st. luke s episcopal live oak, fl 32064 godly gazette€¦ · free clinic the next clinic date will...

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Vol. 35, Number 6 June 2017

St. Luke’s Episcopal Live Oak, FL 32064

RECTOR The Reverend

George L. Hinchliffe

DEACON The Reverend Phyllis Doty


Clerk and Church Administrator

Ellen Cory

Bookkeeper Lynn Lee


Vicki Taylor




Mike Cameron Jr. Warden: Barbara Mann

Treasurer: Janet Airth Asst. Treasurer: Lee Harvard

Members Marion Harvard

Hal Airth Wyman Harvard

Godly Gazette Editor Marilyn Jones

Godly Gazette

My Brothers and Sisters in Christ: The month of June and Summer are upon us! Pentecost and the coming of the Holy Spirit is just around the corner, on June 4th. Pentecost is a time of fulfill-ment in Churches throughout the world and represents God’s gift and empow-erment for the church. It is technically the church’s birthday, since the coming of the Holy Spirit brings the church into existence and gives it life. The entire liturgical season following Pentecost, 25 weeks, is a time for us as Christians to live into our baptismal covenant and fulfill the responsibilities of “Being A Christian.” It is a season for us to spread our wings and get about the task of bringing Christ to the world, and the world to Christ. This time also represents a challenge, because it seems that we are conditioned culturally to slow down in the summer, to take things easy, and enjoy our rec-reational opportunities. The kids or grandkids are out of school, so maybe we sleep in some Sunday mornings, or take a vacation from church, when actually, the opposite is what we are called to do. It is a time for us to continue in the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in the prayers! A time for us to persevere in resisting evil, and, whenever we fall into sin, re-pent and return to the Lord! It is a time to proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ, to seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving your neighbor as yourself, and to strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being. May we at St. Luke’s be equal to this challenge! Have a wonderful and safe summer! George+

OUR APOLOGIES! Technical difficulties and lengthy online and phone sessions to repair your editor’s desktop publishing pro-gram caused the publication of the Godly Gazette to be unavoidably de-layed this month. DAUGHTERS OF THE KING The Daughters of the King will be meeting for dinner on Tuesday, June 6, at 6:00. All women are wel-come to join us for a supper and a time of prayer and fellowship. No need to bring anything but your-self! If you have questions you can call Maureen Menosky 386-776-1817 FREE CLINIC The next Clinic date will be on Wednesday, June 14th, 5:30—7:30pm. COFFEE HOURS The Coffee Hour following the 11am service has been a tradition at St. Luke’s for many years. It is a great way to get a chance to visit with each other and to meet and greet those visiting and potential members. The menu can be very simple such as coffee, lemonade, and cookies. It is not meant to be a meal or heavy finger foods, just a light treat. We hope you will think about hosting an upcoming Sun-day. You can call Ellen to sign up or check the bulletin board sched-ule in the Parish hall. MEN’S GROUP The Men’s Group will meet on Tuesday, June 27, 2017 at 6pm. Bring your meat for the grill.

SOCIAL MOVEMENT A fitness class for beginners and seniors is meeting on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 10am-10:45am in the parish hall. Denise Watson is leading the class. You need to bring light hand held weights (1-3 pounds) and a water bottle. Call Denise for more info at 352-239-3772. BUSY HANDS Join us at our meeting on Saturday, June 6th from 9:30-11am. DEACON’S CORNER Things are popping at Fieles A Jesus! A large group of members from Fieles A Jesus just went to the ordination of a Deacon, who will become a Priest in 6 months. He is Juan Carlos and he is the seminarian who has been helping Mtr. Tulia at Fieles A Je-sus so she sponsored him for his ordination. Ordinations in Cuba are always a big deal since most priests there serve at least two congregations, and many serve 3 or 4. Actually there were 4 dea-cons ordained at this ordina-tion! Omani, Mtr. Tulia’s husband just inherited his grandmother’s house. It is a small house about 4 blocks from Fieles A Jesus. The roof is caved in, but he has started the renovation and half of the roof is up now. It would be wonderful if they could use that house as the rectory. They really need a little more privacy than they have now since the two girls are growing up. Susana is 13 and Sarah is 6. Mother Tulia says the people call the water at Fieles a Jesus “Blessed Water”. It is gaining the reputation for being the best water in Matanzas! They do need anoth-er UV light now, so next time we

go we will take a replacement. She sends her love and prayers for all of us at St. Luke’s. HELP WANTED Marilyn Jones, your Godly Gazette volunteer editor is seeking a back-up editor. Once or twice a year the Jones take an extended vacation for 3-6 weeks and assistance in producing the newsletter while she is away is needed. We have an im-mediate need for someone to take over the publishing of the Septem-ber newsletter. If you enjoy desktop publish-ing and don’t mind volunteering 1-3 days a month on an occasional basis, this might be a fun way to provide service to the church. Fa-miliarity with Microsoft Word and Publisher and some experience in Picasa or another photo editing software would be ideal. Marilyn will be happy to provide training as needed.

If you have any questions and/or are interested in becoming the As-sistant Editor, please call or text

Marilyn at 386-209-2636, or email her at

Godly Gazette Page 2

Hope is patience with the lamp lit.

– Tertullian

You must be the change you wish to see in the world.

— Mahatma Gandhi

Page 3

GODLY GAZETTE BY EMAIL We are currently experiencing significant costs in the printing of the Gazette and sending it via the U.S. Mail. If you would be willing to receive an electronic copy of the Gazette through your e-mail please complete the following form and drop this into the offering plate or give it to Ellen. Please help us to be better stewards of our resources. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------————-

I would like to receive the Godly Gazette electronically.

Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

E-Mail Address:_______________________________________________________________________________________________

There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true;

the other is to refuse to believe what is true. —Søren Kierkegaard.

