st. francis of assisi church iglesia san francisco de asís · el grupo de “la virgen de...

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St. Francis of Assisi Church Iglesia San Francisco de Asís

50 Lodi Street, Hackensack, NJ 07601 Monday—Friday: 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM Office closed on weekends

201-343-6243 Fax: 201-343-0854 email: Religious Education Office 201-488-2614 email:

Church websites:

Rev. John Salvas, O.F.M. Cap., Pastor Rev. Francisco Arredondo, O.F.M. Cap., Parochial Vicar Bro. Lombardo D’Auria, O.F.M. Cap. Fr. Udayameena V. Gude, O.F.M. Cap. Alejandro Polanco, Deacon Angel Hernandez, Deacon Douglas Christmann, Deacon & Youth Ministry Coordinator Leanne Christmann, D.R.E & Youth Ministry Coordinator Natale Tumminia, Trustee Jean Garofalo, Trustee Katty Gallardo, Business Manager Jose Morocho, Office Assistance Dana Ramirez, Music Ministry Director

Mass Schedule Monday — Friday: 8:00 AM, Lunes, Miércoles y Jueves 7:00 PM (Spanish); Saturday: 8:00 AM, 5:30 PM, 7:00 PM (Spanish), Sun-day: 8:00 AM, 9:15 AM (Italian), 10:30 AM, 12:30 PM (Spanish)

Cada último Martes del Mes: Misa en Español a las 7:30PM Lunes, Miércoles y Jueves Misa en español a las 7:00 PM

Holy Days: Vigil Mass: 7:00 PM (Spanish) 8:00AM, 12:00 Noon, 7:00 PM

Miraculous Medal St. Anthony Novena

Tuesdays: 7:00 PM

Grupo de Oración Martes 7:30PM en la Iglesia. Último Martes de cada mes tenemos

Misa en Español a las 7:30 PM.

Reconciliation — Confession Every Saturday at 4:30 PM or by appointment.

First Friday - Eucharistic Adoration

Beginning with the 8am Mass, lasting all day and ending at 7pm with the Holy Hour Mass. Anyone interested in spending an hour

with our Lord—kindly call the office for a time slot.

Baptism/Bautizo celebrated on the 1st Saturday of every month in English at 11 AM and on the 3rd Saturday in Spanish at 1 PM. For more information please call the Rectory before any social arrangement are made.

Marriage-Matrimonio Arrangements should be made one year prior to the marriage. Please con-tact the Church Office before any social arrangements are made.

Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick

Please notify us when a member of your family is in the hospital or unable to attend Church and wishes to receive the Sacraments. For Emergencies contact the Rectory day or night. Por favor llamar a la oficina de la Iglesia si un miembro de su familia está hospitalizado o si quiere recibir comunión.

“Amen, amen, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat; but if it dies, it produces much fruit.” — JN 12:24

Fifth Sunday of Lent

Quinto Domingo de Cuaresma Yo les aseguro que si el grano de trigo, sembrado en la tierra, no muere, queda infecundo; pero si muere, produ-cirá mucho fruto. — Juan 12:24

Holy Week Begins On Palm Sunday March 25th La Semana Santa Empieza el Domingo de Ramos el 25 de Marzo

Sunday 8:00 AM 9:15 AM 10:30AM 12:30 PM Monday 8:00 AM 7:00 PM Tuesday 8:00 AM 7:00 PM Wednesday 8:00 AM 7:00 PM Thursday 8:00 AM 7:00 PM Friday 8:00 AM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM Saturday 8:00 AM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM Sunday 8:00 AM 9:15 AM 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 1

