stockport school assessment information for parents … · stockport school assessment information...

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English Language and Literature 2

English Language 2

Maths 4

Science (Additional) 5

Biology, Chemistry & Physics 6

BTEC Science 7

Geography 8

History 10

Modern Foreign Languages – French 11

Modern Foreign Languages – German 12

Art & Design 13

Drama 14

ICT 15

Music 16

Physical Education 17

Religious Education 18

Textiles 19

Graphical Communication 20

Business Studies 21

Media Studies 22

Film Studies 23

Media & Film Studies (Dual Award) 24

Health & Social Care 26


English Language and Literature Students follow the AQA specifications in GCSE English Language and GCSE English Literature (which lead to two separate GCSE qualifications) and have nine 60-minute lessons over the two week timetable. These lessons involve the study of a range of texts; the development of analytical skills when reading those texts; the ability to write for different purposes and audiences and the opportunity to demonstrate speaking and listening skills.

Controlled Assessments By the beginning of Year 11, the majority of written controlled assessments will have been completed and students' spoken English skills will have been assessed. However, there may be an opportunity for students to replace an earlier controlled assessment with a new piece if their skills have significantly progressed. This sometimes occurs in class time and sometimes occurs after school, requiring the student to commit to improving their grade by attending these sessions. For English Language, the written controlled assessments make up 60% of the final GCSE grade. For Literature, the written controlled assessment counts for 25% of the final grade. Speaking and listening skills are recorded separately to the final GCSE.

Assessment During Year 11, students prepare for the English Language exam. This exam is 2 hours and 15 minutes and

requires a response to three non-fiction texts and completion of two writing activities. In addition to the

classwork, we strongly recommend the purchase of a revision guide through school and uses of SAM

learning in order to develop the skills required.

Students also study the play ‘DNA’, the novel ‘Of Mice and Men’ and a selection of poetry from the AQA

Anthology (Relationships cluster) for the English Literature exam. In lessons students explore how the

writers of these texts use language and structure to communicate their themes and ideas. Students also

have the opportunity to write practice essays in the style of the exam and learn revision techniques. Most

homework activities support preparation for the exam.

The assessment criteria for all exams are made explicit to the students to enable them to be actively

involved in self and peer assessment, as well as target setting.

English Only

The overview of this course is very similar to the above in terms of the skills studied and completion of

controlled assessment in Year 10. However, during Year 11, students will only prepare for the 2 hour 15

minute English exam.


Assessment Title Purpose Timing How to support your child

Creative Writing 2hours

Controlled Assessment October 2014

Discussing with your child their idea and planning for their assessment. Encourage your child to use SAM learning and BBC Bitesize quizzes and games to develop punctuation and spelling. If this is a particular target, consider buying a revision book on this issue.

Mock Exam Language Unit 1 (3 unseen fiction and non-fiction texts with a range of questions) Literature Unit 1 (an essay on ‘Of Mice and Men’ and the play being studied – ‘DNA’)

To provide an exam experience exactly in the format that students will face in June. Provide the teacher with precise details about remaining areas to target.

December 2014

Encourage your child to attend revision sessions and use online / purchased revision guides. Ideally, students will be reading at least an article a day in a newspaper or online.

Language Unit 1 Literature Unit 1 Modern Plan Novel – ‘Of Mice and Men’. Literature Unit 2 Poetry – relationships cluster in AQA anthology Unseen Poetry

Final GCSEs June 2015 Encourage your child to attend revision sessions, purchase the revision guides and use online revision. During this time there are extensive opportunities in school for support and a revision evening to communicate different strategies to parents.


Maths GCSE Mathematics involves the study of number, shape, space and measures, algebra and data handling. We follow the Edexcel linear syllabus.

This will be examined in Y11. There are two exam papers - one calculator and one non-calculator

There are 2 tiers of entry, and access to grades is as follows: Higher A* - D Foundation C – G


Assessment Title Purpose Timing How to support your child

Mock Exam To test understanding of the content of the Mathematics GCSE

December 2014

Support with revision for the mock exam

Second Mock Exam To test understanding of the content of the Mathematics GCSE

March 2015

Support with revision for the second mock exam

GCSE Mathematics Exam

To test understanding of the content of the Mathematics GCSE

June 2015 Support with revision for the GCSE Mathematics exam


Science (Additional) Students study three modules in each of Biology, Chemistry and Physics (nine modules in total).

