std 3 english

Post on 25-Dec-2015






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Suitable for kids of primary year 3


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik


GRAMMAR UNIT 1Contents Pag

eExercise 1

Nouns 2

Exercise 2

Countable & Uncountable Nouns 4

Exercise 3

Numbers 5

Exercise 4

Articles – A / An / The 8

Exercise 5

Sentences & Questions 11

Revision 12

GRAMMAR UNIT 2Exercise 1

Pronouns & Verbs “To be” 13

Exercise 2

Making New Friends & Greeting 15

Exercise 3

This – That / These – Those 17

Exercise 4

Possessive Adjective 20

Exercise 5

Possessive Nouns 22

Exercise 6

Possessive Pronouns 24

Exercise 7

Reflexive Pronouns 25

Exercise 8

Relative Pronouns 26

Revision 27

GRAMMAR UNIT 3Exercise 1

WH-Question 28

Exercise 2

Preposition of Place & Position – In/On/Off/Near/Under


Exercise 3

Clothing 33

Exercise 4

Healthy Eating Habit 34

Exercise 5

Short Forms 35

Revision 36GRAMMAR UNIT 4Exercise 1

Singular & Plural 38

Exercise 2

Conjunction 41

Exercise 3

Question : Is there …? 43

Revision 44

GRAMMAR UNIT 5Exercise 1

The Verb 46

Exercise 2

Subject-Verb Agreement 47

Exercise 3

Can / Can’t 50

Exercise 4

Request, Imperatives & Responses 51

Exercise Simple & Compound Sentences 531

Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

5Revision 54

GRAMMAR UNIT 6Exercise 1

Simple Present Tense 57

Exercise 2

Simple Past Tense 59

Exercise 3

Present Continuous Tense 62

Exercise 4

Past Continuous Tense 65

Exercise 5

Simple Future Tense 66

Exercise 6

“Going To” Form 67

Exercise 7

The Infinitive “To” 68

Exercise 8

Occupations 70

Exercise 9

Story Telling 71

Revision 71

GRAMMAR UNIT 7Exercise 1

Adjectives 73

Exercise 2

Comparison of Adjectives 77

Exercise 3

Location 80

Exercise 4

Positive & Negative Statements 82

Exercise 5

Positive Questions & Responses 84

Revision 85


Family / Relatives 86

Exercise 2

Calendar And Time 87

Exercise 3

Food, Fruits & Vegetables 87

Exercise 4

Objects 88

Exercise 5

Animals & Insects 88

Exercise 6

Parts of Body (People & Animals) 89

Exercise 7

Vegetation 89

Exercise 8

Vocabulary 90

Revision 91


Unit 10 – WRITING SKILLS 101




Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

Exercise 1 Nouns

What are nouns?Nouns are the names of people, animal, things and places.

A) Put the words in the correct group.

lion book friend field bank fishrabbit table mother school flag teacher

ANIMALS PEOPLE1. 1.2. 2.3. 3.

PLACE THINGS1. 1.2. 2.3. 3.

B) Underline the names of people, animals, things and places.

1. I like to go to the zoo.

2. My favourite animal is elephant.

3. My mother loves to cook.

4. She is riding her bicycle to school.

5. The room is dirty.

C) Complete the puzzle below with the correct noun.


1. A ______ works in a hospital.

2. My mother is planting flower in the _________.3. I put on my ________ before I go to school.4. There is an ________ in the sugar bowl.

DOWN 1. My sister is wearing a pretty _________.2. A ________ is a very fierce animal.3. I listen with my _________.4. My favourite fruit is __________.

D)Underline the proper nouns. Follow the example below.

Example: The longest river in Sarawak is Rejang River.

1. I study at Sekolah Kebangsaan Sri Putri.

2. The tallest building in Malaysia is the Petronas Twin


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

3. Henry comes to school on a bicycle.

4. My brother, James, was born in 1990.

5. John likes to eat ice cream.

6. Have you seen the movie The Jaw yet?

7. He is going to Japan very soon.

8. Mr. Smith is from England.

E) Choose the proper nouns and then fill in the blanks.

Exercise 2 Countable & Uncountable Nouns

A) Put a tick (√) if the noun is countable and a cross (X) if the noun is uncountable.





















B) Complete the sentences below.

1. There is _____________ in my bag. (an apple)

Example : There is an apple in my bag.

2. There are ____________ in the cup. (some tea)

3. There are ____________ on the plate (some rice)

4. There is __________ on the road. (a car)

5. There is __________ under the table. (a pencil)

6. There are _________ in the bottle. (some ink)

C) Look at the puzzle below. Circle all countable nouns. Draw a line over all uncountable nouns. List the countable and uncountable nouns in the table below.


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

Countable noun Uncountable noun

Exercise 3 Numbers

A) Match the numbers to the words.

twenty 20 Thirty-two 12

fifteen 11 five 5

eleven 15 twelve 32

B) Write the number below in word form.

1. What number is this?

It is number _______________________.74


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

2. What number is this?

It is number _______________________.25

3. What number is this?

It is numbers ______________________.14

4. What number is this?

It is number ______________________.35

5. Everyday, I am the __________ person to

reach the school.1st

6. My father is the __________ son in his


7. My English examination mark is the

________ highest in my class.3rd

8. Hajah did not win any prize because she


the ___________ to reach the finish line.


9. _________ of May is my mother’s birthday. 5th

C) Look at the pictures. Fill in the blanks.


It’s my birthday. I am ________ today.


I go to school at __________ o’clock.


I have ___________ books in my bag.


The doll costs __________ ringgit.


My sister is ____________ years old.


There are ___________ pebbles on the ground.

D)Write the sentences.

This ismy sister

She is16

years friend 11my cousin

He is20

my brother 15

1. This is my sister.She is sixteen years old.

2. This is my friend.


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

____________________________________________.3. ____________________________________________

____________________________________________.4. _________________________________________________________________________________________.

E) Count and answer the questions.

1. How many cakes are

there? [ Ten cakes.]



2. How many pens are




3. How many children are




4. How many sweets are




5. How many flowers are




F) Tick (√) the correct answer.1 Five apple

Five apples

2. Three girl

Three girls

3. Three boxs

Three boxes

4. One elephant

One elephants

G)The children are visiting an animal farm. Write their questions and answers.


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

1. ( Hens?) ( 7 )

John : How many hens are there?

Peter : ________________________

2. ( Cows? ) ( 2 )Amy : How ___________________?

Sarah : ________________________

3. ( Goats? ) ( 3 )

Lee : How ____________________?

Tina : __________________________

4. ( Ducks? ) ( 3 )

Ani : How _____________________?

Mary : __________________________

5. ( Roosters? ) ( 3 )

Kenny : How _____________________?

Muthu : ________________________

Exercise 4 Articles – A/An/The

A) Look at the pictures below. Write ‘a’ or ‘an’ to the numbered objects.

1. ____________ orange

2. ____________ apple

3. ____________ peach

4. ____________ knife

5. _______________ lemon

6. ____________ elephant

7. ____________ monkey

8. ____________ snake

9. ____________ arrow

10. ______________ hunter


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

11. ____________ pencil

12. _____________ book

13. __________ ink-bottle

14. __________ umbrella

15. ________________ ruler

B) Look at the picture. Fill in the blanks with ‘a’ or ‘an’.

The children are in the classroom.

1. Alan is drawing _________elephant.

2. Mary is eating __________ apple.

3. Amin is reading _________ book.

4. Nora is writing _________ letter.

5. Raju is wrapping _________ present.

6. Saro is painting _________ flower.

C) Fill in the blanks with ‘ a / an / the ’.

I have (1) ________ dollhouse. (2) _________

dollhouse is very beautiful. There is (3) ________ table

and two chairs in (4) _________ dollhouse. (5) _________

table is blue. (6) _________ chairs are pink. I have (7)

_______ doll in the dollhouse. (8) _______ doll is very cute.

(9) ________ doll is wearing (10) ________ pink dress. (11)

________ dress is very pretty. (12) _________ dollhouse has

(13) ________ aquarium. There is no fish in (14) ________


D) Underline the correct answers.

1. Ali has (a) (an) cat.

2. The hen lays (a) (an) egg every day.

3. He cut down the big tree with (a) (an) axe.

4. My uncle is (a) (an) mechanic.

5. He has (a) (an) brother.

6. he bought (a) (an) orange and (a) (an) apple.

7. (A) (An) ox is an animal

8. (A)(An) tiger is very fierce.

9. We waited (a) (an) hour at the bus station.

10. I have (a) (an) eraser.

E) Look at the pictures below. Fill in the blanks correctly.

an ant a sailor a box a cupa book an

umbrellaa bowl a ball

1. 2. 3. 4.


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

5. 6. 7. 8.

F) Fill in the blanks with the correct articles.

1. ____________ rose is a beautiful flower.

2. ____________ elephant is a big animal.

3. ____________ buffalo ploughs the field.

4. ____________ snake hisses.

5. He eats ___________ plate of nasi lemak every morning.

6. Susan bought __________ new bag yesterday.

7. Seng Lee is playing with __________ yo-yo.

8. __________ eagle can fly very high.

G)Fill in the blanks with ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’.

1. There is _____________full moon tonight.

2. Jasmine is eating __________apple.

3. She is carrying ___________umbrella.

4. __________koala is _________gentle animal.

5. l opened ________door with ________key.

6. Please bring me __________cup of coffee.

7. My mother bought me __________ice-cream just now.

8. Is that_________watch your uncle gave you?

9. There is ________island in the middle of the lake.

10. December is_________ twelfth month of the year.

11. My mother buy ___________ book for me.

12. _________ cat is very cute.

13. I am sick, my mother took me to see ______ doctor.

14. _______ red colour car belongs to my uncle.

15. _______ teacher gave everyone _______ apple.

16. My father helps me to cut ______ yam cake.

17. The old lady picks up _______ aluminium can.

18. We have fixed ________ leaking pipe.

Exercise 5 Sentences and Questions

A) Underline the capital letters.

My name is Annie Lim. I am seven years old. I am

from Kuala Lumpur. I like reading storybooks. My

favourite storybook is ‘Harry Potter’. I like watch movies

too. My favourite movie is ‘Finding Nemo’.

B) Put “ . “ or “ ? “ in the blanks below.

1. What is your name ___ 2. I am Robin ___

3. Is she your sister ___ 4. Are you my friend ___

5. This is my book ___ 6. Is it a box ___


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

7. My name is Adam ___ 8. What is this ____

C) Correct the sentences and the questions below.

1. i am a girl 2. is this your bag

___________________ ___________________

3. this is my mother 4. he is a boy

___________________ ____________________

5. she is three years old 6. he is a teacher

____________________ _____________________

7. she live in bangsar 8. is it a house

____________________ _____________________

D)Tick (√) if the punctuation is correct and cross (x) if the punctuation is wrong.

1. I saw seng ling in the canteen. ( )

2. She went to see Puan Salmah. ( )3. Mr. Law will be back in October. (

)4. Tom put a book! a pen! a ruler and an eraser in his bag.( ) 5. Mount Kinabalu is the highest mountain in Malaysia.

( )6. be careful! We are going to crash! ( )

E) Punctuate the following sentences correctly.

1. johan went to new zealand last monday


2. wow what a surprise


3. have you been to kuala lumpur


4. there is a boy at the window


5. my uncle is an indian, he comes from india


6. jenny scored 100% for her mathematics


F) Punctuated the following short passage.

i am a girl of twelve my ambition is to become a nurse i would like to be my mother she is a nurse working in the general hospital she has helped a lot of patients to get well i think her job is interesting



A) Fill in the blanks with the correct articles.

1. Puan Saratha is baking _______ cake for the class


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

2. The children saw ____________elephant at the circus.

3. ________________sun is a big star.

4. My father wants a ____________ cup of tea.

5. Deepa bought _____ dress from the emporium.

_______dress was torn.

6. Mr. Joseph is ______________ engineer.

7. There is __________ old house at the end of the village.

8. Joe has a scooter. ________ scooter is red in coluour.

9. My uncle bought ________ new car.

10. I eat ________ apple everyday.

B ) P u n c t u a t e t h e f o l l o w i n g s e n t e n c e s .

1. arman rides his bicycle to school _______________________________________________

2. what is your ambition_______________________________________________

3. get out of my sight i don't want to see you any more____________________________________________________________________________________________

4. cindy fanny and ani swim at the swimming pool every tuesday ______________________________________________

______________________________________________5. the petronas twin towers is the tallest building in Malaysia______________________________________________

______________________________________________6. i have a story book call snow white

______________________________________________7. my father is talking to mr william outside the house

______________________________________________8. mrs lim walks to the market everyday

______________________________________________9. I ate noodles fried chicken fruits and jelly at the party


10. kuala Lumpur is a big city______________________________________________

11. have u been to sabah______________________________________________

12. wow the watermelon is so huge______________________________________________

13. be careful there are cars coming______________________________________________



Pronoun Verb to Be Short FormI am I’m


We’reYou You’reThey They’reHe


She She’sIt It’s

A) Fill in the blanks with the correct pronoun.

I You We He It She They

1. ___am Anne. ___am seven years old.2. This is Erin. ____ is four years old.3. _______ are sisters.

4. ______ is Ali. _____ is my cousin.

5. ___ is Ahmad. ___is my cousin, too.

6. _____ are my cousins.

7. _____ are Miss Lim.

8. _____ are my teacher.


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

9. This is Fluffy. _________ is a cat.10. This is Ben. _________ is a dog.11. ___________ are my pets.

B) Change the underlined words to pronouns.

1. Zana and Tini are my friends. __________________

2. My mother is a teacher. __________________

3. The cat is very dirty. __________________

4. Adam is ten years old. __________________

5. Rudi and Raja are tall. __________________

6. My mother and I are busy. __________________

7. Judy is a polite girl. ___________________

8. The table is big. ___________________

C) Match the sentences together.

1. She is

2. It is

3. They are

4. We are

5. He is

D)Read and write the short forms.

1. He is a teacher. ___________________________.

2. We are happy. ___________________________.

3. I am very angry ___________________________.

4. She is a nice girl. ___________________________.

5. It is my favourite food. _________________________.

6. You are welcome. ___________________________ .

E) Choose the correct pronouns.

1. This is Mary. (She, He) is my cousin.

2. I met John yesterday. (She, He) was wearing a pair of


3. This is my mother. (I, She) is pretty, isn’t she?

4. I am looking for my pencil. (I, She) lost it just now.

5. (You, She) look thinner than before,

6. Patrick went to England yesterday. (I, He) went there



7. Johan is thin. ( He , She ) eats very little.

8. The cat is cute. ( They , It ) is black in colour.

F) Replace the underlined words with suitable pronouns. Then rewrite the sentences.

1. Ah Ming takes care of the house. Ah Ming is a good boy.

____________________________________________.2. Mary is caring and helpful. Mary is a good teacher.


my classmate

singing together

my father

a beautiful butterfly

a policewoman.

Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

____________________________________________.3. Simon is a clerk. Simon works in a school.

____________________________________________.4. I met Alice and Alice invited me to her party.

____________________________________________.5. Paul is lazy. Paul is also naughty.

____________________________________________.6. The rabbit is lovely. The rabbit is mine.

____________________________________________.7. Ah Tan is crying, because Ah Tan is hungry.

____________________________________________.8. Kit Seng and his brother got a present from their father. Kit Seng and his brother are very happy.

____________________________________________.9. John is dirty. John needs a shower.

____________________________________________.10. My father is a policeman. My father catches thief.

____________________________________________.11. Panny is pretty. Panny is also very smart.


Exercise 2 Making New Friends & Greeting

A) Look at the class picture. The children are introducing themselves. Write what they say.

B) Look at the class picture again. Fill in blanks and complete the puzzle with correct names.


Hello. My name is Nani.

1. __________________________

2. _____________________________

4. __________________________________

5. _____________________________

6. _____________________________

Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

1. My name is (1) ______________________.

2. Hello. I am (2) ______________________.

3. My ___________ is (3) _______________.

4. Hello. ____________ am (4) ____________.

5. ___________ name is (5) ______________.

6. ___________ am (6) _______________.

7. ____________. I am (7) ____________.

8. Hello. ___________ name is (8) ____________.

C) Write what the children say to their new friends.

Hello. My name is jerry.What is your name?

Hello Jerry. I’m Alin.

1. ______________________


2. ____________________

3. ______________________


4. ____________________

5. ______________________


6. ____________________

D)Write the children’s greetings.


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

1. Rudi : Good morning, Arif.

Arif : ________________.

2. Chin : Good afternoon, Siva.

Siva : ________________.

3. Rina : Goodbye, John.

John : ________________.