Dear Parishioners: Once there was an eagle that somehow ended up in a chicken barnyard. The eagle was raised with the chickens, pecking at the corn and strutting around the chicken coop. One day a mountain man, passing by, recognized the bird, now a fully grown eagle, and asked the farmer if he could work to rehabilitate it. The farmer said, “Go ahead, but it’s use-less; all that eagle knows is pecking corn like a chicken.” The mountaineer began weeks of rigorous training with the eagle, forcing it to run after him so that it had to use its wings. Many a time the eagle fell out of the limbs of trees onto its head. One day, finally, the mountaineer took the eagle to the top of a mountain and held it above his head on his wrist. Giving an upward thrust to his arm, he sent the eagle into the sky with a “Fly!” The eagle circled and wheeled up-ward, straining, till soon it took off in a majestic sweep and looked directly into the sun. It was gone. It had regained its nature. It was an eagle once more. Some people have asked me why the dead tree in the front of the altar? I respond that it was once a part of the landscaping in front of the friary, but the “weeping cherry tree” died. I cut it down and placed it in the sanctuary for Lent to remind us of what Jesus tells us in today’s Gospel. “Amen, amen, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat; but if it dies, it produces much fruit.” We have the choice of remaining chickens or of going through the pain of becoming the eagles God has called us to be. Love and Prayers, Bro. John

March 18th– Fifth Sunday of Lent +Dunne, Oakes, Mirra, McDarby by Cathy Mirra +Remo Montella by parents +Incoronata Campitiello by Prayer Group Regina Pacis +David DiBari by Adua Agostini +Paul Clapps by Elide Marino +Monsignor Della Villa by Leanne and Doug Christmann En Accion de Gracias Al Divino Niño por Vilma Portes En Accion de Gracias a San Miguel Por Lady Perez +Juan Guzman Por Luis y Consuelo +Carlos Arturo Encalada Por La Familia +Hade Valencia Por Sus Padres y Hermanos y Familia March 19th All Souls in Purgatory by Josephine Cigna En Accion de Gracias a San Antonio para Andrew Guerra +Concepcion y Juan Garcia Por Sus Hijos +Carmelina Arevalo y Diego Samuel Por Sus Familiares March 20th Special Intentions +Miraculous Medal/St. Anthony Novena March 21st For the Deceased Members of the Parish Por Los Difuntos de la Parroquia March 22nd Special Intentions Dolores Guzman Por Isabel y Angel March 23rd Por las Animas en el Purgatorio +Stations of the Cross +Padre Pio Mass March 24th Special Intentions +Angie Barsalona by Lois Viola +Joyce Andreolo by Jean and Marie +Joseph Rosa by Joseph and Joan Agnello +Camillo Antonio Munoz Por la Familia +Segundo Flores Por Su Esposa +Ofelia Gomez Por Los Hijos March 25th —Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Special Intentions by Lois Viola +Giuseppe Maceri by wife and Family +Orarzio and Angelo Terranova by Paulo Aquila +Fr. Brian Tomlinson O.F.M. Cap. By Gloria Colombo +Madeline Mania by Robert and Gale Spoto +Augustine Akegnan +Aubrey Sher by Pat Cantelmo & Stefani Pedone +Jose Manuel Loja Por la Hija +Milton Anibal Juncal by Ann Marie Costantino

Estimados Feligreses: Una vez hubo un águila que de alguna manera acabó en un corral de pollos. El águila se crió con las gallinas, picoteando el maíz y pavoneándose por el gallinero. Un día, un hom-bre de la montaña pasaba por allá, reconoció al ave, ahora un águila adulta, y le pidió al agricul-tor si podía intentar a rehabilitarlo. El granjero dijo: "Adelante, pero es inútil. Todo lo que esa águila sabe hacer es picotear maíz como un po-llo." El montañero comenzó varias semanas de riguroso entrenamiento con el águila, obli-gándole a correr tras él para que tuviera que utilizar sus alas. Muchas veces el águila se caía de cabeza desde las ramas de los árboles. Un día, por fin, el montañero llevó al águila a la ci-ma de una montaña y lo balanceó en su muñeca encima de su cabeza. Lo empujó hacia arriba, y lo envió hacia el cielo diciendo: "¡Vuela!" El águila rodeó y se lanzó hacia arriba, luchando, hasta que pronto se despegó en un barrido majestuoso y miró directamente hacia el sol. Se había ido. Había recuperado su naturale-za. Era un águila, una vez más. Algunas personas me han preguntado, ¿por qué hay un árbol muerto delante del altar? Respondo que una vez formaba parte del paisa-jismo frente al convento, pero el "cerezo llorón" murió. Lo corté y lo coloqué en el santuario pa-ra que la Cuaresma nos recuerde lo que Jesús nos dice en el Evangelio de hoy. "Amén, amén, les digo, a menos que un grano de trigo caiga al suelo y muera, sigue siendo sólo un grano de trigo; pero si muere, produce mucho fruto." Te-nemos la opción de quedarnos como los pollos o de pasar por el dolor de convertirnos en las águilas que Dios nos ha llamado a ser. Con mucho amor y bendiciones, Hno. Juan

