st. mary church dekalb, illinois

Post on 11-Nov-2021






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JULY 18, 2021

S T . M A R Y P A R I S H • D E K A L B , I L • W W W . S T M A R Y D E K A L B . O R G P A G E 2

Office 302 Fisk Avenue · DeKalb, IL 60115 Phone: 815.758.5432 Fax: 815.758.2487 / Website:

Office Hours Monday thru Thursday: 9:00 AM - Noon & 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Friday: Closed


Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:00 PM in English

Sunday Masses: 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM in English

Weekday Masses: Mon.-Tues. 5:00 PM in English

Wed.-Fri. 7:00 AM in English

Spanish Mass: Tuesday 6:30 PM & Sunday 4:00 PM

First Friday 7:00 PM

Vietnamese Mass: 2nd Sunday 1:30 PM

Vigil/Holy Day Masses: Call Parish Office

Area Care Facilities: Cancelled until further notice.

Confession Schedule

Wednesday & Saturday 12:00 PM-12:30 PM

Other times available by request.

(To be revised.) Pastoral Staff Pastor: Rev. Dean Russell, 815.758.5432, ext/. 104 Principal: Ashley Davis, 815.756.7905 Cemetery: 815.758-5432 Director of Music: Joe Harmon, ext. 106 Choir Director: Caleb Gray Director of Religious Education: Annalisa McMaster, ext. 101

Support Staff Business Manager: Jim Glemkowski, ext. 102 Financial Assistant: Jill Voight, ext. 105 Parish Secretary: Linda Jackiw, ext.103 Ministry Secretary: Mona O'Bryan, ext. 107 Receptionist: Carrie Anderson, ext. 100

Contact Information Parish Office: 302 Fisk Avenue - 815.758.5432

Faith Formation / Rel. Ed. / Youth Ministry: 815.758.5432

School: 210 Gurler Road - 815.756.7905



Hispanic Ministry

Rev. Eliserio Palencia, 815.758.1377

Hispanic Secretary: Susana Garcia, ext. 108

Vietnamese Ministry Rev. Anthony Vu Khac Long, 815.312.9661

Bulletin Deadline


Send requests to:

Parishioners are invited to give an offering for Mass Intentions in the

name of a deceased loved one, for the intentions of someone in need, or in thanksgiving for a blessing received from the Lord. In accordance with Church law, only one intention per

mass will be accepted for an offering of $10.00. For more information, please

call the Parish Office at 815.758-5432.

An aspect of Saint Joseph that has been emphasized from the time of the first social Encyclical, Pope Leo XIII’s Rerum Novarum, is his relation to work. Saint Joseph was a carpenter who earned an honest living to provide for his family. From him, Jesus learned the value, the dignity and the joy of what it means to eat bread that is the fruit of one’s own labour.

In our own day, when employment has once more become a burning social issue, and unemployment at times reaches record levels even in nations that for decades have enjoyed a certain degree of pros-perity, there is a renewed need to appreciate the importance of dignified work, of which Saint Joseph is an exemplary patron.

Work is a means of participating in the work of sal-vation, an opportunity to hasten the coming of the Kingdom, to develop our talents and abilities, and to put them at the service of society and fraternal com-munion. It becomes an opportunity for the fulfilment not only of oneself, but also of that primary cell of society which is the family. A family without work is particularly vulnerable to difficulties, tensions, es-trangement and even break-up. How can we speak of human dignity without working to ensure that everyone is able to earn a decent living?

Working persons, whatever their job may be, are cooperating with God himself, and in some way be-come creators of the world around us. The crisis of our time, which is economic, social, cultural and spiritual, can serve as a summons for all of us to rediscover the value, the importance and necessity of work for bringing about a new “normal” from which no one is excluded. Saint Joseph’s work re-minds us that God himself, in becoming man, did not disdain work. The loss of employment that af-fects so many of our brothers and sisters, and has increased as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, should serve as a summons to review our priorities. Let us implore Saint Joseph the Worker to help us find ways to express our firm conviction that no young person, no person at all, no family should be without work!

Excerpt from the Apostolic Letter Patris Corde of the Holy Father Francis on the 150th Anniversary of the proclamation of St. Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church.