E) Complete the dialogue by choosing the right greetings in the box.

Good night, mother. I am fine, thank you.Good afternoon, Miss Lim. Hello, Lee.

1. Lee : Hello, Raju.Raju : ____________________________________.Lee : How are you?Raju : ____________________________________.

2. Miss Lim : Good afternoon, Nina.Nina : ___________________________________.

3. Mother: Good night, Jane.Jane : ___________________________________.

F) Write what they say.

1. Tam : ___________________________________2. Father: __________________________________

3. Lisa : ___________________________________________4. Man: ____________________________________________

5. Ali : ___________________________________________6. Eric: ____________________________________________

G)Complete the dialogue by choosing the right greetings in the box.

Good night, father. Bye, JohnGood morning, Madam Tan Good evening, little Tommy.

1. Ahmad : ________________________________.Madam Tan : Good morning, Nina.

2. Father : Good night, Suraya.Suraya : __________________________________.

3. Tommy : Good evening, Uncle Sam.Uncle Sam : _______________________________.

4. John : Bye Mom, my bus is here. Mother : _______________________ , see you tonight.

Exercise 3 This-That/These-Those



Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

A) Look at the pictures. Write ‘This’ or ‘That’.

1. _________ is my sister.

2. _________ is my teacher.

3. __________ is a tiger.

4. _________ is a vase.

5. ________ is a kite.

6. _________ is my cat.

B) Answer these questions. Use ‘These’ or ‘Those’.

1. What are these?____________________


2. What are those?____________________


3. What are those?____________________


4. What are these?____________________


5. What are those?____________________


C) Look at the pictures. Circle the correct answer.

1. ___________ are cars.AThis C TheseB That D Those


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

2. ___________ is your pet.

AThis C TheseB That D Those

3. ___________ is my room.

AThis C TheseB That D Those

D)Circle the correct answers.1.

(This , That) is my dictionary


(This, That) boy is my friend.


Pass (this, that) pencil to me, please


(This, That) house is very beautiful

E) Use the words given to from correct sentences.

1. this dress I very much like___________________________________________.

2. loves to play with Mary this doll.____________________________________________.

3. over there? is Who that girl

____________________________________________.4. is That photo my aunt’s


F) Look at the pictures below. Tick (√) the correct answers.

1. 2.This car belongs to Pak Ali.

This is Fara’s chair.

That car belongs to Pak Ali.

That is Fara’s chair.

3. 4.This is a tree. This is Azria’s sharpener.That is a tree. That is Azria’s sharpener.

G)Underline the correct words in the brackets and write out each sentence.

1. (This, These) is my new bedroom._________________________________________________

2. (That, Those) are my brother's friends._________________________________________________

3. (These, This) presents are for Miss Ayu._________________________________________________


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

4. (That, These) is a very unusual piece of painting._________________________________________________

5. (This, These) are my dogs. They're very friendly._________________________________________________

6. (This, These) is my comb and (this, these) are my ribbons._________________________________________________

7. (Those, That) is not the pen I want. Please give me the other


8. "Who's (that, this)?" asked Sara as she heard a knock on the door.

_________________________________________________9. (That, Those) is my house. The girl waving to us is my sister.

_________________________________________________10. (This, These) is a classroom. It is very neat and tidy.

_________________________________________________11. (That, Those) is Syahirah's car. She bought it last month.

________________________________________________12. (Those, That) are Badrul's books. He likes to read.

_________________________________________________13. "Which of (this, these) trousers do you want?" asked Sani.


Exercise 4 Possessive Adjectives

Used to show belonging

That is his car.This is her cat.Those are their bags.The green one is our house.The money is blinking its

Subject Possessive Adjectives

I MyYou YourHe HisShe HerIt Its

We OurThey Their


A) Match the pictures with the sentences.

1. Mr. Tai has an old but useful jeep. This is his jeep.


2. Prema has a beautiful bag. This is her bag.


3. John has some cards. These are his cards.


4. Pak Ali planted some fruit trees. These are his fruit trees.


5. Jane has bought a new blouse. This is her blouse.


B) Underline the correct answers.1. Mei Ling put on (his, her) new jeans.2. He rides (his, her) horse on the field.3. This is Jackie Lau. He puts on a pair of (his, her) newest

shoes.4. She went to the cinema with (his, her) father.5. He rowed (his, her) kayak in the stormy sea.6. Michelle taught (his, her) students how to use proper



Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

C) This is Amir’s school bag. Let’s find the following objects from his school bag.SCISSORS WATER BOTTLE PEN PENCIL BOOKERASER SHARPENER RULER GLUE PENCIL BOX

D)Change the words in brackets to POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES.

1. That is (the woman's) her skirt.2. (Amin's)____________ bicycle is new.3. (The boys') ____________ shirts are dirty.4. I like (the cat's) ______________ fur.5. (The peacock's) __________ feathers are very beautiful.6. That is (the elephant's) _______________ trunk.7. (The men's) ________________ trousers are blue.8. Those are (the children's) ________________ toys.9. (The baby's) __________________ hair is very fine.10. This is (my parents') __________________ room.11. She sleeps in (her sister's) __________________ bed.

12. (The headmaster's) ___________________ car is old.

E) Underline the correct answer.

1. I wash (my, your) face in the morning. 2. She puts up (his, her) hands.3. They have (our, their) own parents.4. You must show me (his, your) fingernails. 5. The hen lays (my, its) eggs in the coop. 6. The cat and (its, his) kittens are here.7. We are giving you (my, our) old books.8. Noraini and I live in the same house. (Her, Our) house is in


F) Fill in the blanks with ‘ my / its / your / our / her / his / their ’ .

1. She has a teddy bear.

This is _______ teddy bear.

2. I have a present.

This is ________ present.

3. We have a teacher.

This is _________ teacher.

4. The cat has a basket.

This is __________ basket.


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

5. They have a house.

This is _________ house.

6. He has a bicycle.

This is __________ bicycle

G)Look at the picture. Fill in the blanks with ‘my/your/its’.

Exercise 5 Possessive Nouns

‘s (singular) s’ (plural) of the


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

(for non-living thing)

… the boy’s cap

… the girls’ scarves

.. the legs of the table.

… the bird’s wings

... the cats’ paws … the door of the car

… Sue’s ring … the ladies’ shoes

… the pocket of the shirt

A) Fill in the blanks with the correct possessive nouns. Use the names in the pictures below.

1. Can I borrow _____________ lawnmower today?

2. Where is _________ umbrella?

3. Those are __________ towels.

4. This is _____________ new dress.

B) Circle the correct answers.

1. Thebaby clothes are

dirty. baby’s

2. Ourneighbour’s dog is barking.neighbours

3. These are theboy shoes.


4. Have you metJohns’ brother?John’s

5. This is Alice’s school.Alice

C) Complete these sentences as shown.

1. A bicycle has a saddle.This is the saddle of the bicycle.


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

2. A house has several windows. These are ________________________

3. A clock has two hands. These are __________________________

4. A watch has a strap. This is__________________________

D)Rewrite the sentences by putting ‘of the’, ( ‘s ) and ( ‘ ) at the proper places.1. The dog fur is wet.

_____________________________________________.2. Point to the end page.

_____________________________________________3. This is my aunts motorcycle.

_____________________________________________4. Please do not kick the table leg.

_____________________________________________5. The girls dresses are lying on the floor.


E) Put a tick (√) if the sentences is correct and a cross (X) if it is wrong.

1. These are Mei Ping’s stamps. (


2. This is my family bungalow. ( )

3. That is my mother sewing machine. (


4. It is Ai Ling’s piano. ( )

5. This is Lilys’ computer. ( )

6. Is this your father’s room? ( )

7. It is Pak Saiful’s van. ( )

8. This is peter football. ( )

9. Please put Siew Pei’s guitar on the sofa. ( )

10. Is that Azian skirt? ( )

F) Replace the underlined words with her / his / its / their / our.1. My mother’s cooking is delicious.

____________________________________________.2. The elephant’s ears are big.

____________________________________________.3. Ann’s dress and my dress are pretty.

____________________________________________.4. Lim’s cat and John’s cat are cute.

____________________________________________.5. My brother’s wife is beautiful.


Exercise 6 Possessive Pronouns

Used to show “ownership” or “possession”

The cat is hers.Those bags are theirs.The watch is mine.

Subject Possessive Pronouns

I MineYou YoursHe HisShe HersIt -

We OursThey Theirs


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

A) Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

1. Ghazali and I built that hut. It is __________________.

2. Lola lent me these books. They are. ________________.

3. Are these your rulers? No, they are not ____________.

4. This building belongs to Mr. Chandran. It is _________.

5. This frisbee is _______. I gave it to him for his


6. Bala and Charmaine bought a house. The house is


7. Tim and Wendy have four kittens. These kittens are


8. "You can wear these shirts. They are __________,"

mother told Tommy.

B) Choose the correct word and write out each sentence.

1. That is my scarf. That scarf is (mine, yours). _____________________________________________

2. This is not my handkerchief. It is (hers, mine)._____________________________________________

3. Andrew has some books. Those books are (his, hers)._____________________________________________

4. Uncle Jim gave us a new radio. It is (ours, mine)._____________________________________________

5. These are not Amir's stamps. These stamps are (yours,


6. Saiful and Rizal have skateboards. The skateboards are

(theirs, ours)._____________________________________________

7. These are the boys’ bicycles. These bicycles are (their,

theirs). _____________________________________________

8. That is my brothers pen. That pen is (mine, his). _____________________________________________

9. We made the cake. The cake is (us, ours). _____________________________________________

10. I left the money there just now, the money is (mine, yours).

_____________________________________________Exercise 7 Reflexive Pronouns

Subject Reflexive PronounsI myself

You yourself (one person)/ yourselves (many people)

He himselfShe herselfIt itself

We ourselvesThey themselves

A) Fill in the blanks with the correct reflexive pronouns.

1. Maria bought herself a car.

2. They _____________ are eating the dirty food.


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

3. You told mother about it ______________ ?

4. My sister hurts ______________when she was cooking.

5. Tam Hen and I blamed ____________ for the accident.

6. He wanted to give the present to you by ___________

but he was ill.

7. The dog soaks ______________ in the pond water.

8. Do you want a cake for ________________ ?

9. The kids go to tuition centre by _______________ .

10. We cooked _____________a delicious meal last week.

B) Underline the correct answers and write out each sentence.1. Please carry the vase (yourself, herself).

_____________________________________________2. Faridah made (herself, itself) a cup of coffee. .

_____________________________________________3. The woman blamed (herself, yourself) for the mistake.

____________________________________________4. My brother cooked the chicken all by (myself, himself).

_____________________________________________5. We travelled to Kuala Kubu Bharu by (yourself, ourselves).

_____________________________________________6. The bird made (herself, itself) a nest.

_____________________________________________7. Grandmother sits there by (herself, sheself).

_____________________________________________8. Please help (yourselves, themselves), don’t be shy.

_____________________________________________9. Johnny laugh by (itself, himself) when watching TV.

_____________________________________________10. Jamallah cooked by (herself, herselves) yesterday.

_____________________________________________11. The children play by (themself, themselves) in the house.

_____________________________________________12. Father and I built a house by (yourself, ourselves).

_____________________________________________13. Sam and Sandy go to school by (themselves, ourselves).


Exercise 8 Relative Pronouns

A) Join these sentences using ‘who’, ‘which’, or ‘whose’. Leave out the words in hold.1. That is a doctor. He spoke to me.

That is the doctor who spoke to me.

2. This the cat. It caught the rat.____________________________________________3. I know the boy. His father is a doctor in the hospital._____________________________________________4. That is the man. He cut down the tree._____________________________________________5. That is the man. His shoes were stolen._____________________________________________6. The gardener found the insect. It destroyed his plants._____________________________________________7. Those are the chairs. They are broken._____________________________________________8. That is the policeman. He caught the thief._____________________________________________9. That is the man. His son is a lawyer._____________________________________________10. This is the tiger. It killed two men last week. ______________________________________________11. He is the boy. His father owns that shop.


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

______________________________________________12. Did you see the woman? She bought the flowers.


RevisionA) Complete the sentences below.

1. There is ________________ in her bag. (an umbrella)

2. There are _____________ in the jug. (some milk)

3. There are ____________ in the bowl. (some noodle)

4. There are _____________ on the road. (two taxi)

5. There is ____________ under the chair. (a dog)

6. There are __________ in the bottle. (a lot of water)

B) Look at the puzzle below. Circle all countable nouns. Draw a line over all uncountable nouns.

C) Underline the correct answer.

1. Ali wash (her, his) bicycle in the evening.

2. Siti puts up (his, her) hands.

3. They help (our, their) parents in the garden.

4. You must show me (his, your) beautiful house.

5. The duck sits on (her, its) eggs.

6. The dog and (its, his) puppies are playing.

7. We are reading (my, our) story books.

8. Nadiah and I live in the same town. (Her, our) house is


Subang Bestari.

D)Look at the pictures. Fill in the blanks with ‘This’. ‘These’, ‘That’ or ‘Those’.





1. ______________________ is a basket.

2. ______________________ is the moon.

3. ______________________are mushrooms.

4. ______________________are monkeys.

E) Choose the correct personal pronouns and fill in

the blanks.


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

1. Beng Hock has a new pen. His aunt bought it for _______ (him, he).2. _________________ (We, Us) like to swim together.3. ____________ (They, Them) are new to this school. Do

you know ___________ (them, we)? 4. Sam has a pet. __________ (It, He) is a puppy.5. My grandfather gave __________ (me, it) a watch.

______ (I, It) wear it every day.6. Mr. Chin is teaching the class. ___________ (He, She) is

a strict teacher.

F) Fill in the blanks with the correct possessive adjectives.

1. My headmaster drives a car. _________ car is a Kancil.2. John has a blue jersey. It is _________ jersey.3. I try to keep _________room neat and tidy.4. We always have ________breakfast at a quarter to seven

in the morning.5. Dora and her children are at the beach. They are playing

with ___________ ball.6. Encik Ali and his family are building a house.

___________house is a double-storey house.



A) Fill in the blanks correctly.

What Where How many Who

1. _____________are they?

There are my friends.

2. ____________is the book?

The book is in the bag.

3. _________balls are there?

There are four balls.

4. _______________are you doing?

I am singing a song.

B) Write the question for each answer.

What is your name? Who is your teacher?How many pencils are

there?Where is your book?


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

1. Question: _______________ ________________________.

Answer : My teacher is Mr. Chong.

2. Question :________________________________.

Answer : My name is Azria.

3. Question : ________________________________.

Answer : There are eleven pencils.

4. Question : ________________________________.

Answer : My book is on the table.

C) Look at the picture. Write an answer to each question.

1. Who is that woman?___________________________________________ .

2. Where is she?___________________________________________ .

3. What is she doing?___________________________________________ .

4. How many students are there?___________________________________________ .

5. What is she holding on her hand?____________________________________________ .

6. How does she look?____________________________________________ .

D)Circle the correct answers.

1. are your neighbours?


Who When

Where What

Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

2. is the name of the book you are

reading now?

3. do you stay?

4. is the tallest boy in your class?

5. will the bus leave?

6. is the library situated?

E) Match the questions, the answers and the pictures correctly.

1. What did you eat for breakfast

(a) My uncle

2. Who is that man with the glasses?

(b) In Malaysia.

3. Where is Kedah situated?

(c) A piece of cake.

Exercise 2 Preposition of place & position – In / On / Off / Near / Under

A) Circle the correct answer.

1. The ball in ( on / under ) the table.

2. The ice-cubes are ( in / near ) the glass.

3. The house is ( near / on ) the tree.

4. The cat is sleeping ( near / on ) the mat.

5. The vase falls ( off / on ) the table.

B) Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions.

1.The monkey is __________ the


Who Where

Who What

Where When

Where Who

Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik



The mechanic is __________ the car.


The books are __________ the bag.


The cats are playing ________ the house.


Ahmad fells __________ the chair.


The cherry is _________ top of the ice-cream.


The bed is __________ the door.

C) Look at the picture. The children are playing hide and seek. Answer the question.

1. Where is Ahmad?Ahmad is under the table.

2. Where is Lisa


3. Where is Alan?


4. Where is Nora?


D)Look at the pictures below. Then circle the correct answers.

1. 2. 3.


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

The two kids are sitting (in, on) the chair.

I jumped (out, down) of my bed because it was late.

The puppy is sleeping (under, down) the table.


Tat Ming is going (up, in) the hill.


My father is (on, in) the car now.


Lai Ping is going (out, down) the stairs.

E) Match the sentences with the correct pictures.

I am getting out of my house.

There are five candles on the cake.

