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Stone Fruit: World Markets and Trade

July 2008

Stone Fruit 2008/09 Forecast Overview

Production of stone fruit (cherries, peaches and nectarines, plums and prunes, and apricots) in marketing year 2008/09, among USDA - Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) monitored countries, is raised 6-percent to 23.6 million metric tons. Cherry production is up 5-percent to 2.1 million, fresh peach (including nectarines) production is raised 5-percent to 14.3 million, and fresh plum production is up 5-percent to 4.1 million. Fresh apricot production is raised 8-percent to 3.1 million.

The largest stone fruit exporters are Spain (634,000 metric tons), Italy (407,850 tons), Chile (234,200 tons), and the United States (159,750 tons). Global exports of fresh stone fruit totaled over 2.4 million tons in 2006, up 4-percent from the previous year. Fresh peach and nectarine exports led the stone fruit category, reaching 1.4 million tons, followed by plums at 484,970 tons, cherries at 299,140 tons, and apricots at 236,280 tons.

Increasing Competition Presents Challenges for U.S. Stone Fruit Exports

MARKET NEWS: World Stone Fruit Situation

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA Office of Global Analysis

















Peaches & Nectarines Cherries Plums Apricots




ric T


Calendar Years

Source: Bureau of the Census, DOC

Fresh Cherries Forecast Overview Production Turkey, the United States, and China are among the leading cherry producers monitored by FAS. In 2008, production is raised 5-percent to 2.1 million tons.

• Turkey continues to be the leading cherry producer. Marketing year 2008/09 production is raised 10-percent to 600,000 tons, pending favorable weather.

• China’s production is boosted nearly 16-percent to 174,000 tons, as cherry plantings reached full production. Because of increasing popularity among consumers, China’s farmers replaced traditional fruit crops with cherries.

• Spain’s production is raised 10-percent to 80,000 tons due to producers benefiting from the Orchard Rejuvenation Program to improve hectares (GAIN SP6011).

• Despite adverse weather last season, Chile’s 2008 crop is raised 6-percent to 56,700 tons as newly planted orchards are coming into production.

• United States tart cherry crop is down 30-percent from last season to 80,422 tons. Multiple spring freezes and wet weather during pollination hampered fruit set in Michigan, the largest producing state. Sweet cherry production is lowered 23-percent to 235,487 tons, as cool temperatures during bloom inhibited pollination. Additionally, a mid-April frost severely damaged a large portion of Washington’s sweet cherry crop. For detailed information on U.S. cherry production, see the latest USDA-National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) Cherry Production report at:


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T u rk e y Ira n U .S . Ita ly S p a in G e r m a n y

T o p C h e rry P r o d u c e rs




ric T


C a le n d a r Y e a rs

S o u r c e : F o o d a n d A g r ic u ltu r e O r g a n iz a t i o n ( F A O ) o f th e U n ite d N a t io n s

Consumption A growing middle class and increasing incomes led to greater consumer demand for fruits. Consumption is increasing in China’s emerging city markets of Wenzhou, and Changsha. FAS/Beijing officials estimate that 20-percent of total cherry consumption is directly from the United States, while the

remaining 80-percent enters through “grey” channels. China’s cherry consumption is up 18-percent to 176,230 tons. Japan, which typically consumes around 25,500 tons of cherries annually, is nearly unchanged from the previous year to 26,780 tons. Taiwan’s consumption is boosted 10-percent to 11,500 tons.