Pope Francis describes St. Joseph as a working father.

1 6 T H S U N D A Y I N O R D I N A R Y T I M E P A G E 3

Our Weekly Offering Week Ending 07/04/21

Sunday Offertory $ 11,190.00 Religious Education Support $ 255.00 School $ 45.00 Capital Improvements $ 140.00 Cemetery $ 105.00 Repairs & Maintenance $ 50.00 International Appeal $ 200.00

Thank You for Your Contributions!


2021 Lancer Raffle Ticket Winners

07/12 - Doug Rapp - $20.00

07/13 - Trae Mottet - $20.00

07/14 - Susie Grainger - $20.00

07/15 - Jennifer Dummer - $20.00

07/16 - Carolyn House - $20.00

07/17 - Donna Rapp - $20.00

07/18 - Gordon Kohn - $30.00


In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus tells His disci-ples to “Come away by yourselves to a desert-ed place and rest a while.” Vincent de Paul, a great man of action was also a contemplative.

His contemplation of God’s love overflowed into practical love for the poor.

Please say a special pray for the poor and forgotten, as you give your gift to the Society of

St. Vincent de Paul.

“Because of our belief and hope in the Resurrection, we can face death not with fear, but with preparation…. We prepare for eternal life by choosing to love and follow God now, in our daily lives and decisions.” Read more at –life considerations

USCCB “Catholic Considerations for our Earthly Passing”

Jesus said, “Come away and rest awhile”. Give your marriage new life by attending an upcoming in person Worldwide

Marriage Encounter Weekend on August 20-22 in Madison, WI; Sept. 17-19 in Geneva IL or Oct. 15-17 in Madison, WI.

There are virtual experiences on Sept. 13 thru Oct. 4 and Nov. 13-14.

For more info go to: or call (888) 574-5653.

Para un fin de semana en espanol por favor llamen a Candelario y Emilia al 815-375-4250.

Worldwide Marriage Encounter Rockford/Madison/Milwaukee Ministry

Rockford/Madison/Milwaukee Ministry

Readings for the Week of July 18, 2021 Sunday: Jer 23:1-6/Ps 23:1-3, 3-4, 5, 6 [1]/ Eph 2:13-18/Mk 6:30-34

Monday: Ex 14:5-18/Ex 15:1bc,-2, 3-4, 5-6 [1b]/ Mt 12:38-42

Tuesday: Ex 14:21—15:1/Ex 15:8-9, 10 and 12, 17 [1b]/Mt 12:46-50

Wednesday: Ex 16:1-5, 9-15/Ps 78:18-19, 23-24, 25-26, 27-28 [24b]/Mt 13:1-9

Thursday: Sg 3:1-4b or 2 Cor 5:14-17/Ps 63:2, 3-4, 5-6, 8-9 [2]/Jn 20:1-2, 11-18

Friday: Ex 20:1-17/Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 11 [cf. Jn 6:68c]/ Mt 13:18-23

Saturday: Ex 24:3-8/Ps 50:1b-2, 5-6, 14-15 [14a]/ Mt 13:24-30

Next Sunday: 2 Kgs 4:42-44/Ps 145:10-11, 15-16, 17-18 [cf. 16]/Eph 4:1-6/Jn 6:1-15

Our Weekly Offering Week Ending 07/11/21

Sunday Offertory $ 12,265.00 Religious Education Support $ 20.00 School $ 100.00 Capital Improvements $ 30.00 Cemetery $ 20.00 Diocesan Appeal $ 845.00

Thank You for Your Contributions!


Thank you for your continued support of St. Mary Church through your advertisement in our bulletin.

302 Grove St - DeKalb, IL 60115

S T . M A R Y P A R I S H • D E K A L B , I L • W W W .

St. Mary Parish’s tithe for the month of June

Is unavailable at this time

Parish Monthly


2021 being a year of healing and reconcilia-tion, we need to be mindful of the loss in order to seek healing. Our Junior High students are working on a project to give names to the roughly 17 children that enter eternity silently and prematurely in our area each month through this source of pain, so that we can pray for these young lives and for healing for the families. These are the names chosen for the month of July. George Roberto Sandra Ashley Sam Laura Angel Alana Ciara Leo McKenna Zach James Max Nathan Jake Mia

Please pray for these innocents and their families and for protection for every human

being without exception.

