start with why: social media mindset for professionals

Post on 29-Nov-2014






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Inspired by Simon Sinek's TEDX talk and subsequent book: "Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action, this presentation serves to help businesses to establish a WHY before they engage in Social Media marketing efforts, before they focus on the HOW or the WHAT. Chrissanne Long believes everything starts with WHY, even Social Media. If businesses are struggling with Social Media, maybe it's because their WHY isn't strong enough!


  • 1. Social Media Mindset for Professionals By Chrissanne Long MSB Local and Lakeland Business LeadersExpand Your Online

2. Started Marketing System Blueprints, LLC in 2009 with Partner Craig Hosking Rebranded in 2014 to MSB Local Chrissanne has a Masters Degree in Internet Marketing and Craig has experience in online marketing for investment Real Estate Initial business model was servicing non-local businesses with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Social Media Marketing, but when we discovered our own WHY, we shifted our focus to meet the needs of our community.Our WHY: To help our community grow Small businesses are the backbone of our community. We saw the opportunity to make a difference and transitioned our focus to local, small business who were struggling in the down economy and in need of new marketing strategies.Our passion to help small business also led us to create...Expand Your Online 3. A FREE Facebook Group for Lakeland Professionals, currently representing 1,500 REAL, People in the Lakeland area! We are about connections: Real, authentic relationships. We are about answers: Local solutions to meet local demand. We are about community: Supporting the people of Lakeland. Join @ Expand Your Online 4. Do you like to feel marketed to?Do you like commercials?Do you like closing deals?Do you like building relationships?Expand Your Online 5. The more it changes, the more it is the same thing. - Jean-Baptiste Alphonse KarrExpand Your Online 6. How much business gets closed as a result of relationships built on the golf course?How often do business owners, CEOs and bank presidents consider the ROI of the golf course and this traditional networking practice of relationship building?Expand Your Online 7. Advantages of playing golf in business: Find things in common Learn what a prospect cares about Break down barriers Discover character traits of the person (to decide if you want to do business with them) Get to know people on a personal level Expand Your Online 8. Nietsche died in 1900Expand Your Online 9. Expand Your Online Reach 10. Simon Sinek - Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action We follow those who lead, not for them, but forourselves. And it's those who start with "why" that have the ability to inspire those around them or find others who inspire them. --Simon SinekAsk yourself: Why am I in business? Whydoes my business exist?Expand Your Online 11. Your WHY is not the same as what you seek as a result. You want to have 2,000 fans or followers You want to become famous or rich You want to grow your businessYour WHY is what drives you and propels you and makes you discover HOW to do WHAT you do.Expand Your Online 12. Why Cash Mobs in Lakeland? Raise awareness for local businesses in the community Generate a social media buzz for the Lakeland small business owners/communityWhy Lakeland Business Leaders? Facilitate and illustrate for small businesses the power of social media Create a platform to give local businesses a way to connectOther Examples? Expand Your Online 13. Expand Your Online 14. Expand Your Online 15. John Howard CEO Coach TEC Savvy CEOExpand Your Online 16. Have Have Have Have Have Have Have Havea Facebook account? 2 Facebook accounts? a LinkedIn account? a Twitter account? a Google+ account? a Pinterest account? an Instagram account? other Social accounts? Expand Your Online 17. Expand Your Online Reach 18. Everyone says I should!!! I need to keep up with my ______ friends I like to play Farmville Its fun to see what everyone else is doing My grandkids I dont know!?!Its part of my marketing plan Expand Your Online 19. Expand Your Online 20. To help others solve problems To identify common interests To collaborate and partner with others and build community. To LISTEN to what matters most to others To identify relevant content sources To get the Scoop To celebrate, extend concern or appreciation To learn from others To have fun! TO BUILD STRONGER RELATIONSHIPS Expand Your Online 21. Both parties are committed to the relationship and there is mutual benefit. Both parties authentically care about each other. Both parties are willing to listen, share ideas and be committed to developing the relationship. Expand Your Online 22. You know that moment in a conversation when you or the other person discovers something you have in common Your eyes light up, posture and body language become more animated Theres a me too moment.Expand Your Online 23. Expand Your Online 24. Expand Your Online 25. Put on the hats of the people you want to attract (This isnt about YOU! Its about them!) Expand Your Online 26. Everyone is not your Social Media Audience! You need to know who your customers are, and their