The OCR 21st Century course focuses on real life science in everyday situations to engage and motivate the students. The internally assessed component consists of a practical investigation.

The final grade is made up of the results of the internally assessed Controlled Assessment and three terminal exams.


Assessment Title Purpose Timing How to support your child

Controlled Assessment Contributes to final GCSE grade September – December 2014

Support with time management during write up

Internal B4, C4,P4 module tests

To test understanding of Biology, Chemistry and Physics Unit 4 / prepare for terminal exam in June

November 2014

Support with revision for the exams. Encourage your child to attend revision sessions, purchase the revision guides and use online revision. During this time there are extensive opportunities in school for support.

Internal Mock Exam

To give experience of GCSE exam format and to assess progress

December 2014

Internal B5, C5,P5 module tests

To test understanding of Biology, Chemistry and Physics Unit 5 / prepare for terminal exam in June

Feb 2015

Internal B6, C6,P6 module tests

To test understanding of Biology, Chemistry and Physics Unit 6 / prepare for terminal exam in June

April 2014

External GCSE Additional Science Exam - B4, B5, B6

Final GCSE

June 2015

External GCSE Additional Science Exam - C4, C5, C6

Final GCSE

June 2015

External GCSE Additional Science Exam - P4, P5, P6

Final GCSE

June 2015


Biology / Chemistry / Physics

Biology, Chemistry & Physics involves the study of seven modules in each subject over the course of two years, and leads to three separate GCSEs. The OCR 21st Century courses focus on real life science in everyday situations to engage and motivate the students. The internally assessed components consists of a practical investigation in each subject. Assessment The final grade is made up of the results of the internally assessed Controlled Assessment and three unit

exams per subject.

Assessment Title Purpose Timing How to support your child

Controlled Assessment Biology Chemistry Physics

Contributes to final GCSE grade Autumn Term

Support with time management during write up

B4, C4,P4 module tests To test understanding of Biology, Chemistry and Physics Unit 4 / prepare for terminal exam in June

November 2014

Support with revision for the exams. Encourage your child to attend revision sessions, purchase the revision guides and use online revision. During this time there are extensive opportunities in school for support.

Mock Exam To give experience of GCSE exam format and to assess progress

December 2014

B5, C5,P5 module tests To test understanding of Biology, Chemistry and Physics Unit 5 / prepare for terminal exam in June

Feb 2015

B6, C6,P6 module tests To test understanding of Biology, Chemistry and Physics Unit 6 / prepare for terminal exam in June

April 2014

External GCSE Biology Exam – B123

Final GCSE June 2015 Support with revision for the exams. Encourage your child to attend revision sessions, purchase the revision guides and use online revision. During this time there are extensive opportunities in school for support.

External GCSE Biology Exam – B456

Final GCSE June 2015

External GCSE Biology Exam – B7

Final GCSE June 2015

External GCSE Chemistry Exam – C123

Final GCSE June 2015

External GCSE Chemistry Exam – C456

Final GCSE June 2015

External GCSE Chemistry Exam – C7

Final GCSE June 2015

External GCSE Physics Exam – P123

Final GCSE June 2015


External GCSE Physics Exam – P456

Final GCSE June 2015

External GCSE Physics Exam – P7

Final GCSE June 2015

BTEC Science

BTEC Science involves the study of biology, chemistry and physics in a vocational setting. It focuses on real life science in everyday situations to engage and motivate the students. The internally assessed component consists of producing three portfolios of work containing a number of completed tasks. The tasks are classroom based and the students are able to track their progress over the year. Assessment The final grade is made up of the results of the internally assessed portfolios of work (75%) and one exam in spring (25%)

Assessment Title Purpose Timing How to support your child

Assignment 1 Contributes to final BTEC grade

Autumn Term

Support with time management during write up

Assignment 2 Spring Term

Assignment 3/4 Summer Term

Mock Exam To give experience of BTEC exam format and to assess progress

Feb 2015

External BTEC Exam Final Exam March 2015 Support with revision for the BTEC exam


Geography The Geography Department is highly successful and prides itself in being able to build strong working relationships with the students to assist them to progress and achieve their full potential. This is demonstrated by consistently excellent results at KS3 and GCSE.

