st. paul’s episcopal church chittenango, new york the good...

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Volume 8 IIssue 6

And We Begin Again...

November / December 2012



St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Chittenango, New York exists for the

purpose of glorifying God, proclaiming the Gospel and Serving

others in His Name, in this community and

around the world by the grace and power of the

Holy Spirit.

We gather together to joyfully celebrate the

sacraments, encourage inquiring hearts and

minds and share life’s joys and sorrows.

Stewardship 3

Thanksgiving Services


December Dates- Worship Services


Spiritual Opportunities


Holiday Bazaar 9

BCP History 11

Prayer List 12

Ministry Schedules 16-17

Inside this issue:

St. Paul ’s Episcopal Church Chittenango , New York

Dear Friends ~

Today it is close to 70 degrees outside!

Hard to believe that this newsletter will carry us

through Thanksgiving, Advent and Christmas! The

days are shorter, the leaves are turning, the nights

are colder already and before the next newsletter

we will probably see more snow than most of us enjoy.

As our seasons change I will invite you to notice changes in our

Sanctuary and our worship itself. We begin a new liturgical year on

December 2. Advent is a time of preparation and hopeful anticipation.

We will bring out the Advent wreath and await the celebration of the

birth of our Lord at Christmas. Besides focus on this birthday, we also

take a look at the second coming of Christ when he comes, not as a tiny

baby, but in all his glory. There is a real mix of emotions during this


During October, we have been considering various types and

aspects of faithful stewardship as a way of life. Our Annual Pledge Drive

will begin in November. You will be hearing from some fellow parishioners

each Sunday. Money is always a challenge in churches. Ours is no

exception; however, this year, I hope we can frame our financial

commitment to church in the larger context of our relationship with God

and the mission of the Church and how we live into these realities.

I invite you to start thinking about some New Year resolutions for

our church year. Perhaps you would like to adopt a new prayer practice or

add scripture or spiritual reading to your days. Maybe you would like to

find a new way to serve God here at Church and out in the community.

This year let’s reach out and share our love of St. Paul’s with others and

invite them to join us for worship or a social event. Many people are

eager to grow closer to God and have not considered church as a place

where that may happen. May we find new ways to make this coming year a

year of radical hospitality and Christian love.

Blessings and Peace ~

The Good News


Happy New Year ~ Advent is upon us! Happy New Year ~ Advent is upon us! Happy New Year ~ Advent is upon us! Happy New Year ~ Advent is upon us! Advent begins four Sundays before Christmas and ends after the mid-afternoon prayers on Christmas Eve. We call the days and nights before Christmas, Advent, which means “coming.” The church reads and sings about God’s promises. Our liturgical color will be blue, signifying our hope for the peace that passes all understanding that Jesus brings to us. We remember the stories of Mary and John the Baptist. We strive for the time when God’s love will be seen in all of us, when peace will come through people’s acts of justice and love for each other. But, primarily, we wait. We wait in joyful hope for the coming of our Savior Jesus Christ, when the kingdom of God will flourish here on earth. It is a time of expectation and preparation for the time of the birth of Jesus as well as the second coming of Christ. And so we wait for the light of Christ to extinguish our darkness. Come let us adore him!

Hospita l i ty i s for EveryonHospita l i ty i s for EveryonHospita l i ty i s for EveryonHospita l i ty i s for Everyoneeee One important thing we need to do in the church is to practice radical hospitality and welcome. This is what Jesus taught as he drew everyone into the circle of his care and teaching. We usually have a Greeter at each service, however, should you notice someone new in the church, please make them feel welcome and at home. Some people are not familiar with the Episcopal Prayer Book and multiple hymnals (believe it or not). We don’t want people to feel like outsiders, we want our visitors to feel at home here. So, it is up to each of us to keep an eye out for people who may need our help finding the right page in the right book and to let them know about the order of service and readings in the bulletin. All it takes is a smile and a welcome to make a person feel like they are glad they came to St. Paul’s. Let Mother Kathlyn know when you see someone who is new or if someone has a question about our worship program.

What to Expect in Our WorshipWhat to Expect in Our WorshipWhat to Expect in Our WorshipWhat to Expect in Our Worship We are coming to the last Sundays after Pentecost. November 25 we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King. Advent begins December 2. The first Sunday of Advent is the New Year for our liturgical calendar. We are entering Year C which is the third of three sets of Sunday readings in the Sunday Revised Common Lectionary. During Advent we will include instructed Eucharists to remind us of the significance of many aspects of our worship. The traditional color used during Advent had been purple purple purple purple which is used in Lent to represent a penitential season. You will notice we use Sarum Blue Sarum Blue Sarum Blue Sarum Blue to differentiate Advent as a season of hopeful anticipation rather than penitence. The third Sunday of Advent which is also known as Gaudete Sunday. We use pink pink pink pink or or or or rose rose rose rose to symbolize this change in spirit. We use a pink candle on the Advent wreath which we will light that Sunday. For Christmas Eve and the Christmas season we will change to white vestments and altar hangings and use white until January 6, the Epiphany. We will use a different Eucharistic Prayer and add the lighting of the Advent wreath before the worship begins. We will introduce some changes in the Prayers of the People as well.

Notes About Our Worship & Church Seasons


Musings on Stewardship and Pledge Campaign

United Thank Offering United Thank Offering United Thank Offering United Thank Offering In In In In----Gathering Gathering Gathering Gathering ———— November 4 November 4 November 4 November 4 The United Thank Offering is a program of The Episcopal Church for the mission of the whole Church, founded by and administered by women since 1889. The UTO Committee promotes thank offerings, receives the offerings and distributes the United Thank Offering monies through grants. The Committee awards and administers these grants under the umbrella of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society (DFMS) of The Episcopal Church.

