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31-131 1021 Contract task assignment to CDM Smith, Inc., for utility engineering services for southwest interconnect services area...


31-231 1021 Contract task assignment to CDM Smith, Inc., for utility engineering services for southwest interconnect services area...


31-331 1021 Contract task assignment to CDM Smith, Inc., for utility engineering services for southwest interconnect services area...


31-431 1021 Contract task assignment to CDM Smith, Inc., for utility engineering services for southwest interconnect services area...


2301 Maitland Center Parkway, Suite 300

Maitland, Florida 32751

tel: 407 660-2552

fax: 407 875-1161

May 15, 2013 Mr. Michael Ulrich, Director Volusia County Water Resources and Utilities 123 West Indiana Avenue DeLand, Florida 32720

Subject: Task Assignment for Southwest Interconnect Services Area Ammonia Addition (Chloramination) System Final Design

Dear Mr. Ulrich:

Per your request, CDM Smith Inc. is pleased to submit this proposal for the final design of an ammonia addition (chloramination) system for the four water treatment plants of the Southwest Interconnect Service Area (SWISA). This is an assignment under the Contract for Professional Consulting Services for Utilities Engineering Services dated September 20, 2012 between the County of Volusia (COUNTY) and the consulting firm of CDM Smith Inc. (ENGINEER).

Project Background The COUNTY owns and operates four water treatment plants in the SWISA, including the Glen Abbey Water Treatment Plant (GAWTP), the Breezewood Water Treatment Plant (BWWTP), the Four Towns Water Treatment Plant (FTWTP), and the Highland Water Treatment Plant (HLWTP). Collectively, these four facilities are referenced as the Southwest Interconnect Water System (SWIWS) and operate under one Public Water System Identification Number (PWS ID No. 3641336). Each of these facilities treats groundwater which contains moderate concentrations of hydrogen sulfide and total organic carbon. Following the addition of sodium hypochlorite (i.e. the primary disinfectant), naturally occurring organic material in the water reacts with sodium hypochlorite in the distribution system to form undesired disinfection by-products (DBPs). These DBPs include trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids (HAAs), both of which are regulated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) under the Stage 2 Disinfectant/Disinfection By-Product Rule (D/DBPR), and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) under Chapter 62-550, FAC. Due to the high concentrations of THMs and HAAs formed in the service area, the COUNTY intends to modify the treatment process of all four of the facilities within the SWISA to comply with Stage 2 D/DBPR requirements. As part of a November 2012 Study, the ENGINEER evaluated potential process modifications including the addition of a granular activated carbon (GAC) process, the addition of a nanofiltration (NF) process, and/or the use of combined chlorine (i.e. monochloramine) as the disinfectant residual in the distribution system. The ENGINEER, as


31-531 1021 Contract task assignment to CDM Smith, Inc., for utility engineering services for southwest interconnect services area...


Mr. Michael Ulrich, Director May 15, 2013 Page 2

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part of the November 2012 Study, also developed a chloramination testing protocol, which COUNTY staff conducted, to evaluate the effectiveness of chloramination, as a process to reduce concentrations of THMs and HAAs in the distribution system to levels in compliance with Stage 2 D/DBPR requirements. The results of the testing protocol and sampling event have documented chloramination as an effective and economical process to control concentrations of THMs and HAAs of the finished water within the SWISA distribution system. The purpose of this Task Assignment, as more fully described below, is to implement design, bidding and limited services during construction for ammonia addition (chloramination) at the four plants of the SWISA.

Scope of Work The ENGINEER’s Scope of Work for the SWISA – Ammonia Addition (Chloramination) System Final Design shall include the tasks outlined below.

Task 1 – Meetings, Project Management and Quality Control Activities performed under this task consist of those general functions required to maintain the project on schedule, within budget, and that the quality of the work products defined within this scope is consistent with ENGINEER’s standards and COUNTY’s expectations. Specific activities included are identified below:

Subtask 1.1 – Project Kick-off and Progress Meetings ENGINEER will prepare for and conduct a kick-off meeting for the project to discuss the design of the project, the detailed project approach, schedule and budget. At this meeting, the ENGINEER will present the COUNTY with a list of relevant and available information and data required to complete the project. Highlights of the meeting, including documentation of the design approach, will be summarized in a design memorandum and distributed to all attendees.