In Geography pupils learn to be confident, responsible and resourceful thinkers. Students learn a wide range of geographical skills, knowledge and understanding by using many higher thinking skills which are fun to use and help students become better learners. Students practice teamwork skills and learn in a style which best suits them by using exciting and innovative teaching strategies

Controlled Assessment

Fieldwork is carried out in Castleton where students undertake a field study examining the idea of Castleton as a Tourist honeypot. This will be worked on during lesson time over the last term of Year 10 and completed by January in Year 11. As the controlled assessment is all done during lesson time, attendance is vital for success. The controlled assessment must be satisfactorily completed for students to be entered for the exam.


Students' level of skills, knowledge and understanding is assessed using previous GCSE exam questions in each unit. Students should be able to achieve their aspire grade or better in these unit assessments. Students at GCSE in geography are tested throughout the course in the form of exam questions. These

can be found in their geography books and help to show progress throughout the formal assessments are

end of unit/ year assessments to help formally assess students in a similar style to the exam.

Assessment Title Purpose Timing How to support your child

Ice on the land end of unit assessment

To test knowledge and understanding of the whole unit at GCSE level using past papers and AQA mark schemes.

October / November 2014

Use the students contents pages (found at the start of each unit) to check students have the work in their book, maybe there have been absences. If so, use the VLE or email the geography teacher for direction to the work missed. Case studies form a large amount of marks within the course so students must revise. It is vital students are monitored for the amount of time and quality of revision. Please check progress throughout and allow for short rest periods.

Mock Exam This helps to give students/staff and carers the best indication of attainment at GCSE. They will experience the tier of exam best suited as this will have been discussed and monitored with students throughout.

December 2014

Changing Urban Environments

To test knowledge and understanding of the whole unit at GCSE level using past papers and AQA mark schemes.

January / February 2015


Wherever possible try to visit the environments we have been studying e.g. a beach, a tourist resort, a forest, a hill etc. This will help develop their geographical awareness and build subject knowledge which they will not experience in the classroom. Please ensure students have the correct equipment for the school day and have an area at home they can keep their geography books safe. Is they are unsure of any GCSE content they must research the subject area first but then come to see any of the geography staff.


History GCSE History at Stockport School requires students to learn about four major historical topics in detail from the Edexcel History B School History Project syllabus. Students have to be able to convey their historical knowledge in detailed and structured essays in their controlled assessment task in Y10 which is worth 25% of their History GCSE, and three examinations at the end of Y11 that are also worth 25% respectively. Students study History for six 60 minute periods during the two week timetable.

Examination Topics During Year 11 students study:

Medicine Through Time: From Medieval times to the present day.

The transformation of Surgery : From 1845-1918

Controlled Assessment The Controlled Assessment topic in History is changed each year by the examination board. The Controlled Assessment makes up 25% of the students History GCSE and is made up of three separate essays that the students have to carry out in examination conditions in class. The Controlled Assessment is carried out in

the Summer Term of Y10 and the topic will cover Government and protest in the USA 1945-70. Skills developed within the course are source handling skills, structured and extended writing, presentation and research skills.

Assessment Students in Y10 complete practice exam questions for each period of History in the Nazi Germany element of the course as well as sitting MOCK exams to assess how they are progressing throughout the year. Once students have sat their controlled assessment task in the Summer Term of Y10, they will have completed 25% of their overall grade. In June of Y11, students will sit three exams; Medicine through time, The Transformation of Surgery and Life in Nazi Germany, each worth 25% each and therefore 75% of their overall grade which is combined with their Controlled Assessment result.

