsletter “Home for the Heart”.

I close by saying, “For those who have visited us, for those now visiting us, and for those who will come in the future, thanks be to God!”

Sr. Rhonda, SSJD Guest House Coordinator

Joyce Lambert and Amy Joy Wong

News from St. John,s House, BC

There is a quote: “Blessed are the flexible for they will not be bent out of shape.” I add, “for they know their God is with them.” This sums up the year at St. John’s House, BC. Plans were often changed at the last minute; a few changes occurred due to illness or injuries. Doreen Davidson, the Oblate living with us for the past several years, returned to her house on Salt Spring in January. God provided others to assist us. In May, Sr. Anitra came out to help ease the load.

We joined the Convent computer system this past year. Sr. Constance Joanna came to help set up the computers and do some basic teaching. This has been a learning curve for us, but we are managing. Thanks to all of you for your patience, balanced with persistence during that time when emails disappeared.

Each of us continues to do volunteer work in the community. Sisters Brenda and Louise had the opportunity to go to Prince George to do a workshop for the Anglican Parishes of the Central Interior. The autumn colours were brilliant. It was great to meet Associates who live in that area. Sr. Brenda also took a workshop to be a Safe Church Facilitator for the Diocese.

Sisters Brenda and Louise participated in the production “From the Heart”, written and acted by local volunteers to bring awareness and educate non-Aboriginals of their need to “decolonize”. A book will be coming out to help others create a similar production.

We have all participated in conducting retreats, Quiet Days or workshops. Our focus this year has been doing retreats outside the house. The Anglican Rosary workshop was well attended but retreats were not. Sr. Louise led the Advent retreat in the house. It was based on a book that looks at the birth of Jesus from a midwife’s perspective.

It was a great pleasure to visit and pray with Associates in Edmonton and Winnipeg. All the snow was a delight for Sr. Brenda, although she knew she hadn’t been living with it for months, and did not have to worry where all the water would go.

In June we said goodbye to Sr. Sarah Jean, who returned to the Convent. Sr. Dorothy joined us in September. Thank you all for your prayer support, especially these past few months. It helped us not get too bent out of shape.

Sr. Brenda, SSJD Head of House



Sister Constance Murphy, SSJD February 2, 1904 – August 2, 2013

Sr. Constance died peacefully at the convent on August 2nd, 2013, just over 80 years after she was admitted to the Sisterhood in January, 1933. It is the end of an era for the Sisterhood of St. John the Divine for she is the last Sister to have known and lived in the convent on Major Street. In the Epiphany Eagle of 2012, I wrote a three page article on Sr. Constance to honour her 75th Profession Anniversary on December 21st, 2011 which you can access online at

Sr. Constance’s funeral at St. James’ Cathedral was attended by over 250 people who had known and loved her, including three women who had known her as a teacher at the Diocesan Qu’Appelle School, where she had seventeen challenging years beginning as a teacher in 1938, acting headmistress in 1944, and finally headmistress from 1947 to 1955. The Rev. Bill Whitla, in his homily, described Sr. Constance as “a nun in motion, hurrying here and there, teaching the young and . . . working on behalf of the elderly.”

He stated that “it was in gerontology that she was a pioneer.” In 1958, she became the Sister-in-Charge of the Church Home for the Aged where she worked until 1972. She completed her Certificate in Administration of Homes for the Aged at McMaster University in 1970. In 1975 she was appointed as chair of the Diocesan Committee on Aging by the bishop of the Diocese. She was also a Canadian observer at the White House Conference on Aging in 1971 and again in 1981. From September, 1976 to September, 1977 she studied at the University of Michigan and received her M.A. in Adult Education and a Certificate in Gerontology.

With Fr. Charles Feilding she was one of the founding members of the Canadian Institute of Religion and Gerontology in 1975. Through

this Institute and with the help of others, she produced A Book of Prayers in Large Print.

