st. raphael - clover · 2014-04-22 · happy easter and remember...

Post on 08-Jul-2020






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830 S. Westhaven Drive · Oshkosh, WI 54904 ·

APRIL 20, 2014

Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord

Rev. Doug LeCaptain ..................... Pastor

Rev. Michael Warden .... Parochial Vicar

Betty Schwandt ........... Pastoral Associate



Saturday ........................................ 5:00 pm

Sunday ........... 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am

....................................................... 5:00 pm


Saturday ....................................... 4:00 pm


Mondays, Tuesdays Wednesdays …...8:00 am

at Franciscan Courts

Thursdays & Fridays ..................... 7:15 am

................................ at St. Raphael Church


Church Office .............................. 233-8044

Fax .............................................. 233-2360

Office Hours 8:00 am - 4:30 pm

......... (Monday - Friday)

Lourdes Academy ...................... 426-3626


Christ has Risen, Alleluia!



Welcome to our Easter celebration of the Resurrection of Our Lord, and to the unveiling of our new cross. What a great focal point to have when you enter the church! What a great symbol of our Christian faith! What a great sign of strength! This new cross is in gratitude for the generosity and prayers of all St. Raphael members and is the fruit of the Renewed in Faith... Enhancing the Ministry committee that worked for over a year on this project.

Many took part in the design and construction of the new piece.

The corpus is in memory of Karl & Anna Mueller and family.

The wood of the cross was handcrafted and donated by Chuck & Laura Krier, along with

the team at Krier’s Construction.

The corpus and disk was designed and made by Gianfranco Tassara of Inspired Artisans, Ltd.

The electrical work and installation done by Beez Electric, Inc.

Please know that the cross is the first of a multi-phase parish project. As a Catholic parish, we believe that the Eucharist is the center and the summit of our faith. Every week day and every Sunday, thousands of believers celebrate the Mass – the Paschal Mystery – the Passion, Death & Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In that light, our worship space is central to us as community and as sacred space. Due to the large numbers of individuals and families who participate weekly, our current worship space is ready and waiting for a “renewal”. Our cross is part of the first phase in this renewal of our church which is now 20 years old.

The “renewal” will enhance the worship and ministry experience by providing a comfortable, efficient, safe and welcoming sacred space to all who enter. To accomplish this goal, St. Raphael will undertake a 2nd and 3rd phase of the renovation project which is to improve the worship space and Good Samaritan Hall while addressing other facility and infrastructure issues. We have received donations for the current phase and are working on other parts of the project while continuing to seek donations to cover costs.

Happy Easter and remember that Easter is an octave, an 8-day celebration, and the season lasts until Pentecost. We celebrate 50 days of joyful exultation. We sing ALLELUIA again and wear our new Easter cloths. We proclaim that Jesus Christ is risen from the dead and is among us. Fr. Doug PS: In the spirit of Stewardship of Service, thank you to so many that have helped with our Lent, Holy Week,

and Easter celebrations, fish fry, religious education sessions, and so many other volunteer opportunities.

Thank you to those that have already turned in your stewardship of service sheets for next year, and those that

will in the next 2 weeks.

PARISH STAFF Administrative Assistant ............................................ Jill Eaton

Coordinator of Social Communications ............. Sara Erickson

Coordinator of Music and Liturgy ........................ Karen Dean

Coordinator of Stewardship ............................ Sr. Sylvia Egan

Executive Secretary ....................................... Deb Ransbottom

Facilities Management ..................................... Mike Sheridan

High School Youth Ministry ............................... Tanya Heilke

Financial Department ... Anne Glowcheski, Mark Lindekugel

Religious Education Dep...................Jessie Adrians, Kelly Vidmar

Religious Education Secretary .................................. Ann Olig


Business Manager - Mark Lindekugel

Deacons - Greg Grey, John Ingala

Spiritual Director - Sr. Anne Marie Lom

Trustees - Josh Adrians, John Thiel



Sunday, April 20 Happy Easter

Oshkosh Area Food Pantry Collection

4:30 pm NO Confessions 5:00 pm NO Mass

Monday, April 21 8:30 am NO RU Support

6:30 pm Oremus

6:30 pm No Scouts

Tuesday, April 22 4:15/5:30/6:45 pm NO RE Classes 6:45 pm NO Quarter 4 High School RE Sessions

Wednesday, April 23 9:30 am Women’s Spirituality 1:00 pm Oremus 4:15/5:30/6:45 pm NO RE Classes 8:00 pm NO Quarter 4 High School RE Sessions

