stages of script development

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Chapter 3, Stages of Script Development Writing for visual media by Anthony Friedmann


Chapter 3, Stages of Script Development

Writing for visual mediaAnthony Friedmann

Ikalawang PangkatAFL 759d Pagsulat sa Tri Media

2nd term 2014-15

Scriptwriting is a process

begins with gathering information



ends with devising a creative concept

the visual idea then needs to be developed through some kind of

outlined or treatment

then it needs to be scripted in a format

first draft script initial attempt to transpose the content of the

treatment into a screenplay or script format appropriate to the medium.

Pitching talking, not writing

part of the communicating and selling of ideas in both the entertainment and the corporate communication industries

treatment after the concept comes the treatment

Treatment involves expanding the concept to reveal the

complete structure of the program with the basic content or storyline

about the structure and arrangement

the narrative order must be clear

treatment all the principal characters should be


all the principal themes and points of exposition in all a factual or corporate program should be laid out

treatment must always be written in the present tense.

Background research and Investigation

Interviewing People are another source of information

Some people are experts in their field

Interviewing open questions

closed questions

double-barreled questions

leading questions

hypothetical questions

self-assessment questions

Brainstorming and Freeing your Imagination

Brainstorming usually means just writing down all your ideas as they come to your without constraint or formality. It means setting up your imagination by free association and by doodling.


the first format document you wrote in the scriptwriting process is called a concept or creative concept.

A concept is written to persuade a key decision maker such as a producer

 Voice narration and

dialogue One of the particular skills that a written

needs to bring to the writing of a script is the ability to write dialogue and voice narration.

Language described for the sound track should to the

following: be clear

complement the image

match the character or subject matter

must be pronounceable or speakeable

the suitable for the target audience


every stage of the scriptwriting a process involves readers and critics. Revision is the hardest part of a writers job because it means being self-critical


final draft

it is the final document that incorporates all the revision and input of client or producer and all the improvements and finishing touches that a scriptwriter gives to the writing job even when not explicitly asked for scriptwriters like all writers look at their work with a critical eye and seek constant improvement.

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