st. linus parish · monday-friday: weekday schedule will resume in the near future. holy days: see...

Post on 28-Jun-2020






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St. Linus Parish

Cardinal Blase Cupich Archbishop of Chicago

Most Reverend Andrew Peter Wypych Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago

Church: 10300 S. Lawler, Oak Lawn, IL 60453 422-2400 Parish Website: School: 10400 S. Lawler 425-1656 Office of Religious Education: 10300 S. Lawler 636-4373 Parish Fax: 708-422-2707 (Temporary) OFFICE HOURS: Monday thru Thursday, 10-2 PARISH STAFF: PASTOR: Rev. Mark Walter ASSOCIATE PASTORS: Rev. Joseph Cook PASTOR EMERITUS: Rev. Joseph Auer PERMANENT DEACON: Robert Cislo SCHOOL PRINCIPAL: Margaret Hayes D.R.E.: Cheryl Antos, D. Min. MUSIC DIRECTOR: Peg Mooney BUSINESS MANAGER: Joseph Dillon FAMILY MINISTRY: Joan Hickey ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: Peggy Masino YOUTH MINISTER: Teresa LeCompte MAINTENANCE OFFICE: Bob Powers

EUCHARISTIC CELEBRATIONS: SUNDAY SCHEDULE: 10:00AM (by reservation only) MONDAY-FRIDAY: Weekday schedule will resume in the near future. HOLY DAYS: See the bulletin for Mass schedule. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (Confession) Saturday 12:00 to 1:00 PM PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Chapel is temporarily closed. MARIAN DEVOTIONS

Will resume at a future date. BAPTISM Baptism will be scheduled by appointment only. To make arrangements, please call the rectory. MARRIAGE Please contact one of the priests or deacon to arrange the date and time of your marriage celebration at least four months pri-or to the date. ST. LINUS SEEKING WISDOM PRAYER GROUP Will resume at a future date.

AA MEN’S DISCUSSION GROUPS: Will resume at a future date. GAMBLERS ANONYMOUS MEETING: Will resume at a future date. NEW PARISHIONERS: New parishioners are welcome to register at the rectory as soon as possible.

From Fr. Mark’s Desk: Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: “whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” In the Gospel of John, as Jesus is on the cross we read: “aware that everything was now finished, in order that the scripture might be fulfilled, Jesus said, I thirst”. It is hard to imagine this was just a physical thirst. It most likely was a spiritual thirst, a spiritual yearning for great-er closeness to His people who were so far away. The thirst was a deep desire to be in greater rela onship with His people and the thirst would only be sa ated in His sacrifice on the cross. The new life of Jesus, post resurrec on, would be the very life God would offer to sa sfy this spiritual thirst. The thirst of the people of God and the thirst of God himself. Entering this ‘life’ is a rela onship with God that we live every day. Those who seek to dwell in the life of Christ are sa sfied by Christ, those who do not are not. “Too o en our no on of faith is falsified by our emphasis on the statements about God which faith believes, and by our forge ulness of the fact that faith is a communion with God’s own light and truth…Faith terminates not in a statement, not in a formula of words, but in God.” Thomas Merton Living life in faith ul mately means we try each day to integrate God’s life as part of our own. The gradual reopening of our church con nues. We are able to offer Sunday Mass, Confes-sion, Funerals, and Bap sms. Maintaining social distancing and thoroughly cleaning the church a er each use are the objec ves we must follow carefully. Thank you for your pa-

ence. Regarding Sunday Mass, the plan is to offer an 8am Mass in addi on to the 10am Mass beginning July 19th. Next weekend, we celebrate our Na on’s origin, Independence Day. We have much to be proud of as a na on as well as much to correct. Regardless, we must be proud of our na on, however great, however flawed. As we celebrate safely, we pray for an end to the injus ces we s ll must fight to overcome. “America! America! God shed his grace on thee, And crown thy good with brotherhood, From sea to shining sea.” Have a great week! Fr. Mark Walter