Thursday, April 24 7:15 am Mass

6:00 pm Baptism Class

6:30 pm Parish Council Meeting

7:00 pm Adult Choir

7:00 pm Men’s Choir

Friday, April 25 7:15 am Mass

Saturday, April 26 First Communion Weekend 8/9/10:00 am First Communion Practice

8:00 am Fr. Carr Meal Prep

4:00 pm Confessions

5:00 pm Mass

7:00 pm Encounter

Sunday, April 27 First Communion Weekend 10:00 am VBS Meeting

4:30 pm Confessions

5:00 pm Mass

Stewardship of Sharing

Week ending 04/13/2014

Budgeted Expenses: $ 26,420

Offertory Collections:

Envelopes $ 18,299

Loose Collection $ 1,925

EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) $ 797

Other Revenue $ 845

Total $ 21,866

Deficit $ (4,554)

We would like to take this opportunity to

welcome our guests who have come to worship

with us this Blessed Easter. We

hope that you will come worship

with us again soon. Our regular

weekend Masses are on Saturday,

5 : 0 0 p m , S u n d a y, 7 : 3 0 am ,

9:00 am, 11:00 am and 5:00 pm. If

you are interested in becoming a

member of our faith community,

New Member Information Weekend is the first

weekend of every month after all Masses, or you

may pick up an information folder in our parish

office Monday-Friday, 8:30 am-4:00 pm.

St. Raphael Staff


-CHWC Applications available for the

summer mission trip. There are only 5 spots

left for this trip.

Sunday, April 27-Group Meeting #2 Campers/

Chaperones at 3:30 pm.

Summer Calendar for High School classes is

now available. All registrations are on a first

come-first serve basis.

Orientation for 8th grade students (and their

parents) entering into 9th grade fall of 2014

will be held on Tuesday, May 20 and

Wednesday, May 21 at 6:30 pm.

Are You a Busy Mom and looking for connection?

Are you a Mom? Interested in learning more about your faith? Looking for community with other Catholic Moms? We are beginning a Mom's Group to satisfy these needs. Our first meeting will be Thursday, May 1 @ 9 am; we will begin with a book entitled, 10 Catholic Women Consider the Things That Really Matter. For more information, please email Pollyanna Kilde, Children are welcome, and we are actively looking for some-one to help with child care at this time.



This week’s Memorial Candle is burning in loving memory of

Larry Scarpace.

High School Youth Ministry Fundraising Weekend Saturday, May 10- Mother/Daughter Tea from 11-2pm A Tea for all ages to enjoy! Silent Auction, Raffles, Art and Craft Sale Enjoy a time together with your favorite ladies Tickets are on sale now for just $10 each (ages infant to 4 years are free) menu includes: Tea sandwiches, delicious deserts, teas, coffee and punch. All proceeds will support the summer mission trip.

Arts and Craft Sale after each Mass on Mother’s Day weekend!

Wilderness Escape!

VBS is coming August 11-15

Our next VBS planning meeting is Sunday, April 27, 10-11 am. Anyone interested in helping to plan VBS is welcome!

We need help

with set design and construction. If you are “handy” please contact Erin Bal at 642-0660 or email

Middle and High School Volunteers will be needed! Please be sure to save August 11-15, 8:30-12:00 on your calendar!

Memorial Day Flag Planting and Ice Cream Social

Who: All students grades 6-8

When: Wednesday, May 21, 6:00-8:30

Where: Sacred Heart Cemetery, Oshkosh Details: We will meet at the cemetery to plant flags in honor of Memorial Day.

Following the flag planting we will go to Berry Fresh Frozen Yogurt for food and fellowship

Permission slips are in Kisok 85 or available online at They are due by Monday, May 19

to Jessie Adrians

Faith Formation Corner

There will be NO Religious Ed. classes the

week of April 15/16 and April 22/23

First Communion Celebrations are weekends

of April 26/27, May 3/4 and May 17/18.

Please keep our First Communicants in your


The end of the year prayer service and

celebration for Religious Education will be

May 6 & 7 during regular class times. If you

are able to donate towards the purchase of

ice cream sandwiches for our celebration,

please contact Jessie Adrians at 233-8044 or


Reflecting on the Scriptures “We are witnesses of all that he did both in the country of the Jews and in Jerusalem. They put him to death by hanging him on a tree.

This man God raised on the third day and granted that he be visible, not to all the people, but to us, the witnesses chosen by God in

advance, who ate and drank with him after he rose from the dead. He commissioned us to preach to the people and testify that he is the

one appointed by God as judge of the living and the dead. To him all the prophets bear witness, that everyone who believes in him will

receive forgiveness of sins through his name.” ---Acts 10:39-43

Our Savior Lives! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Mary of Magdala came to the tomb on that morning and saw that the stone had been moved. What did she do? She ran to

tell Peter and John. Peter and John dashed to the tomb where John saw the burial cloth lying there, and he believed. These

followers of Jesus, Mary of Magdala, Peter, and John were among the first witnesses of Jesus’ Resurrection.