In 1977 she was appointed the Diocesan Coordinator for Work with the Elderly; apparently she made annual attempts to “resign” but the “bishop bade me carry on year by year.” She finally resigned in 1983.

In 1990 her 18 years of service as chaplain to the residents of Lambert Lodge and Castleview-Wychwood Towers was celebrated by the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto.

In 1997 she was elected an Honorary Member of the Ontario Gerontology Association. The letter which she received to inform her of this decision referred to her as “a pioneer in the study of aging both at McMaster University and the University of Michigan. As one of the subjects in the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging, you have added to our knowledge of the aging process.”

On September 27, 1997, her autobiography, Other Little Ships, was officially launched. Sr. Constance continued working with the elderly until she was well over 100 years old. On December 4, 2009, the newly appointed American Ambassador to Canada, David Jacobson, came to Toronto to present Sr. Constance with a personally signed letter of congratulations from the recently elected President of the United States, Barack Obama.

She received numerous awards for her work with the elderly, including an Honorary Doctor of Divinity from the University of Emmanuel College (Saskatoon, 1982); an Honorary Doctorate in Sacred Letters from Trinity College (Toronto,1984); an Ontario Senior Citizens Achievement Award (1985); a Certificate for Volunteer Services in recognition of services provided for residents of the Metro Homes for the Aged (1986); the Toronto Senior of the Year Award in recognition of her ongoing ministry to seniors (1999); and was made a Canon of the Cathedral (2004).

Sr. Constance will be greatly missed by all who knew her.

Sr. Elizabeth, SSJD


I did a fair amount of travelling over the course of the year, starting in September 2012. I gave an Associate Quiet Day in London on September 15, then spent five weeks in the Maritimes in September/October. Over the course of this trip I met or spoke by phone with many of our Associates east of Quebec; we have a wonderful group of women and men who are attentive to their Rule of Life and generous in sharing their experience of SSJD.

The trip began with a weekend Vocational Deacons’ Retreat in Halifax and ended with a discussion of how to promote knowledge and activities of the various Anglican Religious Orders whose Associates live in the Diocese of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador. In between, I had the opportunity to lead Quiet Days or Retreats for Associates and for clergy in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Central Newfoundland, and Western Newfoundland.

I also spoke at the Atlantic School of Theology in Halifax and joined the seminarians at Queen’s College, St. John’s for their weekly community lunch. During my time in St. John’s, I was privileged to assist our Associate David Pilling with a Quiet Day focussed on Psalm 23, as well as giving a reflection to a number of our Associates at St. Luke’s Home in that city.

In 2013, I travelled to Huntsville in January, meeting with Associates on January 11, and giving a Quiet Day on January 12. On February 22, I went to Kingston, met with Associates, and went on to Seeley’s Bay, where I gave a Quiet Day at the Parish of Leeds Rear on February 23. While at the Convent, I continued meeting with Associates whenever possible, continuing to enlarge my acquaintance with Central Associates.

The Associates in most areas of these provinces are doing well. Some places, like Montreal, Nova Scotia and Eastern Newfoundland, Toronto (Ward of the Ascension), Ottawa, Orillia, Huntsville, Sudbury, Kingston and Thunder Bay, have active groups who meet at least once a year for prayer and fellowship. Central and Western Newfoundland have few Associates, but tend to piggyback on the

activities in Eastern Newfoundland. In other areas, the Associates are not as likely to come together, but individually are following their Rule of Life with devotion.

For the most part, the various Friendship Zones and Wards of Associates are functioning under the same leadership as last year.