MARKET NEWS: World Stone Fruit Situation

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA Office of Global Analysis

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDAOffice of Global Analysis

July 2008

Exports In 2007, top exporters in volume terms were Turkey (57,000 tons) the United States (50,600 tons), and Chile (33,000 tons). In order to increase exports, roughly one-third of Turkey’s producers are registered with the EUREPGAP (European Retailers’ Protocol for Good Agricultural Practices) program. The EUREPGAP, initiated by five European Union (EU) retailers, sets guidelines for the import of agricultural products and focuses on production processes. EUREPGAP registration is not required to export to the EU, nor is it an official governmental program. However, producers registered under EUREGAP receive training, advice on agricultural chemicals, and laboratory tests for their products. Major exporters are encouraging smaller producer participation; some exporters are funding the cost of certification and auditing. The increasing number of registered producers under the program favors agricultural exports to the European Union. Chile’s cherry exports increased 6-percent to 35,000 tons, as significant areas of newly planted orchards are coming into production. The United States is Chile’s main fresh cherry export market. Chile anticipates increased exports to the EU, Japan, and China. Last year, EU’s import duty fell to zero for cherries from Chile. Chile’s agreement with Japan lowers the current 8.5-percent duty in seven years to zero. The agreement with China calls for a duty reduction in 5 years of the current 10-percent duty. Total U.S. exports in 2007 valued at more than $251 million (50,610 tons). To date (January to April), U.S. fresh cherry exports jumped 276-percent to 617 tons. The leading markets for U.S. fresh cherry exports are typically Canada, Japan, and Taiwan. In 2007, exports to Canada totaled $102 million (23,480 tons), while exports to Japan were $55 million (9,140 tons), and $27 million (4,080 tons) to Korea. Imports In 2007, fresh cherry imports totaled 224,700 tons. The top importers were Russia (51,280 tons), Germany (57,600 tons), and Austria (26,590 tons). Permitted since 2005, fresh cherries from China to Taiwan have not affected the market due to logistical and quality control concerns. To date, Taiwan has no recorded imports of fresh cherries from China. In 2007, direct shipments of U.S. Northwest cherries to China increased in volume by 116-percent from the previous year to 670 tons, of which 263 tons (up 130-percent) went to Shanghai, and 26 tons to Beijing, which was for the first year for direct shipments. China expects to increase their imports of California cherries, due increased to market access. General Phytosanitary Requirements Due to codling moth concerns, U.S. fresh cherries are subject to methyl bromide fumigation before entering Japan. Japan allows the United States to ship the following fresh cherry varieties with methyl bromide fumigation: Early Garnet, Sweetheart, Chelen, Tulare, Van, Bing, Broox, Lapin, Lambert, Ranier, and Royal Ranier.

MARKET NEWS: World Stone Fruit Situation

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA Office of Global Analysis

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDAOffice of Global Analysis

July 2008

Taiwan subjects stone fruit imports to inspection based on three basic laws: 1) the Food Safety Management Act, 2) Food Safety Management Regulations, and 3) Maximum Residue Level Standards. Currently, Taiwan bans or subjects to pest-free certification, stone fruit imports from countries with the following pests: Mediterranean fruit fly, Peach fruit fly, Codling moth, Apple maggot, Mexican fruit fly, Plum curculio, Queensland fruit fly, South American fruit fly, and Western Flower Thrips. Taiwan’s Department of Health (DOH) is working to expand its list of maximum residue levels (MRLs) for chemical compounds commonly used. The DOH review process is expected to run several years. Fresh Peaches and Nectarines Production The top producers of peaches and nectarines are typically China, Italy, and the United States. Fresh peach and nectarine production for FAS monitored countries is raised 5-percent to 14.3 million tons.

• China, the leading producer of peaches and nectarines, is up 8-percent, to 8.6 million tons, assuming normal weather conditions. Peach acreage continues to decline, as the demand stagnates and prices lower. The planted area is decreased 1-percent to 650,000 hectares. Since the second half of 2007, production costs continued to rise and compound fertilizer prices increased by 30 to 70-percent from the previous year.

• Spain’s production is up 4-percent to 1.2 million tons due to producers benefiting from the Orchard Rejuvenation Program aimed at improving the current hectare production.

• Turkey’s production is up slightly from the 2007 frost-affected crop to 545,000 tons. • Japan’s area harvested and production estimates are 10,100 hectares and 152,500 tons,

lowered 100 hectares and 1-percent from the previous season. • Australia’s peach and nectarine production is unchanged at 110,000 tons, following a

long-running drought. • Selected U.S. peach production for California, Georgia, and South Carolina is up 16-

percent to 481,000 tons. The California Freestone crop experienced an adequate number of chilling hours. Weather during the bloom period was accommodating, although cooler spring temperatures slightly slowed maturity. The crop quality reported as excellent, with good sizes. South Carolina’s crop recovered from last year’s frost-damaged crop. Georgia’s peach crops escaped freeze damage.

MARKET NEWS: World Stone Fruit Situation

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA Office of Global Analysis

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDAOffice of Global Analysis

July 2008


Moderate Growth for Fresh Peach & Nectarine Consumption


2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 F

China All Others USA Turkey Spain Japan







Marketing Years

Source: FAS Agricultural Attaché reports and the U.S. National Agricultural Statistics ServiceMarketing year is January-December.