Tracy hid the card under her pillow.

Two kittens are playing in the basket.

1. _______________________________


2. _______________________________


3. _______________________________


4. _______________________________


F) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate prepositions.

down in out on under


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

This is Lisa's bedroom. There are some reference

books and a lamp ___________ (1) her desk. There is

also a dustbin ___________ (2) the desk. She has many

clothes _____________ (3) her cupboard. Every morning,

Lisa takes her uniform ____________(4) of the cupboard

and dresses herself tidily. Then she

walks_____________(5) the stairs to have her breakfast

before going to school.

Exercise 3 Clothing

A) 1. Rearrange these sentences about Raju.Raju his wearing uniform school is. white shirthis is. pair a wearing is he blue of dark shorts. badge he wear must pocket his of shirt on the his. shoes socks and white also his are. neat and he smart looks very.________________________________________________






2. Rearrange these sentences about Mei Lin.Mei Lin is this. is her birthday to she going

friend's party. is pink and a she wearing blouse a black skirt. skirt her pink it on has roses. pink ties her hair she with ribbons. sandals black her are._____________________________________________






B) Rearrange the words to form correct sentences. Write them out on the lines provided.

1.father / necktie / a / MY / office / to / wears____________________________________________________________________

2.wearing / belt / a / Mr. Jaswant Singh / is / ____________________________________________________________________

3.a / May Ling / wearing / skirt / is____________________________________________________________________

4.dhoti / a / wears / to / temple / the / Mr. Ravi____________________________________________________________________

5.wearing / a / is / socks / of / pair / brother / My__________________________________


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik


6.woman / wearing / hat / head / her / on / is / the / a____________________________________________________________________

Exercise 4 Healthy Eating Habit

A) Label each picture with the correct word.

1. 2. 3.


4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9. 11.

B) Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the above picture.

Anita practices a healthy eating habit. For breakfast,

she eats a hard boiled ____________. She also eats

___________ with ___________ or __________. She drinks a

glass of ___________ or ________. Anita eats ________ with

roast _________ for lunch. She also loves ___________ and

steamed ___________. For dinner, Anita usually eats a bowl

of __________. Before going to bed, she drinks a glass of


Exercise 5 Short Form

A) Fill in the blanks with the short form of the

words in brackets.

1. She (is not) ______________ a nurse.

2. They (are not) ___________ writing.

3. (I am) ____________ going home.

4. You (do not) __________ like to bathe.

5. He (does not) ___________ want a bun.

6. (It is) ___________ a television.

7. (They are) _________ coconut trees.

8. (We are) your teachers.

9. Atan (does not) _________ wear skirts.

10. We (did not) _________ swim in the pond.

B) Fill in the blanks with the correct punctuation


1. Is that a deer ___

2. Do you want some bean sprouts ___

3. There are tigers __ giraffes and many wild animals ___

4. P __ Selvarajah is my cousin.

5. Happy birthday ___


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

6. Look there _____ it___s a snake

7. That is her mother__ s dress.

8. There _re ten mangoes __ twenty oranges and a

durian __

9. Ali __s bicycle is green in colour.

10. Congratulation __ You get 100% in your English test


11. Don__t you know that Tina is sick?

12. I have two pens __ three pencils __ an eraser and


books in my bag.

13. Are they going fishing this afternoon __

14. Mother __ Alan is not coming __ is he __

15. Sam and I are good friend__ we go to school

together __

C) Give the short form of the following words.

1. Monday ___________ 10. March ____________

2. Tuesday ___________ 11. April _____________

3. Wednesday _________ 12. June _____________

4. Thursday ___________ 13. July ______________

5. Friday _____________ 14. August ____________

6. Saturday ___________ 15. September _________

7. Sunday ____________ 16. October ___________

8. January ____________ 17. November __________

9. February ___________ 18. December __________


A. Look at the pictures carefully. Write two correct sentences for each picture.

His mother took his temperature. He even had a headache. She gave him medicine to eat. It was very high. Aznul wake up feeling very weak. Aznul rested in bed the whole day.














Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

B) Fill in the blanks to complete the dialogue below.

Who Miss Leong Where What Penan



There is a new classmate in Jane’s class.

Jane : Hi, I am Jane. (1) ____________ is your name?

Sandra : Hi, nice to meet you. I am (2) ___________.

Jane : Well, (3) ____________ are you from?

Sandra : Oh, I am from (4) _________. My father has been

transferred here to work. That’s why my family

and I have to move here.

Jane : Hm, I am sure you will like this place.

Sandra: Yes, I think so. All the people here are very


By the way, (5) ___________ is our class teacher?

Jane : (6) ___________________. She is very kind and

caring. Oh, here she comes. I’ll talk to you later.

C) Circle the correct answers.

1. There are six _______ on the field.

A player B players C player's2. _________are very fierce.

A Lion B Lions C A lion3. __________is a good place to visit.

A taman negara B Taman negara C Taman Negara4. The wife of the king is called the ____________.

A queen B queenie C princess5. There is __________ university on Jalan Besar.

A - B a C an6. Are____________ good at games?

A he B she C you7. Let me introduce. is my cousin, Susan.

A It B This C These8. Simon is hardworking. All ____ friends like him very much.

A he B his C her9. This iscar. He bought it yesterday.

A George B Georges' C George's10will you start working?

A Who B What C When11Miss Teo is nice lady. She is kind and generous.

A - B a C an12 David works very hard. works almost ten hours every day.

A It B He C She

D)Fill in the blanks with ‘Who’, ‘Whose’, ‘What’ or ‘Which’.

1. _________________ time does the bell ring for recess?2. _______________________ watch is this?


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

3. _____________________ know where my story book is?4. _____________________ are those boys doing?5. ______________________ is that man?6. _______________________ bag is this?7. ______________________ dress is this?8. ______________________ box is bigger?

E) Underline the correct possessive adjectives.

1. She has a brother. This is (my, her) brother.

2. The little boy took (his, its) dog for a walk.

3. My friend and I do (our, your) homework together.

4. The pupils gave (their, our) names to the teacher.

5. Mr. Young has a farm. (His, Her) farm is big.

6. The cow is looking for (its, his) calf.

7. Please wash (your, their) hands before you eat.

8. (Your, My) mother is calling me. I have to go.

9. Is Alice home? I want to return (her, my) book.

10. Close (your, my) eyes. We have a surprise for you.

11. We are going to (my, our) uncle's house in Penang.

12. Elephants can pick up things with (its, their) trunks.

F) Make a question for each sentence.

1. _____________________________________________Susan lives at 23, Jalan Satu, Tapah, Perak. (Who)

2. ____________________________________________She is coming home next Monday. (When)

3. ____________________________________________This book belongs to Mary. (Whom)

4. ____________________________________________I'm crying because I lost my pocket money. (Why)

5. ____________________________________________I am going to Singapore during the holidays. (Where)

G) Fill in the blanks with the correct possessive


1. Is this __________ cap? No, it isn't. It is Paul's.

2. My family and I live here. This is __________house. ,

3. This is a kangaroo. _______ baby is called a joey.

4. The little girl is happy. She is clapping ________ hands.

5. Miss Tan carries a bag to school. That is _________


6. Jason has a hamster. He is playing with_______


7. May Lee has a new car. She washes _______ every


8. Sam and May have a few cats. _______ cats are


9. Puan Fatimah has a daughter. ________daughter is


years old.

10. This is ________new English teacher. She is kind and

friendly. I like her.



A) Change the following nouns into the plural forms.

1. pen 7. eraser


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

2. bag 8. dentist

3. key 9. cup

4. rock 10. rabbit

5. log 11. fork

6. tiger 12. nail

B) Name the items below.

cats cabbages chair bananas sweets

1. 2.

3. 4. 5.

C) Based on the pictures, re-write the sentences correctly. Follow the example below.


The are in the room.

The are two chairs in the room .

1. Ali is carrying .


2. Ahmad is eating .


3. There are in the classroom.


4. Lily is flying .


5. My father eats after dinner.____________________________________________________.

6. We have at home.____________________________________________.

D)Rewrite these sentences, changing the words in bold into the plural forms.

1. There is a cow on the farm. There are two cows on the farm.

2. There is a butterfly in the net.____________________________________________

3. There is a horse in the stable._____________________________________________

4. There is a child in the garden._____________________________________________

5. There is a mangosteen in the basket._____________________________________________

6. There is a baby on the bed.


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik


7. There is a durian under the tree._____________________________________________

8. There is an old man in the house._____________________________________________

9. There is a woman in the kitchen._____________________________________________

10. They eat a watermelon this afternoon._____________________________________________

E) Fill in the blanks with ‘a few’ or ‘a little’.

1. He only wants _______________salt.

2. There is ________________ dust on the chair.

3. There is ________________ milk in the glass.

4. Can I have _______________ cream, please?

5. There are_______________men in the room.

6. Rina wants to buy ________________ribbons.

7. They took ______________water from the pond.

8. We saw _______________tadpoles in the pond.

9. There are_______________marbles in his pocket.

10. Hock Seng caught ____________ butterflies yesterday.

F) Fill in the blanks with ‘some’ or ‘any’.

1. We ate ___________ noodles for dinner.

2. Do you have__________ coins?

3. There are___________ balloons in the box. .

4. Are there ___________ fish in the pond?

5. Puan Hasnita gave Nani_________ chocolates.

6. There isn't ___________ milk in the bottle.

7. Is there ____________ tea in the teapot?

G)Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the box. Use each word only once.

a little a lot of several every bothsome much many each anyfew thousand only bit

1. These books cost RM12.50 _________________.

2. Do you have______________money?

3. I have watched that movie____________times.

4. Devi keep_____________ sold coins in a box.

5. There isn't ________________sugar left in the bowl.

6. There are not _______________ pictures on the wall.

7. Please add ________________more lemon to my tea.

8. You only need ____________oil to fry the egg.

9. The teacher gave _____________pupil a piece of paper.

10. The two girls share the same hobby. They___________

like swimming.

11. It is raining heavily, very _____ students come to


12. The mango tree is full of ants, there are _________ of


13. I need a ______ more salt to make the soup tasty.38

Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

14. The shirt is cheap, it is _________ RM3.00.

Exercise 2 Conjunctions

A)Circle the correct answers.

1. Ali likes painting ( or / and ) playing football.

2. Would you like to have fried noodles ( or / and ) chicken


3. There are many chairs ( or / and ) tables in this


4. Fruits ( or / and ) vegetables are good for our health.

5. Is this a monkey ( or / and ) orang-utan?

6. Does he want an apple( or / and ) orange?

B)Fill in the blanks with “or” or “and”.

1. Terry can draw _______________dance.

2. Lin Cheng likes jogging ____________ swimming.

3. Will you buy the big one ______________ the small one?

4. Paul ___________ Jeffrey play basketball very well.

5. Shall we play tennis _____________ badminton?

6. I have a cake ____________ some chocolates.

7. Siew Bee ____________ Siew Lan are good singers.

8. Helen ___________ Anne are classmates.

9. Shall we go there by bus ___________ by train?

10. Punitha, would you like to watch “Cinderella” _____

“Beauty and the Beast”?

C) Join the sentences by using “or” or “and”.

1. Pauline is sick. Kang Meng is sick.


2. Would you choose the black one? Would you choose the

blue one?



3. Joe cycles to school every day. Phoebe cycles to school

every day.



4. Kheng Shen is doing his homework. Chung Fa is doing his




5. Are you visiting Japan next month? Are you visiting China

next month?



D)Read the sentences. Combine the sentences

using ‘and’. Use the words in the brackets to help


1. I read poems. I read storybooks. (read)

I read poems and storybooks.


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

2. Mary likes ice cream. Raju likes ice cream. (like)

Mary and Raju like ice cream.

3. Rudy is singing. Rudy is dancing. (is) Diana is pretty.


4. Diana is tall. (is)


5. Lim is fat. Lim is short. (is)


6. Nona likes chocolate. Nona likes candies. (likes)


7. My mother is beautiful. My mother kind.(is)


8. I like coffee. I like tea. (like)


E) Write the sentences.

1. like/we/

We like elephant and tiger.

2. I/have/ / can?


3. /singing / love.


4. pencil case / have /


/ I / my


5. hear / I / can /


6. has / big / she


Exercise 3 Question: Is there……….?

A) Look at the picture. The children are having a good time at the zoo. Complete the questions and answers.


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

(tiger)Is there a tiger?


1. __________________________

(elephant)2. ____________________________

3. ___________________________

(monkey)4. ____________________________

5. ____________________________

(parrot)6. ____________________________

7. ____________________________

B) Look at the picture. Tick (√) the correct answer.

1 Is there a book? Yes, there is

No, there isn’t.

2 Is there a bed? Yes, there is

No, there isn’t.

3 Is there a lamp? Yes, there is

No, there isn’t.

4 Is there a doll? Yes, there is

No, there isn’t

5 Is there a


Yes, there is

No, there isn’t

6 Is there a


Yes, there is

No, there isn’t

C) Look the picture again. Answer the questions below.

1. Is there a pillow? 2. Is there a teddy bear?______________________ _____________________

3. Is there a carpet? 4. Is there a dollhouse?______________________ _____________________

5. Is there a carpet? 6. Is there a chair?______________________ _____________________

WRITING SKILL D) The pictures below show what Terence did yesterday. Use ALL the words given to make good sentences about the pictures. Write your answers in the space provided.

a) b) c)


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

- cycling – home - school

- heard – mewing – looked around - drain

- took – home – bathed – fed - milk







RevisionA ) Underline the correct answers.1. I have three (marble, marbles).

2. My brother's name is (Ling King Sen, ling king sen).

3. Miss Methilda is an (actor, actress).

4. I saw (a, an) aeroplane flying in the sky.

5. My best friend is Tom. (He, She) is a good pupil.

6. (This, That) umbrella is too far away from me. I can't



7. (Jeffrey's, Jeffreys') computer is in his room.

8. (Who, Where) can we find Mr Lee? Is he in the library?

B) Tick (√) the correct sentences.

1. These are Ali erasers. 6. What are they doing?

These are Ali’s erasers.

Who are they doing?

2. I live in Kota Damai. 7. That are my pencil. I live in kota damai. That is my pencil.

3. She like to jog. 8. Tuesday is my birthday.

She likes to jog. tuesday is my birthday.

4. It’s head is wet. 9. He is clever. Its head is wet. He are clever.

5. Sunita is standing. 10. This are grapes. Sunita am standing. These are grapes.

C) Match the correct greetings with the pictures given.


Thank You

2.Happy Birthday





Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik


D) Fill in the blanks with your own words. You must write only one word for one blank.

Last Sunday, Lydia had (1)

_____ picnic with (2) _________

family. They brought a lot of

tasty (3) ________. Lydia and her

brother played with a (4) ______

on the beach. They were very

happy. They went back home in (5) __________evening.

E) The pictures below describe an animal. Use ALL the words given to make a sentence about each picture. a) b) c)

elephant - wild animal

biggest – animal - land

helps man – carrying logs









Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

A) Fill in the blanks with “ am ”, ‘ is “ or “ are “.

1. He _________ my brother.

2. They ___________ Ali and Amin.

3. I __________ very happy.

4. You ___________ very clever.

5. My sister and I ______________ in the train.

6. Puan Maznah __________ her mother.

7. Our house ____________ near the hospital.

8. The old men ____________ weak.

B) Fill in the blanks with “ was “ or “ were “.

1. He _______ there just now.

2. We _________ at your house yesterday.

3. I __________ with her this morning.

4. My mother __________ in the kitchen an hour ago.

5. They _________ not here last week.

6. You ___________ tired after the game yesterday.

7. The dog ___________ in the kennel last night.

8. Rashid and I _____________ at work yesterday.

C) Fill in the blanks correctly.

1. She __________ the housework every day. (do, does)

2. This raincoat ____________a hole in it. (has, have)

3. I _______following my teacher to the staffroom. (is, am)

4. We_________ having noodles for lunch. (is, are)

5. She _________in the kitchen. (is, are)

6. She _________ a toy car. (has, have)

7. My mother __________ the ironing at night. (do, does)


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

8. They __________members of the Dance Club. (is, are)

9. Monkeys __________long tails. (has, have)

10. The boys _______not know how to do the sums. (do,


11. The girls_______ playing netball in the field. (is, are)

12. She _____not know how to arrange the flowers. (do,


13. My aunt and her daughter _______(is, are) baking

cookies for Christmas.

