st. peter’s evangelical lutheran, wiarton & the anglican ...3 lutheran and anglican ministries...

Post on 08-Nov-2020






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1 Lutheran and Anglican Ministries of the Bruce Peninsula

Lutheran & Anglican Ministries of the Bruce Peninsula St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran, Wiarton & The Anglican Parish of the Bruce Peninsula

P.O. Box 608

Wiarton, Ontario N0H 2T0 519.534.1604 --

Thanksgiving Message for the LAAMB

We Can Live With Less And Feel Blest! Quietly accept the message planted in your heart; it can bring you good news from God. Thanksgiving is a time when we think of our many blessings. This year for thanksgiving I am thinking about the new blessing I have been given because of this special time. There is a funny story about a 5-year-old boy who is trying to get his parents to let go of the idea of him using a booster seat at the dinner table. On this one occasion the family went out to a Chinese restaurant to celebrate the father’s birthday. The mother and the father who are quite hungry, go up to the buffet table immediately to get their food. The 5-year-old didn’t go for the food because he wanted to sit in a chair without a booster seat. He was so proud of himself sitting in this chair all by himself! There he was sitting rather proudly in his own chair without a booster. Then the waiter comes along bringing a booster seat for the boy. The boy tells him he doesn’t need it, so the waiter puts the booster on the mother’s chair and says, I’II just leave it for your mom then!” The boy replies “that’s O.K. she doesn’t need it either, she let go of that years ago. Sometimes, like the little boy, letting go of something can be easy for us if we look at it in a different way. If this pandemic has taught us anything, it has shown us that we can do with less. Also, living with less has enabled us to discover new blessings. Now we would much rather have the freedom to visit our friends, gather around the Lords table for communion and not wear a mask. But in this different light of this life-threatening time, we have done without many things that we are used to. Think for a moment how many of the things that you have done without in the last seven months.

Now just reflect on that for a moment (pause) Now think of all the blessing that have come about in this special time because we let go of all those things. Here are a few:

• Our eyes are being opened to see just how dependent we are on God.

• We are being humbled, seeing how little control we really have.

• We really don’t need as many of those material possessions that we thought we do.

• We are becoming stronger in our faith taking daily reflection time to reflect on God.

• Our prayers are becoming more specific for others.

• We notice more of God’s beautiful creation.

• We are spending more time in that creation, walking/stopping to see and hear new things.

The KEY October 2020 F




e S



2 Lutheran and Anglican Ministries of the Bruce Peninsula

• We are taking the time to meet new people.

• We are thinking of others more than ourselves. And you will add many more to the list. But all these and I call them blessings, happened because we were called not to live the same way but live differently and in a new way. So this Thanksgiving I will be thinking of all these new blessings that I/we have all been given. We have not only learned that we can live with less but we now know that there are many more blessings out there than we first thought. God showers us with his blessings not only for us but that we might have more of them to share with others. Like that little boy who was trying to get his parents to let go of the idea of him using a booster seat, we are letting go and letting God in our lives and we have more blessings to share because of it. We can live with less and feel blest! Quietly accept the message planted in your heart; it can bring you good news from God. Lore and I and my family wish you a very blessed Thanksgiving with all those new blessings.

Pastor Perry

Archdeacon Perry Chuipka Contact Information

Rectory: 519-534-2607 e-mail:

Charles M. Schulz was raised

Lutheran in Minneapolis & St.

Paul, Minnesota. His beloved

Peanut Cartoons were published

in 2,600 newspapers in 75

countries in 21 different


Over 50 years Schulz wrote

17,897 Peanut Comic Strips.

3 Lutheran and Anglican Ministries of the Bruce Peninsula


18th Sunday after Pentecost, Oct. 4, 2020 (G) Isaiah 5:1-7/Psalm 80:7-15

Philippians 2:1-13/Matthew 21:33-46 10:30 Virtual Parish Service

19th Sunday after Pentecost Oct 11, 2020 (W) Harvest Thanksgiving

Deuteronomy 8:7-18/Psalm 65 2 Corinthians 9:6-15/Luke 17:11-19

10:30 Virtual Parish Service

20th Sunday after Pentecost, Oct. 18, 2020 (G)

Exodus 33:12-23/Psalm 99 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10/Matthew 22:15-22

10:30 Virtual Parish Service

Reformation Sunday, Oct. 25, 2020 (R) Jeremiah 31:31-34/Psalm 46

Romans 3:19-28/John 8:31-36 10:30 Virtual Parish Service

Worship Services are Live Streamed on Sunday at 10:30

‘This link is sent out just prior to the service’

A permanent link for anytime viewing

ZyX0EBYscw or through our web site

Sponsorship Opportunities In memory of loved ones or in celebration of a milestone in your life consider in addition to donating flowers other methods to gift our congregations through sponsorship opportunities.

