sssssssssssessatt efip'fjfpi® december. fot^^ suiutcrvillc, · sssssssssssessatt-?.y. i...1...

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** ;;'Jji' i'j t

4, 3^erc> a riciuuras and a beauty about liie followingfinea^ ntwh the pen of a friend, nowpn Europe,which 'v. oufd do bonor to^VoawrtrOirrn. 'TheyO t-Tte Wrtuen-anany years ago; bat tbayr bare a

directand peculiar application to tbc atttumn aeaaoo,frotn year to jcar..£J. Phil Gas

r< ,AUTUMN. n

-; Wit* hitia qh*Tj ifemes and goes Ut^ttir: .

Tba buds^offspring.tho»e bcaaufal narbingcrsv >

OfMftpj and cloudless times.cnjojr < - *Lite » newness and earth's* garniture spread out;MWlMD'tihl diver habit of the c!ood»Comas down upon the mttdmn ran, and, with »; :.hA soboc ^iadprss liicold/ear takes up . . ,

{lis bright inheritance of golden fruits _

A pomp, and pageant al^w *?!endid scene'

'jr.s.fJf-i* . *j> - >r- . ; ?- .1

<< Thereb afbcantiiu] spirit breathing nowIts mellow richness on the clustered-tree*, . '}And, irora a beaker fall of richest djres.Pouring new <fldty on the aatamri woods, *'

And dipping in warm light the pillared elotid*,Morn, on.lite mountain, like a smhmer bird,LdU up hier purple wing, and in tbc voir*Thie gentle wmd.a sweet and passionate wooer,Kibes the blushing leaf, and stirs up Ida ' ' '

Within the solemn woods of ash deep crimsoned,Anil sllrer beach, and maple rellow levied.'Where Autaru, like ft faint old manr«ti3» fl»«n

Jty Uu* way-side a-weary. Through the trreuTnc golden robin mores; the purple finch,That ou, wild cherry and red cedar fee<l«t *

A wtoier Krd.comes w;th Hi plaintln- whittle,And packs by the witohbswl; arlt^k aloud.I'com Cottage cooG>, the warbhng blue bird aipgstAnd merrily, witli oft-repc*ird j

Sounds Irotn the tbiraahing floor the tuny flail.

Ot what ft fftanr doth this world put enFor bim that, wiih a icrrent beall, goes forthUnder the bright and glortousiky, and look*On duties well performed, and days well "pent!Fhrhsm,the w«nd, aye, and theyrtlow leaves, 1SM fmv a Take, afid giv: him Clcxjaent teachSQjHLlie shall so hear (he solemn bymi), that DeathHas lilVrdap for alt, that he shall goTo bis long resting-place Without a tear.


.tfirtcellaneon* >^ V * - > "

Original Antcdoxt ofa Dog..Tiro near

neighbors in; the country, a farmer and a tap?irer, entertained a great friendship for cadi

. B J

other. The tanner run a isrgc jam cog,which,for some unknown cause, conceited«3ch &u itrircfmlc hatred to the farmer, thatMrcoohl hot with safety visit bis friend vv henthe dog was loose, and on this account thetanner loaded the animal with a heavy clog,that be might not be able to fly at the farmer.

As the farmer and one of his ploughmenwere goingabout ^u> grounds together one

day; thief perceived apparently mgreat distress and pain, lying near'* fence..As tbey approached, they found that >21 artempiingtoyumpihp^MKat.t hi had left thedoe on the other side, the weight of .which.iJiluMttnfUkThe pJotfgIirft&ri'fcoa*u}g tm> cnowr trnicn

tfii dog boie la to cmpioye:, proji^ ioktrock birn c.n the Ifjdr but t!;c firmer <rt»tmwittfug to kitt * creature which he knewwitti^efu! «,ahj»We ?6 hL«frircil, -io4 in«WW6Tcf btirttrrg him he ducugaged thfMorbe**- ana laid turn dawn upon the gra*iW*tch«3 f&raitll fo ttfWlnm nearly recovered,aodtbe»iro«a«^ his tvtyC When be returned to the ?pot. he saVjhedog rtslJ there, c]u:i«- recover ^d, and, ifwalexpected an atftck, hot to fits great a>tomshfocat,the crca&re upon htm. andc*pre>»-d hw griutmle in ;i.o most llfelvw^titiyaud Gr^ot that utaoio tho day of- h»