Turkey consumes approximately 80-percent of its peach production for fresh consumption and the remainder processed for juice, jam, and dried products. Domestic consumption is lowered 1-percent to 405,000 tons, due to high nectarine prices. Taiwan’s peach and nectarine consumption is raised 6-perent to 70,300 tons. Peach and nectarine sales are mainly concentrated in hyper and supermarkets, as they provide better handling techniques. China’s consumption is raised 7-percent to 8.6 million tons as domestic production increases.

Exports Global fresh peach and nectarine exports totaled more 1.4 million tons in 2006. The top world suppliers were Spain (545,000 tons), and Italy (368,000 tons), and Chile (98,000 tons). Turkey’s growers generally sell their products to established exporting firms that have packing and transportation facilities. Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Romania are Turkey’s top three export markets. Chile, Taiwan’s second largest supplier after the United States, remains competitive due to its lower production costs and increasing supply. Total U.S. exports in 2007 valued at $132 million (101,304 tons). The direct competitors for U.S. peaches to Taiwan are mainly locally produced peaches. In 2007, the leading export markets for U.S. peaches and nectarines were Canada, Taiwan, and Mexico, and exports totaled $70 million (51,048 tons), $33 million (28,322 tons), and $15 million (14,990 tons), respectively. To date (January through April 2008), U.S. fresh peach and nectarine exports jumped 36-percent to 976 tons. Imports In 2006, the top global importers were Germany (296,510 tons), Russia (132,320 tons), and France (139,910 tons). To date (January through April 2008), U.S. peach and nectarine imports from Chile increased 5-percent to 56,208 tons. General Phytosanitary Requirements Japan does not allow U.S. fresh peach imports due to phytosanitary concerns. All U.S. nectarines are subject to methyl bromide fumigation before entering Japan due to codling moth. The following U.S. varieties with methyl bromide fumigation are allowed: Summer Grand, Spring Red, Firebrite, Fantasia, May Grand, Mayglo, May Diamond, Mayfire, Red Diamond, and Royal Giant. China does not offer market access to U.S. fresh peach or nectarine imports.

MARKET NEWS: World Stone Fruit Situation

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA Office of Global Analysis

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDAOffice of Global Analysis

July 2008

Fresh Plums and Prunes Production The leading producers of fresh plums and prunes are China and the United States. Production for the selected producers is raised 5-percent from the previous year to 4.1 million tons.

• China’s production is boosted 10-percent to over 2.2 million tons, as earlier plantings are bearing fruit and coming to full production.

• Taiwan’s plum production is lowered 10-percent to 23,344 tons, due to typhoon and cold weather damage.

• The United States is raised 8-percent to 381,120 tons. Based on industry indicators, California’s production will reach 153,300 tons due to optimal winter and spring growing conditions. The production estimate for plums and prunes for Idaho, Michigan, Oregon, and Washington, will be available in the January edition of the USDA-NASS Non-citrus Fruits and Nuts report.

Consumption Plum consumption for FAS monitored countries is raised 5-percent to 4.5 million tons. China, the largest consumer, is raised 5-percent to 1.2 million tons. U.S. consumption is up 8-percent to 375,720 tons. Turkey’s plum and prune consumption is lowered 6-percent to 218,000 tons, which traditionally only exports 2-percent of its production. Exports Global exports of fresh plums and prunes reached 408,200 tons in 2006, down 3-percent from 2005. The top exporters in volume terms were Chile (105,055 tons) and Spain (81,490 tons). Valued at $53 million (41,960 tons) in 2007, U.S. plum and prune exports to Canada, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Mexico totaled $27 million, $8 million, $5 million, and $4 million, respectively. To date (January through April 2008), U.S. fresh plum exports jumped 20-percent to 800 tons. Imports Global imports of fresh plums and prunes totaled more than $351 million (330,720 tons) in 2006. The leading importers were the United Kingdom (66,230 tons) and Russia (59,500 tons). Taiwan’s tropical fruit product substitution is proved a threat to stone fruit summertime store shelves dominance. The growth of peach and nectarine imports caused a continuous drop in plum imports in recent years. Fresh Apricots Production Fresh apricot production for the selected producers jumped 8-percent to 3.1 million tons.

• China’s production is raised 14-percent to 1.7 million tons, due to increase in the planted area. Acreage is up 10-percent to 430,000 hectares. The quick expansion is attributed to government encouragement, including free or subsidized seedlings in poor areas of north China, where water is lacking and apricots survive.

MARKET NEWS: World Stone Fruit Situation

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA Office of Global Analysis

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDAOffice of Global Analysis

July 2008

• Selected U.S. production, which includes California, is boosted 7-percent to 78,930 tons. Optimal weather created record yields speculation. Cool weather in May promoted good sized and quality crops.