The CONSULTANT will attend up to one monthly progress meeting during the estimated 5-month project duration of final design. Meetings during the construction phase of the project are included in Task 6. The ENGINEER will prepare and distribute meeting minutes of each meeting as appropriate.

Subtask 1.2 – Project Quality Control (QC) Technical Review ENGINEER maintains a QC program on all of your projects. An internal project quality management planning session will be conducted at the start of the project. This action is required by ENGINEER’s quality management system (QMS) guidelines. Technical Review Committee (TRC) meetings are budgeted for and will be performed to review the 30 and 60 percent complete submittals. COUNTY’s representatives are invited to attend and participate at the TRC meetings, if desired, in addition to the COUNTY reviews of deliverables identified in this Scope of Work.


31-631 1021 Contract task assignment to CDM Smith, Inc., for utility engineering services for southwest interconnect services area...


Mr. Michael Ulrich, Director May 15, 2013 Page 3

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Subtask 1.3 – Project Progress Reports ENGINEER’s project manager will prepare and submit written monthly progress reports in support of each monthly invoice for an anticipated project life of 12 months.

Task 2 – 30% Preliminary Engineering Design Subtask 2.1 – Data Collection and Review The ENGINEER will perform the following:

Review site plans and As-Built drawings, provided by the COUNTY for the four SWISA water treatment plants sites, including utility locations;

Conduct a site visit to identify site-conditions and potential locations for the ammoniation system for each site, and utility needs;

Develop conceptual site plan and yard piping plan layouts based upon equipment sizing, and an Electrical Single Line Diagram and a Process and Instrumentation Diagram;

Conduct a topographic and site specific survey to locate above- grade features for each site. Conduct a subsurface utility survey, based upon as-built information provided by the COUNTY. Recommend soft dig locates for utilities that need to be verified. The soft dig locations, if needed, will be performed under Task 7.0, Owner-Controlled Contingency.

Conduct a geotechnical investigation to obtain subsurface information, and geotechnical field and laboratory classification testing for up to two soil borings at each facility.

Review distribution system maps and computerized hydraulic models, if available, to assist with the development of a unidirectional flushing plan (UDFP) for the SWISA finished water distribution system. This UDFP is to be developed under Task 2.3.

Subtask 2.2 – 30% Engineering Design The ENGINEER will prepare 30% Preliminary Engineering documents. The 30% submittal will include a P&ID of the proposed improvements indicating new equipment and its control, confirm the overall site plan and piping layout and spacing requirements, and the estimated Engineer’s Opinion of Probable Construction Costs. Preliminary drawings will be included, showing the ammoniation system location for each site and electrical service drawings.

The ENGINEER will meet with COUNTY staff to present and review the findings and results of the draft 30% submittal. The draft will be revised to reflect discussions at the meeting. Four copies each of the draft and final 30% documents will be submitted to the COUNTY. The final 30% submittal will also be provided in PDF format


31-731 1021 Contract task assignment to CDM Smith, Inc., for utility engineering services for southwest interconnect services area...


Mr. Michael Ulrich, Director May 15, 2013 Page 4

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Subtask 2.3 – SWISA Distribution System Uni-Directional Flushing Plan (UDFP) The ENGINEER will develop a UDFP for the SWISA distribution system. The UDFP is intended to assist the COUNTY with the initial flushing after modifying the disinfection treatment process to chloramination, as well as periodic flushing of the finished water distribution system to reduce and/or eliminate the buildup of sediment, corrosion product concentrations and nitrifying compounds in the SWISA distribution system. Free chlorine may also be added during this flushing period to help with the removal of these nitrifying compounds. The UDFP will be based upon GIS base maps, provided by the COUNTY, that identify the existing distribution system, by pipe size and type of pipe, valve and blowoff locations and sizes, and the current flushing station locations and sizes.

The UDFP is intended to document the recommended sequence or path to allow the system to be flushed from the inner most distribution pipe network to the outer most distribution pipe network, in a sequential order, isolating or closing valves as needed to prevent backflow or short circuiting of water into a previously flushed part of the distribution system. A draft Technical Memorandum will be developed recommending any system improvements and/or modifications, as well as outlining the UDFP procedures, detailing the flow path of the flushing water from the inner to outer pipe networks. The Draft Technical Memorandum will include the following information or recommendations:

A key map or water atlas to identify the sequential pipes to be flushed. The key map will be based upon the GIS base map provided by the COUNTY using the distribution attributes listed for the pipes, valves, fire hydrants, current flushing stations, etc.