My dear friends at St. Paul’s, “All things come of Thee, O Lord, and of Thine own have we given Thee” “Praise God from whom all blessings flow, praise God all creatures here below, Praise God above, ye heavenly host, Praise Father Son and Holy Ghost” Each Sunday during our worship service we present to God our offerings of bread, wine, food and money. Our generous God has provided us with gifts and an abundance that is beyond our imaginations. We offer God ourselves and our thanksgiving. It is so important that we respond with gratitude. One way we show our thanksgiving is by living our Baptismal promises as we love God and love our neighbor. When we talk about responding to God’s generosity, we include offerings of time, talent and treasure. We are created in love and we need to respond to God in love. We do not want to give back to God only out of duty, not even just because our church needs our support. We give back to God because we need to give back to the Creator God who has given us everything. We are not the owners of what we have, we are actually stewards charged with taking care of the gifts God has given us. Taking care of our personal budgets is one way we can be good stewards. That is what proportional giving is all about. We look at what our present level of giving represents as a percentage of our income. If that is less than the 10% tithe standard, we can look for ways to increase the pledge as we strive to achieve a tithe. Some people opt to increase their pledge by 1 - 10% per year until they reach their goal. Others factor in an extra month of what they normally pledge and either spread that out over the year or give one extra monthly payment. I am sure you can come up with a creative way to include God in your own budget process. “A man ran up and knelt before Jesus, and asked him, ‘Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?’ Jesus, looking at him, loved him and said, ‘You lack one thing; go, sell what you own, and give the money* to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me’.” Mark 10: 17-21 It is time for us to decide whether we will walk away grieving or we will work toward improving our giving.


Giv ingGiv ingGiv ingGiv ingGiv ingGiv ingGiv ingGiv ing ———————— ThanksThanksThanksThanksThanksThanksThanksThanks ———————— GivinGivinGivinGivinGivinGivinGivinGivin gggggggg

Ecumenica l Thanksg iv ing Serv iceEcumenica l Thanksg iv ing Serv iceEcumenica l Thanksg iv ing Serv iceEcumenica l Thanksg iv ing Serv iceEcumenica l Thanksg iv ing Serv iceEcumenica l Thanksg iv ing Serv iceEcumenica l Thanksg iv ing Serv iceEcumenica l Thanksg iv ing Serv ice November 18 November 18 November 18 November 18————7:00 pm7:00 pm7:00 pm7:00 pm The Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service is at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church on Rt. 5. Our choir will participate along with choir members from the other churches in the Association of Churches. This heart-warming event blends a wide variety of Christian styles into a rich tapestry of thankfulness. Donations that evening benefit the Sullivan Food Pantry

St . Paul ’ s Thanksg iv ing Serv iceSt . Paul ’ s Thanksg iv ing Serv iceSt . Paul ’ s Thanksg iv ing Serv iceSt . Paul ’ s Thanksg iv ing Serv iceSt . Paul ’ s Thanksg iv ing Serv iceSt . Paul ’ s Thanksg iv ing Serv iceSt . Paul ’ s Thanksg iv ing Serv iceSt . Paul ’ s Thanksg iv ing Serv ice Thursday, November 22 Thursday, November 22 Thursday, November 22 Thursday, November 22————9:00 am9:00 am9:00 am9:00 am November is a time of Thanksgiving. We will have a quiet Eucharist worship service at St. Paul’s.

A Chr i s tmasA Chr i s tmasA Chr i s tmasA Chr i s tmasA Chr i s tmasA Chr i s tmasA Chr i s tmasA Chr i s tmas Giv ing StoryGiv ing StoryGiv ing StoryGiv ing StoryGiv ing StoryGiv ing StoryGiv ing StoryGiv ing Story Remember the tale of the little drummer boy. He was summoned to the manger to worship the Christ child. But he had no gift to bring. He was afraid he would disappoint the magi or this special Holy Family. Finally he realized that he could give of his talent and use his most treasured possession as a gift for Jesus. “Come they told me, A new born King to see, Our finest gifts we bring, To lay before the King, So to honor Him, When we come. Little Baby, I am a poor boy too, I have no gift to bring, That's fit to give the King, Shall I play for you, On my drum? Mary nodded, The ox and lamb kept time, I played my drum for Him, I played my best for Him, Then He smiled at me, Me and my drum. pa rum pum pum pum, rum pa pum pum.” How do we give to the little Christ child at this time of year? Let me offer some ideas: ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ Make your pledge to St. Paul’s for 2013; complete your 2012 pledge ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ Pick one project or gift for your church that can make a difference ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ The Madison County Appeal - and gift tree ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ The Sullivan Food Pantry can always use help &/or money and food ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ The Mission of Miracles from the Diocese of CNY ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ Episcopal Relief and Development Fund


Mother’s MusingsMother’s MusingsMother’s MusingsMother’s Musings

As I look back over 2012, it is so wonderful to be able to celebrate new babies: Angelita Saunders, Clayton Weisbrod, and Clark Jackson!

It has been sad to say good bye to the Grovers and the Mules who have moved out of state. We have been blessed with some wonderful friends! And we thank God for all they did to add to

the life of the St. Paul’s community. We welcome newcomers, Lisa, Derek, Cate and Julia McGork. Welcome Tim, Laurel, McKenzie, Matthew, and Daniel Byrne Welcome also Fred Knowlton and Sophia. We have a lovely crowd in the Sunday School these days. Many thanks to Robin Weisbrod, Tiffany Raymond, Natalie Stansbury and Molly Woodworth for working with the children. We are blessed so have such wonderful people working with our

children. Thank you Lisa McGork for covering Sunday School when we needed help! Thank you to Dorothy Saunders who faithfully opens the church every Sunday and gets the heat on and makes sure we are ready for that 8:00 service.