Consumption Apricot consumption is raised 2-percent to 1.6 million tons, and total production is up 8-percent, as diets diversify and incomes rise in emerging markets. Exports In 2007, global fresh apricot exports totaled 236,280 tons. The top suppliers were France (67,750 tons) and Spain (50,657 tons). In 2007, U.S. fresh apricot exports totaled $12 million (7,056 tons). Canada ($8 million, 4,575 tons) and Mexico ($3 million, 2,348 tons) were the predominant destinations. Combined, the two countries typically purchase around 95-percent of U.S. fresh apricot exports. To date (January to April), U.S. fresh apricot exports increased 18-percent to 104 tons. Imports Global fresh apricot imports totaled more than $103 million in 2006. The top importers were Russia (58,410 tons) and Italy (29,230 tons). To date (January through April), U.S. fresh apricot imports dropped slightly to 863 tons, as imports from New Zealand and the Netherlands plunged. State of Emergency for Central Valley Region On June12, 2008, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger proclaimed a state of emergency in the Central Valley counties due to severe water shortages. The proclamation included the following counties: Sacramento, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Merced, Madera, Fresno, Kings, Tulare and Kern. The Central Valley is major stone fruit producing region. On June 4, 2008, following two consecutive years of below-average rainfall, low snowmelt runoff, and the largest court-ordered water transfer restrictions in state history, Governor Schwarzenegger proclaimed a statewide drought and issued an Executive Order to deal with the crisis. The drought declaration is the first for California since 1991.

MARKET NEWS: World Stone Fruit Situation

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA Office of Global Analysis

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDAOffice of Global Analysis

July 2008


Acreage Yield

Per Acre Production Price

Per Unit Total Value



(Tons) (Tons) Fresno 1,855 5.61 10,400 935.00 9,724,000 Kern 432 2.73 1,180 1,910.17 2,254,000 Kings 757 0.92 696 1,409.48 981,000 Merced 1,195 6.75 8,065 315.44 2,544,000 San

Joaquin 939 6.71 6,300 315.08 1,985,000

Stanislaus 5,000 6.44 32,200 375.00 12,075,000 Tulare 367 2.26 829 1,689.99 1,401,000CHERRIES, SWEET

Fresno 2,688 1.73 4,650 6,224.09 28,942,000 Kern 2,360 1.15 2,710 7,374.17 19,984,000 Sacramento 585 0.90 527 3,017.08 1,590,000 San

Joaquin 16,800 1.55 26,100 4,650.38 121,375,000

Stanislaus 1,900 2.26 4,300 3,813.26 16,397,000 Tulare 1,513 1.20 1,820 8,090.11 14,724,000NECTARINES Fresno 19,773 8.29 164,000 1048.00 171,872,000 Kern 790 6.29 4,970 919.72 4,571,000 Kings 2,583 7.48 19,321 909.99 17,582,000 Madera 500 3.77 1,885 644.03 1,214,000 Stanislaus 236 2.97 700 1,347.14 943,000 Tulare 13,307 6.08 80,900 861.00 69,655,000PEACHES, FREESTONE

Fresno 18,969 9.33 177,000 1,045.00 184,965,000 Kings 3,863 9.28 35,849 900.00 32,264,000 Madera 620 13.30 8,215 396.96 3,261,000 Merced 1,830 16.00 29,247 228.13 6,672,000 San

Joaquin 1,370 20.00 27,400 232.01 6,357,000

Stanislaus 1,900 20.50 38,900 585.99 22,795,000 Tulare 12,601 7.52 94,700 627.04 59,381,000PLUMS Fresno 17,640 8.22 145,000 1,047.00 151,815,000 Kern 1,660 6.63 11,000 964.00 10,604,000 Kings 2,022 7.49 15,145 919.97 13,933,000 Madera 380 7.14 2,713 765.94 2,078,000 Tulare 14,024 6.20 86,900 964.00 83,772,000USDA, NASS, California Field Office County Agricultural Commissioners’ Data, 2006 MARKET NEWS: World Stone Fruit Situation

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA Office of Global Analysis

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDAOffice of Global Analysis

July 2008

For more information, please contact Lashonda McLeod at (202) 720-6086,

MARKET NEWS: World Stone Fruit Situation

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA Office of Global Analysis

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDAOffice of Global Analysis

July 2008

(Metric Tons)