The valves to be opened or closed to provide the required flow paths for the flushing water and to also prevent short circuit flow or back flow into previously flushed pipes.

Estimates for the duration of the flush for the pipe segment or network, based upon the pipe network maps provided, pipe sizes, etc.

Recommended modifications or additions to the distribution system, as needed, to provide a more uniform flushing path and eliminate any “dead” ends or pipe segments not able to be completely flushed.

The ENGINEER will attend a review meeting with the COUNTY, on the draft UDFP. The ENGINEER will then incorporate any comments received at the meeting into the Final Technical Memorandum.

Task 3 – Preparation of Contract Documents Subtask 3.1 – Final Engineering Design After receipt of the COUNTY’s approval of the 30% submittal, the ENGINEER will prepare final design documents suitable for bidding and construction of the ammoniation systems for all four


31-831 1021 Contract task assignment to CDM Smith, Inc., for utility engineering services for southwest interconnect services area...


Mr. Michael Ulrich, Director May 15, 2013 Page 5

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water treatment plant sites as a single construction contract, based on the 30% final submittal conducted under Task 2.0 of this Scope of Work. All the drawings developed will be based upon As-Built information, new survey and existing and/or new geotechnical data provided by the COUNTY. The plans will be submitted to the COUNTY for review at 60% and 90% levels of completion, in 22” x 34” size. The COUNTY’s comments on the 60% and 90% submittals will be incorporated into the construction documents as warranted. The design plans will evaluate avoiding existing utilities where possible. It is anticipated that the construction plans will consist of 24 sheets including:

Cover Sheet with Location Map 1 sheet

Existing and Proposed Site Plan (one sheet per WTP, except 5 sheets Glen Abbey)

- Including Horizontal/Vertical Controls, Erosion Control

- Including Proposed Plan and Demolition Plan

Civil Design (including one Yard Piping plan per site) and 6 sheets two typical Civil Details sheets

Typical Structural Design and Structural Details 2 sheet

Typical Mechanical Design and Mechanical Details 2 sheet

Typical Electrical Design and Details 6 sheets

Typical Process & Instrumentation Design 2 sheets

In addition to the design plans listed above, the ENGINEER will also include the following items in the construction documents as necessary:

COUNTY’s Standard Procurement Bid and Contract Forms (Front-End Documents)

Instructions to Bidders and General Conditions

Supplementary General Conditions

Technical Specifications (CSI 16 Division Format)

Four copies of the 60% and 90% Contract Documents will be provided to the COUNTY for review. Those copies will include two (2) sets of 22” x 34” full-size drawings and two (2) sets of 11” x 17” half-size drawings. The Contract Documents will also be submitted in PDF format, including the appropriate technical specifications. At the 60% and 90% submittal, the technical specifications will include Section 01150 (Measurement and Payment) with a detailed description of the Bid Items


31-931 1021 Contract task assignment to CDM Smith, Inc., for utility engineering services for southwest interconnect services area...


Mr. Michael Ulrich, Director May 15, 2013 Page 6

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and what is included in the Pay/Bid Item. A meeting to review the draft 60% and 90% Contract Documents will be held with COUNTY staff to collect comments to be incorporated into either the 90% or the 100% bid package. A memo will be prepared listing the comments received and the disposition of the suggestions to the plans for approval by the COUNTY. The ENGINEER will prepare final Contract Documents (drawings and specifications). The Contract Documents will be presented to the COUNTY and be considered final, after receipt of the Volusia County and/or City of DeBary Building Permit. The ENGINEER will deliver four copies of drawings in 22” x 34” format, four sets of other Contract Documents as listed above, and electronic files on a CD in PDF format, Microsoft Word, and AutoCAD format, as appropriate of the 100% final Contract Documents.

Subtask 3.2 – Engineer’s Opinion of Probable Construction Cost The ENGINEER will provide an Engineer’s Opinion of the Probable Construction Cost for the project at the 60%, 90% and Final (100%) completion milestones, in addition to the conceptual (30%) Engineer’s Opinion of Probable Construction Cost included under Task 2.2.

