st liborius parish · 1/1/2015  · 17th january, 2016 - second sunday in ordinary time, year c...

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St Liborius Parish

VISION: We, the St Liborius parish Community, seek to support each other in growing together in faith and sharing this faith with the wider community.

St Augustine’s (Myers Flat), St Stephen’s (Raywood)

17th January, 2016 - second sunday in ordinary time, YEAR c

Communities Growing Together

Message of His Holiness POPE FRANCIS For the Celebration of the XLIX WORLD DAY OF PEACE 1 January 2016 (Part 3)

Building a culture of solidarity and mercy to overcome indifference Mercy is the heart of God. It must also be the heart of the members of the one great family of his children: a heart which beats all the more strongly wherever human dignity – as a reflection of the face of God in his creatures – is in play. Jesus tells us that love for others – foreigners, the sick, prisoners, the homeless, even our enemies – is the yardstick by which God will judge our actions. Our eternal destiny depends on this. It is not surprising that the Apostle Paul tells the Christians of Rome to rejoice with those who rejoice and to weep with those who weep (cf. Rom 12:15), or that he encourages the Corinthians to take up collections as a sign of solidarity with the suffering members of the Church (cf. 1 Cor 16:2-3). And Saint John writes: “If any one has the world’s goods and sees his brother or sister in need, yet refuses help, how does God’s love abide in him? (1 Jn 3:17; cf. Jas 2:15-16). This then is why “it is absolutely essential for the Church and for the credibility of her message that she herself live and testify to mercy. Her language and her gestures must transmit mercy, so as to touch the hearts of all people and inspire them once more to find the road that leads to the Father. The Church’s first truth is the love of Christ. The Church makes herself a servant of this love and mediates it to all people: a love that forgives and expresses itself in the gift of oneself. Consequently, wherever the Church is present, the mercy of the Father must be evident. In our parishes, communities, associations and movements, in a word, wherever there are Christians, everyone should find an oasis of mercy.”[20] We too, then, are called to make compassion, love, mercy and solidarity a true way of life, a rule of conduct in our relationships with one another.[21] This requires the conversion of our hearts: the grace of God has to turn our hearts of stone into hearts of flesh (cf. Ezek 36:26), open to others in authentic solidarity. For solidarity is much more than a “feeling of vague compassion or shallow distress at the misfortunes of so many people, both near and far”.[22] Solidarity is “a firm and persevering determination to commit oneself to the common good; that is to say to the good of all and of each individual, because we are all really responsible for all”,[23] because compassion flows from fraternity. Understood in this way, solidarity represents the moral and social attitude which best corresponds to an awareness of the scourges of our own day, and to the growing interdependence, especially in a globalized world, between the lives of given individuals and communities and those of other men and women in the rest of the world.[24] 6. Solidarity, as a moral virtue and social attitude born of personal conversion, calls for commitment on the part of those responsible for education and formation. I think first of families, which are called to a primary and vital mission of education. Families are the first place where the values of love and fraternity, togetherness and sharing, concern and care for others are lived out and handed on. They are also the privileged milieu for transmitting the faith, beginning with those first simple gestures of devotion which mothers teach their children.[25] Teachers, who have the challenging task of training children and youth in schools or other settings, should be conscious that their responsibility extends also to the moral, spiritual and social aspects of life. The values of freedom, mutual respect and solidarity can be handed on from a tender age. Speaking to educators, Pope Benedict XVI noted that: “Every educational setting can be a place of openness to the transcendent and to others; a place of dialogue, cohesiveness and attentive listening, where young people feel appreciated for their personal abilities and inner riches, and can learn to esteem their brothers and sisters. May young people be taught to savour the joy which comes from the daily exercise of charity and compassion towards others and from taking an active part in the building of a more humane and fraternal society”.[26] Communicators also have a responsibility for education and formation, especially nowadays, when the means of information and communication are so widespread. Their duty is first and foremost to serve the truth, and not particular interests. For the media “not only inform but also form the minds of their audiences, and so they can make a significant

(Continued on page 3)

The Word Today Isaiah 62:1-5 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 John 2:1-11

Next Week’s Readings Nehemiah 8:2-6. 8-10 1 Corinthians 12:12-30 Luke 1:1-4; 4:14-21

Gospel Acclamation Alleluia, Alleluia! God has called us with the gospel to share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Alleluia!