So what does this mean for me? Because He lives, I also inherit life eternal through my faith in Christ. Jesus’ Resurrection

is the source of my hope!! Jesus defeated the power of sin and death for me. I can’t defeat either, yet Jesus has made both

possible! He loves me so much that he gave himself over to crucifixion and death for me. And so I celebrate, for his

victory is mine! And yours, too! In my believing and in my repentance of my sins, I have victory over death.

While I was not there to see the empty tomb, I am a witness of what Jesus is doing in my life now, for he is healing,

providing, loving, and forgiving in the now of my life. My experience of Jesus reads like its own Gospel telling the “Good

News of Jesus” acting in my life. I, too, am commissioned to be a witness of Jesus. Matthew 28, “Go, therefore, and make

disciples of all nations , teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until

the end of the age.” The reading from Acts uses the word “witnesses” 3 times, for that is what I, and you, am/are. Jesus

has lifted me from the depths of despair, from hopelessness in a seemingly hopeless situation; he has comforted me, and

provided for me when I had close to nothing. He has rescued me countless times from the depths of despair and sin. What

do I do with that knowledge and experience? I am called to be his witness to others that He is alive and acting in my life

now, today.

I am called to be the witness of the living God. I can tell my story of Jesus’ power and action in my life. I know that my

Redeemer lives. Yes, I know personally, based on experience that Jesus lives and conquers! I am called to be his witness at

this time in this age. “This man God raised on the third day and granted that he be visible, not to all the people, but to us.

He commissioned us to preach to the people and testify that he is the one appointed by God. [We], the witnesses chosen by

God in advance, that everyone who believes in him will receive forgiveness of sins through his name.”

Today is the pinnacle of our faith. It is the pinnacle of the Church year. Rejoice! Alleluia! He lives! Happy Easter!

Now go and tell, be His witness!

Betty Schwandt - Pastoral Associate

These are the newest members of the Body of Christ!

Congratulations and Welcome!

Confirmation Ginger Lennon

Lois Noone Michael Noone Nicole Adrian

Profession of Faith Eucharist

Confirmation Jennifer Noone Sarah Schaefer

Trevor Gold Wes Pomplun


Confirmation Michael Bise

Jennifer Fisher Amy Smith

Baptism Hope Houts

Baptism, Eucharist Jonathan Kohlhoff Benjamin Houts

Eucharist Haley Laber

Hunter Martinson Carson Kasuboski



I tuned into the TV show about halfway through. A middle-aged African-American woman was talking to a group of teens, a gospel choir she had formed in the heart of Harlem. One by one, the woman was encouraging each teen to shout out their name and where they were from. But one girl remained mute, standing with tears in her eyes. The woman’s goal was to replace the hopelessness in these kids’ lives with hope, so she had discouraged talking about the negativity that surrounded them. But the silent girl stirred something in her. She knew that a close family member of the girl had recently died and that’s when she asked the question that turned everything around. She asked her what had happened. Then she asked who else had had someone close to them die. Every hand in the room went up. The woman listened to their stories and realized that most of these kids didn’t think they’d live much past their 18th birthday. They expected to die young, and with little family or community to support them they could be right.

That’s when she began to understand how important it was for the teens to talk about what was going on in their lives. And, as they talked, the walls came down. The end of the program featured the choir singing in – and winning – a gospel choir competition. This was the moment the woman had been dreading, the time when each teen was to shout out their name. Some had parents or other family members in the audience cheering them on but the girl who couldn’t speak had no one. “Amanda Jones, Harlem!” “Charlie Francois, Harlem!” Closer and closer. Would the girl find her voice, even with no familiar face in the audience to encourage her? “Marlene Powell, Harlem!” She did it! The choir director cried; the other students cheered. What had been dead in Marlene had come to life again.

“Mary of Magdala came to the tomb…and saw the stone removed…” And because someone cared enough to listen, Marlene Powell had risen from the dead…

Vinal Van Benthem

Visit to our Sister Parish

Several weeks ago we visited Holy Family parish in Lafayette, TN. Just as with our former sister parishes in Hamburg, AR and Waldron, AR, we were welcomed with open arms! We met with Fr. Vic Subb, the pastor, and several members of the parish council and the Hispanic community. Under Fr. Vic’s leadership, the parish had grown and had become more well-known because of the charitable works that they perform in the community. We participated in the 8:30 English Mass on Sunday. The church was full, about 125 people. We weren’t able to stay for the Spanish Mass at 5 pm, but were told that there would be at least 150.

They have coffee and donuts each Sunday after Mass followed by elementary and middle school Religious Education held in the small rooms that surround the church. Tom attended the newly formed Knights of Columbus meeting which had both English and Spanish speaking members.

Fr. Vic told us to extend a welcome to any parish members who may be traveling in the area of Nash-ville, to come and visit.

Within the next few weeks, we will write more about the activities of Holy Family and how St. Raphael’s can become more involved.