farmer* tod could rarerupou to return to hi* fonucr

Original Attgcxiait uf F.tfatn AUm,*- * 8UaMbWl hlM lilU: lit -ih lin*

QW^VKi'lHHU m 'vvturwi

«e4s CJ Ethan Al&a, to*fTtwub>*»n9rwbi*ro, fkiitch wc have never rta m print, <but

o'bicb in nevertheless historically true.: A*boot forty years ainee, Allen waa sued fur a

noie of about one hundred ponnds. As it«?s« jtxx convenient for buu to pay ii, he cmployedChittenden, the lawyer, to (nana#*tbe case in court, and get it put over to tlirxmt term. When the cam camo on, Chittendenaccordingly appeared, and as the note

SIM signed by a vrtttjfcss who lived at a distance.l«r got up, ;»nd dcmUrt tks signature,knowing thai tbe witness could not be pre*doted during the session, and ho should thusobtain the delay his client wished: The doakJ«rf the signature therefore was a mere ftBOW,aod p rf< ctfy mvbr<u<v»d br the conn;

hot IJtteti eJuccd to b is the courHidu*:-Of tbe time, and be viewed tbo matter in a

ttore serious light. Rushing up to tbo barof the court, and cienehing bit gigaotie fists-he made ibe following address: ir

T "Lawyer Chittenden! T did not employyou to come here and tdl a bare faced lie? -Idid sum the note, and f won't deny it, maysi please your bu<ior>! that'sray signature, andthat'# a good note, i honestly owe the money,sod mean honestly tn pay it. All Iwant U, that yoar honors thould put it brerlathe next court, mid by thnt time, I shallbsto ihe cash from Boston, ami will pay everyfcrthing of it." The result wait, that, bycooseotof parties, the caw vn continuedtoftbocext terra. Such were the notinns ofboROSty, cuter lain rd by a wtdier of the oldentimes, that he coull not bear <vm it fklime of I itetc to deny the obligation of a paperto tcJtidk ids signdtureicas attacked. ' fjH »i

compare this-with the notions of » mtfdcrnpolitician..Dedham Patriot. ^

; -» * »' >.i. 1 if /JJOlInteresting trial-.An lezatuittttitih took

place at I*owell last week, before^ be PoliceJustice.*, of a jouag <ncn charged'mth stealiitga promissory note, made by/him to a

r yorwggul, to whom, m t bo time "it waolbadc« 1 ... VM. tVlJ|]3..WW <« lUAfiiagQ. : fi«> <u»i v

Jrom Uw Lowell Courier, tint tho rompUuitwis entered by (he overseer of (2mj Lawrence \Wilis, a.'wi ihofOQttg woman was summoufcH J


as a wmiew, and apjxwed unwillingly,-^ifrom the teiflnoony of >ho ciso tve have gathered(ho following nummary of fan*: the(! <3fetida itf jrKBOfs h*<V i$eu for potne

month* intimate, in what h calf^I a courting

gave his nois& :» He omitted his visits, ondt after anYbfte/tfibiwaimng tlw tooncy;-dasedil»e notes to be sued, SubsaqoewJj^tbesqits were abandoned, thc oatc* lakeo up,

l and a now One given by him for #900. Atthe time of these transactions, a rseoqeitiarlion took place* be,promised to/narry ber.hey- mutually agreed to keep (he gifing>ofthohew noted secret r.aii(htbings5ient on in

tbeoldijraju Ashort time before, (be trial/he'balled upon ber'oneJnMtnifig, 'found hersick abed;her corse present, and laidher thaihe was published to be marrad, tor another giriand had come .to sclllo. tv» vh ber,p iy. bcr the

money'and*u&4Vp (nsMtftc. 'X^XJU^IWaj»kiqgto see naia^llOT g^rc thelceyS of herirutik" to HetJ riuVs^, wbd'dib'Ctf*! h*f it? bringher (the witness') bankbook,: in which shesaid the jDtrtg !&|iC j¥»lho :t.ej^d5;fg it. JThcuttfse did asehe Irtfd Ifectrdfrtcfeti^aad tcfliho cxx>/n. ' hnr ' * ill: » .

