stages of film poster

Post on 22-Jan-2017






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MAKING OF FILM POSTERBy Zack Christodoulou

Stage 1

Firstly, I had to choose a picture to use for my poster and I wanted to make sure that it was the right one. This is the picture I believed to be the best.

Stage 2

I then opened it in Photoshop and cropped the picture to make it a poster sized image.

Stage 3

I then changed the brightness and contrast of the picture because the blood was coming out more pink than red and the picture was too light for the feel of the poster I was going for.

Stage 4

I then changed the exposure of the picture because when I darkened the image with the brightness it was too dark for the picture overall. Therefore, I changed the exposure of the picture to make it brighter but it still looks dark.

Stage 5

I then changed the colour balance of the picture to make the red more red rather than pick. The blood is very important in my poster and after playing around with the colour balance. This was the result.

Stage 6

After tweaking with the image it was time to add the writing for the image. Firstly, I put the name at the top of poster and found this font online because I didn’t like any of the default fonts Photoshop offer.

Stage 7

I then made a billing block for my film poster. This didn’t take that long because you can download the font from the internet and import straight into Photoshop and edit the billing block from there.

Stage 8

After the billing block I wanted to add the ‘coming this summer’ underneath the title to make the poster look more like a poster. I made sure that I used the same font as the title to make it look more professional.

Stage 9

I then added a subtle rating box underneath the billing block. I thought this little touch would make it look more like a poster.

Stage 10

Even more subtlety added to the poster. The finishing touches. I added the Dolby and HD, DVD stamps to the poster to make it look that much more genuine.My next blog post will show the poster in full.

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