Cherries, Fresh (Sweet and Sour): Production, Supply, and Distribution in Selected Countries

Country Mktg Year Production Imports Total Supply Fresh Dom. Consumption

Exports, Fresh


7,000 07,00007,000 2004/05

10,500 1,5009,0001,5009,000 2005/06

11,067 1,05510,0121,06710,000 2006/07

11,359 1,23510,1241,8599,500 2007/08

12,000 1,45010,5502,00010,000 2008/09


56,160 15,27040,89028,91027,250 2004/05

49,160 9,97039,19023,26025,900 2005/06

53,830 13,41040,42026,59027,240 2006/07

53,200 20,00033,20025,80027,400 2007/08

53,500 20,00033,50026,00027,500 2008/09


20,260 3,18017,08012,3107,950 2004/05

20,670 2,46018,21013,7506,920 2005/06

28,690 3,60025,09019,8108,880 2006/07

34,500 4,76029,74025,5009,000 2007/08

34,000 3,00031,00026,0008,000 2008/09


34,000 17,91510,000034,000 2004/05

40,000 22,46311,000040,000 2005/06

47,503 26,88511,618347,500 2006/07

54,506 33,00012,006654,500 2007/08

57,710 35,00012,5101057,700 2008/09

China, Peoples Republic of

64,702 6564,38770264,000 2004/05

89,886 6189,52528689,600 2005/06

120,189 46119,823189120,000 2006/07

150,611 57149,954611150,000 2007/08

177,300 70176,2303,300174,000 2008/09


68,290 8,18060,1106,54061,750 2004/05

71,750 8,51063,2405,64066,110 2005/06

72,280 9,62062,6607,54064,740 2006/07

68,860 4,08064,7808,86060,000 2007/08

71,500 8,00063,5007,50064,000 2008/09


94,128 9,04485,08455,05239,076 2004/05

76,584 4,89771,68748,67327,911 2005/06

89,238 6,90182,33757,60131,637 2006/07

75,420 8,05567,36541,92033,500 2007/08

75,000 8,00067,00042,00033,000 2008/09


106,759 3,220103,53911,58995,170 2004/05

108,669 10,73097,9397,369101,300 2005/06

121,351 7,330114,02110,441110,910 2006/07

127,766 8,270119,4967,766120,000 2007/08

128,700 8,300120,4007,700121,000 2008/09


46,860 5,80041,06015046,710 2004/05

44,300 11,85032,45016044,140 2005/06

45,030 5,65039,38089044,140 2006/07

60,230 6,51053,72023060,000 2007/08

61,200 6,70054,50020061,000 2008/09


31,463 028,66312,36319,100 2004/05

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDAOffice of Global Analysis

July 2008

Country Mktg Year Production Imports Total Supply Fresh Dom. Consumption

Exports, Fresh

27,747 024,6976,94720,800 2005/06

25,967 023,4979,36716,600 2006/07

29,400 026,53010,00019,400 2007/08

29,700 026,78010,00019,700 2008/09


14,310 5,1209,19014,110200 2004/05

14,660 4,50010,16014,360300 2005/06

15,820 5,76010,06015,470350 2006/07

12,440 6,5405,90011,940500 2007/08

11,550 6,5505,00011,000550 2008/09


250,560 19,3749,500560250,000 2004/05

178,000 10,5005,0001,000177,000 2005/06

233,500 21,1009,100500233,000 2006/07

127,400 7,0004,000200127,200 2007/08

233,500 21,1009,100500233,000 2008/09


32,450 032,45013032,320 2004/05

21,880 4,02017,86037021,510 2005/06

23,450 3,15020,30015023,300 2006/07

33,130 10,00023,13013033,000 2007/08

33,130 10,00023,13013033,000 2008/09


93,180 16,00055,00068092,500 2004/05

94,129 17,14656,0001,62992,500 2005/06

96,492 26,28654,0002,59293,900 2006/07

74,401 9,52950,0001,80172,600 2007/08

82,000 10,00055,0002,00080,000 2008/09


9,881 09,8819,8810 2004/05

10,588 010,58810,5880 2005/06

11,974 011,97411,9740 2006/07

10,437 010,43710,4370 2007/08

11,500 011,50011,5000 2008/09


383,015 40,000343,01515383,000 2004/05

420,017 35,800279,21717420,000 2005/06

432,010 53,700268,31010432,000 2006/07

540,000 57,000333,0000540,000 2007/08

600,000 60,000390,0000600,000 2008/09

United States

360,200 42,86039,9206,400353,800 2004/05

359,620 47,92061,7009,450350,170 2005/06

399,430 42,24043,53112,920386,510 2006/07