TNeitlier^he nurse nor the witness could

ny.pwtUTeJy that the note was there, for the

I witness famn d, and became wholly unconiciotw ofwhit passed. I* Upon the nurse's re|turn to the room, after a considerable abJsctice,she fcuodthd witness iwafly; if not

(quite scnsclcsprgm tdcfcndbini gone.thebatik book on note and no

money. There are: thirty boarders belongingto tbevhouse where these eHints lookplace. Some time afterwards, on beingquestioned by tb*giri'» brother about payingthe girl what he owed her, ho said/"! baregot up ray note* (or note*, the brother was

.*<hM ii ill 1 vuitf.(iUi WV« l««U MMkVN^ "»M«i

After this, the £trl coa^ahrd counsel, and byadvice inquired of the boarders'Uihey hadseen any money in or about her room, and

| thej denied tbat tbey bad. After the soeoe

! at the sick-bed, and before this examination^j the defendant was married. The court orderedUie defendant to appear Sat trial at the( ourt bf Cotrtmoti Plea?, December term.

B< a*n Transcript.

Erploxien at the Liverpool Post '-tyke,and an apprehension of the Delinquent..l'he rillaio who contrived the cxpldslortat the tirerpool Post Office has beendisItnnnMM Irntn ht« MSinim*lion ai the P«dice OlBce, *he is a Portuguese,and lately arrived avLivrrpOOl. inthe V»r|iniafHrth'this city', [New York.]An express Was sent by the Postmaster at

Liverpool. which reached London intime lo pre*ciit the other tw«» letters frombeing stamped; and being opened,' bisname, and addressWore found out. Thetwo tetters sent to London wereaddfes

edto triXJ5xmoT Say^.dc Migucli Tacon,Capitait General del Gobrttardo. de la;"and tbe otlrni A la Hetrora Da G nanada ChSvinodel dcfuMo D. Komino Brufan,par !« ilabana ex fJabtn* .The lettersfound iu hissrunk corresponded with thoseat the Post OfBcc. Those which expiredwere found ttrbo addressed t'O Matanxas.Ff'om his etftfoloafion. it appeared he hadbeen croasoj i* lore at -Havana, the fatherof the young lady having attvmptetjintake hisjifc iwvp«.ts«»ning '(J»e sotjp -hrve4& e "tirffh £nJ, at tftidlhlr Rnfr, nifinp

} two orgroea to aggytlfcj&tiid stab hits, (hehiring k'O bo!1'J of irhtchtras ir*-.alm-i 1^4#-** ia u*«f^ *!««aa fntennpwi nil- ivikis wvuiw iix-v vv«i«

!;:i hsndf, and, by iliat im>anVhave <Tcjitroytldhim. The exathtnatlutt lasted illt iaio hour, and the magistrate wtiundftihim, prior to hi* etfmlrirhtal ti* Newgate

. id > mi"1 m< mi. i. *. n AV-YtLondon, Oct. 7..The Spaniard vrhc

»-«.. ti>«. d'-adly fleifri* in the .Eir^ri< »

jUScD-ifta*: ttenftamnaatfeibtoMkh!* da?* *ufc7/ Ilia inumtiitfinifft to injure or depota^yparaon in this cuuntry. bo!t o Oorrtnor :<*f Havana* to whom theinter* wrrc aJd<ts«cd.


Wviidcrfml cteapt /rem diaih, and /Atgreatest Bear'Story that hat ever came fa myf«,~Thc,«';onr thai a^piWreUt?i« one which greet d.ul u

i-riin^tM ihe-^reiity/warre. it happenedand is well worth a eonRpiruouji place in

your paper. Xho feci as handed to me

are thctesHOjj Friday ihel.'^lli day »»:

rtrpfember rfcin. iwflr the closer tin daya lit le l«<*, i^VWM'1 ttf* "Id, hy thiname of UeuriWTWivstarted in uoraui>f \h$ /«&»! : iHe af»dfc'hU^jKfll«i&Uftpath through a pUscouf wood# of abouhair a miledn length. On reaelriagjht«W>wH». .hie «fM foumljlrticallle and slartrd^uyanla home. TJwdrove consisted ftf a very gentle old row

and a number of eettffv His runIther told him previous, to bis Marling, in

ikeep near to Uic old: cow, as she wouldJ conduct him on a straight course home.This he was careful ,lp obey; but shortlyafter he had i'tucrtd thy wo ds on his way