Susanne Walters Russell Johnson

Don Noel Nikki Landrum, Phyllis Taylor

Mary Ellen Hinchliffe Bob Stross

Kathy O’Steen Janice Revet

Pat Ritter Lillie and Jodie Hill

Robert Cannon Rose Decker

Chris and Kathy Thomas The Thomas family

Cole Thomas Gwyn Herrington Virginia Meeker Gordon Dean

Carolyn Crosby Shelly Perry

Jack Raycraft Olivia Voyles

Craig Jacobsen Mendy Morgan Darlene Jones Gus Stranch

Christine Bush Sue Mobley Linda Ratliff Dick Patton Randy Law Louise Law,

Mary Giddens Nick Poulos Jim Poulos

Annie Poulos.

Our soldiers stateside: Kyle Deas Robert Ice

Michael Kinsel and James Smith,

Our soldiers stateside: Lincoln Queale

Marshall Boggus Brent Trost

Shawn Brewer Dillon Ellis

Andy Chamberlain and Jennifer Sullivan.

Pray for the Diocese of Cuba,

our companion church: Fielés á Jesus,

and their rector Mtr. Tulia.

Pray for Dukatole and the children.

Pray for St. Mary’s Episcopal Church

in Madison. Pray for the

Shepherd’s Hands of the Suwannee Valley

Free Clinic. Pray for St. Joseph’s Episcopal Church

in Newberry and their new school.

The prayer list has been short-ened and only the most recent additions to the list remain. If you have someone who needs to be added please call Ellen.

The Prayers of the Parish are Requested for:

God be with you and grant you to stand in "thin places." Where the Presence is deeply known and Mercy abounds and Wisdom flourishes.

—Old Celtic prayer.

God loves each of us as if there were only one of us. --St. Augustine

Men love the truth when it bathes them in light: they hate it when it proves them wrong.

– St. Augustine

Love is not just tolerance. It's not just distant appreciation. It's a warm sense of, 'I am enjoying the fact that you are you.'

—N. T. Wright

Page 4 Godly Gazette

2017 Planner

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


10am Exercise Class 2pm Partnership Meeting


3 9:30-11am Busy Hands

4 9am Rite II 9:45 Adult S/S 10am Choir 11am Rite II

5 6 10am Exercise class 6pm DOK


10:30am Morning Prayer


10am Exercise Class

9 10

11 9am Rite II 9:45 Adult S/S 10am Choir 11am Rite II

12 13 10am Exercise class 11am Pastors’ mtg. 5:30 Vestry


10:30am Morning Prayer 5:30-7:30 Free Clinic


10am Exercise Class

16 17

18 9am Rite II 9:45 Adult S/S 10am Choir 11am Rite II

19 20

10am Exercise class


10:30am Morning Prayer


10am Exercise Class

23 24

25 9am Rite II 9:45 Adult S/S 10am Choir 11am Rite II

26 27

10am Exercise class 6pm Men’s Group


10:30am Morning Prayer


10am Exercise Class


Page 5

Time Rite Acolytes* Lectors Ushers

9am Rite 11 Lydia Bush Lydia Bush Elaine Fletcher Jackie Kent

11am Rite 11 Cameron Simpson Joe Chamberlain

Cameron Simpson Elizabeth Simpson

Jo & Jackie Jo Joyce

9am Rite II Audrey Felknor John Tull Tamara Burt Tony Williams

11am Rite II Graeson Dean Barbara Chaney

Sue Mobley Melissa Woodrum

Bill & Janis Brothers

9am Rite II Tamara Burt Andy Miller Tony Williams Tony Williams

11am Rite II Hal Airth Vivian Bass Bart Boggus

Graeme Dean

Bill & Janis Brothers

9am Rite II Audrey Felknor Jon Boggus Lydia Bush Tony Williams

11am Rite II Katie Skeen Patty Sullivan

Ann Thompson Cheryl Hopper

Bill & Janis Brothers

*9am Acolytes: If you arrange any substitutions PLEASE notify me at -

*9 & 11am Acolytes: Remember to use the BCP when serving since the prompts for ringing of the Sanctus bell are not in the bulletin.

1 Sally Goff Hal & Janet Airth

2 Thelma Franklin Rose Decker

3 Bart Boggus Connie, Jean & Diane

4 Lydia Bush In Need of Volunteers

If, then, you are looking for the way by which you should go,

take Christ, because He Himself is the way.

— Thomas Aquinas

"Our prayers may be awkward. Our attempts may be feeble. But since the power of prayer is in the one who hears it and not in the one who says it, our prayers do make a difference." —Max Lucadox

Godly Gazette St. Luke’s Episcopal Church

P. O. Box 1238 Live Oak, Florida 32064-1238

Phone: 386-362-1837

FAX: 386-362-7545


1 Gregory Henderson 3 Liza Ogles 4 Diane Stiles 5 Emily Boggus 6 Lanita Heston Shannon McCook 9 Paul Styles 10 Andrew Boggus Sue Styles

11 Judy Jacobsen 12 Owen Davis Anne Doswell 15 Tim Bemis 16 Leigh Barry Harvard

Lloyd Airth Raycraft Vicki Taylor 18 William Cerritos 19 Linda Nott

25 Sarah Beth Lee Julie Skeen Bill Procko Logan Ragans 27 Sheryl Kirby Michael Mickel 28 Jim Hopper 30 Mary Airth Raycraft

3 Russell & Anita Mapp 9 Buzzy & Tamara Burt 12 Jeremy & Julie Ulmer 16 Andy & Rose Decker 19 Richard & Beth Widera 20 Leon & Paula Edwards 22 Bill & Janis Brothers 23 Walter & Merri McKenzie

M A Y May

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