423,350 50,60057,75015,470407,880 2007/08

331,300 34,75053,30015,400315,900 2008/09

Total Selected Countries

1,979,414 186,3181,262,675191,0121,788,402 2004/05

1,987,972 192,4211,247,181179,9191,808,053 2005/06

2,150,993 228,2411,267,797228,3941,922,599 2006/07

2,209,180 227,6461,372,292224,7001,984,480 2007/08

2,326,290 233,9251,464,695227,4402,098,850 2008/09

Source: USDA/Foreign Agricultural Service Attache reports, USDA/National Agricultural Statistics Service, Department of Commerce/U.S. Census Bureau, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and Global Trade Atlas

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDAOffice of Global Analysis

July 2008

(Thousand Metric Tons)

Peaches and Nectarines, Fresh: Production, Supply, and Distribution in Selected Countries

Country Mktg Year Production Imports Total Supply Fresh Dom. Consumption

Exports, Fresh


110 4550110 2005/06

105 8450105 2006/07

110 7500110 2007/08

110 7500110 2008/09

Belgium (without Luxembourg)

51 446510 2005/06

54 451540 2006/07

51 447510 2007/08

55 451550 2008/09


85 0856222 2005/06

78 0785424 2006/07

92 1916032 2007/08

92 1926032 2008/09


169 97700169 2005/06

170 98700170 2006/07

169 97700169 2007/08

170 97710170 2008/09

China, Peoples Republic of

7,515 176,52307,515 2005/06

8,215 207,00608,215 2006/07

7,980 246,82007,980 2007/08

8,600 287,30008,600 2008/09


470 6340871400 2005/06

472 6740671401 2006/07

414 5935559355 2007/08

415 6035559356 2008/09


306 312753051 2005/06

250 332172491 2006/07

250 332172491 2007/08

250 332172491 2008/09


866 1027642864 2005/06

869 698015864 2006/07

869 698004865 2007/08

869 698004865 2008/09


1,636 4241,156611,575 2005/06

1,775 3681,376801,695 2006/07

1,755 3601,364551,700 2007/08

1,760 3501,379801,680 2008/09


146 01290146 2005/06

150 01320150 2006/07

154 11350154 2007/08

153 11340153 2008/09


51 1635510 2005/06

43 1825430 2006/07

84 1965840 2007/08

84 1965840 2008/09


Foreign Agricultural Service/USDAOffice of Global Analysis

July 2008

Country Mktg Year Production Imports Total Supply Fresh Dom. Consumption

Exports, Fresh

90 10808010 2005/06

72 1260676 2006/07

101 2675974 2007/08

72 1260676 2008/09


83 2813152 2005/06

86 2843155 2006/07

92 2903557 2007/08

92 2903557 2008/09

Russian Federation

143 014210142 2005/06

155 015513222 2006/07

155 015513322 2007/08

155 015513322 2008/09


1,205 42423071,198 2005/06

1,268 545230121,256 2006/07

1,171 473220121,159 2007/08

1,212 515235121,200 2008/09


65 0653925 2005/06

62 0623329 2006/07

66 0663828 2007/08

70 0704030 2008/09


510 394710510 2005/06

553 394040553 2006/07

544 194100544 2007/08

545 254050545 2008/09

United Kingdom

97 494970 2005/06

93 588930 2006/07

87 484870 2007/08

87 484870 2008/09

United States

507 10640171436 2005/06

472 8638660412 2006/07

473 10536860413 2007/08

542 7546761481 2008/09

Total Selected Countries

14,335 1,34411,3391,05913,276 2005/06

15,176 1,37511,9061,01914,156 2006/07

14,619 1,30211,4821,02513,594 2007/08

15,333 1,30112,0791,02614,307 2008/09

Source: USDA/Foreign Agricultural Service Attache reports, Department of Commerce/U.S. Census Bureau, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Global Trade Atlas, and USDA/National Agricultural Statistics Service for U.S. production includes California, Georgia, and South Carolina

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDAOffice of Global Analysis

July 2008

(Metric Tons)

Plums and Prunes, Fresh: Production, Supply, and Distribution in Selected Countries