Responsorial Psalm Proclaim his marvellous deeds to all the nations.

When the world slumbers in comfort and selfishness, our Christian mission is to help it rouse from sleep. Jan 8th

Papal Prayer Intentions for January 2016

Interreligious Dialogue That sincere dialogue among men and women of different faiths may produce the fruits of peace and justice.

Christian Unity That by means of dialogue and fraternal charity and with the grace of the Holy Spirit, Christians may overcome divisions.

Mary De Nardis, Bridget Stewart, Ted Verryt, Mikkael Floyd Magpulong, Doreen Dibdib, Lise Cook, Mary Furlong, Paul Woodward, Russell Milikins, Jodie Ryan, Bryan Keogh, Cynthia Griego, Muriel Maes, Patricia Schultz, Bert Caldow, Angeline Caldow, Gary Jones, Frances Cushing, Brendan Irwin, Ian Connally, Jocelyn Lyon, Marie Casey, Georgie Manning, Teresa Brandreth, Denis Pommer, Mary Salmon Eiffe, Marianne Cuskelly, Mary McAdam, Wayne Leahy, Diana Patterson, Frank White, Margaret Berriman, Zoey Lovejoy, Gerald Smith, Tila Wynands, Rosario Jewell, Rosalia Van Leuwen, Valerie Short, Kevin Tobias, Shirley Baker, Carmel McCashney, Patrick Holden, Bert Youla, Denise Wong, Ian Johnson, Maureen O’Keefe, Barbara Mason, Melinda May, Dorothy Stevens, Josefina Wilson, Xavier White, Nora Ryan, Eileen Sheridan, Claire Dearaugo, Des Tobias.

With St Liborius, St Stephen & St Augustine,

let us be a spiritual benefactor to each other

in prayer, especially for the health and

well-being of:

Pray for the seminarians of our Diocese:

Dean Klayford Bongat, Adi Indra & Jackson Saunders.

Youth Corner World Youth Day (WYD): If you are between the ages of 16-35 and would like to experience a phenomenal pilgrimage to Poland to join with Pope Francis & millions of faith filled young people visit or contact Darcy De Losa. You don’t want to miss this incredible opportunity! Contact Darcy De Losa, 0409 777 2424, 03 5445 3616, Mary-Anne de Luca, 0488 665 383, 03 5445 3658,

INFORMATION NIGHT - Sandhurst Diocese ‘Journey of Christ Pilgrimage to the Holy Land 2016’

When: Thursday 4th February 2016, 5.30 – 6.30 pm. Where: 120 Hargreaves St BENDIGO Steve Green (Director, Olive Tree Travel) will give a briefing and Question & Answer time in a virtual meeting across 3 venues. All welcome. Enjoy a taste of Holy Land wine and Middle Eastern nibbles. RSVP: Marina Scott 5445 9910 or

In faith and hope let us pray for

those who have gone before us

and those whose anniversaries

occur around this time.

Nora Christie, Graham Young, John Grigg, Thomas O’Keefe, Kevin Teasdale, Lenard Maher, Aileen Crack, Terin Stewart, Margaret Duggan, Mary Craig, Daniel Fitzgerald, Robert Hood, Maureen Penno, Ellen Beck, James Cleary, Bob Tobias, Jack Nevins.


May they rest in the peace of Christ. Amen.

Recently Deceased: Laurence Arthur Hill.

PILGRIMAGE: 23 Days Holy Pilgr image to Lisbon, Fatima, Santiago de Compostela, Oviedo, Lourdes, Nevers, Loyola, Paris, Lyon,Turin, Pisa, Rome and/or 7 Days Holy

Land Extension starting on August 11, 2016 with Fr. Emmanuel-tv (Spiritual Director).

