st. john’s episcopal church – canandaigua, new york...

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St. John’s Episcopal Church – Canandaigua, New York


Volume 28, July/August 2015

Dear friends, By the time you receive this, we will have been together at St. John’s just a few days shy of five years. Five years! How can that be possible? Not to be trite, but time really does fly. There is so much that I’m proud of about St. John’s and all of you, and much of it was happening or “percolating” by the time I got here in July of 2010. But I believe that, together, we have taken so much more to the next level. First, I’m proud of the way we welcome newcomers and visitors to our parish. No one who comes our way feels neglected or as though a stranger. We really do roll out the red carpet for everyone. You know, like Jesus - making the circle bigger and more inclusive! I’m proud of the fact that we give a full 16% of our total budget to outreach in some form or fashion. And every year since I’ve been here, we have increased our specific line item for Outreach by $1,000. Then we turn around and give it all away to other ministries, programs, and outreach initiatives. Nothing is more gratifying than sitting in one of our Outreach meetings and hearing Debbie Cole-Wenderlich (who chairs) say, “We fund local, national, and international outreach programs.” And that doesn’t include all the things in which we engage apart from the “official” Outreach that still count as outreach: our work in the Ontario County prison; our feeding of the community’s hungry five days of the week; our work with and in support of the mental health community; our teaching initiative related to gardening, harvesting, cooking, and preserving; our support of women and families in crisis; our assistance to foster children in Rochester, schoolchildren in Canandaigua, and so much, much more. We are, indeed, the hands and feet of God on earth. I’m proud of our educational initiatives, whether it be one of our adult education offerings or the way in which we have come together to make Christian Formation for children work with an incredibly expansive age group, and I’m looking forward to the next few years as these children grow and get more and more involved in the parish. I’m proud of strong leadership and integrity at every level. From a Vestry that works to assist us to live within our means without strangling or starving programs and projects, to the parish staff who always go above and beyond their required duties and hours, especially when it seems like it’s another “crunch time”, to all of you who devote so much of your time, talent, and treasure as you volunteer to head up committees, programs, and special projects. We are blessed with extraordinary people at St. John’s. So here’s to at least another five years!! May God continue to bless you all as we move into the future together. Blessings and peace,

The Very Rev. David Hefling




The Right Reverend Prince Singh is celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Ordination as well as the Seventh Anniversary as Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Rochester. We who are members of this Diocese are congratulating ourselves on being blessed with Bishop Singh’s presence.


The regular monthly Vestry meeting was held at 11:30 a.m. on Sunday, May 17, 2015, in the usual meeting room. Financially all is well. Outreach Committee, chaired by Deborah Cole-Wenderlich, is planning a ministry fair in the

fall. Organ rehabilitation is under discussion, as the need is great. A Vestry retreat will probably be scheduled in the fall. We will observe Bishop Singh’s 25th Anniversary of Ordination and also his Seventh Anni-

versary as Bishop of Rochester, on Sunday, August 30, 2015, when he will be our guest preacher.

John Thompson, Chairman of the Buildings and Grounds Committee, is gathering estimates for window replacements.


The regular monthly Vestry meeting was held at 11:30 a.m. Sunday, June 21, 2015, in the usual meeting room. The agenda included the following: Our financial situation is healthy, including the new Fidelity Bond accounts. Outreach Committee has invited a guest speaker for the Sunday service on June 28, a rep-

resentative from Somalian Refugees Helping Refugees. Financial support for the Storybook Project continues. A new coordinator for Rural and Migrant Ministry of Western New York has been assigned to the Geneva area.

The Discernment Committee has received estimates for an organ upgrade and for windows in the dining room and education wing.

Our Rector will hold “Lemonade and Listening” sessions for choir and chancel improve-ments.

Plans are being made to celebrate Dennis Maxfield’s Twentieth Anniversary as our Choir Director.

The Bishop’s Visitation is scheduled at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday, August 30. There will be no Vestry meetings in July or August. The next Vestry meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. Monday, September 21, 2015.


Second Sunday Pasta Dinner

Gleaners Community Kitchen Second Sunday Pasta Dinner will be served at 12:00 noon on Sunday, July 12 and on Sunday, August 9. Volunteers are always welcome at this monthly event. Please call Anita Morse at (585) 905-8249 if you would like to participate.



Altar Guild Director Al Carvill reports that the following summer dates are available for flowers: July 19, 26; August 2, 9, 16, 23, 30; September 6, 13, 20, 27. Dates available for sanctuary candles are July 19, 26; August 2, 9, 16, 23, 30; September 6, 13, 20, 27. To choose a Sunday, please sign up on the calendar on the bulletin board, complete a dedication form, and leave it with appropriate donation in the well-marked box in the church office. It may also be dropped in the Sunday offering plate. Donation for flowers is $40.00 and for a candle $5.00. Additional volunteers for Altar Guild are always welcome. If you are interested please call Al Carvill at 394-6638.


