st. paul’s ambassador · 08/09/2017 · our directory will not be complete without you! ......

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St. Paul’s Ambassador September 2017 1

St. Paul’s Ambassador A newsletter making Christ Jesus known,

looking forward to September 2017

“So we are ambassadors for Christ, since God is making his appeal through us.” 2 Corinthians 5:20

Every few years our congregation has completed a pictorial directory. We do this to strengthen our connec-tion to one another and perhaps to record a snapshot of the congregation that serves to preserve this mo-ment in time for generations to come.

It has been 9 years since the last directory was published. It’s time for us to update our photo directory. We will photograph all families October 2-3, from 1:30 to 9 pm each day, right here at St. Paul's.

You are invited to participate in our upcoming professional photography session.

Schedule your appointment in one of these ways:

sign up at worship on Sunday morning (through September 24th) follow the link below or get there by going to our website or Facebook page and click on the link.

Here’s the link:

Our directory will not be complete without you! For more information, see Pr. Jeff, Linda Hawkins, Karen Doane, or Shelby Boyden.

St. Paul’s Ambassador September 2017 2

Gathering News

Remember in prayer

Please remember in prayer our members and friends who are experiencing illness, all who are in hospitals or nursing homes, those who serve in the military, and families who are grieving the loss of a loved one.

Special care: Elizabeth Arnett, Mary Barb, Max Bowers, Evelyn and Elwood Funkhouser, Hope Funkhouser, Mary Y. Funkhouser, Mertie Funk-houser, and Butch Hosaflook.

Homecoming 2017!

Everyone is invited to St. Paul’s Homecoming celebration on September 10. The Reverend Carl Pattison will be our guest preacher.

Coming in September

Half Truths: God Helps Those Who Help Themselves and Other Things the Bible Doesn’t Say. You will enjoy this look at some common sayings that actually misrepresent the Bible. Offered during adult Sunday School, start-ing September 17.

Altar flowers

Altar flowers in September are given to the glory of God and in memory of our loved ones.

Luke’s Backpack/Food Pantry

Thank you for the single-serving food you provide to Luke’s Backpack!

In July, the Bread of Life Food Pantry served 67 families (212 individuals) for a total of 3,642 lbs. of food.

Thank you from On Eagle’s Wings!

Dear friends,

You are an amazing congre-gation! You have once more jumped in with both feet to support Karla’s trip north to teach Bible Camp in Fort Smith, Northwest Territories.

I am so deeply grateful for your support of Karla, Melissa, and this ministry. Karla’s adventurous spirit, along with your time, energy and love are vital to the transformative experience waiting for the children in Fort Smith.

Soon you will have stories to share about her Bible Camp experiences of how God works in the children’s lives. Be assured that you are part of the difference God will make in Fort Smith. We appreciate your generosity of self and re-sources to change lives with the assurance that they are beloved by God and always have the Promise of His Presence.

Thank you again for making sure that one day can be enough.

Making a difference together, The Reverend Lesley Hand

St. Paul’s Ambassador St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Jerome Parish

4109 Jerome Road, Edinburg, VA 22824 Office 540-856-2639

Contact Pastor Jeff May at 540-333-5928 (cell) or 540-856-2413 (home)

E-mail: Web site:


Our mission is to be a living example of God’s love.

The Rev. Jeff May, Pastor Oma Gail Simmons, Organist

Dara Booher, Pianist

Congregation Council

Linda Hawkins, Vice Chair Shelby Boyden, Secretary

Anna Barb Matt Booher Gail Dawson Karen Doane Nancy Evans

Pat Good Miranda Hawkins

Becky Jenkins Keith Knupp

Orville Smoot

Youth representative: Jean Getz

Articles for the St. Paul’s Ambassador are welcomed from members and friends of the congregation. Please submit your articles to the church office or to Gail Dawson at

Attendance and Offerings

Date 2017

Worship Attend

Worship Offering

Sun Sch Attend

Sun Sch Offering

7/16 86 $2,343.00 21 N/A

7/23 106 $1,449.02 8 $2.02

7/30 57 $1,572.85 11 $7.00

8/6 67 $2,917.00 N/A N/A

8/13 58 $1,561.00 N/A N/A

St. Paul’s Ambassador September 2017 3

Karla’s Mission Trip to Fort Smith in Support of On Eagle’s Wings

Here are photos from Karla’s Bible Camp mission to the children and families of Fort Smith, Northwestern Territories. On Eagle’s Wings is St. Paul’s mission partner. According to the 2011 census, the small town has a population of about 2,496 people, the majority of which are First Nations. The main languages are English, Chipewyan, Cree, and Michif. Wildlife—buffalo, endangered whooping cranes, pelicans—abounds in this remote, pristine environment.

Karla shared on her Facebook page that summer Bible School in Fort Smith began with the story of Noah's Ark. “Families with children and without stopped at our table, and we were able to share with them what On Eagles Wings is doing here in Fort Smith, in partnership with the Anglican church through Father David Lehmann. It was a great time and we enjoyed nice cool weather. Then we prepared for Sunday worship, and the Sundaes on Sunday that will follow.”


St. Paul’s Ambassador September 2017 4

St. Paul’s Interesting Teens & Tweens (SPITT) Attention ALL members!