Contact us ASAP: 0893413079, 089341131, 0417999553,

As we gather to worship, we acknowledge the Traditional owners and custodians of this land- the Jaara Country we are standing on- the Jaara people of the Dja Dja Wurrung community and their forebears who have been custodians of this land for centuries.



Lord Jesus Christ, you have taught us to be merciful

like the heavenly Father, and have told us that whoever

sees you sees Him.

Show us your face and we will be saved.

Your loving gaze freed Zacchaeus and Matthew from

being enslaved by money;

the adulteress and Magdalene from seeking happiness

only in created things;

made Peter weep after his betrayal,

and assured Paradise to the repentant thief.

Let us hear, as if addressed to each one of us, the words

that you spoke to the Samaritan woman:

“If you knew the gift of God!”

You are the visible face of the invisible Father,

of the God who manifests his power above all by

forgiveness and mercy:

let the Church be your visible face in the world, its Lord

risen and glorified.

You willed that your ministers would also be clothed in

weakness in order that they may feel compassion for

those in ignorance and error:

let everyone who approaches them feel sought after,

loved, and forgiven by God.

Send your Spirit and consecrate every one of us with its

anointing, so that the Jubilee of Mercy may be a year of

grace from the Lord,

and your Church, with renewed enthusiasm, may bring

good news to the poor, proclaim liberty to captives and

the oppressed, and restore sight to the blind.

We ask this through the intercession of Mary, Mother of

Mercy, you who live and reign with the Father and the

Holy Spirit for ever and ever.


Monthly meetings for parish groups are in recess in January.

Life & Family National Conference When: 21st to the 24th January, 2016 Where: Albury

Please see flyers at church doors.

Dutch Australian Friends invite you to help celebrate 60 years in Australia with a luncheon and enter tainment When: Saturday the 30th of January 2016, 12.30 pm Cost: $26.00 p.p, drinks at bar prices Venue: All Seasons, McIvor Road Bendigo RSVP: 27th January, 2016 Anne Janssen 54395831/ 0439 395 836 Liesbeth v. Emmerik 5439 5421 / 0407 535 842

contribution to the education of young people. It is important never to forget that the connection between education and communication is extremely close: education takes place through communication, which influences, for better or worse, the formation of the person.”[27] Communicators should also be mindful that the way in which information is obtained and made public should always be legally and morally admissible. Peace: the fruit of a culture of solidarity, mercy and compassion 7. While conscious of the threat posed by a globalization of indifference, we should also recognize that, in the scenario I have just described, there are also many positive initiatives which testify to the compassion, mercy and solidarity of which we are capable. Here I would offer some examples of praiseworthy commitment, which demonstrate how all of us can overcome indifference in choosing not to close our eyes to our neighbour. These represent good practices on the way to a more humane society. There are many non-governmental and charitable organizations, both within and outside the Church, whose members, amidst epidemics, disasters and armed conflicts, brave difficulties and dangers in caring for the injured and sick, and in burying the dead. I would also mention those individuals and associations which assist migrants who cross deserts and seas in search of a better life. These efforts are spiritual and corporal works of mercy on which we will be judged at the end of our lives. I think also of the journalists and photographers who shape public opinion on difficult situations which trouble our consciences, and all those devoted to the defence of human rights, especially the rights of ethnic and religious minorities, indigenous peoples, women and children, and the most vulnerable of our brothers and sisters. Among them are also many priests and missionaries who, as good pastors, remain at the side of their flock and support them, heedless of danger and hardship, especially during armed conflicts. How many families, amid occupational and social difficulties, make great sacrifices to provide their children with a “counter-cultural” education in the values of solidarity, compassion and fraternity! How many families open their hearts and homes to those in need, such as refugees and migrants! I wish to thank in a particular way all those individuals, families, parishes, religious communities, monasteries and shrines who readily responded to my appeal to welcome a refugee family.[28] Finally, I would mention those young people who join in undertaking works of solidarity, and all those who generously help their neighbours in need in their cities and countries and elsewhere in the world. I thank and encourage everyone engaged in such efforts, which often pass unobserved. Their hunger and thirst for justice will be satisfied, their mercy will lead them to find mercy and, as peacemakers, they will be called children of God (cf. Mt 5:6-9).