Notas del Párroco

The Secular Franciscans are collecting new adult hats, gloves, scarves, socks and travel-size toiletries for the shelter in Hackensack. Please help us to help those in need during this cold weather. Mark bags "SECULAR FRANCISCANS" and leave at the back of church or drop off at the Rectory. Thank you!

St. Francis of Assisi Parish Holy Week Schedule 3/25: Palm Sunday; the Passion of the Lord 12:30PM in the Church and Gym 3/29: Holy Thursday Celebration of the Eucharist 7 PM Trilingual 3/30: Good Friday - 10AM - Outdoor Stations of the Cross Trilingual 3PM—The Passion of the Lord—English 7PM—La Pasion del Señor—Español 3/31 : Easter Vigil: 8PM — Trilingual 4/1 : Easter Sunday – Resurrection of the Lord

8AM, English; 9:15AM ,Italian; 10:30AM, English; 12:30, Español in the Church and Gym

Horario de Semana Santa de la Iglesia de San Francisco de Asís

3/25: Domingo de Ramos; La Pasión del Señor 12:30 PM en la Iglesia y el Gimnasio 3/29: Jueves Santo - Celebración de la Eucaristía 7 PM Trilingüe 3/30: Viernes Santo - 10AM - El Vía Crucis al aire libre — Trilingüe 3PM—The Passion of the Lord—English 7PM—La Pasión del Señor—Español 3/31 : Vigilia de Pascua 8PM — Trilingüe 4/1 : Domingo de Pascua – La Resurrección del Señor

8AM, English; 9:15AM ,Italiano, 10:30AM, Ingles; 12:30, Español- en la Iglesia y el Gimnasio


El Grupo de “LA VIRGEN DE FATIMA” de la parroquia “San Francisco de Asís”

continúa visitando los hogares. Si usted desea ser visitada por la Virgen Madre de Dios y Madre nuestra, escuchar la Palabra de Dios, rezar el rosa-rio y cantar cantos, favor de llamar a los teléfonos de: Gladys Cobos 201-580-7450.


TREE OF LIFE Have the name of your loved one en-graved on a leaf and attached to our

Tree of Life. For more information call the office at

EL ÁRBOL DE LA VIDA Ponga el nombre de un ser querido gra-bado en una hoja y colocado en nuestro Árbol de la Vida de la Iglesia. Para más información llamar a la oficina al 201-


Suggested Music for the Lenten Season:

$15.00, plus shipping at the following web-site:


Our Church looked beautiful at Christmas because ofyour generosity. Won’t you remember a loved one ora special occasion with Easter Flowers? Envelopeshave been provided for you in your recent set of enve-lopes or you can pick one up in the back of thechurch. We ask you for a $10.00 donation for eachremembrance. Thank you in advance for your kind-ness.

FIORI A PASQUAL`addobbo floreale nella nostra chiesa, durante il peri-odo di Natale, é risultato bellissimo grazie alla gener-osità delle vostre offerte. Vorreste ricordare qualchevostro caro o qualche occasione particolare donando ifiori a Pasqua. Avete ricevuto la busta relative “EasterFlowers” insieme a tutte le altre recentemente, e sevolete, potete prenderne altre nel retro della chiesa. Vichiediamo $10.00 di offerta per ogni intenzione. Viringraziamo per la vostra generosità.

FLORES DE PASCUAPor su generosidad, nuestra iglesia estuvo maravillosa-mente adornada para la Navidad. Si usted deseare-cordar a un ser querido o una ocasión especial conflores de Pascua, los sobres están disponibles en laparte de atrás de la Iglesia. Les pedimos que por fa-vor consideren una donación de $10 por ca-daintención. Muchas gracias por su bondad.