Task 4 – Permit Assistance The ENGINEER will assist with the following permitting services:

Submit a Volusia County and/or City of Debary Building Permit and a City of Debary Site Plan Permit, for pre-approval prior to bidding the project. The CONTRACTOR shall be listed as “To Be Determined”.

Submit a Florida Department of Environmental Protection Application for a Specific Permit to Construct PWS Components (DEP Form 62-555.900(1)) to the Volusia County Health Department for the disinfection modifications.

Respond to one (1) Request for Additional Information (RAI) for the two (2) permits listed above.

Task 5 – Bidding Services Subtask 5.1 – Pre-Bid Meeting The ENGINEER will attend the pre-bid meeting held by the COUNTY to discuss the project with prospective bidders. The ENGINEER will assist in the preparation of the meeting summary to document items discussed with the parties in attendance as part of the first addendum. The COUNTY will distribute the official meeting summary.

Subtask 5.2 – Prepare Addenda The ENGINEER will assist in the preparation of the addenda to the Contract Documents based upon the pre-bid meeting and technical questions submitted in writing to the COUNTY during bidding. The COUNTY will distribute all addenda.


31-1031 1021 Contract task assignment to CDM Smith, Inc., for utility engineering services for southwest interconnect services area...


Mr. Michael Ulrich, Director May 15, 2013 Page 7

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Subtask 5.3 – Bid Review and Recommendation for Award The ENGINEER will review the bids and prepare a recommendation of award for the COUNTY. It is anticipated that the apparent low bidder will be responsive and a bid review meeting will not be required. The ENGINEER will also attend a Volusia County Commission Meeting to support the approval of the Construction Contract and provide input to public and commission comment at the meeting, if needed.

Task 6 – Construction Services Subtask 6.1 – General Services During Construction The Engineer will assist with the following task during construction:

Attend one pre-construction conference;

Review shop drawings, including resubmittals;

Respond to requests for information (RFI) from the Contractor;

Conduct four site visits (one visit per month during construction, to begin one month after Contractor’s notice to proceed (NTP));

Conduct one site visit for substantial completion inspection.

Conduct one final inspection to determine if the project is complete, the Chloramination system is functioning as intended and the work is acceptable so that the ENGINEER may give written notice to the COUNTY and Contractor recommending final payment to the Contractor. If additional site visits are required after final completion (during the warranty period) to determine if the Chloramination system is functioning as intended, the ENGINEER will conduct these site inspections and will be considered owner-controlled contingency services (Task 7).

Subtask 6.2 – Record Drawings Prepare Record Drawings showing changes made during the construction process, based on mark-up prints, drawings, and other data furnished by the Contractor. The ENGINEER will provide two full size sets of Record Drawings, electronic files on a CD in PDF and AutoCAD format. Task 7 – Owner Controlled Contingency The Engineer has included a contingency fee to cover additional, unforeseen services required to complete the project. Activities performed under this task shall include design and field services activities not described or anticipated under Task 1 through 6 listed herein. No contingency fees will be utilized without prior written approval by the COUNTY.


31-1131 1021 Contract task assignment to CDM Smith, Inc., for utility engineering services for southwest interconnect services area...


Mr. Michael Ulrich, Director May 15, 2013 Page 8

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Deliverables Under this Scope of Work, the ENGINEER will submit the following documents to the COUNTY:

Project Kickoff Meeting Minutes;

Four copies of the 30% design documents and UDFP. The 30% design documents and UDFP will also be submitted in PDF format;

Four copies of the draft and final UDFP. The UDFP will also be submitted in PDF format;

Four copies of 60% and 90% design documents. The 90% Contract Documents will also be submitted in PDF format ;

Four copies and one digital copy (PDF, AutoCAD and Microsoft Word, as applicable) of final Contract Documents; and,

A 30%, 60%, 90% and Final Engineers Opinion of Probable Construction Cost.

Schedule The ENGINEER is prepared to begin the final design report upon NTP and will complete the Final Design Contract Documents within 150 days (5 months) from the NTP .