14. The briefcase _________ (is, are) very expensive.

15. She ________ (has, have) 'nasi lemak' every


16. I ________ (am, is) dancing the folk dance.

17. ________ you like to cook? (Do , Does )

18. She __________ a computer. (have , has)

19. They _______ reading in the library. (is , are )

20. It __________ my cat (am, is), it __________ a bell on

its neck. (have, has)

Exercise 2 Subject-Verb Agreement


With do and does, you must use the base form of the verb.

Example : Does he like his book?She does not want a needle.

X WRONG1. She go home with me.2. They likes ice cream.3. Mother bake potatoes every week,4. He have a car.

√ CORRECT1. She goes home with me.2. They like ice cream.3. Mother bakes potatoes every week.4. He has a car.

A) Fill in the blanks with “has” , “ have” or “had”.

1. We __________ a wonderful Science lesson yesterday.


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

2. They _________ much money.

3. She _________ a new bag.

4. He____________ a huge purple kite when he was six

years old.

5. The monkey ___________ a long tail.

6. Maimun and I __________ some sweets a while ago.

7. Mr. Ramesh_________ a fever yesterday.

8. The boys _________ many biscuits last week.

B) Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. Encik Rosli (verb-to-be)_________ a tall man.

2. I (be) __________ at home every day.

3. They (verb-to-have) __________dinner at the shop last


4. We (be) ___________ very sleepy just now.

5. She (have) _________ an old piano.

6. You (be) _________ thinner than Aminah.

7. The tables (be) _________ brown.

8. My house (have) ________ many windows.

9. The cat (be) __________ in the drain just now.

C) Underline the correct answer.

1. They ( are, were, have ) at the cinema last night.

2. She (is, was, has) a few rings.

3. We (are, were, have) no time to play.

4. That ( is, are, has ) a pretty bird.

5. Those ( is, are, have ) your socks.

6. Giraffes ( are, has, have ) patches on their body.

7. My uncle ( has, was, had ) no work last year.

8. The women (are, were, have) at the market every


9. Ms Evianie Afrina ( has, is, was ) in the car just now.

10. Tim and Tom (have, has, had) a fight last night.

11. He ( were, was, had ) here just now.

12. Jenny ( have , had, has ) lunch with me yesterday.

13. Today I can not go to school, I ( had, was, have) a


14. Hisham ( is , was , am ) thin last year, but he ( is ,

am, are)

fat now.

15. Amin ( are , is , has ) a brother. They (has , have )



D)All the sentences below contain a mistake. Circle the each mistake and correct the sentences in the space provided.

1. The cow is a tail._______________________________________________

2. Min Lee are very clever. _______________________________________________


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

3. The small boy is a ruler. _______________________________________________

4. That clock has round._______________________________________________

5. Mr. Wong has sleeping just now._______________________________________________

6. His mother has a teacher._______________________________________________

7. It is very hot yesterday._______________________________________________

8. He has a headache last week._______________________________________________

9. We are not there two days ago. _______________________________________________

10. I had nine years old._______________________________________________E) Look at the picture and fill in the blanks with the given words. You do not have to use all the words provided.

was were has had is have am are

Encik Mohamed is sitting under a tree. He ____________(1)

a book in his hands. He ___________ (2) asleep. There

________ (3) some crows around him. They __________ (4)

black feathers. They __________ (5) not here five minutes

ago. Now they are busy eating Encik Mohamed's food.

F) Complete the following passage using the correct subject-verb agreement.

Mrs. Lee and her children are in the garden. She (1) _____________ (be) picking flowers. Her children (2) ___________ (be) weeding the garden. They (3)____________ (do) gardening during the weekends. Mrs. Lee (4) __________ (have) some flowers in her basket. She (5) _________ (like) to arrange her flowers in a vase. They look beautiful.

G)Circle the correct word.

1. I ( am, are ) a pupil.

2. They ( is, are ) my uncles.

3. She ( is, are ) Miss Lily Wong.

4. We ( has, have ) twenty pins.

5. You ( is, are ) my friend.

6. She ( like, likes ) spinach.

7. I ( want, wants ) a duster.

8. Ahmad ( play, plays ) the guitar.

9. Sam and Mat ( cycle, cycles ) to school.

10. Those children ( has, have ) red caps

H)Fill in the blanks with DO or DOES.


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

1. ______________you have a rope?

2. ______________they want a knife?

3. ______________she watch television?

4. ______________they like potatoes?

5. ______________ we have a fan?

6. She ___________ not want to go home.

7. I _____________ not have a brother.

8. You ____________ play games.

9. Ling and Sue __________not like to dance.

10. Those men ___________ have a car.

Exercise 3 Can / Can’t

CAN (√) CAN”T (X)Draw RunRead ShoutStudy EatWrite Sing

A) Look at the rules in the classroom. Write what the students can do.

1. The students can _______________ in the classroom.

2. The students_______________________________.

3. The students_______________________________.

4. The students_______________________________.

B) Now write what the students can’t do in the classroom.

1. The students can't_________________ in the classroom.

2. The students_________________________________.

3. The students_________________________________.

4. The students_________________________________.

C) Look at the table below. Write the sentences.

Sing Dance Run ClimbAzria √ xSaiful √ xAmy √ xAzian x √Aznul √ x

1. AzriaAzria can sing. She can’t dance.

2. Saiful_________________________________________________

3. Amy_________________________________________________

4. Azian_________________________________________________

5. Aznul


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik


Exercise 4 Requests, Imperatives & Responses

A) Look at the pictures. Choose the correct answer and fill in the blanks.

Stop!Please stand up.Be careful! Don’t run.Please keep quiet.

1. _______________________


2. _______________________


3. _______________________


4. _______________________


B) Write the correct imperatives.

1. Your brother's room is untidy.


2. Your sister's radio is too loud.


3. Your classmates are playing in the rain.


4. Your mother wants you to sweep the floor.


5. You switch on the fan but your grandmother is cold.


6. Your mother sees you and your brother fighting.


7. Your father sees you playing while your brother



8. Your teacher sees you with your hair not combed.


9. Your monitor sees you talking when the teacher is not


the classroom.


10. Your grandmother sees you go to bed without


your teeth.


C) Write the correct request.


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

1. You are thirsty.


2. You are hungry.


3. You want to borrow some money from your sister.


4. Your mother asks you to answer the telephone.


5. Your teacher needs help to carry some books.


6. You are going out. Your mother asks you to close the



7. Your father wants you to off the fan when you go out.


8. The blind man asks you for help to cross the street.


9. You grandmother wants you mop the dirty floor.


10. You wants your brother to off the light when he goes




Exercise 5 Simple & Compound Sentences

A) Rearrange these words to make simple sentences.

bird in flying the sky. The is

1. _____________________________________________________cat a has tail. Every

2. ____________________________________________________shine stars night. at The

3. _____________________________________________________

wild animals. Leopards are

4. _____________________________________________________

B) Make compound sentences using the words given below.

Because and but or1. A cockerel can crow. It cannot mew.


2. Hamid cannot watch television. The electricity supply


cut off.


3. Mrs. Yong went to the market to buy chicken. She


bought vegetables.


4. Do you want an egg sandwich? Do you want a tuna



C) Join the following simple sentences to form compound sentences.1. Yusnita washed the apple. Yusnita ate the apple.

Yusnita washed the apple and ate it.


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

2. Vegetables are good for us. Fruits are good for us. _____________________________________________

3. Tina made lemonade. Tina made some sandwiches._____________________________________________

4. Raju had a toothache. Raju did not see a dentist._____________________________________________

D)Find the simple sentences in the following compound sentences and write them out.1. She washed her face and combed her hair.


2. I called Aini but she was not at home.________________________________________________________________________________________

3. The turtle digs a hole and lays its eggs.________________________________________________________________________________________

4. He tried to open the door but it was locked.________________________________________________________________________________________

RevisionA) Tick (√) if the sentence is correct and cross (X) if it is wrong.

1. please give this book to him. ()

2. I have three big ball. ( )3. They went up the hill by car this morning. ( )4. The hen just laid an egg. ( )5. That are the school. Can you see it? ( )

6. This is Raymond. He is my cousin. ()

7. Catherine gave me a box of chocolates. ()

8. We aren't need your help. ( )9. Where is Singapore located? ( )10. Lee xue ling is my classmate. (


B) Fill in the blanks with the given words.

has are does is have am

1. The watermelon _____________sweet.2. The girls____________ sleeping. 3. She_____________ her homework every afternoon.4. Lee Ping __________ a story book.5. We ____________ a new car.6. The banana plant ___________ many uses.7. Daniel ____________ a clever boy.8. Lions ___________wild animals.9. I ____________ riding a horse just now.10. They ___________ at home yesterday.C) Search for the words.

Mr. Tan’s orchard


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

Grass / orchard / big / trees / mangosteen / rambutan / durian / guava / starfruit / banana / papaya / mow / pick / fertilizers / market / work / sell

D)Fill in the blanks with the words.

Mr. Tan has an (1) ___________________at Kampung

Aman. The orchard is (2) ________________Mr. Tan and

his family take care of the orchard. There are many

(3)________________in the orchard. There are (4)

____________ , (5)____________, (6) _____________, (7)

____________ , (8) ____________, (9)___________ and (10)


Every week, Mr. Tan and his family will (11 )

_________ in the orchard. Mr. Tan will (12) _______________

the (13) ____________ while Mrs. Tan puts (14)

______________. His children will (15) ____________the

fruits. Mr. Tan will then (16) __________ the fruits in the

( 17) ___________.

H) Complete the questions and answers.

(Giraffe)1. Is there ______________________

2. Yes, ________________________(elephant)3. ____________________________

4. ____________________________(monkey)5. ____________________________

6. ____________________________

E) Look at the picture. Tick (√) the correct answer.


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

1. Is there a cupboard? Yes, there isNo, there isn’t.

2. Is there any curtain? Yes, there isNo, there isn’t.

3. Is there a blanket? Yes, there isNo, there isn’t.

4. Is there a toy? Yes, there isNo, there isn’t

5. Is there a lamp? Yes, there isNo, there isn’t

6. Is there a window? Yes, there isNo, there isn’t

F) Look the picture again. Answer the questions below.

1. Is there a pillow? 2. Is there a teddy bear?

______________________ _____________________

3. Is there a television? 4. Is there a computer?

______________________ _____________________5. Is there a carpet? 6. Is there a chair?

______________________ _____________________

G)Look at the picture. The children are having a good time at the beach. Complete the questions and answers.

(umbrella)Is there an umbrella?

1. __________________________

(pineapple)2. __________________________

3. __________________________

(sand castle)4. __________________________


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

5. __________________________

(radio)6. __________________________

7. __________________________

(pencil box)8. __________________________

9. __________________________

(ball)10. _________________________

11. _________________________


Exercise 1 Simple Present Tense

A) Fill in the blanks correctly.

get up is cooks likes draw

1. Yusof _______________ to eat fried noodles.

2. My mother ____________ for us every day.

3. The children _____________ very early every morning.

4. Li Mei’s cousins ___________ some pictures for her.

5. There ___________ a clinic beside the post office.

B) Circle the correct answers.

1. Puan Hamidah (teach / teaches) at school every day.2. Mr. and Mrs. Lai ( go / goes ) to market every Sunday.3. Pak Abu ( keeps / keep ) his chickens in the coop. 4. My uncle ( washes / wash ) his car every week. 5. Yasmin ( swim / swims ) every evening.6. My mother ( cooks / cooks ) rice everyday.7. I ( wear / wears ) uniform to school.8. You ( are / is ) my friend.9. Mr. Tan (works / work ) in a chocolate factory.10. Pn. Fatimah ( walk / walks ) to the market every morning.

C) Look at the picture below and fill in the blanks with the given words. You do not have to use all the words.


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

bring like visit want come sell catch wait

It is evening. Many people _______________ (1) the

beach. They ___________(2) here every evening for

the fishing boats. The fishermen ___________(3) back

a lot of fish. Sometimes they _____________(4) the

fish to the people. The people____________(5) to buy

fish here because the fish is fresh.

D)Read the sentences below carefully. Tick (√) the sentences that are correct. Put a cross (X) beside those that are wrong. Correct the wrong sentences in the space below.

1. Maniam often buys food from that hawker. ( ) 2. Bats comes out at night. ( )

3. Caterpillars becomes butterflies. ( )4. Crocodiles live in rivers. ( )5. The fishermen catches fish. ( )6. Mat usually watches television after school. (

) 7. You seldom washes your shoes. (

)8. We walk with our legs. ( )9. My dog usually bark at cats. (

)10. That man never cooks for his family. (










E) Look at the pictures carefully and use all the words given to make sentences in the space provided.


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

1. Every Friday – Mat – mosque – with - father


2. - wears – baju melayu – songkok – takes off – slippers - legs




3. Then – goes – mosque – prays




Exercise 2 Simple Past Tense

Read the following sentences carefully. I borrowed this book from Tammy yesterday. She showed me the way to the library just now. It rained two hour ago Shun Wen was thin ten years ago.

Example : The Simple Past Tense

X WRONG1. Teacher scold me yesterday2. Mother buy a new vase because my brother break the old one.

√ CORRECT1. Teacher scolded me yesterday2. Mother bought a new vase because my brother broke the old one

A) Match the simple present tense and the simple past tense of the following words.1. start * opened2. shower * looked

3. open * started4. look * showered5. end * ended

B) Give the simple past tense of theses verbs.

1. climb 2. start

3. pull 4. push


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

5. walk 6. eat

7. watch 8.


9. throw 10. drink

11. read 12. hit

13. sit 14.


15. come 16. cook

17. take 18. sew

19. bake 20. add

21. meet 22. let

23. blow 24. jump

25. sing 26. draw

27. go 28. run

29. swim 30. buy

31. catch 32. fall

33. cut 34. put

35. fly 36. rain

C) Underline the correct answer.

1. Pak Ali (hit, hits) his head just now.

2. Susila (falls, fell) down yesterday.

3. I (draw, drew) a picture for you yesterday.

4. They (sang, sing) at the party last night.

5. We (watch, watched) television yesterday afternoon.

6. The goats (ate, eat) all the grass last Tuesday.

7. My mother (sewed, sews) a tablecloth two days ago.

8. The fishermen (caught, catch) the shark last month.

9. Mr. Balan (bought, buy) a bicycle last July.

10. The woman (sits, sat) here just now.

11. Mr. William (went, go) to the museum last week.

12. The child (loses, lost) his book yesterday.

13. I hope you (brush, brushed) your teeth this morning.

14 The tiger (roars, roared) loudly just now.

15. Yasmin (reads, read) a story to the class yesterday.

16. I ( play , played ) basketball yesterday.

17. My father (cut/cutted) the grass last week.

18. Tommy (wash/washed) his shoes last Sunday.

19. I ( swim , swam ) in the sea last month.

20. I ( write, wrote ) to my pen-pal in Singapore last


D) Change the verbs in brackets to the simple past tense.

1. You (cut) ________________ the tree last Sunday.2. He (take) ________________ my pen just now.3. She (read) ________________ the magazine yesterday.4. We (bring) _________________ our toys last week.5. They (dance) ______________ in front of me a while ago.6. The birds (fly) __________ into my house yesterday.7. My cat (smash) _______________ the vase last night.


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

8. It (rain) _______________ yesterday morning.9. Mr. Gopal (shake)__________hands with my father

when they met.10. Encik Faisal and his wife (care) _______ for the cat.11. The boys (make) ___________ a shoe rack yesterday.12. I (drink) ____________ a glass of water just now.13. Rosnah (help) __________ her mother an hour ago.14. You (polish) ______________ the floor last week.15. Cikgu Azian (kill) _______ a cockroach this morning.16. My mother and I (go) _________ to the market last

Sunday.17. My father (take) _______ us to the zoo last week.18. Ms. Chew (play) _______ tennis with me last week.19. The cat (catch) ________ a rat last night.20. Mariya (get) _______ sick yesterday.

E) Study the picture and fill in the blanks with the given words. You do not have to use all the words.

ran / see / walks / walked /stood / runs / crawled

Yesterday Aminah _______________(1) home from school. She ________________(2) an iguana by the road. She was afraid. She _______________(3) still. The iguana ______________ (4) into the river. Aminah quickly __________________(5) home.

F) Complete the passage with the correct simple past tense of the verbs in brackets.

Yesterday was Kiran's ninth birthday. There

(1) ____________ (is) a lot of food on the table. Her father

(2) ____________ (buy) a big chocolate cake. Her mother

(3) __________ (put) nine candles on the cake. Her friends

(4) ______________(sing) 'Happy Birthday' when she cut

the cake.

G)Read the sentences below carefully. Tick (√) the sentences that are correct and put a cross (X) beside those that are wrong. Correct the sentences that are wrong in the space provided on the next page.

