st augustine’s parish school august...dear families and friends of st augustine’s parish school...

Post on 26-May-2018






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St Augustine’s Parish School NEWSLETTER No. 11– Term 3 Week 2 2017

Address: 25 Commercial Road, Salisbury – Phone: 8182 7900 – Fax: 8182 7999 – Website: Email:

DATES TO REMEMBER: TERM 3 WEEK 3– 7 AUGUST—11 AUGUST Tues 8/8 Feast of Mary MacKillop Liturgy — Siena Hall (9.15am) MacKillop Sport House Captains to wear Light Blue t-shirts Wed 9/8 P&F Meeting (9.15 am) Thur 10/8 SACPSSA Cross Country Carnival Yrs 4-7 Fri 11/8 Wakakirri Dress Rehearsal and Performance

TERM 3 WEEK 4– 14 AUGUST—18 AUGUST Mon 14/8 SCHOOL PHOTO DAY Tues 15/8 Feast of The Assumption Mass (9.30 am) Wed 16/8 Children’s University Graduation Garment Fitting Thur 17/8 Wakakirri Performance—Entertainment Centre (7.00 pm) Fri 18/8 SCHOOL PHOTO MAKE-UP DAY Discos 6.00 pm — 7.00 pm — R/Yr1 7.30 pm — 8.45 pm — Yr 4/5

ABSENTEE PHONE: 8182 7915 OR ABSENTEE SMS: 0407 664 190

WHOLE SCHOOL PRAYER every Monday (9.10 am)

STUDENT BANKING every Wednesday

PLAYGROUP every Friday (9.00 am – 11.00 am)

UNIFORM SHOP/BOOKROOM every Tuesday 8.30 am – 9.00 am and Thursday: 8.30 am – 9.00 am and

2.45 pm – 3.15 pm

BREAKFAST CLUB every Monday to Friday in Siena Hall from 8.30 am – 8.50 am. All children welcome.

During Term 2 the Year 3s were learning about

Information Reports in Literacy. The children

created dioramas, researched different animals

and their habitats and presented their learning

to their classes.

Dear Families and Friends of St Augustine’s Parish School

Well it certainly was a chilly start to the term but it was great to see everyone back safe and sound and to welcome our very newest Receptions and their families. While there were a few tears (from parents), all the children settled and appear to be very comfortable in their new surroundings. Thank you to their wonderful teachers Lenet Asudiya and Suzanna Nowosilskyj for making their first week such a positive experience. We welcomed in the new term with a beautiful whole school Mass, prepared by the Year 6/7 children and their teachers. While we did experience some technical difficulties there was no doubt that the beautiful singing of the school choir was a spiritual highlight. Thank you to Fr. Roderick, Kerri Dent, Sally Hoffman and the Year 6/7 team for this very fitting liturgy to celebrate the new term.

Congratulations to our own Austin for his amazing fishing prize. Austin landed a huge 3.27 kg snapper on the Yorke Peninsula, winning the coveted prize. Well done Austin – no stories about the one that got away for you!

On Sunday the Salisbury Parish celebrated the commitment and dedication of, Anne Blake, the retired Business Manager for the Parish, who was invested as Dame of The Order of St Gregory the Great at a moving liturgy celebrated by Archbishop Wilson. Pope Francis bestowed the honour upon Anne for her service to God and the Church. Past priests and many parishioners attended the ceremony and the afternoon tea. The school community wishes Anne and her family every blessing as they celebrate this great and well-deserved honour for Anne.

Teachers from St Augustine’s are working on a project, which will ultimately provide exemplars for the Australian Curriculum in the area of Keeping Them Safe Child Protection Curriculum. Leaders of school learning are working with consultants from CESA to design programs and provide examples for other teachers. Our Teachers presented at the Education Standing Committee this week and provided committee members with an insight into their expertise and the high quality teaching at St Augustine’s.

The parish will commence its long awaited building project in August and there will be some changes to parking for the duration of the project. The Chapel Car Park will be closed and used by the builders. We are working on opening up the land opposite the school on Ponton St for temporary car parking. There are some works, which need to be carried out before we open the land for use. The entrance and exit will be on South St and people will use the crossing on Ponton St to walk down to the Fire Gate in the Community Garden to access the school.

Our Breakfast Club received a very generous donation of groceries from a donor who wishes to remain anonymous. We sincerely thank this businessperson for the extremely generous gift to our school community.

In Week 3, teachers will be working with the children to share learning with families at Learning Conversations. This is one of the most important ways for teachers and children to discuss learning and propose strategies for the remainder of the year. Please complete the booking sheets for each of your children. We aim for 100% of families to attend these conversations.

This Friday the Parents and Friends were due to host the first of our Term 3 discos, with the Years 2/3 and enjoying the music at 6.00pm to 7pm. Then we were due to host the Years 4/5 at 7.30pm to 8.30pm. However due to the inclement weather forecast they have been postponed. The date is to be advised. The next Disco will held on 18 August For Reception and Year 1 at 6.00pm to 7pm and Years 6/7 at 7.30pm to 8.45pm. The 2017 Disco theme is Glow In The Dark however glow sticks are not permitted. Should you have not returned the disco form there will be forms available on the night. Please allow extra time for you to sign your child in and out of the disco. There will be staff and volunteers available to assist.