Join us in the mission of passing the faith to our youth!

A Catechist is someone who is called to teach and share the faith by word and example. At St. Mary, it is important to find individuals who would like to journey with the students and their families as we all grow into a deeper relationship with the Lord and seek to become His disciples. St. Mary Religious Ed program is in need of volunteers for the next school year to help as catechist and classroom aides. To learn more about the requirements, time commitment and skills needed please use link below. Please let us know if you feel called to this ministry or if you

have any questions. Contact Annalisa at or or

815-758-5432 x101

THE POWER OF PRAYER We pray for St. Mary parishioners, relatives, and friends who are suffering from illness, also for those who are homebound, hospitalized, or confined to a care facility,

Giana Anderson, Matt Anderson, Jackie Balon, Lori Baert, Margaret Bakken, Pat Beck,

Adlyn Blakey, Christine Burtzos, Mary Clarbour, Margaret Cobb, Richard Cobb, Jr., Debbie Coffland,

Ben Coniglio, Mary & Chuck Crumbacher, Cathy Curylo, Donna Dalwam, Joe Diedrich,

Horst Erker, Bobbie Fitch, Beth Fixmer, Missy Flores, Jim Franklin, Justin French,

Frankie Goshko II, Rita Hammett, Eric Hanson, Andrea Hauge, Kathleen Hiatt, Ruth Higgins,

Joe Hoiness, Ana Jackiw, Michael Jackiw, Col. Thomas Z. James, William Joiner, Julie Jones,

Joan Judkins, Patsy Kelahan, Alan Kissane, Rev. Richard Kramer, Nadia Lachowski,

Ginger Lange, Brayden MacNeille, Timothy McMillan, Mary Lou Murphy,

Louis Mustari, Joseph Richnavsky, Mary O’Brien, Adalyn Pohaski, Orlando Moises Pulido, Carol Reed,

Joel Rivera, Jeff Salazar, Marlene Salazar, Richard Salazar, Mary Ann Sisler, Steve Stach,

Leah Theisen, Ray Theisen, Jerry Vasko, Abel Viland, Robert White,

Don & Teri Wille Family, David Young

To have a name added to or removed from the prayer list, please call the parish office at 815.758.5432.

HANGING ONTO HOPE: reflections

and prayers for finding “Good” in an

imperfect World, by Sister Melania


Sr. Melanie helps us open our hearts

to hope, even in the darkest of times.

*Bible study runs 6 weeks-

Thursday Sept. 2 thru Oct. 7, (10 a.m.

till noon)

* Cost is $13

*Deadline to order is August 13th

*Pick up book week of August 30

*PLEASE read the first three chapters for the 1st meet-ing. ***If not able to join the study, men or women, please

feel free to order the book to read on your own.

St. Mary Parish is looking to hire a parttime maintenance worker for up to 29 hours per week. Hours are flexible. Must own car. If interested please contact Jim Glemkowski at

815-758-5432 ext. 102

WANTED - Art students or artistic minded

parishioners. Our statues around the

church are fading and we need someone to

restore the paint. Would you be willing to

help? If so, please contact Jim Glemkowski

at 815-758-5432 X102. Thanks in advance.

J U L Y 1 8 , 2 0 2 1 P A G E 5


In today’s Gospel, Jesus planned to slip away from the crowds for a few moments of peace and a little rest.

When He saw the people gathered, however, He put His needs aside to meet the needs of others. Sometimes, as

good stewards, we are called to do the same.