At Christmas time it is wonderful to have a large choir. So, anyone who can sing and learn some music please see Elizabeth and come to practices.

Holiday Dates and Worship Services Holiday Dates and Worship Services Holiday Dates and Worship Services Holiday Dates and Worship Services

DecemberDecemberDecemberDecember Sunday, Dec. 2—7:00 pm, Advent Lessons & Carols, Advent Lessons & Carols, Advent Lessons & Carols, Advent Lessons & Carols, Immaculate Conception Church, Fayetteville Saturday, Dec. 8 — 9:00 am to Noon, Advent Quiet Day Advent Quiet Day Advent Quiet Day Advent Quiet Day Sunday, Dec. 9—after 9:30 service, Winter Greening of ChurchWinter Greening of ChurchWinter Greening of ChurchWinter Greening of Church Wednesday, Dec. 19 —7:00 pm, “Worship on the Longest Night” Contemplative“Worship on the Longest Night” Contemplative“Worship on the Longest Night” Contemplative“Worship on the Longest Night” Contemplative service service service service (Includes prayers for all for whom Christmas brings bittersweet memories) Sunday, Dec. 23—after 9:30 service, Decorating for Christmas ServicesDecorating for Christmas ServicesDecorating for Christmas ServicesDecorating for Christmas Services

Monday, Dec. 24 — 5:00 & 9:00 pm, Christmas Eve Services Christmas Eve Services Christmas Eve Services Christmas Eve Services (music & Choir at both) Tuesday, Dec. 25 — 9:00 am, Christmas Day Christmas Day Christmas Day Christmas Day Quiet Holy Eucharist Sunday, Dec. 30 — 9:00 am Christmas Lessons and Carols Christmas Lessons and Carols Christmas Lessons and Carols Christmas Lessons and Carols with Holy Eucharist

JanuaryJanuaryJanuaryJanuary Sunday, Jan. 6— 8:00 am, Quiet Eucharist 9:30 am, Celebration of the Epiphany with Children’s Pageant Children’s Pageant Children’s Pageant Children’s Pageant


Brass Cleaning Brass Cleaning Brass Cleaning Brass Cleaning Dec. 15, 9:00 am Dec. 15, 9:00 am Dec. 15, 9:00 am Dec. 15, 9:00 am for Christmas followed by worship at 10:00 If you are not a member of the Altar Guild but can help with the Brass Cleaning and preparing the Altar and Vessels for the Christmas holiday please join us. If anyone would like to serve on the Altar Guild please see Mother Kathlyn or Judy Montgomery.

In the Episcopal Church, we consider every person to be a minister of the Church. Our Baptism In the Episcopal Church, we consider every person to be a minister of the Church. Our Baptism In the Episcopal Church, we consider every person to be a minister of the Church. Our Baptism In the Episcopal Church, we consider every person to be a minister of the Church. Our Baptism makes us eligible for many lay ministries in our church. Here are some ideas: makes us eligible for many lay ministries in our church. Here are some ideas: makes us eligible for many lay ministries in our church. Here are some ideas: makes us eligible for many lay ministries in our church. Here are some ideas:

LectorsLectorsLectorsLectors ———— Those who read lessons during worship

Choir Choir Choir Choir ———— The Lord says to make a joyful noise; perfection not required; bring your joy!

Eucharistic Ministers Eucharistic Ministers Eucharistic Ministers Eucharistic Ministers ———— Who assist the priest distribute Communion

Ushers Ushers Ushers Ushers andandandand Greeters Greeters Greeters Greeters ———— are important at every service

Servers Servers Servers Servers ———— Families or individuals who bring up the elements and offerings at the Offertory

Sunday School Assistants Sunday School Assistants Sunday School Assistants Sunday School Assistants ———— Helping with lessons, filling in for regular teachers, sharing your

talents and special skills for special projects... the possibilities abound.

Altar Guild Altar Guild Altar Guild Altar Guild ———— Our altar angels prepare for worship, clean up afterwards and keep our church

ready for the many types of worship we enjoy here.

Acolytes, Acolytes, Acolytes, Acolytes, “young and old”—The only age requirements are that one is able to carry the Cross

safely and pay attention through the service. See Mother Kathlyn or Mr. Montgomery for more


Hospitality Hospitality Hospitality Hospitality ———— Coffee hour is a valued tradition in the Episcopal Church - many volunteers

make light work in this area.

Needless to say there are multiple areas around the parish where we need to work together Needless to say there are multiple areas around the parish where we need to work together Needless to say there are multiple areas around the parish where we need to work together Needless to say there are multiple areas around the parish where we need to work together to keep things working well: to keep things working well: to keep things working well: to keep things working well: Vestry Vestry Vestry Vestry ———— Parish leaders who, with the Rector, deal with the overall running of the parish activities and financial matters. Committee Chairs & Members Committee Chairs & Members Committee Chairs & Members Committee Chairs & Members ———— including fellowship, education, youth activities, finance, pastoral care, worship, communication, hospitality, fund raising, mission / outreach, and building & grounds Routine Tasks Routine Tasks Routine Tasks Routine Tasks ———— regular work like mowing, snow shoveling, clean up, gardening


September 2012

Sept. Income: $6,390.15

Sept. Expense: $8,109.56

Year to Date Inc. $60,197.09

Year to Date Exp. $63,008.84

2012 Pledge Total: $55,650.00

(2011 Pledge Total: $61,598.00)


Mondays Contemplative SilenceContemplative SilenceContemplative SilenceContemplative Silence 12:15 – 12:45 Wednesdays Bible Study through book wisdomBible Study through book wisdomBible Study through book wisdomBible Study through book wisdom: The Wisdom Jesus by Cynthia Bourgeault 11 – 11:45 am, followed by Contemplative EucharistContemplative EucharistContemplative EucharistContemplative Eucharist 12 – 12:30 pm Meditation InstructionMeditation InstructionMeditation InstructionMeditation Instruction 5:30 – 6:15 pm (1st Wednesday of the month and/or by special arrangement.)