The KEY may be sponsored for $60.00 An individual congregational bulletin may be

sponsored for $30.00

If you wish to make these donations, please speak with Charlotte in the Parish Office.



Together in faith,

loving and serving God by helping others.

We pledge to:

▪ be led by Holy Spirit ▪ embrace differences ▪ adapt to changing times


November 14, 2018

The Following Virtual Worship Schedule will be maintained until further notice

4 Lutheran and Anglican Ministries of the Bruce Peninsula

This Edition of The Key is Sponsored By

Marietta Heidolph

In Loving Memory of Hans Heidolph

Who Passed Away October 18, 2010

Although we smile and make no fuss

No one misses him more than us.

And when old times we oft recall,

It’s then we miss you most of all.


New location is now inside St. Peter’s Lutheran – 441 Brown Street

Same phone # 519-534-1604 Same e-mail -

Same Hours

Tuesdays 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Thursdays 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Sunday’s Worship Service

Know Someone who does not have a computer?

Give them a call and ask if they would like to at least be able to hear the service.

When the worship service is about to start make your phone call, placing the speaker on your

phone close to your computer speakers. ‘Your Telephone Buddy’ could then put their phone

on speaker so they can be comfortable and follow along.

Flowers Needed for the Altar Do you have flowers in your garden?

Wish to donate flowers in memory of a loved one? Please contact Bonnie or Steve at 519-534-0973

By Wednesday, anytime They can help with local pickup or delivery arrangements if needed.

5 Lutheran and Anglican Ministries of the Bruce Peninsula

The Parable of the Yeast Matthew 13:33

“The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into a large amount of flour until it worked all through the dough.” Jesus often made his teaching more readily understood by referring to common, everyday experiences. In this parable, he takes us right into our kitchens. The action of yeast takes place quietly; it does not call attention to itself. “He will not shout or cry out, or raise his voice in the streets.” Dough made with yeast is forgiving. The ingredients and the quantities may be varied and still produce good bread. Dough that is left to rise too long will collapse, but it only needs to be gathered up and reshaped to bake successfully. Strength is another characteristic that yeast shares with the kingdom of heaven. Sometimes I refrigerate dough overnight for baking the next day. Once there was too much dough for its usual bowl so I refrigerated it in the largest container in my kitchen – an enamelled cast iron Dutch oven. By morning the dough had risen so that it not only filled the casserole but had also raised its lid and the shelf above it. The weight of a cast iron lid and a shelf of food could not resist the strength of the yeast. “Suffering produces perseverance (and) perseverance, character.” Once I lived in a flat in a private home where my Hungarian landlady sometimes made ‘serviette bread.” When the dough was ready for rising, she would wrap it in a towel and place it in a large bowl of water. She told me the story that gave the bread its name. A woman was making bread but the dough refused to rise. Finally, in exasperation, she bundled it into the towel that was draped over it and threw it out the window. Later, as she went out to the garden, she noticed that the dough had fallen into the rain barrel. It had risen beautifully so she retrieved the dough and baked it. The bread was delicious.

Jesus said, “He who comes to me will never go hungry.” For centuries, bread has been a basic food to sustain physical life and is sometimes referred to as “the staff of life.” Jesus values little things – a cup of water, a widow’s offering, a child – and so shows us that a small gift, a simple act of kindness, a word of comfort or encouragement, can help to make the kingdom of God a reality, “on earth as it is in heaven.” And, to illustrate this truth, he uses something as insignificant as a teaspoon of yeast. Ruth Tompkins, Christ Church


Sunday October 25, 2020

Missed a Daily Reflection

Find them all on our web site!

6 Lutheran and Anglican Ministries of the Bruce Peninsula

Alain and his winter squash... ‘Lunga di Napoli’ I wanted to try to grow the large winter squash you see in the markets in Florence but was not able to find seeds for it. Last January I went to the market in San Ambrogio, found a woman who was selling this squash and asked her if she had seeds for it. She rummaged in her garbage and gave me a handful of seeds (she insisted it was a gift - she did not want any money). It produced a giant plant 15 feet wide, reaching the top of a 8 foot tall trellis, and the one squash in the photo below.

Now I am thinking that had I left it on the vine longer, it might have grown even bigger! I had to sit for the picture as it is rather heavy. I now have to find people who will take a piece of it when I chop it up!

Alain Charest, Christ Church

ords of Wisdom

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others, and if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.