; home, walking b'v the side of tho old cuu,

(the *|>e*<l on«l fury that thotcferocfoha!aoimaUnre pomtord of. '"APtftltierilfaklperiod, Atrangc a«1t m&jr seem, the boyipo«»o8»edriprefebeo< of- mind' *nbb£h to

j-makoftow'ef- hi* only alternative-.Vrhiihparaa to]adi|>aairld«of the back. anilIcanine forward ho cauzht her hr the

iiorni^jbuli in he' rode through ilic^xi poo*. The bear secin*

4fihq cattle ratmadil roared.:ho b*yacreaaaui.but sill did not terrify ihr bear;erenauid rat on she Would romtf alongsidenf .oar-gallant Wdcfr gtwltrig end *n«rlingand striking: with her- paw*.tin<fwould iiafo "torir liSai 1ii pfccrai htit furtic other couli\ which votflfl ns oftchuttackher in the rear, and as «he vrrmh!tnrsi to fire them battle, the con* wotiH!

lt*vc the younfi rattle,.ancirome with all

"(feed flR^llSCoj'^t^llHreemed to be«»c'r «IWij ^m/icdtorffattJlimefcsfik rose

upon her hind left Ac take him, and asjoftrH *ahe*arti*l would fire' her^baiQe;andthai tKejriiilotfd thnaught lbcnbiab Iuntil tMi Bcatk eul>*fcaron*lip/and*aba

\ young1 cattle turned nfibn them.-1 The:old I| took tfteir part, land the. coirand faceI rillnr had arrirrtl J»t the deOV 6fi the?farm-tousrv ertf theold bear conld again fe- jnew :lifT: attack. The;hWy,wasialftost'/enseicft withffrifeht, -and it was not untilsome time after he had alighted;!fedBHtecow, that: die was enabled tap0jc|Uoj his

;mother tthei why And whertfore; . h itthought thai the,boy, wdJlberec/tprprefelthat some one.else shoukt -drive theqnwato yard. , ftif**jBradford*McjOct 3d* ,,f. , ,A.'ft j i~>i *, I;«f

Jambs OALfitrttx.T-l'he editors of theBoston Gazette Sajt: lbst the history of -thisgentleman is somewhat singular,andeventrul.He vat fitav iolruluced to this country-finthe year .1817, by the late Joseph'Geo. dolman, then manager;ro& /the:Cbnr!rstnn, -South Carolina,- '{Theatre..;i'rior to-bi.s appearance at Charleston, hewas a leading light cornelian »Jl Bath,Bristol and Jlanchrstcr, but had not reach* |

toniion. l&'rV Uolmaq, made Him ftconspicuous m«nafci|i*tlieftire in Charles?ton.he became jmpohnr triih'lhe people.quvrcHed \rjtb. th^ 5matfagcr---got tip firiot;' «rh!^h resulted in the dettruciionTbfthe theatre.suhsaqujfnUy, wounded Hoimanin a duel at diliiaao the public*and toel^a triumphantbenefit..Immediately after, this affair, hemarried a lady of fortune in Pedericaburg,Virginia.became manager. of the. Vir-1ginia theatres.foiled.migrated to New IOrIcafij»r aiid^tboK possesion of 1H0A moricanThreatrc in that city.shortly afterwardstook a contract to light the etiywith gas*.realized a princely fortune-rbecamea banker, and is now of the principallions of the day. lie still plays themanager and occasionally appear on'.his

k*' ' .M ihn<tnU.S13£0. Illi' Tisr auii iwihiuv

riiio* in the history pf the dratnx j ) J

Valuable Plantation,foa SA1UBbcorgo V- Uobjr | * -Wi? »wtt>a»d wife i« R.., I

oq r sraP* r&Amphiona Pauonj"By firtoeof a decretal Order ofthe CotJrt of

Chancery, made inthe above ca*, lbt> <V>»>mbNoncr in Equity for Chester DistrictI ?^ir a« the c<iurt hcreeccf wiid District, no the;

first Monday in December nexi, all that jStatiIfatiaa «rhereon iVDlum Patios* dee'd latelyIrtW.Wdii*! 6t tfi&ttpfci flirafcat 9hcbeat! faiLtol Land<dbrd, comaiuing