To be continued next week. To read the whole message visit:

(Continued from page 1)

[[20] Bull of Indiction of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy Misericordiae Vultus, 12. [21] Cf. ibid., 13. [22] JOHN PAUL II, Encyclical Letter Sollicitudo Rei Socialis, 38. [23] Ibid.

[24] Cf. ibid. [25] Cf. Catechesis for the General Audience of 7 January 2015. [26] Message for the 2012 World Day of Peace, 2. [27] Ibid. [28] Cf. Angelus Address of 6 September 2015.

Invitation to be part of the St Vincent de Paul Conference in Eaglehawk: St Vincent de Paul Society invites local and practicing Catholic parishioner to be part of the re-establishment of Eaglehawk St Vincent de Paul Conference. This is a good involvement in the Church’s mission to promote justice and care for our society. For expressions of interest, let Terry Westaway know (5446 2055), or Tony Spurling (the regional director of St Vincent de Paul Society [5447 8403])

Kimberley Catholic Volunteer Service WANTED: VOLUNTEER WORKERS The Diocese of Broome, WA, requires volunteers to assist with the work of the local Church on Aboriginal Missions. There are various important voluntary tasks: administration, building maintenance, gardening, shop staffing, cooking, cleaning etc. Placements are preferred for a period of 6 months plus. For further details, and an application form, please contact: Volunteer Coordinator Anneliese Rohr: 08 9192 1060 Email: Web: Mail: PO Box 76, BROOME WA 6725

Message from Bishop Les

2016 marks a significant anniversary in the story of the Sisters of Mercy in the Sandhurst diocese. The following is taken from the diocesan website:

Following his episcopal ordination in Ireland in September 1874, Bishop Martin Crane set out to recruit nuns to staff schools in the newly-created diocese. After approaching several convents, he obtained some volunteers from the Sisters of Mercy convent at Swinford. He arranged for these to follow him to Australia as soon as possible.

On 1st October 1875, three nuns and four postulants sailed from London on board the Dunalistar bound for Melbourne. The passenger list gave their details as follows: Mrs M Aloysius Martyn, Mrs M de Sales Dooley, Mrs M Ligouri O’Hara and Misses Annie Woods, Ellen Gough, Eliza Byrne and Bridget McDonald.

The group was given a grand liturgical welcome on Sunday, 23rd January 1876. Bishop Crane presided at St Kilian’s church, which at that time was the original stone church. Bishop O’Connor of Ballarat was also present.

Another grand event occurred at St Kilian’s on March 26th when the three postulants received the habit of the Sisters of Mercy and became novices.

The 40Days For Life will once again start on Ash Wednesday the 10th February. www.40daysforlife/melbourne


Office Hours: Tue 10.30-1.00, Thu & Fri 9.30-5.30 Phone: 5446 8235 (Parish Office) Address: 50 Panton Street Eaglehawk 3556 Email:


Assistant Priest: Fr . Junjun Amaya Contact Mobile: 0459 356 917 Email: Parish Secretary: Lisa Meersbergen After Hours (7pm—7am) Emergency Catholic Clergy Contact: 0429 371 253 SCHOOL Phone: 5446 9172 Principal: Frank Dullard Deputy: Alistair Stewart Secretary: Louise O’Connor Chaplain: Louise Trewhella


Parish Pastoral Council

Ex-Officio: Fr Rom Hayes, Fr Junjun Amaya, Frank Dullard, Darren McGregor. Members: Michael Nolan, Cathy Mitchell, Terry McDermott, Brendan Keogh, Kathy Taylor, Anne O’Brien, Brian Bourke, Trish Mudge, Margaret Watson.