Dalai Lama Submitted by Martin Hogarth

7 Lutheran and Anglican Ministries of the Bruce Peninsula

Parish Partnership Council Update

Meeting – September 9th A great deal of time at our regular PPC meeting dealt with the recommendations from the Diocese of Huron and the Eastern Synod, including the review completed by our own parish ’Resumption of In Person Worship Committee’, which was chaired by Helen Wheeler. The group started with a 29-page document and a 8 page document and managed to whittle it down to a more manageable 6 page document for our churches. Still as Helen reviewed the list of requirements many still felt it was a fairly onerous task we were facing. Even though we understand the reasoning behind all the do’s and don’ts. This document has now been passed on to your Church Council for customization based on the specific activities, building structure and requirements of your members. This work will need to be completed prior to your actual re-opening. We reviewed our parish finances and thank everyone for their continued support. We are aware it has been more of a struggle for some than others but your faithfulness in supporting our parish is greatly appreciated. St. Edmund’s reported that they have continued with their in-person bible study (maintaining social distancing) and have found it to be very uplifting especially during this time. St. Peter’s Sauble which is one of summer church’s that never had an opportunity to even open its doors this summer, held 2 council meetings over the phone and when they held their Vestry meeting, they had almost every member there. St. Margaret’s was pleased to report that they continue to have summer travellers drop by the church. They have received many positive comments about the church being left open, people were grateful of the opportunity to take a few minutes for reflection in one of the few churches available this summer. The gratitude was so extensive someone came back and donated a dozen rolls of toilet paper! Charlotte Ewbank Recording Secretary

A Little Homespun Wisdom

It’s true that we don’t know What we’ve got until it’s gone, But it’s also true that we don’t know What we’ve been missing until it arrives.

Submitted by: Gloria Charlton, Christ Church

Creative Church


Dorchester, Ontario

8 Lutheran and Anglican Ministries of the Bruce Peninsula

Solution August Word Search Puzzle

Sunday Humour

Preacher The Preacher awoke one Sunday morning and saw it was a beautiful day, and thought to himself, I don't want to go to church today. he called his associate and said, "I'm sick, would you preach for me today?" His associate assured him he would. St. Peter looked at God and said, "Are you going to let him get by with that?" God said, "No I'm not." The preacher put his golf clubs in the trunk of car and drove fifty miles away to a golf course where no one knew him. Once again St. Peter said, "God are you going to let him get by with that?" God said, "No I'm not." The preacher teed up the ball and hit it. It flew like it had never flown before, about 350 yards, bounced about three times and went into the hole for a hole in one.

St. Peter looked at God and said, "God are you going to let him get away with that?" God smiled and said, "Who is he going to tell?"

Shared by Tobermory United Church

9 Lutheran and Anglican Ministries of the Bruce Peninsula

ACROSS 1 It is God who ___ me with strength (2 Sam 22:33) 5 three thousand were ____ to their number that day (Acts 2:41) 9 All beautiful you are, my darling; there is no ___ in you (Song 4:7) 13 walking in the garden in the ___ of the day (Gen 3:8) 14 in your grandmother ____ and in your mother Eunice (2 Tim 1:5) 15 call on your god ___ he will take notice of us (Jonah 1:6) 16 they had gone through the ___ unto Paphos (Acts 13:6) KJV 17 is alive again; and was____, and is found (Luke 15:32) 18 You are in ___ because you do not know the Scriptures (Matt 22:29) 19 Thou art my beloved Son; in ___ I am well pleased (Luke 3:22) KJV 20 Do not take advantage of a widow or an ___ (Ex 22:22) 22 the poor man had nothing except one little ___ lamb (2 Sam 12:3) 23 church bench 25 Jesus was in the home of a man known as Simon the ___ (Matt 26:6-7) 27 topaz and emerald, chrysolite, ___ and jasper (Ezek 28:13) 29 David played one of these musical instruments (1 Sam.16:23) 30 The fathers eat sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on ___ (Ezek 18:2) 34 Man is a mere phantom as he goes to and ___ (Ps 39:6) 35 Let me live that ___ ___ praise you (1,3) (Ps 119:175) 37 the teachers of the law and the ___ mocked him (Matt 27:41-42) 39 ___

___not forget your precepts (1,2) (Ps 119:141) 40 He who has ears, ___ him hear (Matt 11:15) 41 pitch dark, without a ___ of brightness (Amos 5:20) 42 the men started on their way to ___ out the land (Josh 18:8) 43 All the birds of the air ___ in its boughs (Ezek 31:6) 45 and he ate locusts and ___ honey (Mark 1:6) 46 Don't let anyone deceive you in ___ way (II Th 2:3) 47 reached for his sword, ___ it out and struck the servant (Matt 26:51) 48 In that day the mountains will ___ new wine (Joel 3:18) 50 shake the ___ off your feet when you leave that home (Matt 10:14) 52 and one cake of ___ bread (Ex 29:23) KJV 54 The trees of the LORD are full of ____ (Ps 104:16) 56 I had rebuilt the wall and not a ___ was left in it (Neh 6:1) 59 My mouth speaks what is true, for my lips ___ wickedness (Prov 8:7) 61 the people shall go out and gather a certain ____ every day (Exodus 16:4) 64 Destroy this temple, and ___ ___ raise it again (1,4) (John 2:19) 66 Jesus was led by the Spirit ___ the desert to be tempted (Matt 4:1-2) 67 do not let your good be spoken ___ ___ evil (2,2) (Rom 14:16) NKJV 68 Of what ___ is an idol, since a man has carved it? (Hab 2:18) 69 LORD will go before you, the God of Israel will be your ___ guard (Isa 52:12) 70 They will be called ___ of righteousness, a