Please consider ordering some delicious Shirley’s Popcorn from the youth as they will begin sales for their first Fun-raiser of the new school year be-ginning on Homecoming Sunday - September 10.

Shirley’s Popcorn Sale, September 10 - 30, 2017. ALL youth, 5th-12th graders, will be trained by the owners, Rob & Lisa Roeschley, September 10 @ 9:00 am in our Sunday School room.

Tentative Monthly Youth Group Gatherings, 2017/2018 School Year 3rd Sunday of the Month (unless stated otherwise), 4:00 - 6:00 pm

Sept 17, Pool party, Pat Good’s, 233 Wetzel Rd, Wstock February 18

October 15 March 18

November 19 April 15

December 17 - prep for caroling May 20

January 21 June 10 & 24

As always, please contact Pastor Jeff (540) 333-5928 or Karla May (540) 333-1933 for any reason. Also, please email us your sports or other activity schedules as we would love to share them with the church. Sup-port from your church family is unmeasurable!

From the Faith Community Nurse Corner I can’t believe it is September! The summer has sped by. Once again it is the time of the year where we talk about the flu season and how to stay healthy. Remember that the flu is a respiratory virus that affects large numbers of people. It can be deadly, and the sen-ior population is more likely to have complications. Therefore, the best thing to do is to prevent the flu. You prevent the flu by getting the flu shot. The flu shot does not protect against every virus, but it is made to protect against the top three viruses that were prevalent last year.

This year I have worked with Rite Aid Pharmacies, and have set up five opportunities for you to receive your flu shot. I will have a sign-up sheet available to help get numbers so that the pharmacy knows approximately how many shots to bring. Listed below are the dates and times where these clinics will take place. There will also be an opportunity to get your blood pressure checked as well. Please be sure to bring your insurance card. Seniors, you will only need your Medicare card.

Sunday, Sept 24 St. Luke Brethren Church Back Road from 12 noon to 2 pm

Thursday, Sept 28 * Reformation Lutheran Church New Market from 10 am to 12 pm

Wednesday, Oct 4 St. Peter Lutheran Church Toms Brook from 10:30 am to 2:30 pm

Wednesday, Oct 4 * St. Paul Lutheran Church Strasburg From 4 pm to 6 pm

Monday October 9 * St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Jerome From 10:30 am to 12:30 pm

*Each of these locations has a meal and fellowship.

Cookies and something to drink, as well as fellowship, are available at the other locations.

Looking forward to seeing you!

I came so that they could have life; indeed, so that they could live life to the fullest. John10:10, Common English Bible

Jeannie Coffman, Shenandoah Valley Lutheran Ministries Faith Community Nurse

St. Paul’s Ambassador September 2017 5

Help Lutheran Disaster Response Assist the Victims of Hurricane Harvey The situation: Hurricane Harvey hit the Gulf Coast of the United States on Aug. 25, 2017, threatening millions of people with multiple days of heavy rain, winds and rising tides. While many evacuated, significant damage resulted, and thousands of people may be housed in shelters for an extended period of time.

Our response: Lutheran Disaster Response’s affiliate is actively present, collaborating with community leaders and officials to initiate the proper responses, particularly the long-term recovery efforts. Together, we have a strong histo-ry of working with disasters in the Gulf Coast area. The road to recovery will be long, and Lutheran Disaster Response will be there to accompany those affected through every phase of this disaster. We invite you to stand by our neighbors on the Gulf Coast during this time. Your gifts ensure that our church will be able to provide help and hope for those left homeless or otherwise affected by this disaster for years to come.

You can donate to Lutheran Disaster Response by writing a check to St. Paul’s and designating “Hurricane Response - US” on the memo line. Thank you for your generosity.

Caregiver Support Group A caregiver support group meets on the first Wednesday of each month from 2 – 3 pm at the Shenandoah County Department of Social Services. If you are interested, see the flyer on the bulletin board, or contact Suzanne Brooks at (540) 459-6905.

Gathering Room Dedication Join us on Homecoming Sunday for the dedication of our new Gathering Room.

St. Paul’s Ambassador September 2017 6



Welcome to St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Jerome, Virginia!

Worship with us every Sunday at 10:30 am / Learn with us at 9:15 am

Mark Your Calendar! Upcoming Events for St. Paul’s

Sept 3: Holy Communion, 10:30 am. All budget requests are due to Orville Smoot or Den-

ise Dellinger by this date.

Sept 7: Finance/Budget committee meets, 7 pm

Sept 9: Installation of Bishop Humphrey, 1 pm, First Presbyterian Church, Waynesboro

Sept 10: Homecoming! Holy Communion, 10:30 am; fellowship meal after worship. At 9 am,

all youth, 5th – 12th grades, will be trained for popcorn sales.

Sept 11: (Mon) Sewing Circle resumes; lunch following.

Sept 12: (Tues) Congregation Council meeting at 7 pm

Sept 17: Sunday School for all ages resumes at 9:15 am! Holy Communion,10:30 am.

Pool party for youth at Pat Good’s.

Sept 24: Holy Communion, 10:30 am

Sept 26: (Tues) Woodstock Arby’s fundraiser for On Eagles Wings, 5-8 pm

Oct 2 – 3 (Mon – Tues) Photography (by appointment) for picture directory, 1:30 to 9 pm

both days

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