By this time parish members have received a report from the Discernment Committee which is ready to embark on a Feasibility Study by the end of summer. If you have questions please feel free to speak with a committee member: Suzi Blatchford 394-4041; Bill Boudway 394-6172; Deborah Cole-Wenderlich 1-315-521-1880; Warden Stacy Taylor 1-315-986-4343; John Thompson 394-4735; the Very Rev. David Hefling 394-4818.


The 2014 Christmas Party for the Women of St. John’s was such a success that Chairperson Grace Boudway is inviting the group to her house again, this time for a summer picnic! The date is Sunday, August 16, at 4:00 p.m. The address is 105 Deerfield Drive, Canandaigua; telephone 585-394-6172. Please bring sandwiches, salad, cake, cookies, pie - whatever you enjoy at a picnic, including your favorite soft drink if you have one.


The Episcopal Diocese of Rochester invites members of St. John’s to Episcopal Night at Frontier Field, July 17, 2015. Gates open at 5:00 p.m.; The national Anthem is performed at 5:15 p.m., and at 6:05 p.m. the Rochester Red Wings will take on the Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs! The evening will include a ceremonial first pitch, the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra, post-game fireworks. Elaine Walker is St. John’s parish coordinator for this event. The ticket deadline is July 12. Just to be safe please be sure to make reservations with Elaine before that date. Checks should be made out to St. John’s Episcopal Church, which in turn will make out one check to the Diocese. Tickets are $9.50 (a $10.50 value, $11.50 at the door). To carpool, please meet a the church by 4:15 p.m. If you have questions, please call Elaine at 394-1948.



Permanent name tags can be ordered any time! If you are a newcomer or missed filling out an application, please pick up an order form (available at the back of the church) and submit it to the church office together with a payment of $5.50 per person for clip-on or $6.50 for magnetic tags. When you receive your new name tag, please be sure to wear it whenever you attend a church service or other event. This is very helpful to the clergy as well as others who may not recognize you or know you or who may momentarily draw a blank about your name.


Some of our counters have recently retired or plan to retire in the not-too-distant future, so we are recruiting! As you probably observed, the Sunday offering is usually counted immediately after church, although Monday morning is a satisfactory alternative. Counting is done by six teams of two, so each team counts once every six weeks in rotation. The information is recorded on formatted pages which are easily understood and are passed along to Melva Brady, our Financial Administrator. The money is locked up when the counters finish. If you would like to volunteer for this basic and essential responsibility, or if you would like further information, please call Pat Perkins at (585) 374-2976.


A ministry separate from Gleaners Community Kitchen, the Red Wagon Pantry is supported entirely by donations from individuals, churches, and occasionally grocery stores. Twice a month canned goods and dried foods are given away, no questions asked. In 2014 St. John’s gave away 860 bags of food! At the moment, however, the shelves are almost bare. Current needs include the following items:

small cans of soup, tomato sauce, spaghetti sauce, tuna fish, V-8 juice, tomato juice small jars of peanut butter, jelly, jam macaroni-and-cheese mix juice pouches cake mix and frosting mix small packets of cookies small boxes of cereal

Donations may be left in the church office or at the back of the church (look for the red wagon!).



All members of St. John’s are asked to include the people on our Long-Term Prayer List in their daily prayers. If you have submitted a name that has inadvertently been omitted, or should be deleted, please call the church office at (585) 394-4818 with updated instructions.


When you see friends who are on the birthday list, please wish them a “Happy Birthday!” If you or someone in your household should have been included in this birthday list, please call the church office (585) 394-4818 and give the information to Parish Administrator Deidre Dye.

July 2 - Mason Bolster July 19 - John Thompson Aug 18 - William Molinere

2 - Andreas Lagoe 22 - Betty Freese 19 - Barbara Costello

4 - Grace Watson 25 - Brian Pietrowski 22 - Dennis Maxfield

5 - Jack Carey 27 - Natalie Baker 22 - William Boudway

8 - Jennifer Spina Aug 5 - Dick Appel 22 - Josh Broyles

10 - Deborah Cole-Wenderlich

5 - Alfred Carvill 28 - JoAnne Ashley

13 - Deborah Gormly 7 - Nancy Bloomer 28 - Sean Garvey

13 - Bonnie Campbell 10 - Kevin Perry 29 - Michael Lariton

14 - Samantha Kean 13 - Denise Perry 29 - Brendan Morse

15 - Richard Kolb 14 - David Brady 31 - Phoebe Durham

15 - Valerie Kean 14 - Mary-Martha Harvey

19 - Ronald Witzel 15 - Zeidahn Ofori

Michael Paul Tom John

Al Rob Melanie Faith

Don Grant Jack Matt

Evelyn Pat Ray Sally

Margaret David Sarah Chris

Tim Vivian Matthew Gary

Paula Mike Louis Barb

Nancy Christopher Roman Julie

Jim Joyce Colby Cindy

Peter Marian Bill Trey



St. John’s Episcopal Church - 183 North Main Street - Canandaigua, NY

JULY 2015

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

[1] 1 P - Lemonade and

Listening 7 P- Outreach



[3] [4]

