starting measurements

Post on 12-Sep-2021






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Starting Measurements

Measurements Before After NotesChest at nipple heightLower Abs largest circumferenceWaist at belly buttonHips largest circumferenceThighs midpoint of thighArms midpoint of armBody Weight in lbs. or kgs.

DATE STARTED (date started program): __________________

DATE FINISHED (date completed program): __________________

Food JournalYou may wonder whether it’s really necessary to keep a food journal. My answer is, without a doubt, yes. People who take the time to record the foods they eat are significantly more successful on the Diet Solution Pro-gram than people who don’t. Remember that you will not need to record everything you eat for the rest of your life. Food journaling is just a part of the learning process: learning to recognize which foods your body responds to best, and in what amounts.

When I first changed my own eating habits and lifestyle, I started keeping an accurate record of everything I ate and how I felt after each meal. After 2 months, I wrote fewer notes because I had learned which foods made me feel best and in what amounts. I continued journaling for about 6 months, total, and then stopped. Now, years later, if I feel unwell, I use my food journal again to try to pinpoint and remove a food-related cause.

Your Diet Solution Food Journal will be a written record of all of the foods and meals that you eat each day. This particular journal contains enough entry sheets for 8 weeks total. After you have completed the first 8 weeks of the program, you can then assess whether or not it is really necessary for you to continue to write down all of your food and meals. If you feel that keeping a journal has been an integral part of your success, I encourage you to print out another 8 weeks. If you feel that you have already established this way of eating as a lifestyle for you, you may want to try to go without it. I, myself, go back to keeping a food journal whenever I feel that I am getting a bit off track and deviating from what I know is a healthy meal plan too often. Writing down exactly what you are eating each day is a perfect way to get right back on track. - 3 -

Because I want you to actually use this tool, you should choose the food journal format that will work best for you. Consider the following suggestions, and then follow the instructions for creating your personal Diet Solu-tion Food Journal.

• A notebook or a bound journal: This option is incognito. You can carry it with you without making a fuss, yet it can be as plain or as fancy as you like. Because the right style and size vary from person to person, choose a notebook or bound journal with a cover material and design that you like and a size that fits in your purse, backpack, or gym bag or even under your arm—whatever suits your personality and lifestyle.

• A three-ring binder: If you use the blank Diet Solution Food Journal sheet (provided below), you can keep enough pages for a week or more in your designated three-ring binder. My clients who choose this option usually keep the binder in the kitchen, where they start their day and do most of their meal plan ning.

• One page at a time: This option is the “light” version of the Diet Solution Food Journal! Carry one blank Diet Solution Food Journal sheet in your purse, briefcase, backpack, or pocket, and fill it in as the day goes on. At the end of the day, file the page in your 3 ring binder for future reference.

Each page of your Diet Solution Food Journal should be dated, and each entry on each page must contain some basic information: • time you ate; • food eaten; • how you feel immediately and 1 or 2 hours afterward.

Paying attention to which foods cause you to feel good and which foods cause you to feel bad is the first step in determining which foods are best suited for your body. Examples of feelings you may want to record in your food journal are:

Remember, the people that have had the most success in their weight loss and fitness efforts have been those that have written it down. So please do not skip this very important step.

Good Feelings:

HappyComfortable and stress freeEnergeticFocused and clear headedSatisfiedFree of cravingsEnjoyed this meal

Bad Feelings:

Hunger immediately after eatingFatiguedNervousUnsatisfiedCraving fat, protein or carbsCraving sugarDepressedConstipatedHeadacheHeavy stomach - 4 -

A special Note from Isabel:

Listen to Your BodyYou might wonder, “If I don’t count calories, then how will I control my eating habits?” To begin, you will use the to plan your meals and keep track of how you feel after eating in your Diet Solution Food Journal. Over time, though, you will learn how to meet your body’s nutritional needs naturally.

Humans are born with the ability to “know” when the body is nourished and when it is not. My professional experience indicates that most yo-yo dieters and other people who have battled weight problems don’t “listen” to their bodies’ cues in response to the foods and portions they consume. The good news is that this ability can be (re)learned.

The Diet Solution Program teaches you how to choose the best foods and portions for your metabolism type. After only days following the program, you will begin to notice how you feel after eating. Although this experi-ence may be new to you, you will learn to eat your way to optimum health by letting your body be your guide.By paying attention to your body’s cues, you can maintain a healthy weight without counting calories or refer-ring to guides and charts. It’s how I live my life now. After years of dieting, I reawakened my body’s innate ability to tell me when I’ve had enough food and when I need more by following the same plan that I present in this manual. Every day is different; some days I need more food and others less, depending on my levels of ex-ercise, stress, and even hormones. But I don’t need to count calories to know whether I’ve had enough; my body tells me, and I know how to listen. - 5 -

Diet Solution Food Journal (sample)Date: October 10, 2007 Three things I am grateful for: 1. spending each day doing what I love 2. my incredibly supportive family 3. the opportunity to live each day on my own schedule My positive affirmations: 1. God is my universal source. He provides all that I need. 2. I feel great and nourish my body well every day. 3. Exercise keeps me healthy and happy.

