strathmore times - feb 18, 2010

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  • 8/14/2019 Strathmore Times - Feb 18, 2010



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    Amy GreGson

    Times Reporter

    The RCMP is looking for feed-back from residents about what

    they think local priorities for the

    law enforcement should be for

    the 2010-2011 year.The RCMP is planning for their

    Annual Performance Plan, which

    sets local goals for the area, andalso examines the areas where

    they want to increase their en-

    forcement and public awareness.Its just one of the tools that

    were trying to use to get a good

    idea of what the public wants us

    to do to try and focus on whenwe can, said Staff Sgt. Larry Mar-

    zinzik.He said the RCMPs top priori-

    ties would still be responding to

    their regular service calls and

    any incidents that require police

    attention.Marzinzik said the survey

    hasnt been done in recent years,

    and that they have usually onlygotten feedback from elective of-

    cials and other agencies they

    have partnerships with because

    they also touch base with thegeneral public in various ways.

    Theres a lot of people who

    notice activity in the community, but they dont think its signi-

    cant to pick up the phone and

    call 911, said Marzinzik. Thisjust gives those people who may

    have concerns or a point of view

    thats different from their neigh- bours a chance to express it to

    us so we can at least consider it.

    For example, Marzinzik saidsome people may be concerned

    about the teenagers wondering

    around at night, while othersare concerned about what may

    happening at a house down the

    street from them.

    He said that the results ofthe survey will not necessarily

    change what the RCMP does, but

    will give them a starting point.Marzinzik said it is always

    important for the RCMP to get

    feedback from residents and that

    they do keep les when people

    call with feedback on things hap-pening in the community.

    The information will also bepassed back to different orga-

    nizations, Marzinzik thinks that

    town meetings or focus groupscould be conducted if there are

    strong enough results or signi-

    cant priorities are pointed out.

    We are just planning for thefuture because each year, lets

    face it, most communities touch

    on the same concerns: visibilityof the police, drugs, trafc and

    property crimes, Marzinzik said.

    They are always a concern toeverybody, but it just depends on

    what neck of the woods you live

    in whats more important to you.Continued on page 5

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    Family Day FunJayla Robertson, 6, was one o the many children who had their aces paintedat the fth annual Cheadle Lions Club Family Day Breakast Feb. 15 at theStrathmore Civic Centre. The Cheadle Lions Club, as a way to say thanks to

    the community, served over 500 plates o tasty breakast.

    Mario Prusina Photo

    Page 3

    Sorenson meets

    with constituents

    Page 12

    Curling Club hosts

    Ladies Bonspiel

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    VOluME 2 iSSuE 7

    See next weeks

    issue o the

    Strathmore TIMES

    or ull coverage o the

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    Hockey Tournament

    TIMESRCMP conductingcommunity survey

  • 8/14/2019 Strathmore Times - Feb 18, 2010


    Amy GreGsonTimes Reporter

    With the govern-ment prorogued untilMarch 3, Crowfoot MPKevin Sorenson has

    been using the timeoff to meet with hisconstituents.

    Sorenson spoke toa crowd of about 30

    people about issuesthe morning of Feb.10 at the Town ofceand elded questionsafterwards.

    Sometimes as amember of parlia-ment we have to [be]refreshed [on] the is-sues that are there,said Sorenson. Thisgives me a better op-portunity to go backand represent themon these issues. While speaking,

    Sorenson had to dealwith the power goingon and off, but he waspleased with the turn-out in Strathmore.

    Generally speak-ing, Strathmore [resi-

    dents] are very good,supportive and en-gaged, said Sorenson.Thats a treat.

    One resident askedstraight out whetherSorenson does getpaid when the gov-ernment is prorogued,and he does. Howev-er, being prorogueddoesnt mean a vaca-

    tion as Sorenson has been spending thetime connecting withconstituents, attend-ing meetings with or-ganizations and otherpolitical gures.Another major topic

    Sorenson talked about was Canadas Eco-nomic Action Plan,

    which was Canadasresponse to the globalrecession. The plan was in-

    troduced in January2009 and has tried toeliminate the threat ofnancial collapse andprotect job loss.The government has

    committed $62 billiontowards building in-

    frastructure, support-ing industries andcommunities and re-ducing the tax burdenfor Canadians.