virtual hangouts! Expand Your Online 27. Everett Rogers Professor of Rural Sociology - 1962Expand Your Online Reach 28. Every industry, niche or topic has a TREND. Within some trends some people are the Innovators, and some are the Laggards But neither are the sweet spot. Identifies like-minded individuals (aka Early Adopters, and Early Majority) THEY ARE YOUR AUDIENCE! Expand Your Online Reach 29. Social Media requires that you pay attention to your audience! The laggards are not your audience! (and you probably dont want them to be!) So stop trying to force them into your funnel. Your goal must be to inspire people to take action. (How do you do that?)Expand Your Online Reach 30. You will be able to Identify YOUR. ONE. THING It will propel you forward consistently. Because you are passionate about YOUR. ONE.THING. Keep you focused on whats most importantIncrease your desire to master the way to get YOUR. ONE. THING out to more people!!! Inspire you to be remarkable at YOUR. ONE THING. Expand Your Online 31. Very few people or companies can clearly articulate WHY they do WHAT they do. When I say WHY, I dont mean to make money thats a result. By WHY I mean what is your purpose, cause, or belief? WHY does your company exist? WHY do you get out of bed every morning? And WHY should anyone care? -Simon Sinek Expand Your Online 32. To find your one thing, you must answer Why do you exist? Why does your company exist? What is your passion? What do you know that can make a difference in the lives of those who you will attract? What can you talk about every day eat, sleep, breathe? What will cause you to rise up and argue or debate, maybe even lose your temper? What is your strongest conviction or belief?Expand Your Online 33. An Innovator interested in man-powered flight He had sufficient funding, the best minds and favorable market conditionsHis WHY: Being the First to successfully fly a plane. This is actually a WHAT he was focused on a result Expand Your Online 34. Expand Your Online 35. They were innovators tooThey had no notoriety and no fundingTheir WHY: Belief in the Promise of FlightCredited with the First Man-Powered Flight December 17, 1903Expand Your Online 36. Identify your WHY for Social Media (or business in general) Develop a strong understanding of your ideal customer or prospect. Begin to learn HOW and commit to a Social Media Marketing Plan (Whatever it takes) Expand Your Online 37. When youre playing golf with a prospect, youre not always sure if/when they are growing closer to making the purchase.Youre there to build the relationshipAllow time for the process to workSometimes, youre just churning butter! Expand Your Online 38. Adapted from Jeff Olson The Slight Edge Playful frogs jump in a pail of cream This is FUN! They grow tired, but cannot get out of the pail. One gives up and drowns The other keeps believing he can find a way out. He keeps churning his legs until hes churned the cream into a solid mass of butter!Expand Your Online 39. Be committed to the process When youre authentic and committed to your WHY, people will recognize that and build the KLT Factor Know, Like, Trust If it appears nothing is happening, and your committed to your WHY, be confident that youre churning butter! Expand Your Online 40. InterestEngagementActionExpand Your Online 41. Focus on being interesting, and you will naturally gain the engagement that is necessary in successful Social Media Marketing.Expand Your Online 42. Isnt the goal to get people to take action? YES! However, this is part of the HOW in your strategy.Because you wont get the action, unless you have the interest and the engagement.Expand Your Online 43. People will see through you, if you are driven by anything other than your WHY.Expand Your Online 44. When you have identified your WHY, everything about you/your company becomes aligned. Apple Zappos Volvo Michelin Chick-fil-AExpand Your Online 45. How do you go into someones office and say, From now on, please, a little more authenticity. That marketing piece youre working on, a CEO might instruct, please make it a little more authentic. Whatdo companies do to make their marketing or their sales, or whatever theyre doing more authentic?The common solution is hilarious to me. They go out and do customer research, and they ask customers, what would we have to tell you for us to be (appear) authentic to you? This entirely misses the point. You cant ask others what you have to do to be authentic. Being authentic means you already know. Expand Your Online 46. People dont buy what you do, they buy why you do it.Expand Your Online 47. Watch the Start with Why TED Talk on YouTube Buy the book (or the audio narrated by Simon Sinek) Complete the Start with Why worksheet ( Identify your WHY. Select YOUR. ONE. THING Allow your WHY to propel you forward, to lead and inspire your followers. Expand Your Online Reach 48. Expand Your Online 49. Pinterest Marketing Made Easy Facebook Marketing Made Easy LinkedIn Marketing Made Easy Twitter Marketing Made Easy SEO Marketing Made Easy 15 Marketing Strategies for Small BusinessVisit for more details!Expand Your Online 50. Facebook (Timeline): Facebook (Page): Twitter: @chrissannelong @lkldbizleadersLinkedIn: Google + Expand Your Online

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