In Montreal, Gayna Knowles, Shirley Smith and Helen Pickup look after events, with Susan Hill taking care of email communications. For Nova Scotia/PEI, Davena Davis is helped by Patricia Leader and Oblate Frances Drolet-Smith. In Ottawa, Daryl Banke, Vicki Milnes and Pat Longsworth are on the Executive team. Elizabeth King and Val Kenyon look after the London Associates, and Connie Gardiner does the same for Kingston. Mary Johnson handles Orillia. In Eastern Newfoundland, David Pilling has taken on the role of liaison with the Associate Director and communicating with the Associates in that area; he is assisted by Trudy Gosse, who helps plan events, especially for and at St. Luke’s Home.

The Ward of the Ascension held its third annual picnic on the last Saturday of July, 2013. More than 60 people attended, including friends, spouses, children and grandchildren of Associates. The Advent and Lenten Quiet Days were also well attended, as was the Epiphany Tea. This year we sent 22 boxes of spiritual/theological books to Jamaica for their Healing Conference. At the Annual General Meeting, we introduced a number of changes, including decisions to:

• holdtheAGMontheSaturdayfollowingthe Feast of the Ascension;

• addMembers-at-LargetotheExecutive;

News of Central and Eastern Associates

Andrew Mugford and Louise Simos being admitted as Associates


As Christians we are called to a life of simplicity and a single-minded focus on God as exemplified in the light of Jesus. As Sisters and Associates we put ourselves in the position to receive the grace of simplicity through our prayer life and our practice of ministry. Thus simplicity is both a grace and a discipline. It has an inward and outward aspect to it. Simplicity is manifested in how we live our lives, how we respond to each other, how we express ourselves, how we care for the world and each other, and through our relationship with God.

Gratitude is a manifestation of simplicity. We Sisters are very grateful to all of you who have prayed for us and sent words of encouragement to us this last while. We experienced some challenging times when Sisters Sarah Jean and Louise were in hospital experiencing life-changing events, and I was tired. Sr. Sarah Jean’s fracture of the femur has now healed enough for her to start full weight bearing, and Sr. Louise is progressing well but is still experiencing some effects of the stroke.

This year I visited the Associates in snowy Edmonton and Winnipeg. It was a delight to see familiar faces and new faces, to chat and to pray with you. The above thought on simplicity is a summary of the Quiet Days I gave. While I was taking a Spiritual Direction Course at the Naramata Centre in BC, I was able to visit both in person and over the phone with Associates in that area. Sr. Louise and I had the opportunity to go to Prince George (Anglican Parishes of the Central Interior) to conduct

a workshop on Intercessory Prayer for a conference. For both of us it was great to meet Associates who we knew only through prayer, and chat on the phone with those Associates who could not attend the Diocesan Conference. Thank you to all everywhere for your hospitality (your smiles, meals, and accommodation), and your presence at meetings.

In Victoria, the Associates helped us celebrate St. John’s Day, both in December and May. Thank you to Associate the Rev. Canon Bill Morrison for celebrating the eucharist for us in May. Associates also joined us for Sr. Constance’s memorial service.

This year we welcomed Susan Roe-Finlay of Winnipeg, Laurie Ljubojevic of Victoria, and Clare Palmer of Vancouver as Associates.

Blessings on your journey as Associates, and your call to live a life of simplicity.

Sr. Brenda, SSJD

News of Western & Prairies Associates

• startaDiscussionGroup,inadditiontothe Book Club;

• fundraisetopayshippingchargestosend books to Jamaica.

It has been a pleasure and an honour to work as Associate Director these past few years.

Sr. Sue, Associate Director

BC Associates and Sisters


Admissions Quebec: Valerie Bennett of Saint Hubert

Ontario: Mike Peter of Ajax; Sue Ann Elite, Molly Finlay, Rev. Andrea Budgey, Rev. Jeannie Loughrey, Andrew Mugford and Louise Simos of Toronto; Patti Brace of Sudbury; Tracey Hand-Breckenridge of Orangeville; Mavis Hristow of Scarborough; Marie-Louise Bechthold of Huntsville

Manitoba: Susan Roe-Finlay of Winnipeg

British Columbia: Lynn Cawthra of Parksville; Kathryn Tulip of Qualicum Beach; Clare Palmer of Vancouver; Laurie Ljubojevic of Victoria