1. I went to school yesterday. ( )2. She picks up the rubbish just now. ( )3. They sat on the floor a while ago. ( )4. You come to my house last week. (

)5. Rahman want to play with me yesterday. ( )6. The thief steals my money last night. ( )


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

7. We saw a snake last Friday. ( )8. The boy feeds the dog just now. ( )9. The moon shone brightly last night. ( )10. The children run in the field yesterday. (













H)Use the words given to make sentences about the pictures. Write in the space provided.

1. Yesterday – my father – I – went - bookshop




2. - bought – few storybooks – colour pencils




3. - came home – gave – sister – colour pencils - read – storybooks.




Exercise 3 Present Continuous Tense

A) Circle the correct answer.

1. I ____________ my hands.A am washing B are washing C is washing 2. He____________ a watermelon.A am cutting B are cutting C is cutting 3. You ____________ to Ahmad.A am talking B are talking C is talking 4. She ____________ a book.A am reading B are reading C is reading 5. They ____________ their food.A are eating B am eating C is eating6. The monkeys___________ up the tree.


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

A is climbing B are climbing C am climbing 7. The children _____________ in the room.A am singing B is singing C are singing

8. Mr.Lim _____________ his car.A is driving B are driving C am driving 9. We _____________to the shop.A are walking B is walking C am walking 10. The cat ___________ milk.A am drinking B are drinking C is drinking11. Subramaniam________ up and down because he is happy.A am jumping B are jumping C is jumping12. Maimunah and Rosnah ____________ the dishes.A am washing B are washing C is washing13. My sister and I ________________.A are cooking B am cooking C is cooking14. The baby _______________ for his milk.A is crying B are crying C am crying 15. David _______________ in the river.A am swimming B are swimming C is swimming

B) Give the present continuous tense of the verbs in brackets.

1. You (sweep) ______________the floor.

2. I (drink) _______________tea.

3. He (play) _______________badminton.

4. They (paint) ___________the walls.

5. We (watch) ____________the magic show.

6. Ahmad (brush) ____________ his teeth.

7. The boy (run) ____________to his mother.

8. The cockerel (crow) ___________.

9. Atan and I (do) _____________our work.

10. Leela (close) ___________the door.

11. I (swim) ____________in the river.

12. My brothers (write) __________ a letter.

13. Siti (sew) ___________ a skirt.

14. Miss Chan (bake)_________a cake.

15. The sun (shine) _______________.

16. The man (drive) ___________ his new car.

17. Alan and his friend (walk) ___________ home.

18. Sssh! The baby (sleep)_____________.

19. My mother (shut)___________ the window.

20. The pupils (make) ____________ a kite.

21. My grandmother (tell) ___________ us a story.

22. The horses (eat) _________ grass.

23. Mr. Chan (count)____________ his money.

24. The elephants (pull)___________ the logs.

C) Study the pictures and fill in the blanks with the given words. You do not have to use all the words.

It is a sunny. The sun

____________ (1) brightly. The

birds___________ (2) in the

sky. The children ____________

(3) in the playground. Two of

them __________ (4) caps. is singing is sitting


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

are standing are


are wearing are flying

is shining are


Their mother ____________ (5)

under the tree.

D)All the sentences below contain a mistake. For each sentence, circle and rewrite the sentence in the present continuous tense.

1. I is going to the market.


2. You am drawing a horse.


3. Bala are playing football.


4. Your father is wash his car.


5. Mr Lam is reads a newspaper.


6. The man are talking to the woman.


7. The rain are falling.


8. My sister is made tea.


9. My dog am barking.


10. The fire are burning.


E) Fill in the blanks with the present continuous form of verbs in brackets.

1. Salwa is eating the cake. (eat)

2. Father and I ___________ the motorcycle. (wash)

3. The kids ____________ in the rain. (play)

4. Siti ____________ the books up the stairs. (carry) ,

5. Aini ______________ the flowers in the garden. (pick)

6. The grocer ____________ some onions to Ms. Tan.


F) Write out these sentences using the present continuous tense of the verb in brackets.

1. The workers (build) a hospital.______________________________________________2. Listen to the bird. It (sing).

_____________________________________________3. I (begin) to feel a bit tired.

_____________________________________________4. Kah Ling (not take) her vitamin pills.

_____________________________________________5. Zalina (write) a letter to her Irish pen pal.

_____________________________________________6. Mr. and Mrs. Lim (spend) a lot of money on their holiday. _________________________________________


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

G)Use all the words given to make sentences about the pictures.

1. Mannah – bathroom – is washing - shoes__________________________________



2. - mother – back –house – is hanging – clothes - clothesline




3. - father in front – house – is washing - car




Exercise 4 P ast Continuous Tense

A) Fill in the blanks with the past continuous tense of the verbs in brackets.

1. While we _______________ (clean) the garden, I saw


2. I _____________ (wash) the toilet when I found RM10.

3. The baby ______________ (cry) when her mother left.

4. While I ______________ (start) the car, I cut my


5. While the student __________________ (talk), the

Principle came in.

6. While he _____________ (leave) the house, the dog


7. When they ____________________ (hang) up the

clothes, the rain started.

8. We found a purse while we ________________ (walk)

on the beach.

9. Grandfather ____________________ (cut) the grass

when I left for tuition class.

10. Msr. Tan __________________ (lock) her house gate

when the thief snatched her bag.

B) Read the questions and then complete the answers using the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. What was Fatheen doing last Sunday? (study)

She___________ for her examination.

2. What were you doing a few minutes ago? (listen)

I ____________ to the radio a few minutes ago.

3. What were your brothers doing just now? (carry)

They ____________ a big box to a van just now.


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

4. What was Siew Chin doing yesterday afternoon?


She ____________ yesterday afternoon.

5. What was Haliza doing at eight o'clock last night?


She __________ a postcard at eight o'clock last night.

6. What were Jasmin and Jamal doing at eight o'clock last

night? (watch)

They ____________ television at eight o'clock last night.

7. What was grandfather doing early this morning? (do)

He _________________ exercises early this morning.

8. What was mother doing at yesterday evening? (cook)

Mother__________ dinner yesterday evening.

9. What were the ducks doing just now? (eat)

The ducks ______________ some earthworm just now.

10. What were they doing a while ago? (play)

They ______________ badminton a while ago.

Exercise 5 Simple Future Tense

Used to show future actions.

I, we shallHe, She, It, You, They will

A) Fill in the blanks with “ shall “ or “ will “ .

1. ___________ you draw me a picture?

2. We ___________ wake up early tomorrow.

3. They ___________ clean the bathroom next Friday.

4. I _____________ bring the book next week.

5. When ___________ we take a look at that picture?

6. Zarina _____________ be twelve years old next month.

7. We______________ visit Tokyo during the holidays.

8. Our teacher _________ take us for a picnic this Sunday.

9. Jane and Janet _________ eat at the nasi lemak stall.

10. ______________ you talk to him after the meeting?

11. ___________ we go swimming this Sunday?

12. The dog is tame, it _______ not bite you.

13. Kent ________ like the shirt you bought for him.

14. The doctor ________ be here soon, just wait for

another five minutes.

15. Fish lives in the water, it ______ die if you take it out



B) Write out each sentence correctly using simple future tense.1. We (repair) the gate on Friday.


2. Fatimah (bake) a cake for us this weekend.


3. I (scold) him if he does not do his homework.


4. The cartoon (start) at 6 o'clock this evening.


5. Kavitha and Shila (go) fishing next week.


6. We (drink) the milk after finish watching this movie.


7. The monkey (jump) to another tree.



Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

8. My uncle (go) to the bank this afternoon.


9. We (wash) our hands before we eat.

_____________________________________________10. My brother and I (clean) the drain this weekend.

_____________________________________________11. Susila (wear) the pink colour skirt tonight.


Exercise 6 “ Going to ” Form

1. Used to show a planned


Eg. He is going to wake up

early tomorrow.

2. Used to show

something is about to


Eg. It is going to rain.

A) Fill in the blanks with “going to” form of the

verb in brackets.

1. They are going to leave (leave) tomorrow.

2. Nisha___________________________ (sell) her car.

3. Hanis ________________________ (water) the roses.

4. They _______________________ (swim) in the river.

5. The boys ________________________ (play) chess.

6. Be careful! The branch ____________________(break).

7. The workmen ___________________ (repair) the bridge.

8. The children_______________________ (sleep) in this

tent tonight.

9. I ______________________ (visit) Penang tomorrow.

10. My father _________________________ (buy) the

house next year.

B) Rewrite these sentences using the phrase “ going to ” .

1. Hurry! It will rain soon.


2. Look out! The tree will fall.


3. They will shoot the tiger tomorrow.


4. We shall go camping next Monday.


5. We shall run in the race this afternoon.


6. Mr. Cheng will fly to Japan tomorrow evening.


7. Anita will show me her stamp collection tonight.


8. I shall cycle to my grandmother's house next Sunday.


9. Ms. Leong will sell flowers in the market this Sunday.


10. I shall eat the noodles when it is not so hot.



Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

Exercise 7 The Infinitive ‘To’

A) Look at the pictures. Match A to B.





A B1. The woman like to * * catch butterflies.

2. The boy want to * * chase the kitten.

3. The cat likes to * * deliver the letters.

4. The postman wants to * * drink hot soup.

B) Circle the correct word.

1. I like to (eating, eat) beans.

2. She wants to (go, goes) to Ipoh.

3. We wanted to (buy, bought) a book last week.

4. You like to (drank, drink) tea.

5. He wants to (watching, watch) television.

6. Mr Lim wanted to (plays, play) tennis.

7. My dog wants to (eat, eats) meat.

8. Siti likes to (wear, wears) skirts.

C) Tick (√) the sentences that are correct and put a cross (X) beside those that are wrong.

1. My father wants to wash his car. ( )

2. Ali wants to reads the book. ( )

3. You want to cleaning the house. ( )

4. I want to sweep the floor. ( )

5. The bees want to collecting honey. ( )

6. The tiger wants to eat the deer. ( )

7. Sue likes to cooks. ( )

8. My brothers like to make noise. ( )

9. The baby likes to drink milk. ( )

10. Ramli wanted to bought a pen. ( )

D) Correct the wrong sentences in (C) at the space provided below.


E) Use all the words given to make sentences about the pictures in the space provided.

1. Siew Siew – wants – go - school




Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

2. Yesterday – father – wanted – cut – grass - front – our house




3. - girls – like – comb - hair



Exercise 8 Occupations

A) Look at the pictures. Use the words given to write three sentences to describe the occupations.

1. - teacher – school – teaches students - Puan Aminah




2. - fireman – puts out fires – rescues people - Encik Amin




3. - a nurse – hospital – care for the sick - Mrs. Wong




B) Fill in the blanks correctly.

1. Encik Mohammad is a


He works is a primary school.

He rides a ______________ to


2. My father is a ________________.

He works in a garage.

He repairs _______________.

3. My uncle is a _____________.

He flies an___________________.

He travels around the world.


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

4. Mr. Ngan is a __________________.

He delivers letters.

He goes to work on a ____________.

5. Pak Rozi is a ______________.

He goes fishing in a


He goes out to sea every day.

Exercise 9 Story Telling

Story 1 : Help! Help!

A) Rearrange the story.

Suddenly, a man snatched her hand bag

Luckily, two policemen saw the thief too.

After a few minutes, the man and the policemen caught the thief.

A man saw the thief and started to give chase.

One day, Pn. Laila went to the bank to withdraw some money.Pn. Laila screamed for help.

Pn. Laila was thankful to the kind man and the policemen.

B) Look at the picture and complete the sentences.

Famira's father is a fisherman. He __________ (1) up early

every morning. He has nasi lemak __________ (2) coffee

for breakfast. He goes out to __________ (3) in a big boat. He

uses a _____________ (4) to catch fish. By six o'clock in the

__________________ (5), he comes home with a lot of fish.


A) Choose the correct words and fill in the blanks.

1. Leeva ____________ (dance, dances) gracefully.

2. I ____________ (eat, eats) with my fingers.

3. Shirley _________ (play, plays) the piano every


4. Plants _____________ (need, needs) sunlight.


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

5. Children _____________(like, likes) to eat chocolates.

6. He____________ (bathe, bathes) twice a day.

B) Change the sentences given into the present continuous tense. Write them out on the lines provided.

1. The bees fly in the garden._______________________________________________________

2. The moon shines brightly._______________________________________________________

3. He combs his hair in the toilet._______________________________________________________

4. I send my television set for repair. _______________________________________________________

5. We build a sandcastle at the beach._______________________________________________________

6. She washes the dishes.__________________________________________________

C) Fill in the blanks with the simple past tense of the words in brackets.

1. The fisherman _________ (catch) a lot of fish last


2. Miss Toh________ (cook) some chicken curry an hour


3. They _________ (arrange) the tables and chairs last


4. Irina ________ (forget) to bring her note book


5. She _________ (wipe) the windows yesterday.

D)Change the sentences given below into the past continuous tense.

1. I drank a cup of coffee when father walked into the kitchen.

_____________________________________________2. I iron the clothes when the telephone rang.

_____________________________________________3. The ducks swim in the river when the crocodile appeared.

_____________________________________________4. She told us about the fire while we did the homework.


E) Fill in the blanks with suitable personal


1. That is Raj. Mrs. Liew is talking to ________________

2. _________ have to go now. My friends are waiting for


3. Janet went to the fun fair with ___________ family.

4. Who is that girl? _____________ is my sister.

5. "Sarah, Mr. Tan wants to see , ___________" John said.

6. My brother bought a shirt. ________________ is green in


7. Azlan took part in the race. ___________ ran like a hare.


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

8. We are lost. Could you give _____________ directions?

9. Look at my new watch. Do you like ____________?

10. "Is dinner ready, Mother? ____________are hungry,"

said the children.

F) Circle the correct answers.

1. My mother (works, work) in a clinic.

2. Jack (are, is) good at writing.

3. The cow (is, are) eating grass.

4. Joyce (are, is) my sister.

5. Miss Jeyanthi (teaches, teach) us English.

6. Bee Hong (is, are) very hardworking.

7. Our parrot (is, are) very colourful.

8. Prema (have, has) two brothers and one sister.

9. Khalid (go, goes) swimming every Sunday.

10. Swee Lan (likes, like) to play tennis.

G)Use the words given to form correct sentences.

1. is singing The bird now


2. in the afternoon sleeps often He


3. swims The duck in the pond.


4. two boxes Yatim has


GRAMMAR : UNIT 7 Exercise 1 Adjectives



Happy Sad





A) Look at the pictures. Rearrange the letters to form words.

l a l t l o c d

1. 2.

l m l s a r o g n s t

3. 4.

p y p a h n y g a r

5. 6.

f t o s r o t h s

7. 8.


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

B) Match the pictures with the correct sentences.







C) Underline the correct word.

1. This is an (oval, round) dining table.

2. Jillian’s shoes are (clean, muddy).

3. That room is very (untidy, neat).

4. My cousin lives in a (big, small) house.

5. My father bought a (new, old) car.

D)Choose the correct words and fill in the blanks.

Carefully clearly excitedly happily quietly

1. 2. 3.


My cat is very fat.

Mary is a thin girl.

May is very sad.

My mother is very beautiful.

The boys are very tall.

My birthday present is very


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik



1. My father drove ______________ in the heavy rain.

2. She unwrapped the present _________________.

3. The children played ________________ in the


4. The thief broke into Ray’s house _______________.

5. My teacher wrote ______________ on the blackboard.

E) Look at the pictures. Give the opposite meanings of the words below.


__ i n g q u __ __ n


__ a p __ y

__ a __


p __ __ h p __ l l


h e __ __ y

l __ __ h t

F) Give similar meanings for the words below.

1. gift

2. thin

3. brave


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

4. expensive

5. weep

6. evil

7. filthy

8. round

9. famous


































G)Fill in the blanks with the suitable words.

Exercise 2 Comparison of Adjectives


Ahmad is _________________________.

He has _________________________ eyes

and a _______________________ nose. He

has a _____________________ mouth and

__________________ hair.

Neeta is ______________________.

She has ______________________ eyes

and a _______________________. She

has a __________________________and


Mui Tan __________________________.





Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

Comparison of AdjectivesPositive Comparative Superlativeas tall as taller than the tallest

as colourful as more colourful than

the most colourful

as good as better than the bestas much as more than the most

Comparison of AdverbsPositive Comparative Superlativeas fast as faster than the fastestas late as later than the latest

as badly as worse than the worst

A) Underline the correct answer.