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

8:00 AM BREAKFAST (3) (1) (0)2 eggs 2 Immediately: satisfied

2 hours later: starting to feel hungry

1 slice turkey bacon 11 cup cooked spinach 1

Meal totals 2 1 010:30 AM SNACK (2) (1) (0)

1 ounce walnuts 2 Immediately: curbed my hunger1 med banana 1

Meal totals 2 1 01:00 PM LUNCH (4) (2) (3)

4 ounces broiled salmon 4 Immediately: feel full—maybe too full2 hours later: feel good

1 cup green salad 11 cup raw cauliflower 11 tbsp cod liver oil 31 tbsp apple cider vinegar — — —salt, pepper, spices — — —

Meal totals 4 2 33:30 PM SNACK (2) (1) (0)

2 ounces sliced turkey 2 1 hour later: not satisfied; white-meat turkey might not be a good option

1 cup carrot sticks 1

Meal totals 2 1 06:00 PM DINNER (4) (2) (2)

4 oz chicken legs 4 Immediately: feel great, satisfied— but not overly full1 cup sautéed collards 1

1 cup green salad 12 tsp olive oil 21 tbsp apple cider vinegar — — —

Meal totals 4 2 2Daily totals 15 7 5

Daily water intake Goal: 70 ounces Actual: 70 ounces - 6 -

Daily Exercise Log (Sample)Date: 6/16/09

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Treadmill – Fast Paced Walking

10 mins .6 miles 3.5 mph Warm Up – broke a sweat

Squats 3 15 Body weight Felt easy, increase to weightsPushups 3 10 Body weight On knees, getting easierLunges – in place 3 10 each leg 5 lb DB’s Still hardShoulder Press 3 12 8 lb DB’s Good weightAb Crunches off ball 3 10 Body weight Increase reps next time

Notes for Today:

Today went well. I felt good all day except for being a bit too hungry in the afternoon. Tomorrow I will have a bit more fat at lunch and see if that helps the hunger.

My workout felt good. It took me a while to motivate to actually get to the gym but once I was there it was actually almost fun.

My biggest accomplishment today:

I am so proud of myself for eating so healthy at the luncheon today. With all of those brownies and sweets around, it could have really turned into a disaster. I just kept my goal in mind and it was easy to say no to the desserts.

Lessons I learned today:

Increase food at bit during the day so not to be so hungry in the afternoon.The gym can actually be fun. Just get there! - 7 -

Diet Solution Food Journal: Week # 1Date: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 8 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 9 -

Diet Solution Food JournalDate: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 10 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 11 -

Diet Solution Food JournalDate: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 12 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 13 -

Diet Solution Food JournalDate: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 14 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 15 -

Diet Solution Food JournalDate: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 16 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 17 -

Diet Solution Food JournalDate: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 18 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 19 -

Diet Solution Food JournalDate: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 20 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 21 -

Weekly Review: Week # 1Date: ____________________

Measurements Before After NotesChest at nipple heightLower Abs largest circumferenceWaist at belly buttonHips largest circumferenceThighs midpoint of thighArms midpoint of armBody Weight in lbs. or kgs.

My biggest accomplishments this week:

Changes I will implement next week:

Potential obstacles I may encounter this week:

How I will handle these obstacles:

My goal this week is: - 22 -

Diet Solution Food Journal: Week # 2Date: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 23 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 24 -

Diet Solution Food JournalDate: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 25 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 26 -

Diet Solution Food JournalDate: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 27 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 28 -

Diet Solution Food JournalDate: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 29 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 30 -

Diet Solution Food JournalDate: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 31 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 32 -

Diet Solution Food JournalDate: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 33 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 34 -

Diet Solution Food JournalDate: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 35 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 36 -

Weekly Review: Week # 2Date: ____________________

Measurements Before After NotesChest at nipple heightLower Abs largest circumferenceWaist at belly buttonHips largest circumferenceThighs midpoint of thighArms midpoint of armBody Weight in lbs. or kgs.

My biggest accomplishments this week:

Changes I will implement next week:

Potential obstacles I may encounter this week:

How I will handle these obstacles:

My goal this week is: - 37 -

Diet Solution Food Journal: Week # 3Date: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 38 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 39 -

Diet Solution Food JournalDate: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 40 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 41 -

Diet Solution Food JournalDate: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 42 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 43 -

Diet Solution Food JournalDate: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 44 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 45 -

Diet Solution Food JournalDate: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 46 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 47 -

Diet Solution Food JournalDate: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 48 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 49 -

Diet Solution Food JournalDate: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 50 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 51 -

Weekly Review: Week # 3Date: ____________________

Measurements Before After NotesChest at nipple heightLower Abs largest circumferenceWaist at belly buttonHips largest circumferenceThighs midpoint of thighArms midpoint of armBody Weight in lbs. or kgs.