Special Anniversaries (for calendar year 2013) 25 years: Leslie Tolton, Phyllis Beach, Gail Holland, David & Margaret MacMillan, Rev. Claire Goodrich-Dyer, Josie Attia, Susan Chor, Cathy Paxton, Rev. Robert Ross, Margaret Kitching, Billie Anne Robinson, Rev. Brian Parker, Fr. Philip Townshend-Carter, Ven. Pat Johnston, Karen Ann McKinna, Marguerite Barry, June Coote, Dorothy Bell, Jane Morton, Rev. Marion Booth, Linda Shattuck, Brenda Cameron, Kathleen Materie

30 years: Barbara Dyson, Joan Taylor, Shirley Park, Rev. Raymond Porth, Diana Coultish, Mary Hazell, Rev. Philip Rowswell, Hilda Slade, Bp. Dennis Drainville, Heather Luccock, Joanne Forsyth, Deidre Laidlaw

35 years: Rev. Dawn Gilby, Jane Cameron, Lloy McFadden, Rev. Carleton Hayden, Shirley Tapley, Rev. Dale Huston

40 years: Christine Watt, Anne Tanner, Winifred Anions, Rev. Richard Anions, Irene Rainsford, Rev. Linda Osmond, Patricia Goodman

45 years: Sallyanne Etherington, Marcia Hollis

50 years: Marion Stalter, Barbara Hicks, Karol Hill, Lillian Locker, Mary Walker, Margaret Adamson, Phyllis Anderson

55 years: Rev. Donald Anderson, Rev. Cameron Cairns, Rev. Elsie Stephenson (D), Rev. William Linley

60 years: Margaret Reid, Mary Scovil, Rev. Sidney Horne, Rev. Reginald Alcock, Bernice Pilling

61 years: Evelyn Rubie, Mary Frances Allin, Rev. James O’Neil

62 years: Mary Ann Graham

64 years: Dorothy Johns

65 years: Margaret Wackett

66 years: Ada Potter

68 years: Rev. C. Russell Elliott

69 years: Ven. William Wright

Deaths (admission date in brackets) 2012 Mar 29 Rev. John Speers, Barrie, ON (Jan, 1954) Sep 22 Rev. Frederick Cross, Barrie, ON (June, 1960) Oct 3 Harry Eerkes, Victoria, BC (April, 1998) Oct 5 Muriel Browne, Binghamton, NY (Aug, 1945) Oct 6 Peter Speight, Delta, BC (Mar, 1981) Oct 28 Rev. Donald Landon, Toronto, ON (May, 1961) Nov 20 Rev. Arnold Ruskell, Goderich, ON (May, 1953) Dec 1 Ruth Laybourne, Toronto, ON (Aug, 1979)

Date unknown Evelyn Elliott, Burlington, ON (Jun, 1987)

2013 Mar 20 Margaret Hodkins, Abbotsford, BC (Dec, 1986) Apr 1 Susan King, Kelowna, BC (Apr, 1991) Rev. Thomas Little, Toronto, ON (Nov, 1973) Apr 5 Rev. Bruce Mutch, Toronto, ON (Jan, 1990) Apr 28 Rosemary Watkins, Ottawa, ON (Dec, 1981) May 10 Hope MacMullin, Fredericton, NB (July, 1976) May 16 Claire Andrews, Toronto, ON (Dec, 1998) May 30 Stella George, Toronto, ON (May, 1990) June 26 Sharyn Poole, Rosseau, ON (June, 1988) July 9 Joan Trowles, Toronto, ON (May, 1946) Aug 15 Rev. James Tiffen, Edmonton, AB (June, 1974) Aug 21 Rev. Brigitte Schloss, St John’s, NL (Oct, 1993) Aug 22 Marion Grove, Burnaby, BC (Jan, 1974) Aug 27 Rev. Gordon Worden, Gloucester, ON (May, 2004)

Readmission May 15, 2013 Rev. Max Woolaver, Grimsby, ON

Associate Milestones: 2012-2013


News of our Oblates

From the Fundraising Office

This was a very exciting year for our Oblates, because it was the second Triennial meeting to be held at the Convent in Toronto. As Oblate Director I was present and took the opportunity to visit with many of the Oblates.