Contemplative Chanting & Silence Contemplative Chanting & Silence Contemplative Chanting & Silence Contemplative Chanting & Silence Wednesday Evening Program 6:30 – 7:15 pm Wednesday evening programs—7:30 – 9 pm 1st Wednesday ~ Vital ConversationsVital ConversationsVital ConversationsVital Conversations 2nd Wednesday - Wisdom of BodyWisdom of BodyWisdom of BodyWisdom of Body 3rd Wednesday - Gospel of ThomasGospel of ThomasGospel of ThomasGospel of Thomas 4th Wednesday - Open Labyrinth WalkOpen Labyrinth WalkOpen Labyrinth WalkOpen Labyrinth Walk

What Does Grace Look Like?What Does Grace Look Like?What Does Grace Look Like?What Does Grace Look Like? Wednesday, December 5—7:00 pm

Spiritual Renewal Center, 1118 Court Street, Syracuse

An evening retreat for Advent presented by Jim Krisher, director of the Spiritual Renewal Center. One of the most common words in the Christian vocabulary is the word “grace.” But for many people of faith, it is a very abstract word. We know grace is real (and amazing) and we’re grateful for it, but what exactly is it and how can we better recognize the working of grace in us and around us? The evening will include prayer and refreshments. Fee $20, or what you can afford. Registration - 472-6546 or

“Growing Our Faith”— Spiritual Opportunities

Wisdom House Programs 2012Wisdom House Programs 2012Wisdom House Programs 2012Wisdom House Programs 2012----13131313

Weekly Schedule Outline Weekly Schedule Outline Weekly Schedule Outline Weekly Schedule Outline Wisdom House is located across Chapel Street from Trinity Church in Fayetteville. The focus of much of the activity there is ecumenical and people from all over Central NY attend the programs which are a gift to this part of the Diocese. The people of St. Paul’s are invited to participate in any programs held at Wisdom House. See Mother Kathlyn or call Trinity Church for more information.

1111st st st st & 3& 3& 3& 3rd rd rd rd Tuesday morningsTuesday morningsTuesday morningsTuesday mornings 10:30 to noon in the Parish Hall10:30 to noon in the Parish Hall10:30 to noon in the Parish Hall10:30 to noon in the Parish Hall There is plenty of room for more to participate as we study and pray with scripture. Please see Mother Kathlyn with questions.

Benedictine Spirituality Benedictine Spirituality Benedictine Spirituality Benedictine Spirituality 2 2 2 2nd nd nd nd & 4& 4& 4& 4ththththTuesday morningsTuesday morningsTuesday morningsTuesday mornings 10:30 to noon in the Parish Hall10:30 to noon in the Parish Hall10:30 to noon in the Parish Hall10:30 to noon in the Parish Hall We seek to follow the simple "Way of Life" that began in the 5th century and continues throughout the world as a model of seeking a more spiritual life in relationship with God. We focus on mindfulness, balance in our lives and grounding ourselves in prayer practices and scripture. Come join us!Come join us!Come join us!Come join us!

Stella Maris Retreat House, Skaneateles Stella Maris Retreat House, Skaneateles Stella Maris Retreat House, Skaneateles Stella Maris Retreat House, Skaneateles ————Upcoming Programs Upcoming Programs Upcoming Programs Upcoming Programs


November 8 November 8 November 8 November 8 ---- 10:00 am to 4:00 pm 10:00 am to 4:00 pm 10:00 am to 4:00 pm 10:00 am to 4:00 pm “Inside by the Lake “Inside by the Lake “Inside by the Lake “Inside by the Lake ————Day of Prayer & Reflection”Day of Prayer & Reflection”Day of Prayer & Reflection”Day of Prayer & Reflection” Presented by Sister Pat , OSF, Co-Program Director for Stella Maris Come for a days of prayer and reflection on God’s gifts of creation. We start with an opening prayer and receive readings for private reflection. After lunch there is more time for quiet with closing prayer at 2:30. Offering $35.00 November 17 November 17 November 17 November 17 “Day of Reflection “Day of Reflection “Day of Reflection “Day of Reflection ———— Touched by Jesus” Touched by Jesus” Touched by Jesus” Touched by Jesus” Presented by Sister Concetta, Co-Program Director for Stella Maris “Jesus came and touched them.” Matthew 17:7 Throughout the Gospels we encounter Jesus touching as he healed the sick, the fearful, the distressed. The God who so greatly longed to be-come human, could not refrain from touching humanity. We will reflect on and pray with these compassionate and deeply moving experiences of the Son of God as recorded in the Gospels. “Come and see.” Offering $35.00

November 30 to December 2 November 30 to December 2 November 30 to December 2 November 30 to December 2 Advent Retreat Weekend: Backstage at Advent Retreat Weekend: Backstage at Advent Retreat Weekend: Backstage at Advent Retreat Weekend: Backstage at ChristmasChristmasChristmasChristmas Presented by Sister Pat, Co-Program Dir. for Stella Maris There was a lot of preparation for the original Christmas Pageant. God did immense planning to capture our imagination and our hearts by coming among us as a helpless baby. Come and experience the Christmas story again through the lives of the leading characters. Offering $150.00 If you need information about the Stella Maris programs or retreats or want to register for any of the programs or retreats, contact them by phone at 315/685-6836 or by email at:

“This winter they are cutting down our woods “This winter they are cutting down our woods “This winter they are cutting down our woods “This winter they are cutting down our woods

more seriously than ever…Thank God, they more seriously than ever…Thank God, they more seriously than ever…Thank God, they more seriously than ever…Thank God, they

cannot cut down the clouds.” cannot cut down the clouds.” cannot cut down the clouds.” cannot cut down the clouds.” Henry David Thoreau Nearly 50 percent of the world’s original forests have been logged. Illegal and predatory logging plays a central role in the destruction of the Amazon. It is now generally accepted that illegal logging is the norm, rather than the exception in the Brazilian Amazon. Between 60 and 80 percent of all log-ging in the Brazilian Amazon is estimated to be illegal. Since 1970 Amazon deforestation grew from one to 15 percent. Trees, like most inventions of nature, provide a range of unique services. They release the oxygen that we breathe and enrich the earth’s soil. They provide food and shelter for living things, and they act as natural barriers against elements like sun, wind and erosion. The National Wildlife Federation works with its members and supporters to protect and restore the wild places that nurture wildlife as well as the human spirit. Learn more about their programs: Learn more about their programs: Learn more about their programs: Learn more about their programs: (submitted by Ida Goins)


Holiday Bazaar

November 10, 2012 — 9:00-3:00

Luncheon —11:00-2:00

Vocal Music in the church —11:-00-Noon Come and shop for gifts, holiday decorations for the home, baked goods,

gently used jewelry, and raffle baskets. Mark your calendar. This is a great way to begin your holiday shopping. Spread the word to your families. Come to the luncheon and bring a friend. The food is both delicious and reasonably priced! The Select Choir from Chittenango High School will sing between 11:00 and 11:30. Craft ItemsCraft ItemsCraft ItemsCraft Items The committee has been working during the summer and into the fall making craft items. We welcome crafts you may make on your owncrafts you may make on your owncrafts you may make on your owncrafts you may make on your own. Just bring them to church in November when we are setting up. LuncheonLuncheonLuncheonLuncheon Chili Salad Cornbread Dessert Beverage $6.00 Look for the sign up sheet on the parish hall bulletin board to donate food or to volunteer to work at the meal. Please give money donations to Jim Montgomery. Baked GoodsBaked GoodsBaked GoodsBaked Goods Sign up to bake and bring any baked goods (Holiday desserts sell well: pies, breads, cookies, any baked goods (Holiday desserts sell well: pies, breads, cookies, any baked goods (Holiday desserts sell well: pies, breads, cookies, any baked goods (Holiday desserts sell well: pies, breads, cookies, bars) bars) bars) bars) Friday or the day of the Bazaar. Set UpSet UpSet UpSet Up If you need to bring food or items to sell for the Bazaar, we will start to set up on Thursday, Nov. 8 at 1:00—4:00 pm. Someone will be at the church on Friday, Nov. 9 from 9:30—11:30 am.

Please sign up on the bulletin board to bring food and Please sign up on the bulletin board to bring food and Please sign up on the bulletin board to bring food and Please sign up on the bulletin board to bring food and to volunteer for set up before on Friday and take down on Saturday after the volunteer for set up before on Friday and take down on Saturday after the volunteer for set up before on Friday and take down on Saturday after the volunteer for set up before on Friday and take down on Saturday after the Bazaar.

Our evening with Israel Hagan was just wonderful in September! He put on a great performance and good times rolled that day! Thanks to all who made it a success.

Thanks to everyone who helped with our CROP Walk. We raised a record amount of money to help with hunger here and across the globe.

Advent Outreach Advent Outreach Advent Outreach Advent Outreach Gingerbread Gift Tree Gingerbread Gift Tree Gingerbread Gift Tree Gingerbread Gift Tree Gingerbread Gift Tree Gingerbread Gift Tree Gingerbread Gift Tree Gingerbread Gift Tree Gingerbread Gift Tree Gingerbread Gift Tree Gingerbread Gift Tree Gingerbread Gift Tree The tree will appear in November. Choose a tag or two to donate gifts for families in need during the Christmas season. Watch for further details from the Outreach Commission.


Thank you to all who sent cards, said prayers, made phone calls and visited during and after Ed’s successful surgery. We are most grateful for our St. Paul’s family. The Pokorny Family Congratulations Congratulations Congratulations Congratulations Jennifer and Jerry Jackson on the birth of a son, Clarke Alan, who joins his big sister Olivia. Our Deepest Sympathy Our Deepest Sympathy Our Deepest Sympathy Our Deepest Sympathy Jennifer Courtright, Lew Reals Jr., and Judy Montgomery who all recently suffered the deaths of an uncle and to Tiffany and Brandon Raymond whose aunt also die. Fran Abriola on the untimely death of her husband, Dr. Jay Stark. Carol Pestell and her daughters on the sudden death of her husband, Bill. Our Thanks Our Thanks Our Thanks Our Thanks all who helped with decorating the parish hall, baking and setting up for our first Coffee House with Isreal Hagan in September. It was a great success.

Next Vestry Meetings

November 8 and December 13

6:30 pm in Parish Hall

The Agenda will be posted or published within a

reasonable time before the meeting.

CNY Diocesan ConventionCNY Diocesan ConventionCNY Diocesan ConventionCNY Diocesan Convention Nov. 16 Nov. 16 Nov. 16 Nov. 16----17, Syracuse17, Syracuse17, Syracuse17, Syracuse Lay Delegates: Dorothy Norlander, Tania Mousaw Alternate Delegates: Jennifer Courtwright, Judy Montgomery

Ret i rees ’ GroupRet i rees ’ GroupRet i rees ’ GroupRet i rees ’ Group

November 12 — Noon Lunch with Program to follow Joan DiChristina, co-founder of

the Canal Museum, will be the guest

speaker. She will explain how St.

Paul’s property played an important

role in the development of the Canal.

Please join us and enjoy the food

and company!