Assessment Title Purpose Timing How to support your child

Ancient Medicine Exam practice

September 2014 Test them from the notes in their books

Medieval Medicine October 2014

Industrial Medicine November 2014

MOCK EXAMS December 2014

20TH Century Medicine

January 2015

Surgery 2nd MOCK April 2015


Modern Foreign Languages - French In Year 10 students' follow the AQA GCSE course. The students develop their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in French and take a final examination at the end of year 11 in the listening and reading elements. The topics covered in Year 10 are as follows:- Self, family friends, home life, education, careers and future plans, part-time jobs and work experience, daily routine, leisure activities, interests and hobbies. Over the two years students will complete 2 written controlled assessments and 2 speaking exams under controlled conditions. The written element makes up 30% of the final GCSE grade, as will the speaking exams. The reading and listening elements are both worth 20% of the final grade. Assessment

Assessment Title Purpose

Timing How to support your child

Speaking: School Holidays

GCSE Speaking Assessment 15% of GCSE

November-December 2014

Support with revision & preparation for assessment (in particular a time schedule for learning)

Listening & Reading Exams: All Topics

GCSE Year 11 MOCK Reading & Listening Exams

December 2014

Support with revision from the vocabulary list/homework on line/ Practise exam papers

Listening & Reading Exams

GCSE FINAL EXAMS Listening & Reading 2 x 20% of GCSE

January-May 2015

Support with revision from the vocabulary list/homework on line/ practise exam papers


Modern Foreign Languages - German In Year 10 students' follow the AQA GCSE course. The students develop their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in German and take a final examination at the end of year 11 in the listening and reading elements. The topics covered in Year 10 are as follows:- Self, family friends, home life, education, careers and future plans, part-time jobs and work experience, daily routine, leisure activities, interests and hobbies. Over the two years students will complete 2 written controlled assessments and 2 speaking exams under controlled conditions. The written element makes up 30% of the final GCSE grade, as will the speaking exams. The reading and listening elements are both worth 20% of the final grade. Assessment

Assessment Title Purpose

Timing How to support your child

Speaking: School Holidays

GCSE Speaking Assessment 15% of GCSE

November-December 2014

Support with revision & preparation for assessment (in particular a time schedule for learning)

Listening & Reading Exams: All Topics

GCSE Year 11 MOCK Reading & Listening Exams

December 2014

Support with revision from the vocabulary list/homework on line/ Practise exam papers

Listening & Reading Exams

GCSE FINAL EXAMS Listening & Reading 2 x 20% of GCSE

May 2015

Support with revision from the vocabulary list/homework on line/ practise exam papers


Art and Design During Year 11 students will complete their second project and produce a third for their Mock Exam inspired by a past GCSE exam paper which could be titled; Close Up, Arrangements, Art in Boxes, Edges. These two projects along with the Architecture project completed in Yr10 completes their portfolio of work. They will each sit a Mock Exam to experience working in the Art rooms under exam control conditions and gain the knowledge they need along with working closely with their subject teachers of the expectations required to be successful in their Final Exam. Students have five hour lessons of Art per fortnight and are taught in mixed ability groups. Compulsory elements for each project are: • Research - a collection of photographs, images and written annotation. • Observational drawings - inspired by their research as initial designs. • Experimentation developing ideas and exploration of materials and techniques. • A completed final piece - which demonstrates a clear connection and a personal response to the project theme. It is vital that each of the above elements are completed to ensure each of the assessment criteria is met. Assessment Students receive direction through written and verbal feedback to support them complete any outstanding coursework before their Portfolio of Work (60%) is submitted for marking. This is marked against GCSE assessment criteria along with the work they produce for the Final Exam (40%) to award them a Final Overall Grade.

Assessment Title Purpose Timing How to support your child

Project 2 To mark their second set of work on the course and predict estimated grades.

October 2014

Mock Exam For all students to gain an insight of the expectations for the final exam.

December 2014

Ensure that if any specialist equipment or resources are required (that we are unable to provide in school), that your child is able to have them ready in good time for the exam.

Final Coursework Deadline

To mark their portfolio of work which represents 60% of their final mark.

February 2015

On their return to school in the new year, ask your child how they are working towards handing in all of their finished coursework?

Final Exam Final opportunity for all students to showcase their progress on the course.

Easter 2015

Encourage your child to attend after school on a Wednesday leading up to the exam to make sure they are fully prepared for their exam. As well as taking advantage of more 1:1 time with their subject teachers.