1. She is a (thin, thinner) girl.

2. I have a (long, longest) ruler.

3. My pencil is (short, shorter) than yours.

4. That woman is the (older, oldest) in this place.

5. She has a (black, blackest) cat.

6. That is a (clean, cleaner) shirt.

7. Encik Rahman is (strong, stronger) than Mr Wong.

8. Miss Lee has a (reddest, red) dress.

9. Monica can run (faster, fastest) than Lillian.

10. The television is (heavier, heavy) than the radio.

B) Tick (√) the sentences that are correct and put a cross (X) beside the sentences that are wrong. Correct the wrong sentences in the space provided.

1. He is more fatter than my brother. (


2. She is the most smartest girl here. ( )

3. His brother is a doctor. ( )

4. The rose is a beautiful flower. ( )

5. A durian is sweetest than an apple. (


6. A watermelon is a round. ( )

7. A mountain is highest than a hill. (


8. My's friend is a pretty woman. ( )

9. The baby is the smaller than the boy. (


10. That is a cheapest watch in this shop. (











C) Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

1. A horse is __________ than a goat. (bigger, smaller)2. An aeroplane is ____________than a helicopter.

(faster, slower)3. A motorcycle is _____________than a bicycle.


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

(lighter, heavier)4. February is the_____________ month of the year.

(shortest, longest)5. Giraffe is the _______________ animal. (tall, tallest)6. I have a ______________ mirror. (round, circle)7. A crocodile is a____________ animal. (tame, wild)8. A zebra has ____________ black and white stripes

than a cat. (more, most)9. A banana tree is ________ (tall, shirt); a rambutan tree

is _________ (tall , taller) than a banana tree. However,

a coconut tree is the ____________. (taller, tallest)10. The sun is _____________. (cold, hot).11. Day time is ___________ (hot, hotter) than night time.12. Minah is very ________ (fatter, fat), but her mother is

___________ (fatter, fat) than her.13. This flower is the ______________________ (more

beautiful, most beautiful) flower I have ever seen.14. Eric is _________ (smart, stupid), but if I work hard, I

can be _____________ (smart, smarter) than him.15. The curry is too _________ (hot, hotter) for me.D)Fill in the blanks with the positive, comparative or superlative form of the words in brackets.

1. I can run____________ (fast) as you can.

2. His room is____________ (untidy) than mine.

3. A marble is___________ (small) than a ball.

4. This house is the___________ (big) of the three.

5. Athirah is almost___________ (tall) as her aunt.

6. Halim is ______________ (hardworking) as his brothers.

7. Sunday is the __________ (good) day of the week for


8. That boy is the ___________________ (selfish) child I

have ever met.

9. This is the __________________ (interesting) book I

have ever read.

10. The ______________ (high) mountain in the world is Mt.


11. The distance from here to Penang is as ____________

(far) from here to Johor.

12. The __________ (long) you boil the water, the _______

(hot) it will be.

13. This book is ___________ (thick) as my dictionary.

14. My grandfather walks ______________ (slow) as the


15. Which is the ____________ (tall) building in the world?

E) Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the

words in the brackets.

1. Hakim ran the_______________ in the race. (fast)

2. Winnie writes ___________ than Yvonne. (neatly)

3. The child slept _________ as his mother. (soundly)

4. That girl sang the___________ at the concert. (sweetly)

5. It is raining____________ than it did yesterday. (heavily)

6. Jane did her work _____________ than the rest.


7. My mother woke up _____________ than my father.



Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

8. Farah laughed the____________ of the three children.


9. The star is shining_____________today as it did

yesterday. (brightly)

10. That house is kept as _______________ the other

houses in this row. (badly)

F) Underline the correct answer. Then write out each sentence.1. Sandra sang (sweetly, more sweetly, most sweetly) than


2. It rained (heavily, more heavily, most heavily) today than it

did last night._____________________________________________

3. Heng Kiet ate (as greedily, more greedily) as his



4. Alice danced the (gracefully, more gracefully, most gracefully) at the party.


5. Jessica talked (as softly, more softly, most softly) as her

cousin, May Jun._____________________________________________

6. Judy can fight (bravely, more bravely, most bravely) in the

competition._____________________________________________7. The

river flows (as rapidly, more rapidly, most rapidly) as a waterfall.

_____________________________________________8. Kah Tin talked the (as loudest, loudest, most loudest) in

the class._____________________________________________

9. Timmy is (as lovely, lovely, most lovely) as a doll._____________________________________________

Exercise 3 Location


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

A) Underline the correct location.

1. In the middle / Opposite 2. Turn right / Turn left


3. In the centre / At the corner

4. At the corner / Opposite

B) Look at the picture and complete the sentences.

There are many

_____________ (1) and

___________ (2) in front of

the school.

The ______________ (3) and ____________ (4) are walking to

the gate. The __________ (5) is opening the gate.

C) Look at the map below. Underline the correct words.


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

1. The jungle is in the (south, north).

2. The river is in the (west, east,).

3. The market is (opposite, in the middle of) the post


4. The pond is (in the middle of, opposite) the park.

5. Ali's house is (here, there), where the arrow points.

D)Complete the sentences below about the pictures.

Ali is standing _____________________________ the

room. The __________________are on his right.

______________________ are on his left.

E) Complete the sentences below about the pictures.

This is a small town. The temple is __________________





F) Azlan is a new student in your class. Your class teacher has asks Azian to collect some books on her desk. Use the map and the words provided below to give Azlan the directions to the staff room.

canteen right left second straight rightleft stairs down right around along


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

From our classroom, walk (1) ______________the

corridor. Walk to the end of the row of classrooms. After

classroom 3E, take the stairs and go (2)_____________.

When you reach the ground floor, turn (3) _____________

and walk (4) ahead. The (5)___________ will be on your

left while the hall will be on your (6)_____________. At the

end of the hall, turn (7)____________. Go (8)

____________the hall until the Computer Laboratory 2 is

on your (9) _____________ . Then turn (10)____________.

Take the (11) ____________ to the (12) ______________floor.

You will see the staff restroom on your left. After the

restroom is the staffroom. Pn. Zakiah's desk is at the end

of the staff room.

G) Look at the mind map below. Write a story based on the pictures and words given in the mind map to help you.


H)Match the sentences parts given. Then rewrite the sentences for each picture.



The mosque isThe fire station isThe police stations isThe hospital is

behind the Rex front of a school.beside the playground.opposite the factory.

Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

1. _________________________________


2. _________________________________


3. __________________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________


Exercise 4 Positive & Negative Statement

A) Make these sentences positive.

1. I am not doing my homework._______________________________________________

2. He does not want an apple._____________________________________________

3. They are not swimming.

_______________________________________________4. We are not eating in the canteen.

_______________________________________________5. She is not baking a cake.

_____________________________________________6. I am not going there.

_________________________________________________7. Linda is not hungry.

_________________________________________________8. He will not swim today.

_________________________________________________9. We do not have a garden.

_________________________________________________10. She could not buy the car.

_________________________________________________11. Su Yin does not have a dress.


B) Make these sentences negative.

1. They are playing netball._______________________________________________

2. My mother is a policewoman._______________________________________________

3. We like fishing in the river._______________________________________________

4. She likes dancing and singing._______________________________________________

5. He is a good football player._______________________________________________

6. The dog chased the cat this morning._____________________________________________


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

7. The girls sleep early every day._____________________________________________

8. I can met you at the park tomorrow._____________________________________________

9. They will go to the beach today._____________________________________________

10. You must eat this._____________________________________________

11. The boys could lift the box._____________________________________________

Exercise 5 Positive Questions & Responses

A) Look at the pictures. Answer the questions with ‘Yes, it is.’ or ‘No, it isn’t. It is a …’,’ Yes, they are.’ or ‘No, they aren’t. They are …’

1. Is this a durian?______________________________________________________________

2. Are these sweets?____________________________________________________________

3. Is this a computer?______________________________________________________________

4. Is that a mango?______________________________________________________________

5. Are the babies crying?


6. Are those donkeys?______________________________________________________________

RevisionA) Give the plural of the nouns below.

1. fox _____________ 2. lion ____________3. potato ____________ 4. tomato ____________5. snail ______________ 6. dress _____________7. long bean ___________ 8. brush _____________9. hammer ____________ 10. bus ____________

B) Fill in the blanks with the singular form of the verb in brackets.1. She (go) ___________________to the market.2. He (throw) _________________ the ball up.3. Mr Chan (drive) _____________to work.4. Ahmad (pray)_______________in the mosque.5. Sue Tan (do) ________________ her homework in the

evenings.6. Aminah (wash) ______________ her hair every day.7. The boy (catch) ______________the ball.8. The fisherman (fish) ______________in the sea.

C) Give the present participle form of the verbs below.1. Try - ____________ 2. Have - ______________3. Kiss - _____________ 4. Drive - ______________5. Bake - ____________ 6. Sing - _______________7. Put - ____________ 8. Dry - ______________


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9. Swim - ____________ 10. Bathe - _____________11. Poke - ___________ 12. Shake - _____________

D)Tick (√) the sentences which are correct and put a cross (X) beside those that are wrong.

1. Amin walkes to the shop. ( )

2. The man brushes his dog. ( )

3. Tina watchs the game. ( )

4. She playes netball. ( )

5. He comes to work on time. ( )

6. They are washing the glasses. ( )

7. Cows eat grass. ( )

8. He is drawwing a green snake. ( )

9. I have two watches. ( )

10. The birds are fliing. ( )

E) Correct the wrong sentences above in the space provided.







F) Write out these sentences using the correct pronouns in the place of the words in bold.1. The men built a house for Mr. Deva.

____________________________________________2. The snake disappeared into the bushes.

_____________________________________________3. The postman gave Encik Razak a package.

_____________________________________________4. Diyana cut the string with a pair of scissors.

_____________________________________________5. The policeman helped the children cross the street.

_____________________________________________6. Calvin showed Afiqah and me some photographs of his family.


G)Fill in the blanks the correct verbs in brackets1. Something ___________ good! (smell, smells)

2. The sun ___________ brightly. (shine, shines)

3. The rooster ____________ at dawn. (crow, crows)

4. I ________ Milo before I go to school. (drink, drinks)

5. Father ________ the grass with a lawn mower. (cut,


6. The cat _______ the mouse into its hole. (chase,


7. The maids _________ the beds in the hotel room.



8. We _________ her at the bus stop every morning.



UNITS 8 LANGUAGE SKILLSExercise 1 : Family / Relatives


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

Look at the pictures. Write the correct family member


This is my ____________.

His name is Haji Salleh.

He is my mother’s father.


This is my ____________.

Her name is Zaleha.

She is my father’s sister.


This is my ____________.

His name is Tajuddin.

He is my mother’s



These are Azril and Azria.

They are my ___________.

My cousins are twins.


This is Izzat.

He is my cousin.

He is my father’s


Exercise 2 : Calendar and Time

A) Fill in the blanks with the missing letters.

1. The sixth month of the year is _ _ n and not _ a _.

2. J _ _ u a _ y is the first month of the year and not

_ _ b r u _ _ r y.

3. There are 366 days in a 1 _ _ p year.

4. _ _ _ day comes before Wednesday.

5. The tenth month of the year is _ _ _ _ b e r.

B) What is the time? Look at the clocks and write the correct time.

1. The time is _______________to five

2. The time is ___________________.


It is _____________o’clock.


It is _____________o’clock.

Exercise 3 : Food, Fruits & Vegetables

Look at the pictures. Write down the correct answers.

1. What do you like to eat?

I like to eat _____________.


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2. What does it like to drink?

It likes to drink ___________.

3. What does Mary like?

Mary likes ______________.

4. What does Father like?

Father likes _____________.

5. What do they like to eat?

They like _______________.

Exercise 4 : Objects

Look at the pictures. Name the correct objects.

1. What is she doing?

She is sweeping the floor with a _________.

2. What is the boy doing?

They are throwing the rubbish into the________________.

3. What is father doing?

He is hitting the nail with a _____________.

4. What is Mother doing?

She is sewing with a needle and _________.

5. What is Samantha doing?

She is using an ______________ to iron her clothes.

6. What are the children doing?

They are cutting the paper with a few pairs of ______________.

Exercise 5 : Animals & Insects

Look at the pictures. Fill in the blanks correctly.

1. This is __________. It has __________

legs. Its home is called a web.

2. This is a _________.It is a big brown

animal. It likes to eat ____________


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

3. This is a _________.It lay eggs. A

baby duck iscalled a _______________.

4. This is a _____________. It is an

insect. It has ______________ wings.

5. This is a ________________ . It is a

beautiful bird. It has _________________


6. This is a ________________ . It has

three pairs of __________ . The female

mosquito feeds on human or animal

______________ .

Exercise 6 : Parts of Body (People & Animals)

Underline the correct words.

1. Nandhini is combing her (head, hair).

2. A cat has four (paws, claws).

3. David kicked the ball with his (toes, foot).

4. Giraffes have long (necks, feathers).

5. An elephant has a long (trunk, whiskers).

Exercise 7 : Vegetation

A) Look at the pictures. Name the correct plant and flower.

banana plant sunflower coconut tree rose canna balsam oil-palm orchid plant

1. A ________is shorter than a



Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

2. A __________is bigger than a


3. An ________is taller than a


4. A _________is smaller than a


B) Look at the pictures below. Choose the correct set of sentences from the table below and write the sentences for each picture.

This is a jackfruit.It is green in colour.It has many seeds.Its flesh is yellow and sweet.

This is a pulasan.It is a hairy fruit.It is red in colour.It has one seed.Its flesh is white.

This is a papaya.Itis orangein colour.It has many seeds.Its flesh is orange.

1. ___________________________________ ____________________________________



2. ___________________________________ _____________________________________



3. __________________________________ _____________________________________



C) Fill in the missing words and phrases correctly.

1. What is this? This is a ________________.

2. Is this a hibiscus plant? _______________________.

Exercise 8 : Vocabulary

A) Rearrange the letters to form a suitable word. Write out each word.


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

1. Every day, the pupils on duty _____________the blackboard. ( l c a e n )

2. Mei Mei likes to ___________ story books. ( e r d a )

3. My baby brother ____________ out of the gate. ( l d e c r w a )

4. You must __________ the plants every day. ( e t w a r )

B) The Circus Is In TownLook at the poster below carefully.

Complete the text below using the information in the poster.

The “ ____________________________” has come to town. It offers a lot of interesting shows. There are ________________________, ____________________ __________________ and_____________________.

The shows are on ______________________, ___________________. and ______________________. The tickets are cheap. The ticket for adults is ______________and the ticket for children aged _____________ is ___________. It is ___________for children below 6 years old. Hurry, do not miss this opportunity. Bring your kids and your family and have fun together.

C) Vocabulary- Learn all these words.

1. add 2. catch 3. cycle 4. draw5. kick 6. sweep 7. clever 8. fierce9. noisy 10. tiny 11. wise 12.

sharp13. difficult 14. enemy 15. expensive 16.

cheap17. tame 18. wild 19. large 20. final21. lazy 22. idle 23. middle 24. quiet25. centre 26. reply 27. wealthy 28. rule29. round 30. tidy 31. tied 32. relax

RevisionA) Fill in the blanks with the correct reflexive pronouns.1. Maria bought herself a car.

2. They _____________ are in the wrong.

3. You told them about it ______________.

4. I hurt ______________ when I was cleaning the fish.86

Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

5. Tony and I blamed ____________ for the accident.

6. He wanted to visit you_____________ but he was ill. .

7. The cat cleaned ______________ after eating the fish.

8. Are you sure you want to stay here by _____________?

9. The children promised to behave ______________ at



10. "I'm going out for a while. Take care of___________ ,"

Puan Aniza told her children.

B) Choose the correct words. Fill in the blanks.

1. Sam is wearing a pair of _________ (clean, pretty) shoes.2. The national flower is ______________ (blue, red).3. The cook is cutting the bread with a ______ (blunt, sharp)

knife.4. Gary broke the neighbour's window. The neighbour is

_________ (angry, sad). 5. A giraffe is ___________ (tall, short).6. A 'Proton Perdana' is ____________ (more expensive,

most expensive) than a 'Kancil'.7. That dictionary is _________ (as thick, thicker) as this

dictionary.8. This vase is the_______ (cheapest, cheaper) in the shop.9. A sunflower is________ (yellow, purple).10. Roslan is the ________ (most hardworking, more

hardworking) boy in class.

11. This house is __________ (big, bigger) than that house.12. Encik Ahmad is the __________ (richest, rich) man in

the village.13. Alvina is the ________ (most beautiful, more beautiful)

girl in the beauty contest.14. He is _________ (taller, as tall) as his father.15. Ahmad is thin, but his brother is (thinnest, thinner) than


C) Look at the picture. Write the correct prepositions of location.