:|. 640 -Acres.; ;; <

| The said plantation consuls of an island < inl ..I nn>« AAnlltitiinii ' fI

; 133 Acre*.i well adapted to tbo caltuio of cotton w hichrcquire Da fencing;

j 40 Acres' ofeoUon fond, on «id river, and| A Good Meadow;, dra remainder batrouguphod trail-adapted

to the-growth d£ c6in jind cotton. . Almost> 309 ieite are tfearetf'dnd now fit tor cuhiraftioo»** i'% - V

| " on vli* nrenmr*m trrn >iqtt

'i wiiha rooms, and ii A good Gin fforue an */ Screwi andtlirwacassary hutftftugv, auefcW*^Negro * HonsH-tJOiStables, frc.

\ - Tho« wl»o may wtahteTmrchMc, will'doamttl dtim MtilM I Kjt nCUMtMk

I WUMMifirv ««tv wmn* .w*

J of nle. (JW. Dnbr.'fi«^ IrMtitfiipM:><' at bis residence ra-fBfiMbestcrrillc, or eddraw

'i to InJ* plsttfaribu.^ * »k?'' /.TfJfel sa

*feH6ifaf*b«l/£-& much of the putchasemoney ** mitt *niL«fr ih^teowr-nf'sak' mu»t

11 th^djky of Mlklhcsb-ija^r p^j i|

bfe ngt^ivl1# ^nu.Jlhi* mnih

»wMs"m**fcuredby bond and approrcd security, and a

,£.* c d.

rorouiis^ionfr'f office, i

;S; :< '. ....?;

I 'Nwm&x vi '»<

i: 3jT"T' iTir*" "": ,;*


, f^( ,, >BlU (bra sale and fissionWfptW»»i9>ns4: > - .

- ).and otters. J . y -r K;,n ,

J !l3PPC«W ^ my ^isgl^h^ffamp.Ion Byuunjt, Gfay.Byu^m,/pi^a^ibFfirpicr,! Tebutu Farmer, Jonn r araicr, aww ^«r1

BSfeiJTO^pfafiWWhWffl^Vcrfinda Garducr and (Sray.B. Gardder, the

in thh casd, are absent /torn andbcrond the lnniu of. this HUatc ' 'It Is orderc/tlttttliejr do'plead, answer or demur to

the said bill ofcomplaint' within thteO monthsi!w <1®U) <'! »wK.'W ffMia® Ira

!.<- lakt-.i an-iw, J. OK\lST, Uomm^ £

Comroj^ioncrV office it


'Rertfiiiw Dhttktj > ;* f

OcK%r J;\KS ~~~\

For sale a! Hut Qffier. - I

efip'fjfpi®December. ,

Syjvcskf, 11<>#}*..jbeoj^Af^f Ub;: a grandfl«tum/i^bro^;pg. .hiitefto JbeenfpWr8«tp4*UJ»ftfWtyfoi*tkw.ike, follow ;in<t l.riUianl U«tn£. Wcli£cpe»:BiU*t encott-

WpftjMfs ,^W^«|M»dC0i8 ,10

'XChri^rn^ anjJ ajvH?nJr«fiwT«»f- ~A&\&*JW. nj *\U.<I5. *>A*. ? M Y

C/A.PJTAL *i \ 3 :dj f


; M IClisS N'ut&ber 7iCFor thcj^nc>it of theTown oi" Whpejing iTo betdfaStn .it' 'Alexandria, Va. Saturday,December 3, 1836. « . .. ,. \]


;[ I30.000 10,000. 4.000. 3.000 2,000 SO of

* 1.000. 64 of 200 &e. * :

Tickets 10 dollars.A ccrtfieatc uf a package of Whoie

SffM itianrs, ({uancrs auu ujruui» iu uiuiah-

lion. 1*1 '- i f .^

30,000 DOLS j, 50 Prizes of 1,000 !


