strategic mobility 21 focused on making decision relevant data a logistics multiplier in all domains...

Post on 13-Jan-2016






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Strategic Mobility 21 Focused on Making Decision Relevant Data A Logistics Multiplier in All Domains

Strategic Mobility 21

Focused on Making Decision Relevant Data A Logistics Multiplier in All Domains

SM21 – Logistics Community of Practice

Strategic Mobility 21 Focused on Making Decision Relevant Data A Logistics Multiplier in All Domains

Strategic Mobility 21 Vision

Design, develop, and deploy a military-commercial (dual-use) distribution platform prototype - the Joint Power Projection Support Platform (JPPSP) to -

Support rapid deployment, agile sustainment, and information fusion for decision support

Serve as a model for the development of other commercial and military distributed, adaptive distribution networks.

Strategic Mobility 21 Focused on Making Decision Relevant Data A Logistics Multiplier in All Domains

Logistics Service Oriented Architecture Community of Practice

SM 21 is an example of and a repository of lessons learned in developing a Logistics SOA COP.

Ten year effort studying & developing a DoD, commercial, and intergovernmental community of practice.

SM21 adopted a methodology for business process mapping or “on-boarding” of disparate systems -

SM21 SOA designed to provide transparency across carriers, modes, and gateways supporting:

reduction of port congestion & enabling better freight security, planning and management

Strategic Mobility 21 – OV-1

Rail EventRail Event

Truck EventTruck Event



Order EventOrder Event

Port of LBPort of LAPort of SDInland Ports


Transport OpsShippersRegional MPO


Commercial-Public Military


Data SourcesCommercial &

Military Air EventAir Event

Ship EventShip Event

Registered Interests

Strategic Mobility 21 Focused on Making Decision Relevant Data A Logistics Multiplier in All Domains

The Strategic Mobility 21 Teammates

GSC AssociatesGSC Associates

Southern California Logistics AirportSouthern California Logistics Airport

DoD Regional Support AreaDoD Regional Support Area

Southern California Regional SupportSouthern California Regional Support

National SupportNational Support

JPPSP PrototypeJPPSP Prototype

Force Deployment Force Deployment Support: Support: – Planning, Planning, – Port Buffer, Port Buffer, – Railcar Loading,Railcar Loading,– Reserve Unit MarshallingReserve Unit Marshalling– Rail Loading Facility Rail Loading Facility

Potential National Potential National Defense FeatureDefense Feature

Sea Base Support -Sea Base Support -BufferBuffer

Military UE Rail Loading

Southern California Logistics Airport(SCLA)

Strategic Mobility 21 Focused on Making Decision Relevant Data A Logistics Multiplier in All Domains

Joint Deployment & Distribution Enterprise (JDDE)

SM21 JDDE Support–Force Deployment:

Agile Port System Development & Demonstration Sponsored by the United States Transportation Command

Distribution & Supply Chain Management:

Support Proposed to DoD

Initial focus on reset of Government assets returning from combat operations (reverse logistics)

Strategic Mobility 21 Focused on Making Decision Relevant Data A Logistics Multiplier in All Domains

SM21 Collaborative Web Portal

Includes user driven planning and execution tools, to establish a product roadmap, and to document a solution architecture.

The initial SM21 portal development incorporates web-based collaboration technologies including wikis, blogs; and modeling, simulation and analysis tools to-

Address two key program areas in the commercial, intergovernmental, and DoD sectors:

a regional freight movement planning interface that makes data, models, and analyses available to all stakeholders in an interactive and configurable manner and

a specific interface that enables collaboration between military distribution planners and military ship load planners for DoD joint force deployments.

The portal is based on SharePoint 2007.

Strategic Mobility 21 Focused on Making Decision Relevant Data A Logistics Multiplier in All Domains

Regional Planning Portal

Identified a need for a regional planning portal to:

Better visualize and understand regional planning solutions.

Enable different teams working on regional issues to understand the work of others,

To understand how information created by other tasks affects their tasks, and

For displaying, visualizing, and interacting with, and understanding the results of various simulation, modeling, and analysis efforts.

Strategic Mobility 21 Focused on Making Decision Relevant Data A Logistics Multiplier in All Domains

JDDE Related Portal Functionality

Web portal initially designed to support rapid DoD force deployment

Currently planning to add support for DoD distribution & supply chain management activities.

For Force Deployment - developed an approach based on:

Applying collaboration, planning, and algorithm technologies;

Implementing business process improvements in the manner in which units are moved to ports and ships are loaded at the port;

Continuing to use the functionality of legacy systems such as the Integrated Computerized Deployment System (ICODES) and the Transportation Coordinators Automated Information Management System-II (TCAIMS-II)

Adapting key elements of those systems into a Service-Oriented Architecture usable by a web portal; and

Limited development of new algorithms and software to fill key gaps.

Strategic Mobility 21 Focused on Making Decision Relevant Data A Logistics Multiplier in All Domains

SM21 Academic and Commercial Research Collaboration and Leave Behinds

Joint Logistics Experimental Training Test-Bed (JLETT)

Commercial Global Logistics & Security Academy

Strategic Mobility 21 Focused on Making Decision Relevant Data A Logistics Multiplier in All Domains

SM21 DoD Academic Collaboration:United States Joint Forces Command (USJFCOM)

Knowledge Management:Supporting dual-use, joint logistics education, training

Joint Training and Experimentation Network (JTEN)The Joint National Training Capability (JNTC)

Joint Knowledge Development Distribution Capability (JKDDC).

Strategic Mobility 21 Focused on Making Decision Relevant Data A Logistics Multiplier in All Domains

Modeling & Simulation

Southern California Agile Supply Network Model (SCASN)

Multi-modal Terminal Model

Interface with Sea Base Extend Models

Ship Loading Models

Integration of models in the JPPSP Collaborative Portal

Strategic Mobility 21 Focused on Making Decision Relevant Data A Logistics Multiplier in All Domains


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