st nic’s news26 april 2017 newsletter 6 st nic’s news a a 34 , z , 3201. : 033-345-1566, @ . .z...

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26 April 2017 Newsletter 6


34 Jabu Ndlovu Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. Tel: 033-345-1566,

Dear Parents/ Guardians and Learners

The High School held its’ termly awards assembly this week to celebrate the achievements of our Academic, Sports and Merit Achievers. It was with great joy that the new Deputy Head Boy Minenhle Mnqayi was announced. The Junior School hosted their Grade 7 Monitor Induction today at which this year’s Monitors were formally introduced to the school community. It is at times like these that I am reminded that an education is so much more than just the academic knowledge learnt in the classrooms at St Nicholas. Although this is important we should always remember that what we strive for at St Nicholas is a holistic education where your child’s emotional, spiritual as well as academic wellbeing is taken into account.

St Nicholas has a value driven education system. One of the great privileges of my job is getting to talk to parents about their hopes and dreams for their children. Invariably I hear that parents want their children to be successful. They pin this success on academic achievement but when you delve a little deeper you will also hear parents saying that they want their child to be happy, socially aware, curious about the world and empathetic to those around them. This should not be an either or situation. St Nicholas maintains a rigorous academic programme but we integrate character strengths like grit, self-control, passion, social intelligence, and gratitude into our classes. There is a way to combine academic rigor and character development. To be leaders in the 21st century our children will need both soft and hard skills to navigate the ever changing landscape of the future. Let us all work together to develop these values in our children. We wish you and your loved ones a happy Workers Day weekend.

“Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them.” James Baldwin

Leon Grové


26 April 2017 Newsletter 6

Page 2 St Nic’s News

Congratulations to our newly appointed Deputy

Head Boy Minenhle Mnqayi

Congratulations to our newly inducted 2017 Junior School Monitors.

26 April 2017 Newsletter 6

Newsletter 6

We will be featuring one staff member each

Page 3

Mr D Bailey Mr Bailey has lived most of his life in the Pietermaritzburg area. It is an area which he enjoys as

there are plenty of outdoor pursuits. He cycles in the local forests and timber plantations,

swims and canoes the dams and hikes in search of wildlife. He also loves spending time with

his family at home. Their home has a large garden planted with indigenous plants and areas

for playing outdoor games. His wife is also a teacher and enjoys open water swimming. His

eight year old daughter dances, swims and plays tennis, hockey and soccer. His son is nearly

five years old and wants to do judo. Being self-sufficient is very important to the Baileys. They

use solar-power in their home to reduce electricity costs as well as rainwater harvesting to

supplement their water supply. This also ensures that they are unaffected by municipal power

outages and water supply failures.

Mr Bailey is our Geography Teacher and High School Sports Co-ordinator/Coach at St Nicholas.

We are extremely fortunate to have this passionate, dedicated, committed and hard working

individual as part of our St Nicholas family. He is extremely multi-skilled and dynamic. He has

worked as a housekeeper, documentary film grip, builder, researcher and teacher. He moved

from research work to teaching as he missed the interaction with young people. He wants his

learners to understand that the world they will work in want people who are multi-skilled.

Mr Bailey tries to travel somewhere new every year. He believes that travel is one of the

greatest learning experiences because of the new and unexpected challenges one faces. One

of his favourite African travel destinations is Malawi. Last year he went to India. This year and

possibly for the next few, he will be saving up to go to another continent. Whilst he saves he

will be cycling to the Drakensberg Mountains. He hopes that others will challenge themselves

to visit new places in order to open their minds to the many possibilities for a better world.

Mr Bailey at the

Kaaimans River

Mouth in the

Western Cape.

Hiking with his

beloved son in the


26 April 2017 Newsletter 6



7h15 – 8h00 & 14h00 – 14h30


7h15 – 8h00 & 16h00 – 17h00


7h15 – 8h00 &

12h30 – 13h00

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of your children.

If you would like the opportunity to advertise your business in our St Nic’s Newsletter, please contact Mrs Christian on 033-3451566 for

the package offering.

School re-opens on Tuesday,

02 May

BDO Inter-School Quiz Finals

Tuesday, 02 May 5:30pm to

7:30pm at Clifton College

Junior School Open Day on

Saturday, 13 May

Fireside Festival on

Wednesday, 24 May

Blood Drive on Friday,

02 June

JS Polar Bear Day on

Thursday, 15 June

Matric Dane on Thursday,

22 June

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