Families are reminded that children who attend St Augustine’s Parish School are expected to wear the official school uniform as approved by the School Board. Our Uniform can only be purchased from our uniform shop. If families are experiencing financial difficulty, they are encouraged to contact Deb Applebee or Liz Polljonker for assistance with the purchase of the school uniform. We are still wearing winter uniform in Term 3 and the uniform shop has plentiful supplies of track pants and jackets to keep children warm and free to engage in all physical activity. All children will need to be in correct school uniform on the 14th of August, which is School Photo Day. Please mark this day in your diary.

In Week 5 we celebrate Book Week and on the Tuesday the much anticipated Book Week Parade. The Theme for Book Week 2017 is “Australia—Escape to Everywhere.” We will keep you informed as the date draws nigh.

We have a very busy, very rich liturgical and prayer life coming up in August. We begin on Tuesday 8th August with the Feast Day of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop. We will celebrate our famous Australian saint with a whole school liturgy in Siena Hall at 9.15am. Tuesday 15th August is the Feast Day of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We will celebrate this much loved feast day with a Whole School Mass in the Church at 9.30am. Monday 28th August is the Feast Day of St Augustine, our patron saint. This will also be celebrated with a Whole School Mass in the Church, and a few other fun activities during the day. More information will follow in the next newsletter. You are all most welcome to join us for these celebrations. Coming together as a school to celebrate Mass is a richly important aspect of the community life of our school, where we can offer our thanks to God for all that we are blessed with and sing our joy!

Blessings, Georgia Dennis, Josette Charles, Kerri Dent & Joyce Mee

Book Week 2017

Date: Tuesday, 22 August, 2017

Time: 9.15am Place: School tennis courts (weather permitting)

All children are invited to dress to the theme or come dressed as

their favourite book character

Parents are warmly invited to watch.

Indofest School Visit

An Indonesian group of dancers and musicians gave a performance and took workshops for our Years 3 and 4 students in Siena Hall on Tuesday 1st August. As part of the INDOfest in Schools Program 2017, five Indofest volunteers provided small group workshops in dance movements, gong instrument playing, costume dress-ups and games using sarongs and folk rhymes. The Banyuwangi, East Java dance performance and hand held

gong playing was fascinating and all the students became actively involved in the various workshops.

Indofest invites all families to this year's 10th annual festival to be held in Victoria Square on Sunday 1st October. Information about the day's

events, workshops and food stalls can be found on Facebook and the Indofest website:

We thank Indofest for supporting our Indonesian learning and cultural understanding.

Ibu Elliott

$ $ $ $ $ F I N A N C E $ $ $ $ $


Last week School Fee Statements were posted home advising that Term 3 School Fees are due in full by 4th August. If you are experiencing difficulties meeting this due date, please feel free to contact me on


If you have already applied for School Card this year and have received a letter from the School Card Department stating that you are ineligible, please come and see either Anthony Filpi or myself to apply for a re-assessment. This needs to be done prior to our next submission date, 11 August 2017.

Also, if you have not already applied THIS YEAR, please do so immediately to avoid paying full fees. We cannot apply for this after the final submission date.


The following in an excerpt from the current School Fee Policy:

“4) a) Parents whose child leaves the school during a term will generally be charged for the whole term’s fees. Normally a full term’s notice of intention to leave the school during a school year is required. Failure to provide a term’s notice may result in fees being charged for the following term dependent upon the circumstances. This is in recognition of the fact that the school is committed to maintain the employment of teachers on the basis of known enrolments from one term to the next.

b) Parents who have a child intending to leave the school at the end of the school year are asked to give at least one term’s notice – that is by the end of Term 3. This applies to students enrolled in Reception to Year 6 inclusive. As staffing requirements are planned during Term 3 for the following year on known enrolments, parents who fail to provide notice of intention to leave the school before the end of Term 3 will be charged fees for the first term of the following year.”


If you would like to discuss a fee payment arrangement, please feel free to contact me on 8182 7900 or to arrange an appointment. All discussions will be kept confidential.

Please feel free to contact the administration staff should you have any queries with your school fee account.



Term 3 Week 3 : 7 August—11 August Monday Alex Tuesday Toni Wednesday Rob, Estrella Thursday Alex, Inger Friday Rob (URGENT HELP PLEASE)

Term 3 Week 4 : 14 August—18 August Monday Alex Tuesday Toni Wednesday Rob, Estrella Thursday Alex, Inger Friday Rob (URGENT HELP PLEASE)

The new Price List and Menu (pink paper) is dated 6/2/17.

URGENT HELP is required in the Canteen. If you are able to assist and are an approved volunteer please notify the Front Office or Anthea in the canteen.


The Southern Cross (latest issue):

The Australian Parents Council Inc (APC) website:

Mary MacKillop Centre, Adelaide:

The Federation of Catholic School Parent Communities Newsletter:

SCHOOL NEWSLETTER: OR each year you may request a printed copy (see Front Office)

“Parenting Ideas” by Michael Grose:

The Para Hills Wanderers Netball Club will be running a FREE weekly 'sub primary' training program during Term 3 as we prepare for the summer season of netball. We're looking for our next crop of netballers to join our club so if you are born in 2008/09/10 and would love to play netball to meet new friends, have lots of fun and and learn the game then this is the program for you. For further information or to register email or sms 0404 946 975 with your contact details and we'll touch base with you.

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