Drama Year 11 in Drama is an exciting, challenging and inspiring time. In January, when all coursework is completed, pupils begin their examination preparation. Controlled Assessment: WARHORSE Practical controlled conditions (6 hours) take place during a workshop which takes a whole school day. This workshop/a live professional performance of WARHORSE are the stimulus for a 3000 word written portfolio of analysis. During Year 11, every lesson/rehearsal is crucial and any absence impacts on progress/ achievement. Consequently the department would greatly appreciate your continuing support in ensuring that any absences are kept to an absolute minimum. Assessment

During Year 11, pupils compete a unit of coursework (30% of final GCSE grade) and the exam (40% of final GCSE grade). The exam is purely practical but each group must provide approximately 500 words explaining how the piece meets the Examination Brief (Realistic Characters) and a script of the piece. Performance Support candidates create a PowerPoint/ portfolio of supporting evidence.

Assessment Title Purpose Timing How to support your child

Warhorse (UNIT 2) To test knowledge and understanding of how the Mediums and Elements of Drama can be used to interpret a text in performance.

October / November/ December 2014

Discuss with your child his / her current classwork/ examination piece and support his/ her preparation for the exam. Ways to do this could include supporting your child’s research/ discussing themes etc. / testing lines/ attending Dress Rehearsals etc. Pupils will be offered/ allocated a rehearsal day over the Easter Break to programme the lighting and sound support for their examination performances/ presentations. Encourage your child to plan rehearsal time/ attend rehearsals agreed by the group. During this time there are extensive opportunities in school for support re Documentary Evidence catch up sessions.

Mock Exam To provide an exam experience as close to the ‘real thing’ in May. This exam generates valuable information re remaining areas to target.

December 2014

Preparation for practical examination/ completion of Documentary Evidence tasks

To devise work for performance which demonstrates his/ her skills and understanding of Acting/ Performance Support Options (e.g. Set Design )

January / February 2015

Preparation for practical examination in May 2015

To rehearse/ script/ create work for performance which demonstrates his/ her skills and understanding of Acting/ Performance Support (e.g. Set Design)

March/ April 2015


ICT The course comprises 2 units; “Living in a Digital World”, which is examined by a terminal exam in year 11, and “Using Digital Tools” which is assessed by controlled assessment throughout the 2 year course.

Assessment The controlled assessments cover a variety of common ICT skills such as databases, spreadsheets and presentations, along with other application skills such as audio editing. Unit 1 (the exam) is worth 40% of the final grade and Unit 2 (the coursework) is worth 60%.

Assessment Title Purpose Timing How to support your child

Controlled Assessment

Ongoing assessment of coursework (60% of final grade).

Throughout Year 11

Encouragement to focus and commit to coursework during lessons. Check on need to attend catch-up on Wednesdays after school / Intervention.

Mock Exam Practise for the terminal exam at the end of Year 11.

Dec 2014 Revision of Year 10 class work / use of VLE resources.


Music The department scheme of work is based on further developing the skills of listening, composing and performing gained in Key Stage 3. Pupils look in detail at music for film, music for special occasions and the development of the orchestra through time from the AQA syllabus. Pupils are given the chance to compose music in a variety of styles and are encouraged to develop skills in music ICT to support their creativity in this area. In line with National Curriculum recommendations, practical work which focuses on creativity features heavily in lessons. In addition to their classroom study, pupils are expected to attend music lessons on their chosen instrument or voice to account for the performance aspect of the course. Practical time in class lessons is devoted to individual study and private practice. Students who are achieving well in the class are working towards Levels 7 and 8 of the National Curriculum at the end of the year. Assessment During the year, students are assessed by their performances and pieces of levelled work.

Assessment Title Purpose Timing How to support your child

Performance To measure individual performances throughout the year and measure against GCSE criteria (COURSEWORK)

Ongoing recordings made during instrumental lessons with peripatetic teachers. Best ones selected.

Ensure that regular practice is being undertaken at home and that practice diaries/log cards are being completed

Listening To measure understanding of the 4 main areas of study through listening and analytical questions.

Ongoing during term 1 Practice papers begin in January

Encourage a broad range of music is available and listed to at home.

Composing To complete a timed piece of own composition and have it marked against GCSE criteria

Term 1 Controlled Assessment (25 hours)

After school sessions are offered for access to the music computers. Encourage attendance and question pupil’s progress in their composing.