Locations: (B) Bethany Room, (C) Cafeteria, (CHP) Chapel, (CH) Church,

(E) Emmaus Room, (G) Gym, (LRC) Library Resource Center, (MARI) Marian

Room, (MC) Ministry Center, (OC) Off Campus, (PCN) Parish Center North,

(PWR) Parish Work Room, (PR) Presentation Room, (SAR) St. Anne Room,

(SJM) St. James Room (Private), (SJ) St. John Room, (SJOA) St. Joachim Room,

(SJOS) St. Joseph Room, (SL) St. Luke Room, (SM) St. Mark Room,

(SMR) St. Matthew oom, (YC) Youth Center

This week’s schedule…*

Sunday, July 18 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Hispanic AA Group (PCN) 2:45 PM - 5:00 PM Vietnamese Ministry Social Time (C) 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Hispanic Reconciliation (CH) Masses in English 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM (CH) Mass in Vietnamese 1:30 PM Mass in Spanish 4:00 PM

Monday, July 19 5:00 PM Mass in English (CH)

Tuesday, July 20 1:00 PM - 6:30 PM St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry (C) 5:00 PM Mass in English (CH) 5:30 PM Hispanic Reconciliation (CH) 6:00 PM-7:30 PM Blaze Middle School Night (C/G) 6:30 PM Mass in Spanish (CH) 7:35 PM - 9:00 PM Hispanic Prayer Group (CH)

Wednesday, July 21 7:00 AM Mass in English (CH) 12:00 PM-12:30 PM Reconciliation in English (CH) 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Hispanic AA Group (PCN)

24 Hour Adoration (CH) Wednesday 7:30 AM until Thursday 6:50 AM

Thursday, July 22 7:00 AM Mass in English (CH)

Friday, July 23 7:00 AM Mass in English (CH)

Saturday, July 24 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM Quinceanera Mass - Yesenia Aspera (CH) 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM Reconciliation in English (CH) Mass in English 5:00 PM (CH)

Sunday, July 25 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Hispanic AA Group (PCN) 2:45 PM - 5:00 PM Vietnamese Ministry Social Time (C) 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Hispanic Reconciliation (CH) Masses in English 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM (CH) Mass in Vietnamese 1:30 PM Mass in Spanish 4:00 PM

*subject to change (additions & corrections)

St. Mary School in DeKalb is looking for a part time music instructor/director to teach students in grades PS-8th grade. The teacher would help plan our student Masses, would help direct the student choir during Mass, run the Christmas program and Spring Sing during the school year, and also help direct our yearly spring musical. This position would be between two to three days each week.

Music experience is preferred in either music direct-ing or in an instructional manner. It is preferred that the teacher has a bachelor's degree or is working towards their bachelor's degree.

Please contact Ashley Davis at or call 815-756-7905.

Altar Server Ministry Father Russell is excited to Welcome Back altar servers to participate in Sunday Mass this summer. We will begin with veteran servers during July and August then have a training after school begins for new servers. Watch the bulletin for the date of the training in August. Altar Servers provide a very significant role during Mass and our Church is enriched through their dedication and service. One of the important messages God gives his people is to serve one another. By becoming an Altar Server, it is a fulfilling way to start a lifetime of service to God, His church, and His people! We are looking for new and continuing students to altar server during Mass at the parish. Please contact Kellie Fuss at 815-901-8977 or to get more information.

SILVER & GOLD ANNIVERSARY MASS Is 2021 the year in which you and your spouse celebrate your 25th, 50th, 55th, 60th, 65th, or 70th or more wedding anniversary? Bishop Malloy and the Life & Family Evangelization Office would like to celebrate this milestone with you. Couples cele-brating the milestone wedding anniversaries of 25, 50, 55, 60, 65, and 70 or more years of marriage in 2021 are invited to a special Mass in their honor at St. Mary Parish in Huntley, IL on Sunday, August 22nd at 2:30 PM celebrated by Bishop David J. Malloy. A cake and punch reception will immediately follow. The Life & Family Evangelization Office welcomes your regis-tration by phone (815) 399-4300 or online at by August 10th. Com-memorative certificates to mark this special occasion will be available for those who pre-register for this event.

TEEN TUESDAY Summer outing dates - Mark your calendar.

Tuesday, July 27-Feed My Starving Children (5-9:15 pm)* Mass at 5 pm, then drive to Aurora location. Time slot 7-8:30 pm

Tuesday, August 3-Teen Tuesday @ St. Mary (7-8:30 pm) Thursday, August 5-Starved Rock (8 am-4 pm)* Tuesday, August 10-Bowling @ 4 Seasons (5-8:00 PM)* Mass at 5 pm, then drive to 4 Seasons for bowling

Tuesday, September 7-Teen Tuesday @ St. Mary (7-8:30 pm)

*These events require a permission form and family members are welcome to attend.