Sandy Austin, Nancy Scott and Bunny Stewart were responsible for organizing the agenda. They did a wonderful job gathering speakers and presenters, as well as designing a very relaxed and workable schedule.

There was good participation and feedback on the part of the 15 Oblates present, as they shared their thoughts with us during the prayer and reflection times, and as they took the lead in making presentations on various topics.

Doreen Davidson was at the keyboard for many of the Offices, and the Rev. Frances Drolet-Smith celebrated on St. John’s Day. All shared in various chapel duties.

Since Chapter 2012, five Oblates have made Life Promises: Janice Barnes, Nora Bottomley, Sue House, Julie Poskitt and Nancy Scott. Mervat Iskander and Dorothy Dahli were received as Oblates, and Kathryn Tulip of Qualicum, BC, began her discernment.

Doreen Davidson and Frances Drolet-Smith have been meeting via SKYPE to visit and say

Compline together once a week. The Rev. Sue House, an Oblate, celebrated the eucharist with us several times at the Aberdeen Rehab Facility when Sr. Sarah Jean was recuperating from her fall.

As Oblate Director I have had a very fulfilling year. I have been privileged to hear some of the stories of Oblates’ vocations, and their growth into their Rules of Life. I had the opportunity to journey with a discerning Oblate, and also to welcome a new discerner.

We are grateful to our Oblates for their prayers, the time given, their ministries, and the way they enhance our lives.

Sr. Louise, SSJDOblate Director

Solar Panels: Due to almost immediate, generous donations to our Solar Energy Project (two large donations, one from the Anglican Foundation and another from an anonymous donor), and several generous donations from individuals, we have met our goal to pay for the solar panels.

The GAP appeal: As of mid-August we have reached two thirds of our $100,000 goal. Thank you for the generous response towards this GAP appeal. We are confident that there will be support to reach our goal.

Thank you, you are wonderful!



The Houses of the

St. John’s Convent 233 Cummer Avenue, Toronto, ON M2M 2E8

416-226-2201; Fax: 416-226-2131; email:

St. John’s House, B.C. 3937 St. Peter’s Road, Victoria, B.C. V8P 2J9

250-920-7787; Fax: 250-920-7709; email:

The Eagle is published several times a year by the Sisterhood of St. John the Divine, St. John’s Convent, Toronto, ON M2M 2E8. An annual donation of $10 to help cover the cost would be greatly appreciated.

Please let us know promptly of any changes of address. The Sisterhood of St. John the Divine is a registered charity. Our charitable donation number is BN 11925 4266 RR0001.


Altar linens may be purchased from Sr. Jocelyn, SSJD, at the Convent. All linens are hand-sewn from Irish

linen. Items which may be purchased include Purificators, Lavabo Towels, Baptismal Towels, Fair Veils, Palls on

Plexi Glass, Corporals and Sick Communion Sets.

For details, please contact Sr. Jocelyn: Tel: 416-226-2201, ext. 310

Fax: 416-222-4442

Back row: Sisters Elizabeth, Elizabeth Ann, Susanne, Constance Joanna, Jocelyn, Amanda, Dorothy, BerylSecond row: Sisters Helen Claire, Debra, Doreen, Brenda, Rhonda, Margaret Ruth, Jean, Sue, Anne

Seated: Sisters Louise, Jessica, Patricia, Merle, Wilma, Sarah Jean, Margaret Mary

Closing service at Joint Assembly

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