Physical Education During this year the GCSE PE students have taken part in the following practical activities: Circuit Training, Table Tennis, Netball, Cross Country, Athletics and Rounders The students are expected to take part in all activities to develop their practical skills and an understanding of how to improve their own and others performances. They also have one classroom lesson each week which is used to cover the theoretical part of the course.


Assessment Title Purpose Timing How to support your child

Practice Exam To test understanding of Y10

October 2014 Support with revision for the practice exam

Mock Exam December 2014 Support with revision & encourage students to attend revision

Controlled assessment

Requirement of GCSE course

December 2014

Encourage students to carry out independent research using specialist terminology and practice writing

Scenario Scenario practice questions

Feb – April 2015 Students should be practicing answering exam questions and attending revision

Final practice exam March 2015 Students should be practicing answering exam questions and attending revision


Religious Education The aim of Religious Education is to enable students to understand and reflect upon the religious and spiritual beliefs, practices, insights and experiences that are expressed in the universal search for meaning of life; and to provide opportunities for students to explore and express their own responses and personal beliefs.

The Full Course GCSE in RE allows students to partake in all of the above whilst also ensuring that the work, effort and achievement is credited in an appropriate and worthwhile manner.

Contemporary Religious Issues Religious Attitudes to the Environment Religious Attitudes to Animals Prejudice and Discrimination Abortion War and Peace Assessment Students work is assessed by the criteria of the AQA exam board.

Assessment Title Purpose Timing How to support your child

Ongoing assessment through lessons

To keep track of student progression through the year.

Ongoing Help with homework tasks and ask about what they are doing in class.

End of module practice paper questions

To measure understanding of topic and prepare students for the type of questions they will be faced with in the GCSE RE examination

October 2014 ‘Religious Attitudes to the Elderly and Death’

Support with revision for the end of module questions

November 2014 ‘Religion and Drug abuse’ Please monitor student planner for exact dates of upcoming topics.

Year 11 Mock Examination

To test understanding of the topics covered over the first half of Year 11 and to help students prepare for the examination experience in the subject.

December 2014 Support with revision for the Mock Examination.


Textiles G.C.S.E Textiles is an entirely practical course through which students become skilful and confident using a wide variety of decorative textiles techniques such as; fabric painting, embroidery, appliqué, transfer print, fabric construction, weaving, beadwork and stitching.

Emphasis is placed on the development of ideas and skills within Textile design. All projects begin with observational drawing and experimentation with a range of materials. Projects are developed through various stages into a finished textiles piece.

Typical units of work include working from natural forms (butterflies, sea life, landscape) and working from a theme, e.g. textiles from another culture (Indian, African textiles).

Homework is an essential part of the course and supports and develops the project work done in class. All homework contributes to the final grade of each unit of work. Assessment

Assessment Title Purpose Timing How to support your child

Project 2 To mark their second set of work on the course and predict estimated grades.

October 2014

Mock Exam For all students to gain an insight of the expectations for the final exam.

December 2014

Ensure that if any specialist equipment or resources are required (that we are unable to provide in school), that your child is able to have them ready in good time for the exam.

Final Coursework Deadline

To mark their portfolio of work which represents 60% of their final mark.

February 2015

On their return to school in the new year, ask your child how they are working towards handing in all of their finished coursework?

Final Exam Final opportunity for all students to showcase their progress on the course.

Easter 2015 Encourage your child to attend after school on a Wednesday leading up to the exam to make sure they are fully prepared for their exam. As well as taking advantage of more 1:1 time with their subject teachers.


Graphical Communication In Year 11, students work on a mock exam question that gets them ready for the format of the externally set task. This mock is set at the start of the term and completed before the other mock exams begin at the start of December. In January, the students embark on preparation for the externally set task, which is held in examination conditions in March. Following the externally set task, students have until the start of May to complete the stop motion animation project that they began in Year 10, and any other coursework that they feel they would like to work on.

Assessment Title Purpose Timing How to support your child

Mock Exam- Human rights

For all students to gain an insight of the expectations for the final exam.

September to December 2014

Ensure that if any specialist equipment or resources are required (that we are unable to provide in school), that your child is able to have them ready in good time for the exam.