We remember the sick in our Parish: Laura, Kurt Baldwin, Dominic Balesteri, Pablo Bernhart, Mary Blazek, Kelly Bojan, Elizabeth Bombal, Marge Bostrom, Elaine Braasch, Andre Breathett, Joan Brennan, Marty Brogan, Walter Bruen, Frank Bubeck, Cathy Burns, Jenny Cascone, Maria Cardosi, Jim Carollo, Dominick Ca-rone, Hank Castillo, Dora Chaparro, Doug & Phyllis Combs, Mae Combs, Rebecca Combs, Teresa Conway, Dawn Creed, Trevor Daley, Dianne Danaher, Amanda Da-vis, Christina Delia, William De Rieter, Ernie Di Julio, Peg-gy Doyle, Brian Duffin, Tony Errico, Sr. Emma Exconde, Connie Fazzini, Allison Fila, Dolores Ford, Erin Fox, Emily Gadomski, Nancy Gannon, Jennifer Garcia, Sr. Rose Mary Gira, Bunny Gruca, Patty Gulick, William Harte, Sherry Hayes, Nathan Herber, Linda Hillsman, Christine Hodg-man, Florence Hodgson, Ed Hopkins, Alma Izaguirre, Ha-ley Jablonski, Denise Jandura, Rick Jandura, Robert Kin-sella, Mary Kmak, Pat Kuczwara, Valentine Kulczak, Ann Kulig, Brooklyn Lanning, Maureen Lawton, Annie Liston, Joan Loftus, Robert Lux, Virginia Lyle, Con Lynch, Kim Mackovitch-Dougherty, Daniel Maloney, Joseph Mariani, Marilyn Marquardt, Donn Marshall, Robert H. McCann, Sr., Nancy McCormick, Jim McGuffage, Maureen McVey, Nancy Medler, Raymond Menard, Marlene Merlini, Ronald Merlini, Jim Metke, Bernadette Hainsworth Miller, Mark Miller, James Mitchell, Raymond Montez, Erin Carr Mott, Denise Mullins, Jack & Pat Mulvihill, Catherine Murphy, Thomas Murphy, Ken Neth, Joseph Nichols, Ruth Nichols, Jo Noak, Mike Nolan, Jean Nowobielski, Marge Nykaza, Gerard Oblazny, Martin O’Boyle, Mary O’Boyle, Joyce O’Connor, Jeffery O’Donnell, Dan O’Gorman, Jason Osterloh, Patricia Oziem, Laima Panek, Nicholas Parente, Dorothy Pavc, Caitlyn Pawlowski, Kenny Pawlowski, Kath-leen Perkovich, Michael Pfeffer, Jason Phillips, Lorraine Pontarelli, Greg Price, Meg Radcliff, Richard Ralston, Vir-ginia Ranney, Marieta Rebodos, Brendan Reidy, Susan Reilly, Mark F. Rendak, Priscilla Rian, Allan Rice, Tammy Rice, Tom Sauch, Loretta L. Schild, Larry Schmit, Mary Lou Schoettler, Mary Anne Smidt, Danielle Smith, Dorothy Smith, John Spirakes, Maria Stamis, Al Stuba, Bob & Su-san Sutter, Tyler Svare, Lorraine Svelnis, Marion Tadda, Belin Trevino, Baby Olivia Ann Ustupski, Therese Veld-man, Donna Verda, Pat Wallace, Jim Walsh, Bernard Ward, Melanie Williams, Carol Wojociechowski, Barb and Dolores Zych

Eternal Rest Grant To Them, O Lord

Jacqueline Durkin Josephine Curtin

Elaine Zabilka

CHRISTIAN HOSPITALITY Day in and day out, we are required to make judgment calls informed by tough, durable, servicea-ble Christian love. We do what we can do, and God takes notice. God is in charge of rewards, and a glass of water will do when that is what we have to offer with a glad and open heart. Paul gives us a clear theology for the missionary work we do whenever anybody is close at hand. He reminds us that our work, our ministry, is carried on in concert with Christ. We have been baptized into his death and life. In any given moment both life and death are there, a kind of play of shadow and light. Sometimes it’s difficult to tell where shadow leaves off and light begins. God will take care of that, too. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Elisha promises a baby son to the hospitable woman (2 Kings 4:8-11, 14-16a). Psalm — For ever I will sing the goodness of the Lord (Psalm 89). Second Reading — We shall live in newness of life as Christ was raised from the dead (Romans 6:3-4, 8-11). Gospel — Whoever gives but a cup of cold water to another will surely be rewarded (Matthew 10:37-42). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, Interna-tional Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.

The St. Vincent de Paul Society

LOVE IN OUR WORK In today’s Gospel hear Jesus tell us: “Whoever gives only a cup of cold water to one of these little ones to drink because the little one is a disciple—Amen, I say to you, he will surely not lose his reward.” This month, through your gifts, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul was able to “acknowledge the goodness of the Father” by assisting families with food and providing help with utility and rent bills. Thank you!

The just man has a care for the rights of the poor, the wicked man has no such concern.

—Proverbs 29:7

PLEASE NOTE: We are always looking for new members or volunteers. Leave your name and number

at the rectory.

“Bundle Weekend” 2020 Schedule October 24 & 25

Clothing collection boxes are still located at

St. Gerald and St. Germaine parishes Please save any donations for our “Bundle

Weekend”, or bring them to the above boxes.

MORNING OFFERING O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I

offer You my prayers, works, joys and sufferings of this day for all the intentions of Your Sacred Heart,

in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world, in reparation for my sins, for the intentions of all my relatives and friends, and in

particular for the intentions of Pope Francis:


Our Families: We pray that today’s families may be accompanied with love, respect and guidance.

Prayer for Independence Day

God, source of all freedom, this day is bright with the memory

of those who declared that life and liberty are your gift to every human being.

Help us to continue a good work begun long ago.

Make our vision clear and our will strong: that only in human solidarity will we find liberty,

and justice only in the honor that belongs to every life on earth.

Turn our hearts toward the family of nations:

to understand the ways of others, to offer friendship,

and to find safety only in the common good of all.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.


Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

FREEDOM Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves and under a just God cannot long re-tain it.—Abraham Lincoln

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