St. Francis SocialitesAtlantic City Bus Trip

Monday April 9th — Resorts

The bus will leave from the Costco parking lot on River Hackensack at 9 A.M. sharp!The price is $ 30.00; so please buy your tickets by March20thMake your checks payable to : St. Francis SocialitesMail to :

Jo Puglisi378 Lookout Ave., Hackensack, NJ, 07601Call before March 15th reserve your ticket

(201) 489 –6278Bonus Slot Play

OFFERING TO THE LORD The Collection for March 10rd & 11th was $3,597 and the second collection for the Utility Fund was $1,374.71.


If you would like to have a loved one’s name mentioned in the bulletin, please call the church office at 201-343-6243.

In addition, if you would like an intention to be added to the Apostolate of Prayer list, please send it via e-mail to PLEASE PRAY FOR ALL THE DECEASED


CHRISTMAS CLUB Today is WEEK #11. You can pick up a set

of Christmas Club envelopes at the entrances of the Church after Masses next weekend.




Sunday, March 18th Fifth Sunday of Lent The Second Collection is for the Utilities Fund AFTER EVERY MASS St. Joseph’s Table – Church Hall 9AM –1PM CCD—Church Hall 6:30PM - 8PM CCD - Church Hall Monday, March 19th St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin 7:00 PM Misa en Español 7:30 PM Taller de Oracion y Vida - Sotano Tuesday, March 20th 7:00 PM Miraculous Medal/St. Anthony Novena Wednesday, March 21st 7:00 PM Misa en Español 7PM - 8PM CCD - Church Hall Thursday, March 22nd 1:00 PM Socialites - Church Hall 7:00 PM Misa en Español Friday, March 23rd Day of Abstinence from Meat 7:00 PM Stations of the Cross 7:30 PM Padre Pio Mass Saturday, March 24th 9AM-11AM Holy Name Society Lenten Reflection 4

Weekly Collections 2017/2018








3/12/17 3/4/18 2/18/18 2/25/18


3/5/17 2/26/17 2/19/17 3/11/18

$3,213 $3,010

$3,597 $3,279



The Altar Wine will be consecrated for Joyce Andreolo

Donated by Mr. and Mrs. Ziade

The Altar Bread will be consecrated for Joyce Andreolo

Donated by Mr. and Mrs. Ziade


Zack Riehl, Anthony Fasulo, Ronald Romano, Maria, Jose Hernandez, Nelson, Brenda Dembow, Santiago J. Mora, Richard Kunzweiler, David Guerra, Connor Hockedy, Santia-go, Claire Mongelli, Ethel Gramuglia, Tom, Lucille Jaeger, Jose y Elsa Luna, Jose Rodriguez, Juan Domingo Rodriguez, Jorge Ivan Castellanos, Flora Comizzoli, Dr. Adenike Opaleke, Rosanna Manisera, Angelina Manisera, Shawn Led-dy, Dorothy Peplowski, Liliana Cilebi, Carlos Rojas, Miriam Ivone Valverde, Patricia Monica Garcia Villafuente, Erika Mercedes Villafuente Pacheco, Yunarli Adames, Ryan L, Michelle Davis, Mary Gavilan, Maria Canesa, Ginny Catta-neo, Ubelly Cordova, Jill Brooks, Daniel Agiar, Bobby Kendricks, Vivian & Gladys Cuesta, Julianna Guerra, Anna Mary, Donna Jean, Donna & Family, Debra, Louisa, Todd, Hanna, Nora Brunal, Matt, Adrienne Marie, Marie Dragan, Louise, Jean Tusa Giarratana, Aaron Santos, Taylor, Isabella Denisulk, Zoila, Giovanna Speziale.

COVER SHEET Church name: St. Francis of Assisi - 50 Lodi Street, Hackensack, NJ 07601 Name: BC Office Number: 201-343-6243 Bulletin # 228650 March 18th, 2018 Date of Publication: March 18th, 2018 Number of pages transmitted: 6 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS:


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