Return of the “Wish List” Return of the “Wish List” Return of the “Wish List” Return of the “Wish List” Perhaps someone would consider donating or providing partial or full funding for: ~~~~~~~~ Solar Lights to line the new sidewalk from the rector’s office to the back of the church. ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ A new or used Snowblower See Jamie Courtwright or Mother Kathlyn


1549 was the date of the first Book of Common Prayer, which was revised in 1552, and lightly amended in 1662, three hundred and fifty years ago. The Book of Common Prayer was the first compendium of worship in English. The words—many of them, at least—were written by Thomas Cranmer, the Archbishop of Canterbury between 1533 and 1556. Cranmer did not cut his text from whole cloth: in the ecumenical spirit that characterizes the Book of Common Prayer, he went to the Latin liturgy that the English Catholic Church had used for centuries. In particular, he turned to a book known as the Sarum Missal, which priests at Salisbury Cathedral had long used to conduct services. It contained a calendar of festivals, along with prayers and readings for those festivals; and it held orders of service for Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer, and the Mass.

The Missal was a handbook for priests and monks, though, not for the laity, and its language was Latin, not English. Cranmer wanted a prayer book in English, one that could be understood by ordinary people, even by those who could not read. To this end, he translated and simplified a good deal of the Sarum Missal: from the monastic services of Matins, Vespers, and Compline he fashioned Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer (commonly known now as Evensong), which are familiar to millions of members of the worldwide Anglican Church. He borrowed elements of the liturgy of the Reformed church in Cologne, and adapted a prayer of St. John Chrysostom from the Byzantine rite. He also wrote dozens of new prayers and collects, in a language at once grand and simple, heightened and practical, archaic and timeless. Cranmer had been a Cambridge teacher and a diplomat, before being plucked by Henry VIII to be archbishop, and he almost certainly did not imagine that he was writing one of the great, abiding works of English literature, what the historian Diarmaid MacCulloch calls “one of a handful of texts to have decided the future of a world language.” But the acute poetry, balanced sounds, heavy order, and direct intimacy of Cranmer’s prose have achieved permanence; many of his phrases and sentences are as famous as lines from Shakespeare or the King James Bible The Book of Common Prayer was born of a time of “War and Tumults.” In Europe, a powerful anti-Catholic movement had found its boldest leader in Martin Luther, who excoriated the Church in his Ninety-five Theses (1517-18). Luther attacked the Church’s practice of apparently offering salvation (or, at least, partial remission from sins) through the sale of indulgences. Luther came to believe that absolution and salvation were not in the power of the Church but were freely bestowed as gifts by God. The sinner is justified—redeemed from sin, made righteous—by faith alone in God, not by doing good works or by buying ecclesiastical favors. Thomas Cranmer was at the middle of this revolution. Henry VIII had used him in 1527 on diplomatic business, as one of the theologians tasked with arguing for the King’s divorce from Catherine of Aragon. Henry made him Archbishop of Canterbury in 1533. Only when Henry was succeeded by Edward VI, in 1547, could the reform that Cranmer wanted truly proceed. Cranmer’s Book of Common Prayer was revised in 1552, three years after its publication, in order to intensify its Protestant theology. This version became the established collective liturgy of the Church of England for the next four hundred and sixty years. Between 1645 and 1660, during the Civil War and Oliver Cromwell’s Commonwealth, it was suspended, and was then reissued in 1662, after the restoration of the monarchy. The 1662 edition is identical, in all important respects, to its 1552 predecessor, except for the addition of the Psalter, a complete version of the Psalms, by the English Biblical translator Miles Coverdale. (excerpts from “God Talk” by James Wood, The New Yorker, Oct. 22, 2012)

The History PageThe History PageThe History PageThe History Page

The The The The Book of Common Prayer Book of Common Prayer Book of Common Prayer Book of Common Prayer Is 350 Is 350 Is 350 Is 350 Years Old!Years Old!Years Old!Years Old!

ST. PAUL’S PRAYER LIST Betty Allen (Matthews/Brown’s request), Eric Baker, Ron Barber, John Brennan (Kraus’s request),

Rogers Brooks, Lena Brown, Stanley Buyea, Richard Caprici, Colette Cook, Lynn Courtwright, Jim

Daly, Valerie Daly (Mike Mills’s sister), Diana D’Amico, Leisha Doherty, Eleanor Dougan (Judy

Montgomery’s mother), Charles Eggert, Betty Every, Raymond Every, Gary Gleason, Laurie Green

(Lena Brown’s request), Eleanor Hafner, Suzanne Heidt, Peter Hudson (Schofield’s request), Wayne

Jones (Matthews’s request), Robert Mules, Dorothy Norlander, Mary Oakley, Shirley Petrie, Jessie

Salisbury (Furtado’s request), Joe Slivinski, John VanDeusen, Iris Verner (Lena Brown’s request),

Barbara Warney, Ruth Williams, Mary Wright (Winters’s request), Zoey Zavodsky

(If you do not wish a prayer list name to include the relationship or wish to remove or add a name, please contact Dorothy Saun-ders at the church office on Monday mornings.)


Disc ip l ines for the JourneDi sc ip l ines for the JourneDi sc ip l ines for the JourneDi sc ip l ines for the Journeyyyy by Henri J. M. Nouwen

Are there any disciplines to keep us moving

from dividing power to uniting power, from

destructive power to healing power, from

paralyzing power to enabling power? Let me

suggest three disciplines that can help us look

from above with the eyes of God:

• The first discipline is to focus continually on

the poor in this world. We must keep asking our-

selves: Where are the men, women and children

who are waiting for us to reach out to them?

Poverty in all its forms--physical, intellectual and

emotional--is not decreasing. On the contrary, the

poor are everywhere around us. As the powers of

darkness show their hideous intentions with

increasing crudeness, the weeping of the poor

becomes louder and their misery more visible. We

have to keep listening. We have to keep looking.

