step by step instructions for entry forms

Post on 17-Feb-2016






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Steps to Fill out the Entry Forms on Bearcat Link

1. Type “Bearcat Link” in the search bar at top right corner of the Northwest homepage. When the results appear, click on the first link that says “Bearcat Link – Organizations”.

2. When the Bearcat Link homepage appears, as seen below, click “Log In” in the top right hand corner.

3. Type just your S number (not the full email address) in the username space. Type the password that you use to log into your Northwest email account in the password space. Click sign in.

4. You will now arrive at your personal homepage for Bearcat Link. Click on “Organizations”.

5. Type “homecoming” into the search bar located on the left side of the page. Click go.

6. There should only be one result that is called “Northwest Homecoming”. Click on it.

7. You are now on the Northwest Homecoming page. Find the tab that says “Forms” on the left side. Click on it.

8. Click on the form called “Homecoming 2015 Event Entry Form”. Fill it out and make sure that you submit one for each event that your organization wants to participate in.

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