" Class 9.For th« Benefit bf the Mechanical Bearrolcntrtneirty of Norfolk! To be drawnat Alexandria Va» .SalynUy DfCembfr lO830,000.10.000. ^000,4.11^(^2^064000. Mo(, &cv*<Ticket*10 iloUori.Sliprca in proportion

Certificate of a packago of 23 orbefftickets in this tfagnificafliScheincrnay.brhad for 130 doihrs.j>ackagrs of halvesand quarters ii> propojtiqn.MAG&FJCBNT' CAFIForty

Thousand Dollars.: >£! f8,0M Mbnr» 1 '

i IOO of l,CHM) dollars

Virgrrii^Stdtg; lottery,pillowing tbo Lcnbu.r% AcaJcmy, onil fo.otherpurpuaia. To he drnwu auUrxon*^j.^rj^Va.JiaUr.UyJ)cc^j7

4&Q00. l->.000, MMMJO, fepOO; 200 ofacoo5^.1.30^ tfW «f 1,000.

Certitirato of a package of 25 .-wholeTickrt^ttjji^iujJy. |,40 U«»lU«. (fla!rr«a<uJ qvarte/a >q proportion Dc'ay not 10«cnij your order* to Fortune's Home.


LOTTERY,r.t.* , . '»*:? ?

To l*e ,4n^wft »i Baltimore, Saturday, DeJ

iiu c ;;H fRich and Splendid Scheme*

w.000, ro of,»a«i Tick^m |o dujup} . ;he 4*wtffif»fc<o*» «KMC(ikkWk^HW#fa* 10 T«ckimiof .-«$ i;j tn^^>t|flo a^.«h9»c ^5U bono*L*ITOwpl&3.\oil cknndf?di^enpf~tfak4 kdinrrita^ in

'***'^%wwir':LOOK AT TH1S(cTjTrnr»'*ot« < ! >«,*,*»rrxALBXANWUA LTTKRY

^ flfo *'* 3^ S

Koethr hnieilof<hr'h'nrfl of WellybnrgToilrawiuattAltNwIra, i). C. Sator.tiay Dwrcp>h»j)HMfl v


. i

l4302S^£3 !30.000. 10,01** 6.000,6.000 4.00ft. 2.500.oof l<000.a *iSQQ. 8 . I 300 *400 of *400

i^'TM&b lO^tilhr^[ A canideate of a [wrbfe of 25 whole[ tickets.* ill; for sent lb? 140 dollar*.packshare*in proportion.

£ ulh Carolina JLancaster District ;l .William Cotfoon applicant - }

i\SiV<Vv\>^ \.Tlionias,. Cq4jcn, )oljtj Cptfcn William i

TOcr Vincent,and his wife Susannah, James Collien, SamICot lien, .Pareal Cothen's children, MiltonCothen, Jonathan Balky and his iwfe Elizabeth,Atfdrcii fotheti and Mccbacl Johnstonnil his wife Miili'v, defendants.

., I11 opjweriqiw ray ^tfsfactioit, thru the;

abort? parties* dhfendam reside vntlwut this |State, viz: Thot < ot lien, John Tot hen, fjfaml!foihtm. rardal CbtlK-Tt'a children, William)FjuJtrjl ^ild hw wife Mnncy, Peter Viuceiiliarid'hiaWiiV Suijahbah. it is'fhcrclore orderedYfuft tficy do appear and object to the dtri» {fiitih or sale ©t the re*l estaic of William i(*bthnii <!mM on or boforc the fir^t ^Jonuajhi 'Fehrvaty m-Vi, ct iHcir < otwni to thesaipe !* i-piered of Record.i J VH'^TrHER?TOONf O. L.D j' Nov. -

' V". \...

>" " III'

Public sale_a#'"TT;utV f A

^Carolina* I tt iU o£f*-fot^^ ^ Suiutcrvillc,on ihe firtt

Two PlaHstifftN ***9tt£Ujr the *ifce ;of MayGcdj an^cflopowrfir l^w^vieiniiyof; RembertV Met tijag'lha ' Rraitfurd'a . SnrSaM ill ?8tl(I)l£f. -DlS*M"'^2UkeLj. One Plantation .conttuoingat^§ifchiiod*e4.jaMS*®#..#'''hundred acres.J>$w«in a:,CiUti^Alipn. u* r» '*ij&One honored prime ffc|K>es« beinp flfli ,

properly of of.lie l.u. Joh» O.tts^^©S5*ifeS!^and sol<^for the mrcslmcntdf^V nH^orheirs."