30% Design Documents – 60 days from NTP;

UDFP – 90 days from NTP ( includes two weeks for COUNTY review of the “Draft” UDFP);

60% Contract Documents – 90 days from NTP (includes one weeks for COUNTY review);

90% Contract Documents – 120 days from NTP (includes one week for COUNTY review of 60% Contract Documents);

100% Final Contract Documents – 150 days from NTP (includes one week for COUNTY review of 90% Contract Documents);

Construction Notice to Proceed Issuance – Approximately 240 days from NTP with this Task Assignment (includes 90 days for procurement following 100% Contract Document submittal); and,

Construction Completion – Approximately 420 days from NTP with this Task Assignment (includes 180 days or 6 months from Issuance of Notice to Proceed to the selected contractor).


31-1231 1021 Contract task assignment to CDM Smith, Inc., for utility engineering services for southwest interconnect services area...




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ListofAssumptions1. AFloridaDepartmentofEnvironmentalProtection(FDEP)ApplicationforaSpecificPermit


2. RecordDrawingsand/orAs‐BuiltDrawings,ifavailablewillbeprovidedbytheCOUNTY.

3. AvailablehydraulicmodelinformationfortheSWISAdistributionsystemwillbeprovidedbytheCOUNTYforconsideration/usebyENGINEERisdevelopmentoftheUDFPatENGINEER’sdiscretion.COUNTYprovidesnoassurancestoENGINEERregardingwhetherthemodelinformationprovidedisuptodateorcalibratedforusebyENGINEER.

4. ExistingSCADAsystemwillbeusedtotie‐innewI/O.

5. NoRTUorremotecommunicationsarerequiredfordesign.

6. Theexistingelectricalpowerdistributionsystemandequipment,bothnormalandemergencystandby,ateachWTPhaveadequateamperage,capacityandspareprovisionstoserviceequipmentassociatedwiththeammoniainjectionsystems.

7. Startupofthechloraminesystemandadvancepublicnotificationisnotincluded.



31-1331 1021 Contract task assignment to CDM Smith, Inc., for utility engineering services for southwest interconnect services area...


Mr. Michael Ulrich, Director May 15, 2013 Page 10

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Sincerely, Approved:

David J. Prah, P.E., BCEE Eric J. Grotke, P.E., BCEE Principal Vice President CDM Smith Inc. CDM Smith Inc. Enclosure cc: Mark Burgess Colin Hobbs


31-1431 1021 Contract task assignment to CDM Smith, Inc., for utility engineering services for southwest interconnect services area...


ODCs Bailey Engineering Survey Geotech

80$ /hr 65$ /hr 55$ /hr 45$ /hr 35$ /hr 30$ /hr 25$ /hr 5%

Task Description Hrs Raw Labor Hrs Raw

Labor Hrs Raw Labor Hrs Raw Labor Hrs Raw Labor Hrs Raw

Labor Hrs Raw Labor 3.0

1.0Meetings, Project Management and Quality Control

1.1 2 160$ 4 260$ 2 110$ 4 180$ 0 -$ 0 -$ 2 50$

Subtotal 2 160$ 4 260$ 2 110$ 4 180$ 0 -$ 0 -$ 2 50$ 14 760$ 2,280$ 114$ 350$ -$ -$ 350$ 35$ 2,779$

1.2 2 160$ 4 260$ 12 660$ 4 180$ 0 -$ 0 -$ 2 50$

Subtotal 2 160$ 4 260$ 12 660$ 4 180$ 0 -$ 0 -$ 2 50$ 24 1,310$ 3,930$ 197$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 4,127$

1.3 0 -$ 4 260$ 8 440$ 0 -$ 0 -$ 0 -$ 4 100$

Subtotal 0 -$ 4 260$ 8 440$ 0 -$ 0 -$ 0 -$ 4 100$ 16 800$ 2,400$ 120$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 2,520$

2.0 30% Prelimiinary Engineering

2.1 0 -$ 4 260$ 4 220$ 8 360$ 4 140$ 2 60$ 2 50$

Subtotal 0 -$ 4 260$ 4 220$ 8 360$ 4 140$ 2 60$ 2 50$ 24 1,090$ 3,270$ 164$ 1,750$ 4,400$ 5,122$ 11,272$ 1,127$ 15,833$

2.2 2 160$ 4 260$ 16 880$ 24 1,080$ 8 280$ 40 1,200$ 12 300$

Subtotal 2 160$ 4 260$ 16 880$ 24 1,080$ 8 280$ 40 1,200$ 12 300$ 106 4,160$ 12,480$ 624$ 8,170$ -$ -$ 8,170$ 817$ 22,091$