My biggest accomplishments this week:

Changes I will implement next week:

Potential obstacles I may encounter this week:

How I will handle these obstacles:

My goal this week is: - 52 -

Diet Solution Food Journal: Week # 4Date: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 53 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 54 -

Diet Solution Food JournalDate: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 55 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 56 -

Diet Solution Food JournalDate: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 57 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 58 -

Diet Solution Food JournalDate: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 59 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 60 -

Diet Solution Food JournalDate: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 61 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 62 -

Diet Solution Food JournalDate: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 63 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 64 -

Diet Solution Food JournalDate: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 65 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 66 -

Weekly Review: Week # 4Date: ____________________

Measurements Before After NotesChest at nipple heightLower Abs largest circumferenceWaist at belly buttonHips largest circumferenceThighs midpoint of thighArms midpoint of armBody Weight in lbs. or kgs.

My biggest accomplishments this week:

Changes I will implement next week:

Potential obstacles I may encounter this week:

How I will handle these obstacles:

My goal this week is: - 67 -

Diet Solution Food Journal: Week # 5Date: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 68 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 69 -

Diet Solution Food JournalDate: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 70 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 71 -

Diet Solution Food JournalDate: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 72 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 73 -

Diet Solution Food JournalDate: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 74 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 75 -

Diet Solution Food JournalDate: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 76 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 77 -

Diet Solution Food JournalDate: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 78 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 79 -

Diet Solution Food JournalDate: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 80 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 81 -

Weekly Review: Week # 5Date: ____________________

Measurements Before After NotesChest at nipple heightLower Abs largest circumferenceWaist at belly buttonHips largest circumferenceThighs midpoint of thighArms midpoint of armBody Weight in lbs. or kgs.

My biggest accomplishments this week:

Changes I will implement next week:

Potential obstacles I may encounter this week:

How I will handle these obstacles:

My goal this week is: - 82 -

Diet Solution Food Journal: Week # 6Date: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 83 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 84 -

Diet Solution Food JournalDate: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 85 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 86 -

Diet Solution Food JournalDate: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 87 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 88 -

Diet Solution Food JournalDate: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 89 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 90 -

Diet Solution Food JournalDate: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 91 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 92 -

Diet Solution Food JournalDate: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 93 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 94 -

Diet Solution Food JournalDate: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 95 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 96 -

Weekly Review: Week # 6Date: ____________________

Measurements Before After NotesChest at nipple heightLower Abs largest circumferenceWaist at belly buttonHips largest circumferenceThighs midpoint of thighArms midpoint of armBody Weight in lbs. or kgs.

My biggest accomplishments this week:

Changes I will implement next week:

Potential obstacles I may encounter this week:

How I will handle these obstacles:

My goal this week is: - 97 -

Diet Solution Food Journal: Week # 7Date: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 98 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 99 -

Diet Solution Food JournalDate: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 100 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 101 -

Diet Solution Food JournalDate: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 102 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 103 -

Diet Solution Food JournalDate: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 104 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 105 -

Diet Solution Food JournalDate: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 106 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 107 -

Diet Solution Food JournalDate: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 108 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 109 -

Diet Solution Food JournalDate: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 110 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 111 -

Weekly Review: Week # 7Date: ____________________

Measurements Before After NotesChest at nipple heightLower Abs largest circumferenceWaist at belly buttonHips largest circumferenceThighs midpoint of thighArms midpoint of armBody Weight in lbs. or kgs.

My biggest accomplishments this week:

Changes I will implement next week:

Potential obstacles I may encounter this week:

How I will handle these obstacles:

My goal this week is: - 112 -

Diet Solution Food Journal: Week # 8Date: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 113 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 114 -

Diet Solution Food JournalDate: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 115 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 116 -

Diet Solution Food JournalDate: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 117 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 118 -

Diet Solution Food JournalDate: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 119 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 120 -

Diet Solution Food JournalDate: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 121 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 122 -

Diet Solution Food JournalDate: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 123 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 124 -

Diet Solution Food JournalDate: ___________________ Three things I am grateful for: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

My positive affirmations: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Time Meal andFood Eaten

Food Servings Notes (How do I feel?)Proteins Carbs Fats

BREAKFAST ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsLUNCH ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsSNACK ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDINNER ( ) ( ) ( )

Meal totalsDaily totals

Daily water intake Goal: __________________ Actual: _____________________ - 125 -

Daily Exercise LogDate: ____________________

Exercise Time/Sets Distance/Reps Intensity/Weights


Notes for Today:

My biggest accomplishment today:

Lessons I learned today: - 126 -

Weekly Review: Week # 8Date: ____________________

Measurements Before After NotesChest at nipple heightLower Abs largest circumferenceWaist at belly buttonHips largest circumferenceThighs midpoint of thighArms midpoint of armBody Weight in lbs. or kgs.

My biggest accomplishments this week:

Changes I will implement next week:

Potential obstacles I may encounter this week:

How I will handle these obstacles:

My goal this week is:

Version 4.01

top related