Contact Annalisa McMaster for more information:

S T . M A R Y P A R I S H • D E K A L B , I L • W W W .


Pastoral Council Kevin Fuss, Chairperson 815-758-5432 ext. 100 Ging Smith 815-756-2177 Ana Vargas Wittoff 815-787-0285 Barbara Halverson 815-756-9453 Matt Fleming

Finance Council 815-758-5432 ext. 104

Buildings & Grounds Committee 815-758-5432 ext. 102

Cemetery Committee Tom Specht 815-758-5432 ext. 102

Funeral Committee 815-758-5432 ext. 100

Ministry of Care Doug Schumaker 815-758-5432 ext. 100

Respect Life Committee 815-758-5432 ext. 100

St. Vincent de Paul Society Donna Brown 815-200-4730 Learn more at

School Committee Greg Kubitz 815-756-7905

Stewardship Commission 815-758-5432 ext. 102

Social Media - Facebook/Instagram Annalisa McMaster 815-758-5432 ext. 101

Monday, July 19 (Weekday)

5:00 PM † Poor Souls

Tuesday, July 20 (St. Apollinaris)

5:00 PM † Poor Souls

6:30 PM † (Spanish Mass)

Wednesday, July 21 (St. Lawrence of Brindisi)

7:00 AM † Poor Souls

Thursday, July 22 (St. Mary Magdalene)

7:00 AM † Poor Souls

Friday, July 23 (St. Bridget)

7:00 AM † Frank Van Buer

Saturday, July 24 (St. Sharbel Makhlūf)

5:00 PM † Carolyn Kustron

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time)

9:00 AM † Charles Faivre

11:00 AM † Martha J. Groesch

4:00 PM Living & Deceased Members of St. Mary

WHO: All students who were in 6, 7 & 8th grades this past school year. WHERE: Newman Ctr. & Sycamore Family Sports Ctr. WHEN: July 29, 11am—4pm COST: $7

To register, turn in permission form and money by July 22. Questions? Contact Claire Hahn at or Annalisa McMaster at

Permission forms are located in our parish office.


She is one of the most appealing characters in the Gospels. Only a few details about her appear there, yet Christians know her as woman of great love, desire, and unwavering loyalty. She was born at Magdala, near Tiberias, in Galilee. She stood beside Jesus while He was dying on the Cross, with Mary, His mother; His beloved apostle, John; His mother’s sister, Salome and Mary, wife of Clopas. They watched helplessly as Jesus suffered through the dark hours of Good Friday. Then with the others she prepared His body for burial. Early Easter morning, she returned anxiously to His tomb to complete the burial anointings, only to find His body was gone. She began to weep. Through her tears she suddenly saw a man standing bedside her whom she thought was the gardener. When He spoke her name, she knew He was Jesus, risen from the dead. “Mary!” Jesus said to her. “Rabboni! Teacher!” Mary joyfully responded. Then Jesus spoke these mysterious words, “Do not cling to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father.” We can see Jesus, not rejecting her at this joyous moment, but readying her, who followed Him so devotedly in life, for following Him now in faith. “I have seen the Lord,” she announced to Jesus’ disciples. Her experiences of the Lord, in His ministry, in the desolate hours on Calvary, in the brightening hours of Easter morning, echo through the centuries to strengthen our faith. She loved much, and through her love she found the God she sought.

“Bach and Beyond” Organ Concert at the Abbey The Fox Valley Chapter of the American Guild of Organists will be presenting the 22nd annual “Bach and Beyond” Organ Concert on Friday, July 30 at 7:30 PM at Marmion Abbey, 850 Butter-field Road (Rt. 56) in Aurora. Twelve local organists will be playing music composed by Bach, Buxtehude, Couperin, and others on the Marmion Abbey’s magnificent Martin Ott pipe organ, one of the finest organs in the Fox Valley area. There is no cost to attend, but there will be a “free-will offering” to sup-port scholarships for young organists. All are welcome! Please contact Karl Bruhn at or Br. Mariano DiCristofano, OSB at for additional information.

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