st james the great catholic primary school – peckham road,...

Post on 08-Mar-2021






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Well done Year 3 for completing this week’s work at home. I have been so impressed with all your work that has been sent to me. It has been a hard decision to choose which work would be celebrated this week. Keep up the great work!

Reading – Lillian Wow! Your necklace is amazing. You put a lot of thought into what each pendant could do to. Well done!

English- Mmesoma- An excellent diary entry!

Year 3'sCelebration


Guided reading- Dominion Good retrieval skills to answer the questions on the story. Keep up the great work!

English and Maths – NifemiExcellent inference skills for English!

Maths- Gift Great work with money this week, super work Gift!!

Reading and Maths- SophiaGreat work on recognising the different genres of books!

Maths- LillianGreat work on answering the word problems this week for Maths.

Reading- JoelGreat retrieval skills this week!

English and Reading- BriellaExcellent inference skills and prediction this week!

English and Maths- SaraGreat work on fractions this week!

Maths and Reading- Ore Great mental Maths skills!

English –Kene Good inference skills.

Geography- PreciousGreat reseach skills this week.

PSHE- Christina Good reflection on what makes you special and what your dreams are for the future. Christina worked on this with me in the key workers club. Well Done!

PSHE- Isaiah Good reflection on what makes you special and what your dreams are for the future. Isaiah worked on this with me in the key workers club. Well Done!

DT- Sara and Sophia- cookiesWow!!!! They look delicious!

DT– Lillian- cookiesWow! Well done for completing your bake off challenge. They look delicious!

DT- Joel- Cookies!They look absolutely delicious!

DT- Mrs Mc Namara

Mrs Mc Namara is continuing with her knitting at home. What has she knitted now?

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