planting of the LORD (Isa 61:3) 71 for one official is ___ by a higher one, and over them both are (Eccl 5:8) 72 and a ____ of gold of fifty shekels weight (Joshua 7:21) 73 every man under his vine and under his fig ____ (1 King 4:25) DOWN 1 Philip went down to ___ ___ in Samaria and proclaimed (1,4) (Acts 8:5) 2 One of the sons of Benjamin (Gen 46:21) 3 the lizard, and the snail, and the ____ (Lev 11:30) (KJV) 4 Peter and his companions were very ___ (Luke 9:32) 5 David rebuked his men and did not ___ them to attack Saul (1 Sam 24:7) 6 I stand at the ____ and knock (Rev 3:20) 7 I will ___ my glory among the nations (Ezek 39:21) 8 the king was attracted to ___ more than to any of the other (Est 2:17) 9 Be not ___ from me, O God; come quickly (Ps 71:12) 10 strike the tambourine, play the melodious harp and ___ (Ps 81:2) 11 hurling stones and shooting arrows out of ___ ___ (1,3) (1 Chr 12:2) 12 that my ways ____ directed to keep thy statutes! (Ps 119:5) KJV 15 the inscription that was written: MENE , ___, TEKEL, PARSIN (Dan 5:25) 21 I ___ to you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus (1 Cor 1:10) 24 Half of the city will go into ___ , but the rest of the people will not (Zech 14:2) 26 the whole moon turned blood ___ (Rev 6:12) 27 upon his kingdom, to ___ it, and to establish it (Isa 9:7) 28 A ___ is hidden for him on the ground (Job 18:10) 29 head covering 31 Our dear friend Luke, the doctor, and ___ send greetings (Col 4:14) 32 in this place I will ___ peace, declares the LORD Almighty (Hag 2:9) 33 sent me from Kadesh-barnea to ___ out the land (Josh 14:7) KJV 34 he that keepeth understanding shall ____ good. (Prov 19:8) KJV 36 therefore ___ not with him that flattereth (Prov 20:19) (KJV) 38 Peter went to visit the saints in ___ (Acts 9:32) 41 they will tear me like a lion and ____ me to pieces (Ps 7:2) 44 Can ____ walk together, except they be agreed? (Amos 3:3) 45 ascending stages, so that the rooms ___ as one went upward (Ezek 41:7) 49 at the age of fifty, they must ___ from their regular service (Num 8:25) 51 I will plant them and not ___ them (Jer 24:6) 53 We hear that some among you are ___ . They are not busy (2 Thess 3:11) 54 Do not ___ up for yourselves treasures on earth (Matt 6:19) 55 father of David (Ruth 4:17) 56 I ___ half of my possessions to the poor (Luke 19:8) 57 If iniquity be in thine hand, put it far ____ (Job 11:14) KJV 58 Paul gathered a ___ of brushwood (Acts 28:2) 60 and be like a gazelle or like a young ___ (Song 2:17) 62 the people stood ____ off, and Moses drew near (Exodus 20:21) 63 ____ heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine (1 Tim 4:16) KJV 65 The sons of Shem: Elam, Asshur, Arphaxad, ___ (Gen 10:22)

October Crossword Puzzle

10 Lutheran and Anglican Ministries of the Bruce Peninsula

October 2020

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Lutheran & Anglican Ministries of the Bruce Peninsula Rectory 519-534-2607 Church Office 519-534-1604 Office Hours: Tuesday 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

1 2 3


10:30 Parish Service Video Streamed Live

5 6 10:00 God’s Coffee Hour On line Video or phone Chat


8 9



10:30 Parish Service Video Streamed Live

Harvest Thanksgiving



14 10:00 Parish Partnership Council





10:30 Parish Service Video Streamed Live


20 10:00 God’s Coffee Hour On line Video or phone Chat

21 10:00 Christ Church Council 2:00 Trinity St. Peter’s Joint Council

22 Perry away from today until Oct 28th






Reformation Sunday

10:30 Parish Service Video Streamed Live

Avgen Orders Due



28 29 30 31

All meetings, services and events are on line or conference call until further notice

Pastor Perry on Continuing Education from Oct. 26th to Oct. 31st

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