Parish Finance Committee

Laurie Fitzgerald, Terry Westaway, Geoff Gallagher, John Pallotta

Planned Giving David Trewarne

Parish Liturgy Team Mary Haugh, Karyn McDermott, Elizabeth McDermott, Sandie Westaway, Maureen Bourke

Parish Loss & Grief Team

Elizabeth McDermott, Jane Bretherton, Patricia Angelini, Joan Noonan, Cathy Mitchell, Tricia Blanks, Eilis Whelan

Parish Sacramental Team

Trish Blanks, Denise Webb, Trish Duane, Holly Webster

Catholic Women’s League

Mary Haugh, Maureen Bourke

Legion of Mary Peg Singe / Anne O’Brien

RCIA Team Tricia Blanks, Brian Bourke, Maureen Bourke, Anne-Maree McDonell

Tuesday Communion Round Co-ordinator: Sandie Westaway

Friday Communion Round Co-ordinator: Anne Trewarne

KSC Community Welfare Project Brian Bourke: 5446 8821

R.S.J. Margaret Tobias

Caritas Project Compassion Brian Bourke

Children’s Liturgy Catriona McGowan, Denise Webb (1st and 3rd Sunday of month)

God Start Anne O’Brien

Piety Stall Michael O’Dea, Anne O’Brien


COLLECTIONS FOR 9th / 10th Jan


$1525.30 TOTAL:

$755.50 $314.80 $455.00

Mass Welcomers Lectors Extraordinary

Ministers of Holy Communion

This Weekend 6.00pm

P & B Pontell 1st: 2nd:

P Bretherton J Bretherton

B Bourke, A Trewarne, P Singe

10.30am M Gill K Taylor


P Blanks D Webb

M Dole, M Smith E McDermott

Next Weekend 6.00pm

M Weston P Angelini

1st: 2nd:

M Bourke M Nolan

J Chirgwin, B Bourke, S Westaway

10.30am D Purden M Dole


M Gill K Taylor

C Paton, N Wright, C Giri



Wise Eaters Every Monday at 9.30am. Walk N Talk Every Tuesday at 9.30am. Brunch Kitchen Every Tuesday at 11.30am (exc school holidays) Euchre Card Club Every Tuesday at 7.30pm. Legion of Mary Every Wednesday at 10.00am and Every Friday at 7.30pm. Vocaltones Every Thursday at 7.30pm (exc school holidays) MONTHLY

Secular Franciscans Every 2nd Mon of the month at 7.30pm. Liturgy Meeting Every 1st Tue of the month at 2.00pm. Parish Finance Committee Meeting Every 4th Tue of the month at 7.00pm. Parish Pastoral Council Meeting Every 2nd Wed of the month at 6.30pm. Card making Every 2nd Wed of the month at 1.30pm. Catholic Women’s League Every 4th Wed of the month at 1.30pm. BEC Meeting - Group D Every 1st Fri of the month at 1.30pm. R.S.J. Meeting 3rd Wed of every 2nd month at 10.30am. Bendigo Textile Group Every 2nd Sun of the month at 10.00am. Contact: Barbara Lomas 0417313760 Knights of the Southern Cross Every 2nd Thu of the month. Contact: Brian Bourke 5446 8821


Monday No Mass

Tuesday - Friday 9.15am Mass

Funeral Mass replaces the Mass of the day

Saturday 9.15am Mass (St Augustine’s Myers Flat followed

by brunch) 6.00pm (Eaglehawk)

Sunday 9.00am (Raywood)

10.30am (Eaglehawk)

4th Sunday: 12.30pm Filipino Mass



Saturday: 10.30am or by appt.

Anointing of the sick

Please ring parish office or Fr Junjun.


Please call in to the parish office for a Baptism kit ($30).

Baptism preparation is conducted on the first Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm at St Kilian’s Parish Centre.

Bookings required. Phone 5441 6244.


Bookings must be made at least six months prior.

Please ring parish office.

Saint of the Week – St Vincent, deacon, martyr (January 22)

Born at Huesca, Spain, he became a deacon and served St Valerius at Saragossa until their martyrdom at Valencia during the persecutions under Emperor Diocletian (r. 284-305). St Valerius was exiled, but Vincent was cruelly tortured because he would not surrender the holy books. He converted the warden of the prison and then died. He was honored by Sts Augustine, Pope Leo I, and Prudentius, and is considered the patron saint of vinedressers in some regions of Spain.


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