Tom and Maureen Donovan

Sister Parish Mission Coordinators

Radio Broadcast Mass

Our Sunday morning radio Mass is broadcast at

9 am on WOSH AM 1490.


Bible Study and Breakfast Group Fr. Carr’s Place 2B Chapel

*Second Saturday of the Month at 8:00 am

(*Due to schedule conflicts, May’s meeting will be on May 3)

All are welcome!

Lead by Fr. Doug LeCaptain. Reference materials and breakfast provided at no charge. You are asked to bring your own Bible. For more information, contact Al Eisma at 203-5056.

Oshkosh’s 4th Annual

Chester Marcol 5k Walk for Suicide Awareness

April 26, 2014

Oshkosh North High Gym 1100 W Smith Ave

Oshkosh Registration:

$25 - Age 13 and up

$15 - Age 12 and under 7:30 am Registration

8:00 am Presentations 9:30 am Walk starts

Register online at: or for more information:

ALL PARTICIPANTS registering DAY OF RUN/WALK will be required to provide VALID PHOTO ID and sign waiver of liability. NO EXCEPTIONS.





5:00 pm J. Strand, M. Kirsch, T. Polishinski,

R. Vandersee Family

7:30 am M. & D. Butler, T. & C Kniep

9:00 am M. & J. Heuchert, R. & L. Case,

J. Brantmier

11:00 am T. & V. Sorensen, C. Anderson Family,

R. Lemieux

5:00 pm 4 NEEDED!


5:00 pm J. White, B. Feig, G. Hetzel, D. Strand

7:30 am D. Timmer, C. Zaniewski, B. Pickart,

J. Martin

9:00 am T. & B. Glaeser, M. Diker (1 needed)

11:00 am A. Langenfeld, N. Hofacker, C. Miller,

R. Kuklinski

5:00 pm M. Hammen, J. Hagen, (1 needed)


5:00 pm Cheyenne Stadler-Gram, Jacob Kaszuba,

Hans Woldt

7:30 am Cecily/Carly/Claire Vandenhouten

9:00 am Jacob Diker, Rosa Natalia Giron,

Preston Ruedinger

11:00 am Carver Schmidt, Calayah Thomas,

Jack Brooks

5:00 pm Bobbi Allison, Lia Jaworski (1 needed)


5:00 pm Assigned, T. Rochon-Luft

7:30 am J. Skroski, R. Vandenhouten

9:00 am Assigned, J. Lucas

11:00 am Assigned, L. Brooks

5:00 pm J. Thiel (1 needed)


5:00 pm M. Malchow

7:30 am L. Loker

9:00 am P. Florek

11:00 am B. Laabs

5:00 pm K. Hammen


5:00 pm Kathryn/Jim/Karen

7:30 am Jenna/Jen Cook

9:00 am Annemarie/Angie/Small Group

11:00 am Annemarie/Betsy

5:00 pm Ekklesia

PARISH LIFE Mass Intentions

Saturday, April 19 8:00 pm John and Nancy Piencikowski† John Bathke † Sunday, April 20 7:30 am Dr. John F. Check Larry Lewellyn † 9:00 am Alma Dorschner Genevieve Galica † 11:00 am Diana & Horatio Chu † Franklin Kuether † Monday, April 21 8:00 am At Franciscan Courts † Tuesday, April 22 8:00 am At Franciscan Courts † Wednesday, April 23 8:00 am At Franciscan Courts † Thursday, April 24 7:15 am Bernice Bickson† Friday, April 25 7:15 am Frank Rich † Saturday, April 26 5:00 pm Bernie Miller † John Pence † Sunday, April 27 7:30 am Veronica Sawitski † 9:00 am Richard Hentz † Norbert Dietzen † 11:00 am Fuchs & Flanagan Families † Leon Grey † 5:00 pm For our parishioners

Readings for the Week of April 20, 2014 Sunday: Acts 10:34a, 37-43, Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8, Jn 20:1-9 or Mt 28:1-10 or Lk 24:13-35 Monday: Acts 2:14, 22-33, Mt 28:8-15 Tuesday: Acts 2:36-41, Jn 20:11-18 Wednesday: Acts 3:1-10, Lk 24:13-35 Thursday: Acts 3:11-26, Lk 24:35-48 Friday: Acts 4:1-12, Jn 21:1-14 Saturday: Acts 4:13-21, Mk 16:9-15 Next Sunday: Acts 2:42-47, 1 Pt 1:3-9, Jn 20:19-31 ©Liturgical Publications Inc

R U Support is a ministry to the recently unemployed and underemployed. ** We meet in Good Samaritan Hall at St. Raphael Parish on Monday morning from 8:30 – 10:30 am. All are welcome. Questions? Call the Parish Office - 20-233-8044. ** Please note that we will not have an RU Support meeting on Monday, April 21.

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