1. The fan is _______________ the cupboard.

2. The books are ____________ the cupboard.

3. The bag is____________________the cupboard.

4. The vase is ____________________the cupboard.

5. The pen is____________________the cupboard.

D)Choose the correct prepositions and fill in the blanks.

across between from along against over

1. There are several places to stop and rest _____________87

Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

the North-South Highway.

2. Don't lean____________the door. It has just been painted.

3. My dad parked his car ______________a lorry and a bus.

4. Sunny jumped ______________the fence to catch the ball.

5. The little boy ran ____________the road.

6. I received a letter _____________my pen pal yesterday.

E) Rewrite these sentences using the conjunctions correctly.

1. Raj is thin. Raj is tall. (and)_____________________________________________

2. I want to write the letter. I don’t know how to begin. (but)

_____________________________________________3. My teacher has a son. My teacher has a daughter. (and)

_____________________________________________4. Let us run fast. We shall miss the bus. (or)

_____________________________________________5. We went for a picnic. The weather was fine. (because)

_____________________________________________6. Arvin likes fried noodles. Jason likes ‘nasi lemak’. (but)


F) Fill in the blanks with the correct infinitives given.

to sing to swing

to dance

to pray to fry to fish

1. Monkeys like __________________ from tree to tree.

2. Pak Mat is going _______________ at the nearby river.

3. Subashini wants ________________ the traditional

Indian dance.

4. Christina goes to church _______________.

5. The teachers are going ____________on Teacher's Day.

6. Mother is going______________ the fish for lunch.

G)Rewrite the following sentences using the correct punctuation marks when necessary.

1. mother bought some fish meat eggs and vegetables



2. my friend s name is paul


3. "happy new year" said grace to francis


4. our hometown is in ipoh perak


5. "don t climb the wall " screamed cheah s mother


6. malays chinese and indians live in harmony in




7. my brother and i packed sardines a lot of bread

blankets instant noodles and sleeping bags for the

camping trip




Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

8. sekolah kebangsaan intan indah is situated in the

petaling district



UNITS 9 COMPREHENSIONA) Read the notice below and answer the questions that follow.

8 January 2002


1. No eating and drinking in the library.2. Silence should be observed.3. Bags are not allowed in the library.4. Pupils can borrow two books for two weeks.5. Books returned late will be fined 5 sen a day.6. Lost or damaged books must be replaced with a new one.

Nurliana(Head Prefect)

1. How long can a pupil borrow a book?A 5 days B 8 days C12 days D 14 days

2. Pupils are allowed to in the library.A eat B read C drink D sleep

3. The word 'silence' means A quiet B damaged C noisy D crowded

4. Siti has lost a book. What should she do? A She must pay a fine.B She must buy a new book.C She must inform the librarian.D She must report it to the headmaster.

5. Who prepared this notice?A The pupils B The library teacherC The Headmaster D The Head Prefect

B) Read the letter below answer the questions that follow.

21, Jalan Siput, Taman Permai Jaya, 58100 Kuala Lumpur. 30 August 2001.

Dear Shirley,

How are you? I hope you're fine. I'm sure you've already started revising for your final exam in September. I'm also busy preparing for my final exam.

My family and I are going to Cameron Highlands during the December holidays. Would you be interested in coming along? It will be very nice if you can join us. We will be staying at the Strawberry Hotel. We will be there for one week. Every morning, we can go for walks in the jungle and enjoy the cool, fresh air. My father has promised to take us to the Rose Garden, Vegetable farms, Tea plantations and the waterfall.

I'm sure it is going to be a great holiday. Write to me and let me know if you are coming so that my father can make the reservations.

I'm looking forward to seeing you. Goodbye.

Your cousin, Anna Maria


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

1. Why are the girls busy?A They are preparing for exams.B They are preparing for the holidays. C They are preparing for Sports Day.D They are preparing for Prize-giving Day.

2. Why did Anna Maria write a letter? A To invite Shirley for a camping tripB To invite Shirley to her houseC To ask Shirley about her preparations for her exam D To invite Shirley for a trip to Cameron Highlands

3. Anna Maria is leaving for Cameron Highlands in the month ofA October B NovemberC December D August

4. What are the places of interest in Cameron Highlands?A Twin Towers, tea plantations, vegetable farmB Butterfly Garden, tea plantations, vegetable farm C Aquarium, tea plantations, vegetable farmD Tea plantations, vegetable farm, rose garden

5. Who is going to make the reservations?A Shirley's father B Shirley’s motherC Anna Maria's father D Anna Maria's mother

C) Read the table below and answer the questions that follow.

Sport Practice at the School FieldDay Event Time Teacher-in-

chargeMONDAY 100 metres 3.00-5.00 Encik Nazri

p.m.TUESDAY 200 metres 2.30–4.30

p.m.Mr. Tan

WEDNESDAY High jump/long jump

2.30–5.00 p.m.

Mr. Ravi

THURSDAY Telematch 3.00–5.00 p.m.

Puan Vasu

1. What is the above table about? ________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Who is the teacher-in-charge of high jump?________________________________________________________________________________________

3. How many events are being practiced?________________________________________________________________________________________

4. What are the days where there is no sport practice? _______________________________________________________________________________________

5. How long is sports practice held on Tuesday?_______________________________________________________________________________________

D)Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

Halim is a taxi-driver. Every day, he starts his duty at 6.30 a.m. He drives his passengers all around the city. Halim has been driving a taxi for more than ten years. Before that, he worked as a policeman, then as a mechanic and after that, as a taxi-driver.

One morning, while he stopped for lunch, he noticed a briefcase on the back seat. He picked up the briefcase and opened it. He was


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

shocked to find the briefcase full of hundred ringgit notes. There was no identification in the briefcase.

So, Halim decided to hand the briefcase to the police station. The next day, Halim was called to the police station. There was a tourist there, too. He thanked Halim and gave him five hundred ringgitas a reward. The police awarded Halim a certificate of honesty.1. Halim first worked as aA mechanic B policemanC taxi-driver D tourist guide

2. Why did Halim hand the briefcase over to the police?A He wanted the police to deal with the matter.B He did not know the name and address of the owner.C He was too busy to look for the owner.D He wanted a reward from the police.

3. Which of the following is the best description of Halim?A He is friendly. B He is careful.C He is brave. D He is honest.

4. A tourist is A a citizen of a country B a visitor of a country C a relative D a minister

5. Why do you think the police awarded Halim the certificate of honesty?A For his bravery B For his patience C For being truthful D For being kind

E) Read the dialogue below and answer the question that follow.

1. Loshini and Vella are most likely A walking home from school B cycling home from schoolC waiting for the bus D waiting for the taxi

2. From the dialogue, how many people went to Penang?A Four B Five C Six D Seven

3. Where did Loshini and her family have their meals?A In a café B In a food courtC In a restaurant D In a hawker centre

4. Penang Hill is in the state ofA Perak B Kedah C Selangor D Pulau Pinang

5. Visitors cannot drive up to Penang Hill becauseA there is no road leading up to the hill B there is a railway trackC there is a highway D the re is a footpath

F) Look at the map below. Read the short text carefully and answer the questions that follow.


Hi, Loshini, you're back? How was Penang? Tell me about your trip.

Oh, it was wonderful! My family and I enjoyed ourselves very much. It is a beautiful place to visit. We went up to Penang Hill. There is no road leading up to the hill. Instead, there is a furnicular railway which takes visitors to the top.

Did you enjoy the food in Penang?

Quick, the bus is comingOh, yes! The Penang style fried 'kuey teow' was delicious. My dad took us to the hawker centre. My brother enjoyed having the 'assam laksa' while my mother liked the 'ais kacang'.

Wait for me, Vella.

Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

This is a map of Bandar Kota Damai. It is a small town. The hospital is situated along Jalan Besar and Jalan Murni. Jalan Besar is the main road. The bank and fire station are located along Jalan Yakin. The playground is along Jalan Mulia. The post office, police station and the Emporium are along Jalan Besar.

1. Where is the bus stop located?_____________________________________________________

2. Where is the playground?_____________________________________________________

3. What is point “A” on the map?____________________________________________________

4. Shini is hungry. Where can she buy food?____________________________________________________

5. What is the address of the school?___________________________________________________

G) Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.

Home, Home, HomeHome is

Love and kissesToys and JOY.

Home, Home, HomeHome is

Nest and burrowKennel and coop

Home, Home, HomeHome is

Warm bed and hot milkShelter from rain and thunder

1What can you find in a home?A Joy B Nest C Rain D Thunder2. From whom can the writer get “love and kisses”’ ?A His friend B His motherC His teacher D His neighbour

3. A nest is the home of a A bird B rabbit C dog D chicken

4. A dog's home is called aA nest B coop C burrow D kennel

5. What drink would keep you warm on a rainy day?A Iced milo B Iced tea C Hot milk D “Ais


H)Read the process below and answer the questions that follow.





Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

The ingredients needed are 2 eggs, ½ cup of milk, I teaspoon salt and butter.

Break the eggs into a bowl. Add in the milk and salt. Beat well with a fork.

Light a stove. Heat a saucepan. Put in the butter.



Pour the egg mixture into the saucepan. Keep on stirring until the mixture becomes scrambled.

Once the scrambled eggs is ready, remove from the saucepan and serve hot with bread.

1. The above process is about A making boiled eggs B making fried eggsC making scrambled eggs D making half-boiled eggs

2. Why is salt added to the egg mixture?A To make it look better B To make it taste better C To make it look clearer D To make it look brighter

3. What is not added to the above recipe?A Butter B Salt C Milk D Cheese

4. What is added to the eggs before they are beaten?A Milk B Butter C Cheese D Pepper

5. Scrambled eggs is best eaten with

A rice B soup C bread D noodles

I) Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

Mr. Muthu is a retired Army Officer. His best friend is Mr. Leong. Mr. Leong is a retired headmaster. Both of them are sixty years old. They have known each other for 20 years. Every morning, they walk around their neighbourhood, carrying a walking stick. They like to breathe in the cool, fresh air as they talk to each other. In the evening, Mr. Muthu and Mr. Leong like to watch their neighbours' children play football in the field near their house. They always guide the boys and teach them the rules of the game. Sometimes, after a tiring game, they will buy drinks for the children. The boys like them very much. At night, both of them seldom watch television. Instead, they will tell stories to their grandchildren. Their grandchildren love them dearly.


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

1. How often do Mr. Muthu and Mr. Leong go for walks?


2. How long have they been good friends?


3. Why do they carry a walking stick when they go for



4. What does the word 'seldom' mean?


5. How would you describe Mr. Muthu and Mr. Leong?


J) Read the label and answer the questions that follow.

1. When do you think the sardines must be eaten?A Before February 2004 B Before March 2004

C Before April 2004 D Before May 2004

2. The sardine is most probably healthy because it hasA preservatives B vitamins C tomato sauce D


3. Where is the sardine manufactured?A India B China C England D


4. Which of the following is found on the label?A Price B Size C Colour D Weight

5. The sardine is probably tasty because it hasA tomato sauce B chili sauce C oyster sauce D soya sauce

K) Read the newspaper report below and answer the questions that follow.Kuala Selangor, Sat. - A grandfather and his 5-year-old granddaughter were killed in a fire last night. They were trapped in their bedroom when the fire broke out at about 11.00 p.m. Neighbours had tried to break down the front door but were driven back by the heat. The old man's son and daughter-in-law were working the night shift at a nearby factory. They rushed back home when they heard about the fire. They were shocked upon seeing their house burnt to the ground.

Twenty firemen in two tire engines were called to the scene. They took twenty minutes to put out the fire. The loss was estimated at RM250,000. The cause of the fire is said to be from a gas explosion in the kitchen.

1. How many people died in the fire?A Two B Three C Four D Five

2. Where were the victims trapped?A In the dining room B In the bathroom C In the bedroom D In the living room

3. Where were the girl's parents during the tragedy?


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

A They were at the neighbour's house.B They were at the office. C They were at a factory.D They were at a shophouse.

4. How long did it take for the firemen to put out the fire? A Ten minutes B Twenty minutes C Thirty minutes D Forty minutes

5. How many firemen were called to the scene?A Ten B Twenty C Thirty D FortyL) Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

Dolphins are mammals. They look like fish. They give birth to their young and are warm-blooded. Dolphins feed mainly on fish. These mammals are usually black on the upper half of the body and white on the underside. Some of these mammals have yellow, white and black lines on the sides of their bodies. Their teeth are sharp and they have large beaks. These mammals mostly live in the sea. They are sometimes kept in special aquariums. Here, they are taught to perform tricks to visitors. Dolphins are intelligent animals. They learn new tricks easily. Dolphins are also friendly animals. They are able to talk to one another. If you listen carefully, you can hear certain sounds that dolphins use when they are talking.

1. What is the passage mainly about? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. How would you describe dolphins? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Why is a dolphin regarded as a mammal?______________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Why do you think dolphins are intelligent?


5. Name an animal that has a beak.__________________________________________________________________________________________________

UNIT 10 WRITING SKILLSA) Match the sentences parts correctly.

1. 2. 3.


Last night, Theva was and opened the cabinet.She was felt hungry at about ten

o'clock.Suddenly, she a can of sardines, an onion and

some pepper.She went into the kitchen

the refrigerator.

There was found a loaf of bread, chillies and some butter.

Then she opened watching television.In the refrigerator, she a delicious sandwich. She made herself alone in the house.

Write them down on the lines provided._______________________________________________________








Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik


B) Write two paragraphs using the table below.

Encik Muthu Mr. Wong Mrs. Arul

works as a rubber tapper. carpenter. tailor.


taps rubber treesmeasures and cuts the clothmakes tables and chairs

every day. Encik Muthu Mr. Wong Mrs. Arul

takesrides a


to work.




planksrubber treesdresses

at nine o’clock eight o’clock five o’clock

in the morning.

1. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

C) Look at the picture below. Answer the following questions based on the picture.

1. What time of the day is today? (morning)


2. Why do you think that everyone is at home? (public



3. What is Mother's hobby? (gardening)


4. What are the little boy and girl wearing? (pyjamas)


5. Is it a rainy day? (No) Why? (everyone is outside the

house) ______________________________________________.

D)This is how you can fry a fish. Look at the pictures and arrange the sentences correctly.

1. 2. 3. 4.


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

5. 6. 7. 8.

Write the number in the boxes given.( ) Heat one cup of oil in the frying pan and fry the fish.( ) Turn the fish over when one side is brown.( ) Start a fire and put a frying pan over it.( ) Put the fried fish on a plate. Serve it with rice and vegetables.( ) Wash it thoroughly.( ) Cut the fish and clean the insides.( ) Rub the fish with a little salt and chili powder.( ) Then, dry the fish with a kitchen towel.

Then write out the sentences in a paragraph.________________________________________________________






E) Read the situation and the information below carefully and complete the questions that follow.

Situation Your mother wants your brother, who is in Year 6, and you in Year 3 to attend tuition classes.


Subjects: Year 1 – 6Cost per subject: RM25 per monthNo. of hours: 3 hours per week (2 days)

Subjects: UPSR onlyCost per subject: RM30 per monthNo. of hours: 4 hours per week (3 days)

Teacher: Experienced teacher’sClass size: Small group

Teacher: Experienced teacher’sClass size: Big group

BIJAK TUITION CENTRESubjects: All subjects 1 – 6Cost per subject: RM40 per monthNo. of hours: 3 hours per week (2 days)Teacher: Graduate teacher’sClass size: Small group

(i) Complete the table below based on the information given on the tuition centre.



All subjects Year 1 - 6 Experience


4 hours per week

RM30 per


RM40 per

month(ii) Which tuition centre would you and your brother choose? Give your reasons for your choice.Write your answer in the space below. You can use the information in the table.

My brother and I would like go to __________________________ because _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

F) Read the notes and the dialogue below carefully and answer the question that follow.

Swargdip Chulalongkorn41 – 7, Mongkut Apartments,Chao Phraya Road,Chingmai, Thailand.Age: 9 years oldInterests: Swimming, playing computer games, reading

Wirawati Sukarno244-1, Bali Utara,Jakarta, Indonesia.Age: 15 years oldInterests: Reading, singing, cooking

Zita : Well, Joshua. Do you like both the pen-pals? Joshua : Oh, they both look very nice in the photograph.Zita : Whom would you like to choose for a pen-pal?Joshua : Hmm ... Swargdip Chulalongkorn is a boy and he is nine

years old like me. Wirawati Sukarno is 15 years old

and her interests are reading, singing and cooking.Zita : So, are you going to choose Swargdip Chulalongkorn?Joshua : I'm not sure yet. But I think Wirawati Sukarno is a bit

too old for me.

Zita : Well, I leave it to you. The decision is yours to make.Joshua : Okay, Zita.

