steve jobs leadership traits

Post on 14-Dec-2014






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This is a story of none other that Steve Jobs, the man who is a icon in the iWorld, his leadeship, his mantra.


This is a story of a legend !

a leader !

Fortune's CEO of the Year !

Steve Jobs CEO, Apple Inc


The Timeline

Insanely Great Products

The 3 Stories

The Leader

What we learn


History in the Making

Dropout, Love and Death

What made him HIM..

Apple, Pixar and NeXT

From the life of a ‘lover’.


The Timeline


1.Born in San Francisco, February 24, 1955 and was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs2.Studied at Homestead high school with the genius Steve Wozniak who was later to be the co-founder of Apple.3.Enrolled at Reed college but dropped out after 18 months.4.Worked at Atari creating circuit boards, quit it.5.Visited India in search of enlightenment and went back a Buddhist with a vision that would soon change the world.


1.Apple was founded in 1976 by Jobs and Wozniak with help of funding from Ronald Wayne.2.They made waves with the first personal computer and soon its improved version.3.Steve Jobs lured John Scully, the then CEO of Pepsi to act as CEO of Apple.4.Macintosh was released and the world witnessed Steve Jobs making history.5.Clash of vision and internal power struggle resulted in Steve Jobs firing from Apple.


1.Apple made waves in the whole world with its products and currently enjoys the “Most Admired Company” status.2.Jobs became one of the most powerful and influential men in the world.3.Health at a low. Caught a pancreatic cancer.4.The release of the iPad completed the process of crushing the competition.


1.Has been experiencing some health issues off late has not been able to work at par.2.His love for technology and passion for Apple continues to throb in his heart.


1.Apple bought NeXT in 1996 for $429 million.2.Steve Jobs was back in Apple and so was NeXT’s technology.3.Soon was back to the post of CEO, Apple Inc.4.The decade saw some the most amazing inventions- the iPOD, Macbook, and iTouch being some.


1.While in wilderness, he bought The Graphic Group, and founded Pixar.2.Contracted with Disney to produce computer-animated films.3.Toy Story was released in 1995, and Pixar kicked off with a huge success and earned worldwide fame and critical acclaim.4.Later, The Walt Disney Corp. bought Pixar leaving Steve Jobs as the highest stakeholder in Walt Disney.


1.While he was naked in the dark, he dreamt a whole new venture, NeXT.2.Envisioned to target the small business and education sector through high end systems.3.Created two computational masterpieces that were unveiled in the late 80s.4.Failed drastically due to high-end pricing.

Wilderness YearsEarly YearsAt the top of the worldThe retreatBeginning of AppleWhat’s NeXT?Rebuilding Apple

Apple Inc.


Revolutionized the music world in one go. These little pets can be seen hanging from every other neck these days.

The first company to marvel the touch screen in a perfectionist manner.

The latest masterpiece comes in the form of the tiniest laptop ever at an unimaginable price. Makes waves all over the world.

A New Generation (the 80s)Marvels of the 20th Century (1990-2000)The I M Possible (2000-yesterday )


The computer that started it all!The Apple I was Steve Wozniak's first design of a personal computer.also the first computer to work with a keyboard and screen instead of just flashing lights.

Widely recognized as the first personal computer as we envision them today. The idea is largely based on Steve Jobs‘ understanding of the very large demand for a computer appliance targeting education and small businesses

The first personal computer to featurea mouse and graphical user interface.


Home desktops with the Macintosh operating systems. Experienced tough competition from Microsoft though.

Stepped into the HIP generation with amazingly styled laptops offering great performance. Targeted the youth and education sector.

Targeted the business sector with high performance laptops with great speed and computing ability.


Not many know, but these words first came at the back of a paperback published in California in the early 60s, and never really gained attention until Steve Jobs uttered them at the Stanford Commencement Speech.

Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish“ ”

He's an aesthete, an artist; driven to make a dent in the universe. -Leander Kahney, Inside Steve’s Brain

He, of all the leaders in the industry, has been the most inspiring. -Bill Gates, his archrival.

Jobs is notoriously touchy, but he is changing the world, and forces competitors to do better just to try to keep up


The 3 Stories & A Mantra

Connecting the dots. .

You can’t connect the dots looking forward, you can connect them only looking backwards. And believing that the dots will connect give you the strength to follow your heart. ”

”I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life and here I was (Reed College) spending all my parents’ money. I was born to be a dropout.

Staying back to learn.

“It wasn’t all romantic”

And the dots DO connect.




How can you get fired from a company you started? I was out, and publically out. The heaviness of success was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again. I had been rejected, but I was still in Love…

”Naked in the Dark.

A new life, a new hope.

Birth of Pixar and NeXT.




If you live each day as your last, someday you will most certainly be right.


What if it were the last day of my life?

Embarrassment, fear of failure and the load of expectations.

Your time is NOW.




Key to his Success

The Timeline

Vision: “One person, one computer”

Highly optimistic

Highly focused

A continuous trigger – motivation

Management by inspiration






Vision: “One person, one computer,”

Autocratic versus participative leadership style,

Transformed Pixar into a success story,

Practices empowerment,

High confidentiality,

Quote Unquote“My job is not be easy on people, but to make them better”

a transformational leader is the one who brings about major, positive change for the group, organization or society. - Dubrin.

“ ”

Self-confidence: High Humility: incredibly low ( Ref : The documentary “The triumph

of the nerds). Trustworthiness: probably low ( High confidentiality) Authenticity : Not found, Assertiveness: High Enthusiasm: High Sense of humor: never exhibited it, in case he posses it.

He is far from a classical “text-book”. Nevertheless his charisma, self-confidence and passion for work overshadow all his negative characteristics thus making him one of most successful CEO’s of the decade. - Dubrin.







Apple has now achieved Fortune’s “Most Admired Company” status third year in a row.

Personal Computing, from a garage.1



“I have a bit of that ‘vision thing’ and I am not afraid to start from the beginning.”

People say the man sees inventions coming

Quote Unquote

The education and small business industries.


February 1985 Steve Jobs receives the National Medal of Technology from President Reagan.




An endless list of “First Evers” attributed to the man. The PC, the iPod, the Mac, the iPad, the Animation film and many more..

Products, products and products…

“When Apple came up with the Mac, IBM was spending at least 100 times more on R&D.” -- Fortune, Nov. 9, 1998

Quote Unquote“Innovation is what distinguishes a Leader from a follower.”

SPEAKERRenowned as “The Keynote legend” all over the world.1



At the launch of the first Personal Computer triggering a new era.

He himself unveils all the revolutionary products publically that quickly assume cult following

Quote Unquote“Why join the navy if you can be a pirate?” – Steve Jobs.

A remarkable motivator.

Keep looking, don’t settle

Always curious.

Never satisfied with himself.

Keeps expanding his horizons, computing, music, movies and what not..

Love what you do

He says, “Find what you love, don’t waste time, do it.” Simple as that.

Madly in Love with technology.


1. Inside Steve’s Brain - Leander Kahney2. Biography: Steve Jobs - Darren Vader3. www.allaboutstevejobs.com4. www.wikipedia.org5. www.cultofmac.com6.

Thank You!Ready for Questions.

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