[5] 8 A– Bible

Study 9 A– HE


[7] 10 A- Mending Min-

istry 7 P - Lemonade

and Listen-ing

[8] 2 P- HE, Ferris


[9] 10 A - Lemonade &


[10] [11]

[12] 8 A– Bible

Study 9 A– HE 12 noon - GCK

Pasta 121 N- Barbecue &

Picnic @ Kershaw




[16] 9:30 A- NE District Clergy

[17] 6 P - Episcopal

Night at Frontier Field

[18] J2A to Boston

[19] 8 A– Bible

Study 9 A– HE (The Rev. Amy

Walter- Peterson)


[21] 10 A- Mending Ministry 6:30 P - NAMI 7:00 P - Boy Scout



[23] [24] [25] J2A Returns

[26] 8 A- Bible Study 9 A- HE, The

Rev. Matt Nickoloff

[27] [28] [29] [30] [31] 4 P - Wedding


We are branches of the same tree, reaching out in our shared faith, while strongly rooted in Christ.


St. John’s Episcopal Church - 183 North Main Street - Canandaigua, NY


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

[1] 11 A -

Scherer/Ivers Wedding

4 P - Hut-son/Lapham Wedding

[2] 8 A– Bible Study 9 A– HE


[4] 10 A- Mending


[5] 7 P- Outreach



[7] [8]

[9] 8 A– Bible Study 9 A– HE 12 N- GCK Pasta





[14] [15]

[16] 8 A– Bible Study 9 A– HE


[18] 10 A- Mending

Ministry 6:30 P- NAMI 7:30 P- Boy

Scout Committee


[20] 9:30 A- NE

District Clergy

[21] [22]

[23] 8 A– Bible Study 9 A– HE



[26] [27] [28] [29

[30] 8 A– Bible Study 10 A– HE, Bishop’s Visitation




Tuesday, September 1, 15, 29 10:00 a.m. Mending Ministry Wednesday, September 2 7:00 p.m. Outreach Committee Sunday, September 6 8:00 a.m. Bible Study 9:00 a.m. HE (The Rev. Amy Walter-Peterson) Saturday, September 12 6 p.m. Rite 13 dinner Sunday, September 13 10:00 a.m. HE, Onanda Park

Tuesday, September 15 6:30 p.m. NAMI 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout Committee Wednesday, September 16 10:00 a.m. HE Thursday, September 17 9:30 a.m. NE District Clergy Thursday, September 17, 24 7:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal Friday, September 18 8:00 p.m. GCK Volunteer Appreciation Dinner Saturday, September 19 2:00 p.m. Hetzel/Oberlin Wedding Sunday, September 20 8:00 a.m. HE 9:00 a.m. Bible Study 10:00 a.m. HE, SS 12:00 noon GCK Pasta Dinner Monday, September 21 7:00 p.m. Vestry Meeting





Born on January 5, 1966, to parents Anthony and Joan Alberti, Lisa is the middle child in a closely-knit family of one boy and four girls. A “cradle Episcopalian”, Lisa has attended church regularly all her life. A graduate of Penfield High School, where she played the violin and also was active in sports, she attend-ed the University of Dayton (Ohio) and SUNY Brockport, graduating with a BSN. While at-tending Brockport she received a full scholarship to work at Park Ridge Hospital. She left her position as an operating room nurse in order to marry and raise three children in Bristol, New York. Lisa started her own business, Ludlows Embroidery, specializing in school and business log-os, and worked there for fifteen years before transferring the company to her ex-husband, their marriage ending in divorce after twenty years. The company is still alive and well on North Main Street in Canandaigua. Lisa is an Admissions RN with Finger Lakes Visiting Nurse Service assessing patients’ health needs in their homes; her territory includes Ontario, Wayne, Seneca, and Yates Counties. Lisa also operates a memoir business, recording/documenting individual life histories. Lisa’s hobbies include cooking, wine-tasting, gardening, and anything to do with crafts and home improvement...a Martha Stewart wannabe! The library has been a favorite haunt since childhood; she figures she provides plenty of financial support with overdue book and movie fines! She also enjoys camping, boating, and fishing, having spent her early summers on Lake Ontario near the Thousand Islands. Lisa and her fiancé Steven Scherer, whose biography was in the May/June Eagle, will be mar-ried in St. John’s on August 1, 2015. May they be blessed with many years of happiness to-gether.