Final Exam- questions to be provided in January

Provides 40% of the student’s overall grade in the subject.

January to Easter 2015

Encourage your child to attend after school on a Wednesday leading up to the exam to make sure they are fully prepared for their exam. As well as taking advantage of more 1:1 time with their subject teachers.

Final Coursework Deadline

To mark their portfolio of work which represents 60% of their final mark.

Early May 2015 (date to be advised)

On their return to school in the new year, ask your child how they are working towards handing in all of their finished coursework?


Business Studies Students will prepare for Unit 3 in Year 11; this covers business growth and expansion, organisation and communication and international trade. It is focused on larger scale businesses. This is assessed by written examination, which accounts for 50% of the final grade in June of Year 11. Assessment

Assessment Title Purpose Timing How to support your child

Controlled Assessment

Students complete externally set controlled assessment on a topic from the Year 10 syllabus; Investigating a small business.

October 2014 Support with the research for the project based assessment.

Mock Examinations Students complete two business studies exams; unit I multiple choice and unit 3 extended exam questions Both papers are previous GCSE exam papers.

December 2014 Support with revision

GCSE exam questions

Regular homeworks that are to prepare for extended paper

October 2014 to June 2015

Support with monitoring the completion of these homeworks


Media Studies (2 year course) During the first year of Media Studies pupils have focused upon the four key concepts. Pupils have also looked at the role of Print based Advertising, Film Promotion and Magazine Production.

The four key concepts involve the role of media language when communicating ideas, the importance of audiences, media institutions and how people and places are represented.

All 3 subject areas covered look at how each medium influences the public's opinions and beliefs. The aim of the year is to question how the media influences our lives.


Over the two years there are 3 controlled assessments (which account for 60% of the GCSE grade) and

one external exam (which accounts for 40% of the final GCSE grade).


1. Print based Advertising 2. Film Promotion

3. Magazine Production

Assessment Title Purpose Timing How to support your child


Assessment 3:

Magazine Production

To test Research,

Planning and

Presentational skills

across 4 key media

concepts looking at

magazine production.

April –



Look at how different genres of

magazine appeal to potential

audiences by concentrating upon

covers, contents pages and

features pages.

Internal Mock Exam To test understanding

of exam topic before

external exam sat.

March 2015 Look at a variety of examples from

set topic for that year.


Film Studies (2 year course) Film Studies provides an opportunity for students to develop their love and understanding of how films communicate meaning in the world. Film is an extremely important and culturally significant medium in the 21st Century and the objectives of the course are to look at the processes involved in film making, how films are targeted at specific audiences and to explore the institutional context of this creative industry. Assessment 6 pieces of controlled assessment make up 50% of the GCSE grade in Y10.

Paper 1 makes up 30% of the GCSE grade and Paper 2 makes up 20% of the GCSE grade in Y11.

Assessment Title Purpose Timing How to support your child

Internal Exam Practice: Paper 1: The Superhero Genre (30%)

To test students’ knowledge and understanding of the set genre, analytical and creative skills

September – January 2015

Looking at film extracts, broadening understanding of genre, looking at promotional material and business behind set genre.

Paper 2: Films made Outside of Hollywood (20%)

To test students understanding of films made outside of the Hollywood studio system

February – March 2015

Look at films made outside of America and broaden students understanding of the film world.

Mock Paper 1: To test understanding and develop exam skills

April 2015

Help revise all appropriate notes in revision folders.

Mock Paper 2: May 2015


Media & Film Studies (Dual Award)

Y10 Media Studies, Y11 Film Studies

Media Studies GCSE is examined at the end of Year 10. Film Studies GCSE is examined at the end of Year


The aims of the Dual Option are to offer students of a specific ability the chance to excel in both of these

creative and analytical subjects. Film Studies GCSE begins as soon as the externally assessed media

examination is over. The 6 pieces of controlled assessment are completed in 2 terms and all remaining

time is spent on examination skills for the 2 externally assessed papers. Students sit these external exams

at the end of Year 11.

Assessment Title Purpose Timing How to support your child

Controlled Assessment 1: Production, Distribution and Exhibition research on a chosen film

To develop independent research skills by looking at a chosen film.