The Lands from their situation in a

high healthy coaDUy and pleasant heighbo^ppd. offer iadaceienfa.,o ;^»|p;desirous of. buying, not often to 'be tafitwith." i ;

Among the4 Negroes a,fT®Sasd^fterrants,Seemstrc&ges, Cooks.Ostlers. FieldUands, and one Carpenter. The mIc willbo posflire and continned from day to» i?i .»- - --3.« « « -r

uay unui uie wuuh is uiiwku v«.

Conditions.One third cash, the balancein one and two yeare, secered bybond' security, and a mortgage of tiniproperty, or the'purehser may pay thewhole in rash at his option.

Purchasers t'» pay fbr necessary papers.Any further particulars will be given

on application by letter," (post paid) 1® «eat Bradford** Springs, -Sumter District,or to Franklin I. Moses, Esq,, at Sumter*rillc, So. Ca. - ZvnH

ROBERT L. rlERIOT,Ex-ot;«f J. p.lHtek&r.;

Snmtemllc. Sot. 12-38-h

tm rtamd their F-lLL supply of



onsistiog of rffftoit& y«hr& Bonnets, Englishamh American >ftra\vss Silks for dronesRibbons/ Flowers, Glores, Belts, FinerShaw Is and Scarfs, While «k1 Black BkndLace, Yetb; Plain and Figured Laces BloodLace for Dresrcs, all of wbicb wiil beold on vcri rcasoeabte terms. & ^ "fc?Millinery atufcdrcsa nuking oxe«Uied.ta<*dern wual .?** ± ^ ^ v^. ^

- mNoIT/ 13~3Bnlf .-;,j' /< ,

. - 3*>« i*w trt ->?jr"

finj \

/v-sr»: 'S^| .*.IMk,


1ramnr alrfiiu nl* ,

. Boots aud Shoes : .

comprise the foHovrtnffkinds; toirfte ^Gem's firtt rate calf omlracroe«o<Bwole

"M INtWijjrwfs" : -.i'ti*li^hi ecnrrd and pegged

v * aioot kip& teal skin law price **

- **- uk horl tnrttoiwd' .V" fine shoe* & hoo Ices various patterns

1 »»k>ttllK>aad toduia><>^^o«>«ad r

bOOltM*.: V. dgtfw", Imed and onllotd rubbers ^


: 0 ?! morocco incIutttug aU colors"Jprunella, (urn afiJ spring heel alipr


>VJacod aod b«turned ftites boots# >"seel pruiidlls& moroccO walfciiirwhoes" " rusMa, rail* and moro^b tnijpipm" demnark satin plush and aatlnV!. while aotin aud silk 2:>' lined, nnltned and fur top rubbers

^MissesScidprtmcHaand sea1 sirpplislad[ "w *: -

! 11 ' prunNimmi imhwuwii"1« nt&fwti* hom*>»» V "4 »'J v.*^' »*'* t^hciyr IJ>J. !-»«". «ASr.»

jlJoy > sunit peftfj^rri bqo.ts^M.SU**fine and stovtralisktwshoet^

I r Jhi'i &>****»" bvan^»naffl^n4jh<w.«n4^ff«fined i^unliAedwhWh^ _"

Children's morocco,prdneUMK^tAn" WV« sfilHMffli

f i f. s4ou4 leather shoes and bo*it#w. >Mensstool sewed and noosed, broaans

and aboutTlieeil^jijMaisaff#' Pur.: ofthe^st -;^;r Aooesin the

All kinds of shun, maker1* materials hi*

Last s and Shoe Thread,, L?tri H*


Sole and Upper Leatheri Calfand Goal ^(tiau,Jbinin# trud Bnuibuc MUmTrunks, Blacking, Yarnwik

S!,fto MX% ,fVMZXtr>Tn.Tj >.

Call and «co ne*ld<W «?<«&*^»ilrtnw>n'«,-; ,v;


*$Oct. £9:.37::tf r,||


Fof Sot* ,

Ttio light Haronrh Caariagrs, with harness |suitable n>fonc hor^,^r<ccily now, baringrst( oftinii iop», made to ty^cr vmNov o::37::c


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