    Sorenson pointedout the governmenthad given out moneyto places it had nevergiven before, such asthe auto industry andfor recreation infra-

    structure, to save andcreate jobs.He also faced ques-

    tions on the homerenovation tax cred-it, Canadian WheatBoard, gun control,pensions, rail serviceand interest rates.All the information,

    questions and sug-gestions brought upduring the talk will

    be given to the appro-priate ministers, suchas nance issues toFinance Minister JimFlaherty.

    Were focused onthe needs of Canadi-ans and whats impor-tant to them [because]

    we always have to be

    ready for an election. And with a con-

    dence vote happen-ing March 8 after thethrone speech and

    budget on March 3and 4 respectively,the opposition has theopportunity to bringdown the governmentif they so choose.

    Sorenson is estimat-ing a $55 billion de-cit in Canada this yearand said its a priorityfor the Prime Ministerto get back to a bal-anced budget.

    Sorenson said thegovernment is com-mitted to not raisingtaxes, whether it is

    corporate, personal orthe GST, meaning that

    when the budget isannounced there will

    be cuts in spending.Im not convinced

    right now that theopposition is in anyposition to start bring-ing us down with thecondence vote, saidSorenson.

    We will see if they[the opposition] be-lieve the Canadians

    want an election. Thats why our PrimeMinister is encourag-ing us to be workinghard through this ex-tra time in our constit-uencys.

    Page 2 Strathor TimeS Fbruary 18, 2010

    MP chats with

    Strathmore residents

    MP Kevin Sorenson spoke to constituents and eld ques-

    tions Feb. 9 at the Town ofce about Canadas Economic

    Action Plan, prorogue and the recession.

    Amy Gregson Photo


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    Golden Hills Division #75Strathmore / Carseland Schools

    Kindergarten Registrationfor the 2010 - 2011 School Year

    Registration will take place February 23 & 24 rom 9 am - 3 pmin the ollowing locations:

    BRD R - Brentwood School fce 403-934-5013Serving the communities of Aspen Creek, Brentwood, Cambridge Glen, Crystal Ridge,

    Green Meadow, Grande Point, Maplewood, Parkwood, The Ranch & Thorncliff

    S R - estmount School fce 403-934-3041Serving the communities of Glenwood, Westmount, strathmore lakes, Hillview,Downtown and all rural areas south of the Highway #1. Additionally, all rural areas

    west of the Hwy #817 extension north of Highway #1.

    HD R - heatland School fce 403-934-3318Serving the communities of Camera Court, Strathaven, Nightingale, Crowfoot,

    and the rural area north of Highway #1 & east of Hwy #817.

    CRSD SCH - Carseland School fce 403-934-4161

    R HR CHRS CD - School fce 403-361-9634An alternate GHSD School accepting registrations on an on-going basis.

    If you require bussing within your school attendance area please complete a TransportationRequest Form available at the school or on the Golden Hills

    School Division #75 website

    Registration will require your childs Birth Certicate (or copy)and Alberta Health Care Number. He/she must be ve years

    of age on or before February 28, 2011.The tentative resource fee is $60 for a half time kindergarten

    program and is payable at time of registration.

    Golden Hills School Division

    schools are now accepting

    registrations for

    kindergarten students.

    Children aged 5 years on or

    before February 28, 2011

    are eligible for Kindergarten

    in the fall 2010.

    Children aged 6 years on

    or before Feb. 28, 2011

    are eligible for grade one.

    Please call your school forregistration dates or if you

    have questions.


  • 8/14/2019 Strathmore Times - Feb 18, 2010


    Amy GreGson

    Times Reporter

    Schools and the health caresystem were the overall win-ners when the provincial gov-ernment announced its bud-get Feb. 9. The provincial government

    did post a $4.7 billion defcit

    or 2010 to 2011 and 15 min-istries ace cuts.However, Alberta Health

    Services is getting a six percent increase, $512 million,and Alberta Education is get-ting a 0.8 per cent increaseto reach $6.3 billion. Most oit will go towards operatingschool boards and those plac-es that experience an increasein enrollment.

    Golden Hills School Divi-

    sion is acing a decline in en-rollment, last estimated at 177students, so the increase inunding doesnt aect them.