• The second discipline is to trust that God will

truly care for the poor that are given to us. We will

have the financial, emotional and physical support

we need, when we need it, and to the degree that

we need it. I am convinced that there is a large

body of people ready to help with money, time and

talent. But that body will remain invisible unless

we dare to take new risks. If we want to have all

our bases covered before we act, nothing exciting

will happen. But if we dare to take a few crazy

risks because God asks us to do so, many doors,

which we didn't even know existed, will be opened

for us.

• The third discipline is the hardest one. It is the

discipline of being surprised, not by suffering, but

by joy.... There is suffering ahead of us, immense

suffering, a suffering that will continue to tempt

us to think that we have chosen the wrong road

and that others were more shrewd than we. But

don't be surprised by pain. Be surprised by joy. Be

surprised by the little flower that shows its beauty

in the midst of a barren desert. And be surprised

by the immense healing power that keeps bursting

forth like a spring of fresh water from the depth of

our pain.

With an eye focused on the poor, a heart trusting that we will get what we need, and a spirit always surprised by joy, we will be truly powerful. We will walk through this valley of darkness performing miracles because it is God's power that will go out from us wherever we go and whomever we meet. (from: Power, Powerlessness and Power)


Behind The Scenes:

for the January / February issue:

December 16

November BirthdaysNovember BirthdaysNovember BirthdaysNovember Birthdays

7 ~ Samantha Just 12 ~ Jim Schofield 7 ~ DJ Matthews 16 ~ Robert Kay 7 ~ Susan Pratt 19 ~ Todd Chappell 9 ~ Ruth Williams 21 ~ Shane Beaty 10 ~ Derek McGork 21 ~ Jim Montgomery 10 ~ Tiffany Raymond 22 ~ David Randall 10 ~ Bernice Bramley 23 ~ Robin Weisbrod 11 ~ James Smith 27 ~ Andaria Oviedo 11 ~ Janet Winters 28 ~ Katie Woodworth 30 ~ Betsey Savage November AnniversariesNovember AnniversariesNovember AnniversariesNovember Anniversaries 3 ~ Niel & Sue Huebler 13 ~ Raymond & Betty Every

December BirthdaysDecember BirthdaysDecember BirthdaysDecember Birthdays 4 ~ Cory Huebler 16 ~ Colleen Benjamin 5 ~ Jennifer Oviedo 17 ~ Shaun Stanton 6 ~ Brandon Reals 21 ~ Tania Mousaw 6 ~ Fayann Hall 24 ~ Linda Matthews 6 ~ Alexandra Kraus 25 ~ Meredith Furtado 7 ~ Brennan Buyea 26 ~ Molly Woodworth 9 ~ Margaret Greene 26 ~ Evelyn McAllister 9 ~ Ahsinnhare Tarbell 26 ~ Sophia Yulan Feng 14 ~ Gary Pratt 27 ~ Lisa McGork 15 ~ Virginia Smith 31 ~ Bradley Noble December AnniversaryDecember AnniversaryDecember AnniversaryDecember Anniversary 21 ~ Bob & Gloria Wilkins

Saturday Night,Saturday Night,Saturday Night,Saturday Night,

November 3, 2012 November 3, 2012 November 3, 2012 November 3, 2012



Finance/Stewardship Commission: Buildings and Grounds: Darryl Tarbell (H) 697-2300 Jamie Courtwright (H) 280-4121 Fellowship Commission: Communication/Evangelism Commission: Jennifer Courtwright (C) 875-5531 Robin Weisbrod (H) 315-655-2977

Outreach / Service Commission: Pastoral Care Commission: Tania Mousaw (H) 687-7023 Education: Treasurer: Tiffany Raymond (H) 687-1136 Jim Montgomery (H) 687-6282 Clerk of the Vestry, Newsletter Editor & Web Manager Gloria Wilkins (H) 363-6065 —

Rector: Rev. Kathlyn Schofield (H)315-378-4650 (C) 481-6415 Senior Warden: Judy Montgomery (H)315-687-6282

Junior Warden: Robin Weisbrod (H) 315-655-2977 Secretary: Dorothy Saunders (H)315-687-6409 (O)315-687-6304

Director of Music: Elizabeth Kay (H)315-469-3975

Sexton: Becky Kraus (H) 315-633-2971




November 4, 2012 November 4, 2012 November 4, 2012 November 4, 2012 Chalice: Chalice: Chalice: Chalice: Janet Winters Lessons:Lessons:Lessons:Lessons: Dorothy Norlander Virginia Smith Prayers:Prayers:Prayers:Prayers: Doug Tarbell Ushers:Ushers:Ushers:Ushers: Mike Furtado PLEASE VOLUNTEER Acolyte:Acolyte:Acolyte:Acolyte: Ethan Agans Greeter:Greeter:Greeter:Greeter: Mike Furtado Elements:Elements:Elements:Elements: Noble Family Coffee Hour:Coffee Hour:Coffee Hour:Coffee Hour: Woody & Jan Woodworth November 11, 2012 November 11, 2012 November 11, 2012 November 11, 2012 Chalice:Chalice:Chalice:Chalice: Jim Montgomery Lessons:Lessons:Lessons:Lessons: Bob Wilkins Janet Winters Prayers:Prayers:Prayers:Prayers: Gordon Stansbury Ushers:Ushers:Ushers:Ushers: Woody McAllister PLEASE VOLUNTEER Acolyte:Acolyte:Acolyte:Acolyte: Alexza Weisbrod Greeter:Greeter:Greeter:Greeter: Betsey Savage Elements:Elements:Elements:Elements: Buyea Family Coffee Hour:Coffee Hour:Coffee Hour:Coffee Hour: Wilkins/Mousaw Families