Lisa A. Ivers 7210 Ludlow Drive

Canandaigua, NY 14424 E-mail:

We are branches of the same tree, reaching out in our shared faith, while strongly rooted in Christ.



At last the date of St. John’s Chicken Barbecue is approach-ing, combined with a family-style picnic: Sunday, July 12 at NOON at Kershaw Park! This is a FREE event; Father David Hefling is supplying the chicken and the rest of us will bring salads and desserts. All are welcome at Pavilion 2 (the one near the bathhouse), where our chefs will be hard at work while we play games or musical instruments or otherwise make a joyful noise to celebrate Fr. David’s Fifth Anniversary at St. John’s! The sign up sheet is posted now!


Laurie Whiting, chair of the recently formed Travel Committee, is working on several summer and fall activities… Arrangements for the Skaneateles Mail Boat Excursion on Wednesday, July 8, have already been finalized; just remember that the bus leaves Canandaigua Park and Ride at 8:30 a.m. If you still have questions, please call Laurie Whiting at 1-315-986-7736 or 1-315-576-0115. Sunday, August 16, is the deadline for the September 24 tour of Wellsboro (Pennsylvania) “Grand Canyon”. Please give Laurie a check for $92, or to pay by credit card, please call Koning Day Tours at 585-385-0670 and mention that you are with Laurie Whiting’s group from St. John’s Episcopal Church in Canandaigua.

On Saturday, August 22, a visit to historic and breathtakingly beautiful St. Matthew's Episcopal Church in Moravia is planned at a cost of $25 per person. This includes a tour of the church, a tour of Seward House, and a donation to our volunteer drivers. More drivers are needed; please make arrangements with Laurie Whiting 1-315-986-7736 or 1-315-576-0115. Lunch will be served at Sherwood Inn in Skaneateles (not included in the $25.)



St. John’s Episcopal Church welcomed the TWO newly baptized members on Sunday, June 14, 2015: Audrey Taylor Barg and Ellery Reagan Barg, daughters of Greg and Stephanie Barg.

Please keep our Retired Priest Associate Barbara Humphrey in your prayers as she recovers from pneumonia. Please keep Celeste Casson in your prayers as she recovers from a recent fall. Please keep Elizabeth Mattison in your prayers as she has her second knee operation on June 30. Condolences to Bill Erwin, Sr., on the death of his son Joseph W. Erwin, Jr., on June 14, 2015, at age 57. Other survivors include brother Gary (Andreina) Erwin and nieces Rachel, Andrea, and Nichole Erwin. A memorial service was held Saturday, June 20, 2015, with inurnment at Wood-lawn Cemetery. Memorial gifts may be made to Ontario County Humane Society.


The next deadline for Eagle news will be Wednesday, August 5, 2015. All news items concerning September, October, and November, 2015, should be submitted to the church office to the attention of Pat Perkins, or call her at (585) 374-2976. Other pertinent information is listed below.

Church Office: (585) 394-4818 Church Fax: (585) 394-4826

E-mail Address: Website:

Continuing with alternate month online publication of The Eagle, the next edition will cover both September and October 2015. The primary delivery of The Eagle is on our website (see above). If you wish to receive a print copy, it will be necessary for you to give that information to Melva Brady either by phone at (585) 394-4818 or in person. Courtesy print copies will be mailed as usual to shut-ins and to other churches.


St. John’s Episcopal Church 183 North Main Street Canandaigua, NY 14424

Letter from the Very Rev. David Hefling ........... 1 Congratulations to our Bishop .......................... 2 Vestry News ..................................................... 2 Gleaners Pasta Dinner ..................................... 2 Altar Guild ........................................................ 3 Withington House ............................................. 3 Women of St. John’s ........................................ 3 Episcopal Night at Frontier Field ....................... 3 Name Tags ...................................................... 4 Counters Needed ............................................. 4 Red Wagon Pantry ........................................... 4 Long-Term Prayer List ...................................... 5 Birthdays .......................................................... 5 July Calendar ................................................... 6 August Calendar .............................................. 7 Looking Ahead—September 2015 .................... 8 Ivers Biography ................................................ 9 Chicken Barbecue and Family Picnic ................ 10 Travel Committee ............................................. 10 Personals ......................................................... 11 Eagle Information ............................................. 11 Rector / Wardens ............................................. 12


Rector The Very Rev. David Hefling...(585) 394-4818

Pastoral Emergencies ............(585) 967-2849

Wardens Joe DaBoll-Lavoie ..................(585) 394-4219

Stacy Taylor ...........................(315)-986-4343


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