steps to create linkedin marketing strategy

Post on 16-Jul-2015






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LinkedIn Marketing Strategy

22.5 million people use LinkedIn

It is the largest Professional network

Often appear on first page of branded search result

LinkedIn shares your company news, products and services information which is unique feature of LinkedIn.

LinkedIn, unlike any other social network ,has product and service tab that allows you to showcase your product or services and display number of users recommending them.

1.Set Up Product and Service Tab

Choose your best selling products or services to showcase on LinkedIn

Make a list of these ,in order of preference

Select high quality photographs of products you will highlight

Add descriptions,features,sales contacts and special offers for each product/service

2.Encourage Followers to recommend Your products/Service

As shown in the screenshot Above, this service got seven recommendations .These recommendations benefit you as vote for your product/service.

Ask your satisfied customer to follow you on LinkedIn have theme recommend products/service they prefer .You can also offer incentives for them to do so in the form of small discounts

Ask your staff and peers to recommend products/services.

Ask your staff and business partners to seek recommendations from people in their network.

3.Improve Engagement on LinkedIn

Post updates regularly .You can base your updates on those you post on your other social media profiles.

Include a link to a relevant page on your website in each post.

Share and comment on other updates relevant to your niche. This will demonstrate your expert status within your LinkedIn network of professionals.

You can join LinkedIn group that are in your niche using your niche using your personal profile ,not as company. Start off discussion in these groups on topic related to your industry.Encourge your staff to join these group. This will promote your company page indirectly.

3.Check LinkedIn Insights

Measure your LinkedIn Marketing Strategy by constantly monitoring the data available in the LinkedIn Insight Tab

The Data available on LinkedIn Insights includes:

Page Visitors

The most engaging types of content

Data about your follower community

The type of followers you attract

5.Promote Your Company Page

There are many ways for businesses to find your LinkedIn Page.You can improve your chances of being found by promoting your page upfront.

Here are some ways to promote your linkedIn page

Add your company page URL to your emails and product/service related communication

If you are hiring ,post jobs on LinkedIn and invite your applicants to visit the carrers tab on your company page.

Setup a LinkedIn Ads campaign to promote your page.Track all visits and leads generated from campaign and decide if it is valuable to continue

Post a link to your LinkedIn company page on other company social media profiles.

Bottom line: your article or any kind of news on LinkedIn helps you to increase exposure and build brand

personality for your business or your website.

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