2.3 2 160$ 8 520$ 18 990$ 32 1,440$ 40 1,400$ 12 360$ 2 50$

Subtotal 2 160$ 8 520$ 18 990$ 32 1,440$ 40 1,400$ 12 360$ 2 50$ 114 4,920$ 14,760$ 738$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 15,498$


3.1 3 240$ 16 1,040$ 32 1,760$ 40 1,800$ 16 560$ 80 2,400$ 32 800$

Subtotal 3 240$ 16 1,040$ 32 1,760$ 40 1,800$ 16 560$ 80 2,400$ 32 800$ 219 8,600$ 25,800$ 1,290$ 5,170$ -$ -$ 5,170$ 517$ 32,777$

3.2 1 80$ 2 130$ 4 220$ 8 360$ 16 560$ 2 60$ 2 50$

Subtotal 1 80$ 2 130$ 4 220$ 8 360$ 16 560$ 2 60$ 2 50$ 35 1,460$ 4,380$ 219$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 4,599$


4.1 1 80$ 4 260$ 8 440$ 16 720$ 4 140$ 8 240$ 8 200$

1 80$ 4 260$ 8 440$ 16 720$ 4 140$ 8 240$ 8 200$ 49 2,080$ 6,240$ 312$ 2,770$ -$ -$ 2,770$ 277$ 9,599$


5.1 0 -$ 2 130$ 2 110$ 4 180$ 0 -$ 0 -$ 2 50$

Subtotal 0 -$ 2 130$ 2 110$ 4 180$ 0 -$ 0 -$ 2 50$ 10 470$ 1,410$ 71$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,481$

5.2 0 -$ 4 260$ 12 660$ 16 720$ 4 140$ 12 360$ 4 100$

Subtotal 0 -$ 4 260$ 12 660$ 16 720$ 4 140$ 12 360$ 4 100$ 52 2,240$ 6,720$ 336$ 2,770$ -$ -$ 2,770$ 277$ 10,103$

5.3 4 320$ 4 260$ 8 440$ 2 90$ 0 -$ 2 60$ 4 100$

Subtotal 4 320$ 4 260$ 8 440$ 2 90$ 0 -$ 2 60$ 4 100$ 24 1,270$ 3,810$ 191$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 4,001$


6.1 1 80$ 12 780$ 8 440$ 12 540$ 40 1,400$ 4 120$ 24 600$

Subtotal 1 80$ 12 780$ 8 440$ 12 540$ 40 1,400$ 4 120$ 24 600$ 101 3,960$ 11,880$ 594$ 9,280$ -$ -$ 9,280$ 928$ 22,682$

6.2 0 -$ 1 65$ 4 220$ 8 360$ 8 280$ 24 720$ 2 50$

Subtotal 0 -$ 1 65$ 4 220$ 8 360$ 8 280$ 24 720$ 2 50$ 47 1,695$ 5,085$ 254$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 5,339$

7.0 Owner Controlled Contingency 5,000$ 5,000$

18 1,440$ 73 4,745$ 138 7,590$ 178 8,010$ 140 4,900$ 186 5,580$ 102 2,550$ 835 34,815$ 109,445$ 5,222$ 30,260$ 4,400$ 5,122$ 39,782$ 3,978$ 158,427$

Total Subs Subs * 10% Total Cost

Clerical/FinancialSenior Engineer Project Engineer Junior Engineer GIS/ACAD Labor CostRaw Labor

Total Hours

Data Collection and Review

Final Engineering Design

Pre-bid Meeting

Officer Project Manager

30% Engineering Design

Bidding Services

Uni-Directional Flushing Plan

Project Kickoff and Progress Meeting

Project Quality Control

Project Progress Reports

Exhibit I

Southwest Interconnect Service Area Ammonia Addition - Design Services

Fee Estimate

Total All Tasks

Engineers Opinion of Probable Construction Cost

Preparation of Contract Documents

Permit Assistance

Prepare Addenda

Bid Review and Recommendation for Award

Permit Assistance

Construction Services

General Services During Construction

Record Drawings


31-1531 1021 Contract task assignment to CDM Smith, Inc., for utility engineering services for southwest interconnect services area...



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