(i) Fill in the blanks to help Joshua choose a pen-pal.

Swargdip Chulalongkorn

Country : Thailand

Age : ____________

Address : ____________



Interests : _____________


Wirawati Sukarno



__24H-14, Bali Utara,____

__Jakarta, Indonesia_____

Reading, singing, cooking___


(ii) Which of the two pen-pals would you choose? Give your reasons based on the following points.

a) gender (boy / girl) b) countryc) age d) Interests

Write your answers in the space below.

I would choose ________________________ because _________________________________________________________






Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

G) Read the advertisement below carefully and complete the questions that follow.



Reach your destination as soon as possible either by taking the monorail or the light rail transit.

Monorail Fare: RM3.50. Every hour stop at anywhere in KL to Suria KLCC, with comfortable seats in air-conditioned coaches.

Light Rail Transit Fare: RM5.00. Every 30 minutes stop at Ampang to Suria KLCC., with air-condition and disabled facilities.

(i) Fill in the blanks to help your cousins who want to go to Suria KLCC to choose a suitable means of transport.

Monorail Ride Light Rail Transit



How often Half-hourly

(ii) If you want to go Suria KLCC, which means of transport would you take? Give your reasons based on the following:

a) fare b) place C) how often d)facilities

Write your answers in the space below.

I would take the ___________________________ because _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

I) The pictures below describe an event. Use ALL the words given to make sentences about the pictures. Write your answers in the space provided.

1. Wei Fan – very excited – Teachers’ Day




2. Her class – party – celebrate Teacher’s Day





Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

3. children – game – food – Wei Fan - enjoyed




J) Use all the words given to make sentences. Write your answer in the space provided.

1. - boy – playing – pets – tame animals




2. Rita – small dog – brown fur – long ears - pink tongue




3. Mat – black cat – green eyes - sharpclaws





A) Write out the correct forms of the words in the brackets.

1. I _______________ (be) very angry with you.

2. Excuse me, ________________ (be) Azhan at home?

3. Zaki ____________ (have) a car, but he rarely drives it.

4. They ______________ (do) their homework every night.

5. We __________ (have) nasi ayam for lunch last Friday.

6. _________ (Do) that man want coffee with his


7. They __________ (be) here last night with their cousins.

8. ______________ (Have) Charlie taken his jacket from the


9. Congratulations, you _______ (have) a beautiful baby


10. _________ (Do) Jane go to the market with her mother

every Sunday?

11. Miss Wong ___________(be) a very good teacher. All

her pupils like her.


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

12. The children _________ (be) at the playground all day


B) Underline the correct words and rewrite the sentences.

1. He (is, was) at his uncle's house last evening.


2. Katie (has, have) three brothers and four sisters.


3. The girls (have, had) lunch at one o’clock everyday.


4. They (do, did) most of the housework during the



5. I (am, was) hungry because I did not have any lunch



C) Fill in the blanks with the simple present tense of the verbs in brackets.1. He ______________ (cook) every day.

2. Bats _____________ (sleep) during the day.

3. There ____________ (be) seven days in a week.

4. It sometimes ________________ (rain) in the morning.

5. The dogs sometimes _____________ (bark) at us.

6. She _____________ (close) the windows every night.

7. The boys ____________ (run) in the field every morning.

8. The old man____________ (come) to the park every day.

9. Daud ___________ (go) to bed at ten o'clock every night.

10. I always ________ (help) my mother to wash the


D)Rewrite each of these sentences using the correct word in brackets.1. Leopards (is, are) warm blooded.

_____________________________________________2. Nurses (work, works) in hospitals.

_____________________________________________3. Susan (like, likes) to eat watermelon.

_____________________________________________4. Father (cycle, cycles) to work every morning.

_____________________________________________5. Plants (need, needs) water and sunlight.

_____________________________________________6. My mother (go, goes) to the market every morning.


E) Fill in the blanks with the present continuous form of verbs in brackets.

1. Shalami is drinking some milk. (drink)

2. Father and Adam ___________ the car. (wash)

3. The children ____________ in the sand. (play)

4. Zuki ____________ the box up the stairs. (carry) ,

5. Ana ______________ the plants in the garden. (water)

6. The mechanic ____________ my uncle's car. (repair)


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

F) Fill in the blanks with the simple past tense of the verbs in brackets.

1. Jamalia ________________ (fall) down yesterday.

2. We __________________ (wait) for you this morning.

3. The dog ________________ (bark) at the stranger.

4. You ______________ (open) the windows just now.

5. Zoe _____________ (study) very hard for her last test.

6. Mariam _____________ (stay) at Siti's house last night.

7. Kiran ____________ (wear) a blue dress last Tuesday.

8. Razman ____________ (talk) to me yesterday afternoon.

9. The baby ___________ (cry) very loudly last night. The

baby was hungry.

10. My uncle __________ (fry) noodles for me yesterday

and it was delicious.

11. Last year, we ___________ (have) a hamster, but it

__________ (die) two months ago.

12. A stranger ___________ (knock) on our door just now,

but we ________ (do) not open the door.

13. My hair ______ (is) long, my mother ________ (take)


to the barber shop and _______ (cut) it short.

14. My mother __________ (bake) a cake yesterday, we

___________ (eat) it during our tea time just now.

15. It ______________ (rain) this morning.

G)Choose the best answer in brackets. Write out each sentence.

1. The sun shone brightly (soon, yesterday).


2. They took the keys (just now, tomorrow).


3. We played a game of UNO (later, last night).


4. She showed me the picture (afterwards, yesterday).



5. I slept at eleven o'clock (every night, last night).


6. May May spent all her money (next Saturday, last




7. It rained heavily (last night, tomorrow).


8. I put the book there (just now, next week).


9. Tina spoke to me (last night, afterwards).


H)Fill in the blanks with the past continuous tense of the verbs in brackets.

1. While we ____________________ (wash) the car, I saw

Kim Eng.

2. I ________________ (clean) the attic when I found a

gold coin.

3. The little girl ________________ (cry) when you left

the house.


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

4. While I __________________ (open) the door, I

dropped my keys.

5. While the pupils ______________ (talk), the new pupil

came in.

6. While they ________________ (leave) the house, the

dog barked.

7. When we __________________ (hang) up the clothes,

the rain stopped.

8. They found a gold ring while they ________________

(walk) on the beach.

9. Grandmother ____________________ (water) the plants

when it started to rain.

10. Puan Aziah_________(unlock) her car when a man

snatched her bag.

I) Write out each sentence correctly using simple future tense.1. They (repair) the roof on Wednesday.

____________________________________________2. Hamdan (cook) for his family tonight.

_____________________________________________3. I (give) him this wallet for his birthday.

_____________________________________________4. The show (begin) at 8 o'clock tonight.

_____________________________________________5. Kevin and Bob (visit) Hakim this evening.

____________________________________________6. We (buy) the books at the book fair.


J) Rewrite each of these sentences using the most suitable adjective in brackets.

1. The book was very (interesting, noisy)._____________________________________________

2. I cannot lift this (light, heavy) box by myself._____________________________________________

3. The sky is (dark, blue). It is going to rain._____________________________________________

4. Your hair is (long, short). You must cut it._____________________________________________

5. I cannot cut anything with this (sharp, blunt) knife._____________________________________________

6. His face turns (pale, happy) when he is frightened._____________________________________________

K) Fill in the blanks with “going to” form of the

verb in brackets.

1. They are going to dance (dance) tonight.

2. Nina ___________________ (buy) a new car next month.

3. Hang __________________________ (wash) the plates.

4. They ________________________ (eat) at that store.

5. The girls _____________________________ (watch)

a movie together.

6. Watch out! The tree ___________________________

(fall) soon.

7. The fireman ________________________ (put off)

the fire.

8. The children___________________________(camp) in

the jungle.

9. The movie __________________________ (end) soon.

10. We _______________________________ (drive) to

grandmother house.


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

11. We _________________________ (eat) the cake as

soon as father returns home.

12. The cat _________________________ (die) soon.

13. The examination _____________________________

(start) in five minutes time.

L) Fill in the blanks with the correct words in


delicious wicked naughty big angry

1. This stall sells ____________ cendol.

2. The _______________ witch lived in a big castle.

3. The ______________ boy stole his neighbour's bananas.

4. We need a _____________ bag to put all these things in.

5. They became very ___________ after waiting for him


two hours.

M) Fill in the blanks with the positive, comparative or superlative form of the words in brackets.1. Shila can swim ____________ (fast) as you can.

2. My house is ____________ (tidy) than yours.

3. A cupboard is ___________ (big) than a table.

4. This bungalow house is the ________ (small) of the


5. Azirah is almost ______________ (tall) as her aunt.

6. Aidi is __________________ (handsome) as his father.

7. This is the __________ (bad) movie I have ever


8. Chi Chen is the _____________ (young) in the family.

9. Datuk Halim is the ____________ (rich) man in town.

10. This burger taste ____________ (bad, good), but

Mc-Donald’s burger taste even __________ (better, best).

N)Choose the right word. Then write out each sentence.

1. Borhan dressed (smartly, messily) for the party._____________________________________________

2. Radzi is angry. He is talking (softly, loudly)._____________________________________________

3. It is a fine day. The sun is shining (lightly, brightly).____________________________________________

4. He was tired. He slept (soundly, lightly).____________________________________________

5. The soldier fought (bravely, timidly) and was given a medal.

_____________________________________________6. The field is wet. It rained (lightly, heavily) last night.


O)Rewrite the sentences using the adverbs given.1. Molly watches cartoons on Sunday morning. (usually)

_____________________________________________2. Birds build their nests on the ground. (seldom)

_____________________________________________3. Flies are found in dirty places. (often)

____________________________________________4. She is late for class. (sometimes)


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

5. My grandmother wakes up early. (never)_____________________________________________

6. The boys wash the dishes after dinner. (usually)_____________________________________________

P) Fill in the blanks with ‘who’, ‘which’, ‘where’, ‘when’ or ‘what’.1. _______________ day is today?

2. _______________ did you go during the holidays?

3. _______________ did the bell ring?

4. ____________ is your bag? There are so many bags


5. _______________are they? I've never seen them!

6. _______________is the book that I lent you just now?

7. ___________house did Encik Abdullah sell to your


8. _______________are you doing in my classroom?

9. _____________is the boy who teased you last Monday?

10. _______________did you start going to tuition classes?

Q)Underline the correct answer.

1. Elephants (has, have) big ears.

2. Why (do, does) you want to go there?

3. It (is, was) raining heavily last night.

4. They (is, are) cooking in the kitchen.

5. Rohany (has, have) just left for the airport.

6. The children (do, does) their work quietly.

7. He (do, does) not like grapes and pears.

8. Ms. Julia only (has, have) one dress for parties.

9. Everyone in the house (was, were) asleep.

10. The supermarket (was, were) crowded yesterday.

END YEAR ASSESSMENTA) Read the diary below. Then answer the questions that follow.

Saturday 20078. 00 a.m. Water and weed the plants9.30 Rest10.00 Watch cartoons11.30 Finish up homework1.00 p.m. Lunch with Mum at C & W Restaurant3.00 Nap4.30 Play football6.30 Wash Daddy’s carAfter 8.00 p.m. Dinner and listen to music

1. What is the above timetable mainly about?A Writer’s diary B Plans for playing

footballC Cartoon programmes D Activities for the


2. What is the writer's hobby? A Fishing B SwimmingC Gardening D Collecting stamps

3. The writer is having lunch with his A sister B motherC father D brother

4. The writer is a _______________ boy.A lazy B poorC stubborn D hardworking

5. What does the writer use to wash his father's car?A Shampoo and gel B Shampoo and combC Car shampoo and sponge D Shampoo and hair



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B) Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

Malaysia is a beautiful country to live in. It is situated in South-east Asia and consists of Federal Territory and thirteen states. Eleven states and the Federal Territory form the Peninsular Malaysia while the remaining two states, Sabah and Sarawak are in East Malaysia. It has a multiracial population which lives in harmony with each other. They are mainly the Malays, Chinese, Indians, Dayaks, Kadazans, Indians and the Portuguese of Melaka. The people of Malaysia celebrate Hari Raya Puasa,

Hari Raya Haji, Chinese New Year, Deepavali, Christmas, Hari Gawai and many other festivals. The official language of Malaysia is Bahasa Malaysia and Islam is the official religion. Malaysia is famous for its delicious and exotic food. The Malays like rendang, lemang, nasi lemak and ketupat. The Chinese is famous for its soup, noodles, fried rice and assam laksa. Thosai, chapati and mutton curry areserved mostly in Indian homes. Many Malaysians enjoy all the food mentioned above. Most tourists who visit Malaysia enjoy having a hearty breakfast like nasi lemak and roti canai. It is a filling and satisfying meal to start the day.

6. What are people living in Malaysia called?A Malays B IndiansC Chinese D Malaysians

7. Hari Gawai is celebrated by the A Dayaks B KadazansC Ibans D Malays

8. Vatirak is a Buddhist. What festival does he celebrate?

A Wesak Day B Hari Raya PuasaC Deepavali D Chinese New Year

9. What food is served in Muthu's house during Deepavali?

A Rendang and ketupat B Fried riceC Thosai and chicken curry D Noodles

10. According to the passage, nasi lemak and roti canai are eaten during

A lunch B dinnerC breakfast D tea-time

C) Look at the picture carefully. Based on the picture and the passage given, fill in the blanks. you must write only ONE word for ONE blank.

The boys were playing football in the field. Suddenly, one

of the boys (11) ____________ the ball hard. It hit a (12)

___________. A (13) ___________ of angry bees came

buzzing out. The boys (14) __________ frightened They

(15) __________and hid themselves in a bush.


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D)Fill in the blanks correctly.

1. There is _____ mangosteen and _____ orange in the


Aa, a B a, an C a, the D the, the

2. _____fastest way to get to ______ beach is by car.

A A, a B A, the C The, the D The, -

3. She is spreading ______ jam on _____ slice of bread.

A a, a B an, the C the, - D -, a

4. ______ moon is smaller than ______ sun .

A A, the B The, the C The, - D The, a

5. _______ cupboard is made of ______ wood.

A A, - B A, the C The, a D The, the

6. There is______squirrel under ______mango tree.

A a, an B -, the C the, a D a, the

E) Fill in the blanks correctly.1. Mrs. Lee drank __________ glasses of water.

A a few B a little C many D much 2. Only ____________ insects glow in the dark.

A a few B a little C many D much3. There is ___________coffee in the mug.

A a few B a little C many D much4. ____________ children were absent last Friday.

A A B A few C Much D A little5. Joan said _____________ paintings were stolen.

A a B a little C many D much

6. Please give my little sister___________ soup.A a few B a little C many D much

F) Fill in the blanks with the plural form of the words given in the brackets.

1. That man's_______________ (foot) are very big.

2. Nurul's cats like to catch ___________ (mouse).

3. Be careful! Those ________ (knife) are very sharp.

4. These ________ (blouse) need to be washed.

5. There are two _________ (lady) waiting to see you.

6. Animals like bats, owls and ___________ (fox) hunt at


7. The naughty boy hid behind the ___________ (bush).

8. The old woman is cutting some _________ (tomato).

D)Read the notes and the dialogue below carefully and complete the questions that follow.

Cullas Dullas

* White White/Beige/BlackRM 35 RM 25

Soft padding Soft paddingOnly for running Can be used for walking and


Father : Well, John. Which pair of shoes do you like?John : I like both, Dad.Father : You have to choose one!John : I don't know which pair to choose.


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Father : Let's look at both of them. 'Dullas' comes in three

colours while, beige and black. ‘Cullas' is only in

white. 'Dullas' is cheaper and can be used for both

walking and running.John : All right, Dad. Can I make the decision later?Father : Yes, of course. The choice is yours.

(i) Fill in the blanks below to help John choose his new shoes.

DullasColour : ________________

Cost : ________________

Usage : ________________

Others : Soft padding





(ii) Which of the two shoes would you buy? Give reason why you choose the shoes based on the following:

(a) colour (b) cost (c) usage

Write your answers in the space below.

I would buy _________________________________

because _______________________________________________





E) The pictures below describe a family outing. Use ALL the words given to make good sentences about the pictures. Write your answer in the space provided.

a) b) c)

weekend – Chun Hong – parents - zoo

queued up – bought – tickets - entrance

saw – animals – elephants – giraffes - tired


F) The pictures below describe an occupation. Use ALL the words given to make sentences about the pictures. Write your answer in the space provided.

a) b) c)

aunt - nurse works – hospital – shift sometimes –

treats – patients – well – like – very


Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik

morning – afternoon - night



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