September 2014

Any independent understanding of the business behind film making is preferable.

Controlled Assessment 2; Film Language analysis of extract from chosen film

To develop students analytical skills by looking at how film language is used to create meaning.

September – October 2014

Watching a variety of film extracts from different genres and looking at how meaning is created.

Controlled Assessment 3: Film Pitch

To develop students creative skills of selling a new narrative to a specific target audience.

October 2014

Thinking independently about film appeal to different types of audience.

Controlled Assessment 4: Magazine and Contents page design

To test students creative skills by producing a piece of pre-production work.

November 2014

Looking at different design examples from professionals

Controlled Assessment 5: Promotional Poster campaign

To develop students understanding of promotional methods and test creative skills

December 2014

Going online and looking at different promotional poster campaigns

Controlled Assessment 6: Evaluative essay

To test students independent / objective analytical skills.

January 2015

Helping to develop quality objective responses to own work

Internal Exam Practice: Paper 1: The Superhero Genre

January – March 2015

Looking at film extracts, broadening understanding of genre, looking at promotional material and business behind set genre.


Paper 2: Films made Outside of Hollywood

To test understanding and develop exam skills

March – May 2015

Look at films made outside of America and broaden students understanding of the film world.

Mock Paper 1 May – June 2015

Revising all notes in revision folders provided. Mock Paper 2


Health & Social Care The GCSE in Health and Social Care is a single award designed to provide the technical knowledge, skills and understanding associated with this broad and demanding subject. The aim is to equip the candidate with skills that are transferable to their next steps in life - whether this be in the workplace, further education or training. It allows students to experience vocationally related learning so as to enable them to decide if it is suitable for them. Health and Social Care is also an academically challenging subject in which students are expected to gain confidence in working independently and take a great deal of personal responsibility for their success through their controlled assessment unit. Induction: At the start of Year 10 students engage in a generalised induction which involves them learning some of the key foundation knowledge they will need to put this subject into context. This is important as this is unlike most other subjects they will have studied at Key Stage 3. The aim is also to introduce the unique teaching and learning styles of this subject and help the student to understand the principles of independent learning therefore promoting confidence and self-esteem. The ability to be independent and self-motivated is an essential characteristic of successful Health and Social Care students! Assessment The GCSE Course comprises 2 Units. 1 is externally tested and 1 is a Controlled Assessment Assignment. This is similar to coursework but must now be completed under controlled conditions in school time. Much of the controlled assessment requires students to work independently to gather information, conduct research and plan their written report. Students are required to spend large periods of time working on their own assignments, which is often a new and challenging experience for them. The two units students will undertake are; Unit A911. Health, Social Care and Early Years Provision. This is the controlled Assessment unit which is worth 60% of the students overall GCSE grade and which is undertaken throughout the summer terms of Year 10 and 11. Unit A912, Understanding Personal Development and Relationships. This is an externally tested exam, worth 40% of the overall GCSE grade, taught in Year 10 and reviewed and taken at the end of Year 11.

Assessment Title Purpose Timing How to support your child

A911: Health, Social Care & Early Years provision

To complete a controlled assessment based on an externally set scenario. To develop strong independent learning skills and to demonstrate an ability to carry out research, express reasoned judgments and present information in a

All research, teaching, learning and planning takes place across the summer terms of Year 10 and throughout Year 11.

The controlled assessment is a challenging unit for all students. You can help your child in a number of ways. Students will always have research/planning to complete at home so ask your child where they are up to and offer to read through their work if you feel comfortable doing so.


clear and comprehensive way

Many students say that this support at home helps them to feel confident that they are making sense in their writing. Ask your child about their homework. Speak to your child's teacher if you are concerned that they are struggling with the demands of the unit. Many students find the independent nature of the assessment quite hard to manage and it is important that they do not become overly anxious about this. Ensure your child is taking frequent breaks from study.

A912: Understanding Personal Development and Relationships

To promote understanding of how humans grow and develop in a normal and expected way. To understand how various factors influence growth and development across the five life stages. To understand the role personal relationships play across the five life stages.

This unit is taught in the Autumn and Spring terms of Year 10. Students return to this unit in the Summer term of Year 11 in preparation for their exam.

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