Altar GuildAltar GuildAltar GuildAltar Guild Ida Goins, Jennifer Jackson April Boyle Jan Noble GREETERS & USHERS PLEASE ARRIVE 1 5 m i n . b e f o r e t h e s e r v i c e 1 5 m i n . b e f o r e t h e s e r v i c e 1 5 m i n . b e f o r e t h e s e r v i c e 1 5 m i n . b e f o r e t h e s e r v i c e

November 18, 2012November 18, 2012November 18, 2012November 18, 2012 Chalice:Chalice:Chalice:Chalice: Pam Hobbs Lessons:Lessons:Lessons:Lessons: Gordon Stansbury Gordie Stansbury Prayers:Prayers:Prayers:Prayers: Gloria Wilkins Ushers:Ushers:Ushers:Ushers: Bob Wilkins

PLEASE VOLUNTEER Acolyte:Acolyte:Acolyte:Acolyte: Ahshinnhare Tarbell Greeter:Greeter:Greeter:Greeter: Bob Wilkins Elements:Elements:Elements:Elements: Furtado Family Coffee Hour:Coffee Hour:Coffee Hour:Coffee Hour: Ron & Ethel Barber November 25, 2012November 25, 2012November 25, 2012November 25, 2012 Chalice:Chalice:Chalice:Chalice: Judy Montgomery Lessons:Lessons:Lessons:Lessons: Roberta Kincaid Doug Tarbell Prayers:Prayers:Prayers:Prayers: Janet Winters Ushers:Ushers:Ushers:Ushers: Gerry Weisbrod PLEASE VOLUNTEER Acolyte:Acolyte:Acolyte:Acolyte: Alexza Weisbrod Greeter:Greeter:Greeter:Greeter: Joanne Furtado Elements:Elements:Elements:Elements: Hobbs/Raymond Family Coffee Hour:Coffee Hour:Coffee Hour:Coffee Hour: Brian & Barb Buyea



December 2, 2012 December 2, 2012 December 2, 2012 December 2, 2012 Chalice:Chalice:Chalice:Chalice: Dorothy Norlander Lessons: Lessons: Lessons: Lessons: Judy Montgomery Virginia Smith Prayers: Prayers: Prayers: Prayers: Darryl Tarbell Ushers: Ushers: Ushers: Ushers: Mike Furtado PLEASE VOLUNTEER Acolyte:Acolyte:Acolyte:Acolyte: Ethan Agans Greeter: Greeter: Greeter: Greeter: Mike Furtado Elements:Elements:Elements:Elements: Joe & Ruth Williams Coffee Hour:Coffee Hour:Coffee Hour:Coffee Hour: Jim & Jennifer Courtwright December 9, 2012 December 9, 2012 December 9, 2012 December 9, 2012 Chalice:Chalice:Chalice:Chalice: Janet Winters Lessons:Lessons:Lessons:Lessons: Bob Wilkins Dorothy Norlander Prayers: Prayers: Prayers: Prayers: Roberta Kincaid Ushers: Ushers: Ushers: Ushers: Woody McAllister PLEASE VOLUNTEER Acolyte:Acolyte:Acolyte:Acolyte: Ahshinnare Tarbell Greeter: Greeter: Greeter: Greeter: Betsey Savage Elements: Elements: Elements: Elements: Noble Family Coffee Hour: Coffee Hour: Coffee Hour: Coffee Hour: Mike & Joanne Furtado December 16, 2012December 16, 2012December 16, 2012December 16, 2012 Chalice:Chalice:Chalice:Chalice: Jim Montgomery Lessons: Lessons: Lessons: Lessons: Janet Winters Gordon Stansbury Prayers: Prayers: Prayers: Prayers: Gloria Wilkins Ushers: Ushers: Ushers: Ushers: Bob Wilkins PLEASE VOLUNTEER Acolyte: Acolyte: Acolyte: Acolyte: Alexza Weisbrod Greeter: Greeter: Greeter: Greeter: Bob Wilkins Elements: Elements: Elements: Elements: Winters/Agans Family Coffee HouCoffee HouCoffee HouCoffee Hour: Tim & Pam Hobbs

December 23, 2012 December 23, 2012 December 23, 2012 December 23, 2012 Chalice: Chalice: Chalice: Chalice: Pam Hobbs Lessons: Lessons: Lessons: Lessons: Roberta Kincaid Gordie Stansbury Prayers: Prayers: Prayers: Prayers: Gordon Stansbury Ushers: Ushers: Ushers: Ushers: Gerry Weisbrod PLEASE VOLUNTEER Acolyte: Acolyte: Acolyte: Acolyte: Ethan Agans Greeter: Greeter: Greeter: Greeter: Joanne Furtado Elements: Elements: Elements: Elements: Buyea Family Coffee Hour: Coffee Hour: Coffee Hour: Coffee Hour: Niel & Sue Huebler December 30, 2012December 30, 2012December 30, 2012December 30, 2012————9:00 9:00 9:00 9:00 Lessons & Carols Lessons & Carols Lessons & Carols Lessons & Carols Chalice: Chalice: Chalice: Chalice: Judy Montgomery Lessons: Lessons: Lessons: Lessons: Doug Tarbell Dorothy Norlander Prayers: Prayers: Prayers: Prayers: Darryl Tarbell Ushers:Ushers:Ushers:Ushers: Mike Furtado PLEASE VOLUNTEER Acolyte: Acolyte: Acolyte: Acolyte: Alexza Weisbrod Greeter: Greeter: Greeter: Greeter: Mike Furtado Elements:Elements:Elements:Elements: Furtado Family Coffee Hour:Coffee Hour:Coffee Hour:Coffee Hour: Jerry & Jennifer Jackson Altar Guild : Altar Guild : Altar Guild : Altar Guild : Judy Montgomery Robin Weisbrod







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