strategic planning for public relations

Post on 06-Nov-2015






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Strategic Planning for Public Relations

Strategic Planning for Public RelationsImportance of PlanningPlanning permits the development of integrated public relations efforts that support a organization in a positive rather than a defensive manner.

It also provides the opportunity to involve management from other areas of the organization and ensure their cooperation and support. The process of setting public relations and objectives in measurable form serves two purposes:The prudent and strategic selection of public relations goals and objectives linked to organizational survival and growth serves to justify the public relations program as a viable management activity.The specification of public relations goals and objectives in measurable form makes public relations accountable and makes program success or failure concrete and objectives.David M. DozierWhy Do They FailCommunications breakdowns between practitioners and other managers within an organization.Imperfect alignment between public relations planning process and planning done elsewhere in the organization.Misunderstanding It can be prevented if PR practitioners analyze the organizational management as carefully as they analyze any other audience. Action Toward SuccessPR dept. must:Prepare messages that communicate their needs and potential contributions to other segments of the organization.They must plan.Learn the terms and methods common to organizational management.Fundamentals of public relations planning

Classification of PlanningStrategic Plan

Tactical PlanStrategic PlanA long range plan that usually done by the upper levels of management.Involve into:Decisions concerning major goals of an organization and policies for their implementations.Tool:Environmental scanning To identify and to prioritize the strategic issues upon which an organizations plan are ultimately founded.Tactical PlansDevelop specific decisions about what will be done at every level of the organization to accomplish the strategic plans.Involve:Future events that rely on relatively uncertain data.Tool:Forecasting techniqueTo predict the economic and technical changes for the next 5 years.How to BEGIN..... Look to the FUTURE or FORECAST

Predicting BarriersPublic Opinion Surveys


Scenario ConstructionPublic Opinion SurveysForecast reaction to initiative or actions contemplated by politicians, government officials, and managers.Ex.Presidentuses public opinion survey is used to determine whether to support a legislative issue, a nominee for a cabinet position, or a military action. Evaluation of ResultIt must be made by qualitative rather than quantitative.Juries are:Executive opinionsSales force compositesCustomer expectationsBrainstormingA group discussion technique used to generate large numbers of creative alternatives or new ideas.

Rules:No one is permitted to interject negative feedback or criticism into the discussion.All are recorded and to be critiqued later.No remark is considered too absurd or too simple because it could produce the spark necessary for a truly creative idea.

Scenario ConstructionA logical, hypothetical description of future events (scenario) is constructed to explore the dynamics of various alternatives.

Details:EnvironmentEconomic future of the communityAvailability of replacement jobsOther positive and negative results.Elements of planning

The 4 Elements of PlanningGoal

Campaign Plans (Single Use)

Management by Objectives

Standing PlansGoalDefinitionThe basic direction in which an organization is heading.

FactorsPurposeMissionObjectivesStrategiesCampaign Plans (Single Use)It is designed to accomplish unique objectives thus it must be planned using non routine procedures.

Factors:ProgramsProjectsCampaignsBudgetsElements for Writing Campaign Planning Document1. Establishing Goals in Relation to the Mission Statement. How?Decide what a public relations effort will need.When possible goals conflict, each must be evaluated to determine the long- and short- range effects of acceptance or rejection that must be based on the organizations Mission Statement.Resources often dictate the selection of goals.

ContGoals selected must relate to organizational purpose.Seeking for approval, the manager must be able to relate them to the mission, goals, and objectives of the entire organization.

Ben & Jerrys Three-Part Mission StatementsProduct MissionTo make, distribute, and sell the finest quality all-natural ice cream and related products in a wide variety of flavors made from Vermont products.Economic MissionTo operate the company on a sound financial basis of profitable growth, increasing value for our shareholders, and creating career opportunities and financial rewards for our employees.Social MissionTo operate the company in a way that actively recognizes the central role that business plays in the structure of society by initiating innovative ways to improve the quality of life of a broad community: local, national, or international.Elements for Writing Campaign Planning Document2. Determining the Present SituationCurrent data about the organizations environment must be collected and used to evaluate the likelihood that the goal can be reached.If the situation changes, it is also necessary to alter the goals.Goals must be set with a good understanding of the current situation, that available resources, and what limitations must be placed on those goals.Problem Identification QuestionsIs this relatively big or little problem?What are the larger areas of concern into which this problem may fit?Is this really a problem facing our publics?What background facts and issues from your client/organization research are relevant to this problem?If this is more than one problem, how should it be broken down?Does additional research need to be undertaken at this point to determine the extent of the problem?Is a public relations audit needed to understand the organization and its internal and external public relations opportunities.Elements for Writing Campaign Planning Document3. Determining Threats and Opportunities to Reaching GoalsA more careful investigation of the environment must take place to identify what will aid and what will hinder the attainment of goals.Resources:People, Money , and Equipment.Deficiency of any of these elements is a barrier that must be overcome.

BarriersStructure and PoliciesGovernment CompetitorsConsumer groupsSpecial interest groupsDefining aids and barriers example:Do we have the right individual (rather than enough people)Do we have enough money? (rather than how much money?Elements for Writing Campaign Planning Document4. Reaching and Selecting Your Target AudiencesPreliminary ResearchThe planning document should describe:The primary target audiencesIdentify appeals and points of interest that will attract attentionDefine audience lifestyles.Determine the relative strength of each appeal

Selecting AudiencesIdentify and categorize your stakeholder groups.Divide them into primary and secondary publics.Analyze each group, determining which are the target audiences, or stakeholders.Analyze and asses your target audiences attitudes, opinions, and behaviors.Develop your objectives, strategies, and tactics to best reach them.

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