Country Mktg Year Production Imports Total Supply Fresh Dom. Consumption

Exports, Fresh


132,370 18,260114,110150132,220 2005/06

132,204 22,150110,0544132,200 2006/07

119,190 18,620100,570190119,000 2007/08

102,560 16,01086,550220102,340 2008/09


34,000 6,35022,650034,000 2005/06

32,000 6,40020,600032,000 2006/07

32,000 4,47022,530032,000 2007/08

32,000 4,50022,500032,000 2008/09


30,670 3030,64027,8502,820 2005/06

26,970 3026,94023,3003,670 2006/07

29,180 1029,17026,1203,060 2007/08

26,970 3026,94023,3003,670 2008/09


115,500 80,15630,0000115,500 2005/06

140,500 105,05531,8000140,500 2006/07

135,500 99,50032,0000135,500 2007/08

135,500 99,50032,0000135,500 2008/09

China, Peoples Republic of

1,697,351 7,4511,064,0008,5511,688,800 2005/06

1,810,493 6,1951,041,0002,4931,808,000 2006/07

2,016,824 7,3821,131,94210,8242,006,000 2007/08

2,215,500 8,1001,188,6008,0002,207,500 2008/09


231,400 26,320205,08021,640209,760 2005/06

251,060 26,520224,54020,670230,390 2006/07

263,900 18,000245,90023,900240,000 2007/08

264,660 24,600240,06017,460247,200 2008/09


100,780 10,35090,43060,67040,110 2005/06

102,430 9,48092,95050,91051,520 2006/07

91,040 7,54083,50039,54051,500 2007/08

91,000 9,00082,00037,00054,000 2008/09


202,500 38,110164,39017,100185,400 2005/06

198,390 21,620176,77017,900180,490 2006/07

204,640 38,710165,93014,640190,000 2007/08

199,380 37,550161,83015,080184,300 2008/09


48,030 24,78023,25045,0303,000 2005/06

38,030 18,77019,26035,5302,500 2006/07

59,350 35,50023,85056,0503,300 2007/08

66,203 31,19035,01363,3332,870 2008/09


93,400 9,0904,3102,00091,400 2005/06

95,220 16,1604,0601,62093,600 2006/07

60,400 9,6907107,00053,400 2007/08

60,400 9,6907107,00053,400 2008/09

Russian Federation

345,620 0345,62033,860311,760 2005/06

157,500 0157,50059,50098,000 2006/07

157,550 0157,55059,55098,000 2007/08

157,000 0157,00059,50097,500 2008/09

South Africa, Republic of

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDAOffice of Global Analysis

July 2008

Country Mktg Year Production Imports Total Supply Fresh Dom. Consumption

Exports, Fresh

53,906 36,60517,30129853,608 2005/06

39,296 25,62413,67234038,956 2006/07

62,844 43,67119,17354462,300 2007/08

66,632 45,85520,77751766,115 2008/09


200,453 96,47976,5009,653190,800 2005/06

170,276 81,49172,0009,976160,300 2006/07

199,350 82,22180,0008,250191,100 2007/08

202,000 88,00080,0002,000200,000 2008/09


80,335 1851,61718,08562,250 2005/06

88,508 037,87714,21074,298 2006/07

72,640 032,2238,97663,664 2007/08

69,281 031,01010,00059,281 2008/09


220,009 4,996215,0139220,000 2005/06

214,510 1,520212,99010214,500 2006/07

235,405 2,445232,9605235,400 2007/08

220,010 2,000218,01010220,000 2008/09

United Kingdom

86,940 2,59084,35071,94015,000 2005/06

81,230 1,75079,48066,23015,000 2006/07

86,940 84086,10072,39014,550 2007/08

88,000 80087,20074,00014,000 2008/09

United States

471,520 51,780419,74039,700431,820 2005/06

715,900 49,300666,60030,980684,920 2006/07

388,525 41,960346,56535,630352,895 2007/08

417,720 42,000375,72036,600381,120 2008/09

Uzbekistan, Republic of

43,500 8,57034,930043,500 2005/06

56,730 16,16040,570056,730 2006/07

56,730 16,40040,330056,730 2007/08

56,700 16,40040,300056,700 2008/09

Total Selected Countries

4,188,284 421,9352,993,931356,5363,831,748 2005/06

4,351,247 408,2253,028,663333,6734,017,574 2006/07

4,272,008 426,9592,831,003363,6093,908,399 2007/08

4,471,516 435,2252,886,220354,0204,117,496 2008/09

Source: USDA/Foriegn Agricultural Service Attache reports, USDA/National Agricultural Statistics Service, Department of Commerce/U.S. Census Bureau, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and Global Trade Atlas

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDAOffice of Global Analysis

July 2008

(Metric Tons)

Apricots, Fresh: Production, Supply, and Distribution in Selected Countries

Country Mktg Year Production Imports Total Supply Fresh Dom. Consumption

Exports, Fresh


29,115 2,47026,64513,36515,750 2004/05

27,853 1,59026,26314,76313,090 2005/06

37,008 1,65035,35811,80825,200 2006/07

31,043 1,60029,4437,54323,500 2007/08

31,540 2,00029,5407,54024,000 2008/09


27,000 2,4959,800027,000 2004/05

26,000 2,6479,248026,000 2005/06

27,300 2,6999,800027,300 2006/07

26,500 2,7009,700026,500 2007/08

26,600 2,7009,700026,600 2008/09

China, Peoples Republic of

1,042,500 959531,54101,042,500 2004/05

1,237,800 1,412616,38801,237,800 2005/06

1,382,400 3,249635,00001,382,400 2006/07

1,515,000 3,078651,00001,515,000 2007/08

1,725,000 3,500683,50001,725,000 2008/09


173,786 51,790121,9967,650166,136 2004/05

187,420 58,570128,85010,470176,950 2005/06

191,108 67,750123,35811,540179,568 2006/07

178,920 40,000138,9208,920170,000 2007/08

179,410 40,000139,4108,910170,500 2008/09


44,220 3,02041,20043,730490 2004/05

55,200 5,34049,86054,980220 2005/06

56,560 4,11052,45056,340220 2006/07

35,960 3,00032,96035,410550 2007/08

36,000 3,02032,98035,500500 2008/09


89,708 12,51077,19817089,538 2004/05

73,507 24,82048,68716073,347 2005/06

73,637 15,40058,23729073,347 2006/07

74,630 16,18058,45023074,400 2007/08

74,630 16,10058,53023074,400 2008/09


235,525 13,030222,49522,100213,425 2004/05

253,602 15,870237,73220,720232,882 2005/06

251,224 11,410239,81429,230221,994 2006/07

239,790 11,610228,18019,790220,000 2007/08

237,700 12,000225,70019,700218,000 2008/09


6,599 1,1361,0001,6994,900 2004/05

7,900 7009004,4003,500 2005/06

6,400 1,0001,3004,0002,400 2006/07

5,100 1,0001,5004,0001,100 2007/08

6,400 1,0001,3004,0002,400 2008/09

Russian Federation

102,830 20102,81022,83080,000 2004/05

105,080 10105,07033,08072,000 2005/06

96,410 096,41058,41038,000 2006/07

71,980 071,98034,98037,000 2007/08

72,000 072,00035,00037,000 2008/09

South Africa, Republic of

97,814 3,73094,0844097,774 2004/05

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDAOffice of Global Analysis

July 2008

Country Mktg Year Production Imports Total Supply Fresh Dom. Consumption

Exports, Fresh

43,741 3,41040,331043,741 2005/06

83,709 3,00080,7097083,639 2006/07

100,090 50,80049,29090100,000 2007/08

100,100 50,70049,400100100,000 2008/09


137,410 39,00043,000810136,600 2004/05

137,346 40,49344,000746136,600 2005/06

142,501 50,65743,0001,101141,400 2006/07

86,967 23,22140,00026786,700 2007/08

91,000 21,00041,0001,00090,000 2008/09


350,000 7,931342,0690350,000 2004/05

860,007 9,844850,1637860,000 2005/06

460,000 13,950246,0500460,000 2006/07

538,000 14,900303,1000538,000 2007/08

540,000 17,000303,0000540,000 2008/09

United States

87,010 6,70015,7101,74085,270 2004/05

70,390 5,66011,1001,90068,490 2005/06

37,880 3,7806,2502,50035,380 2006/07

75,320 7,05015,1001,82073,500 2007/08

80,630 8,00012,6301,70078,930 2008/09

Total Selected Countries

2,423,517 144,7911,629,548114,1342,309,383 2004/05

3,085,846 170,3662,168,592141,2262,944,620 2005/06

2,846,137 178,6551,627,736175,2892,670,848 2006/07

2,979,300 175,1391,629,623113,0502,866,250 2007/08

3,201,010 177,0201,658,690113,6803,087,330 2008/09

Source: USDA/Foreign Agricultural Service Attache reports, Department of Commerce/U.S. Census Bureau, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Global Trade Atlas, and USDA/National Agricultural Statistics Service for California production

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDAOffice of Global Analysis

July 2008

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