    The basic grant remains atzero and thats a good newsstory because it couldve beencut, said Ron Kenworthy,chair. It could have been a lot

    worse.The school board was brac-

    ing or major cuts. GoldenHills is already acing ap-proximately one and a hal

    million dollars o lost revenuebecause o low enrollment. The schools expenses,

    however, continue to grow be-cause o surplus space costingaround $2 million to maintainannually, ununded liability oapproximately $40 million indeteriorating and aged build-ings, increases in pension andbeneft plans and unundedcontractual obligations to em-ployee groups.

    Now added to that expenseis an increase in teachers sal-ary o 1.17 percent, that is ret-roactive rom September, that

    wasnt included in the provin-cial budget.

    That is an immediate costto the board, said Kenworthy,costing them approximately$400,000 or this year.

    I you have no more mon-ey coming in and an increaseo cost o each teacher, I thinkthat would lead you to believe

    there would be ewer teach-ers.Kenworthy said it is a di-

    fcult decision, but their goalis to ensure the best educationand services are given to stu-dents.

    He said that in a phone con-erence with Education Min-ister Dave Hancock ater thebudget was announced, Han-cock indicated that he wouldgo to the treasury board and

    ask or a change in teacherssalaries to be approved.The increase o salary was

    not included in the provincial

    budget because the arbitrationprocess happened to date. Teachers have a fve-year

    deal with the province thatstates wage hikes are tiedto Albertas average weeklyearnings.

    It is expected that next year,teachers will get a three percent raise, money also not in

    the budget.Kenworthy said they cantanticipate a zero per cent in-crease and have to preparetheir budget accordingly.

    Our budget, which has tobe presented at the end oMay will have to take this intoconsideration that there willbe a three per cent increaseor teaching sta, he said. The announcement o the

    provincial budget now allows

    Golden Hills to prepare theirdivisional budget, which isdue May 30.

    Fbruary 18, 2010 Strathor TimeS Page 3

    Increase in Funding doesnt affect Golden Hills

    Spring REVSDuane and Linda Tucker of All Cana-

    dian Karate Union represented one of

    the many organizations at REVS Feb.

    10 at the Civic Centre. People had the

    opportunity to register for spring sports

    and other activities such as soccer,

    dance and art lessons. Winter REVS

    will be held Sept. 2.

    Amy Gregson Photo


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  • 8/14/2019 Strathmore Times - Feb 18, 2010


    Page 4 Strathor TimeS Fbruary 18, 2010

    Amy GreGson

    Times Reporter

    Golden Hills School Division will

    ofcially have a new electoral wardstructure and number o trustees a-ter the third reading o the bylaw isheard at a special meeting on Feb.17.The Golden Hills School Division

    has been working or more than ayear on the restructuring, which willsee the number o wards being re-duced rom seven to fve and thenumber o trustees rom nine to six.

    Its trying to make sure that we

    have an interest in people com-ing into the trusteeship and people

    would be interested in who gets torepresent them, said Ron Kenwor-thy, chair o the school board.

    Kenworthy said there has been aproblem, not only in Golden Hills,

    but across Alberta, with many trust-ees having been acclaimed in their

    wards.It has benn difcult to get trust-

    ees in the West Wheatland area, said

    Kenworthy, as a number o timessomeone was acclaimed and in thelast election no one ran.This also happened in the Drum-

    heller Ward. Eventually, Karen Har-ries put her name orward within sixdays o the election.

    Kenworthy was also acclaimed in

    his ward in Drumheller ater a by-election in 2008 when a ellow com-petitor dropped out.

    By having ewer trustees, the boardis also hoping to see ewer acclama-tions and that all wards would beflled when an election occurs.

    Kenworthy also hopes the publicgets away rom the thinking that thetrustee rom their ward representsthem alone.

    We want new trustees coming in

    and the public to know this has todo with governance representing theentire area, he said.Another reason, although it wasnt

    the main reason, was because theboard is in a time o fscal restraint.

    [During] fscal restraint you wantto send a message to the public that

    youre considering your own cost,Kenworthy said. The change didnt cause a lot o

    discussion or the board, said Ken-

    worthy, because they knew it was agood thing to do.He said the most difcult thing was

    restructuring the boundaries because

    there were a number o things toconsider.

    He said one was the balance be-tween urban and rural and to not

    make either one eel let out.Three other boards joined in 1994

    during the regionalization o SchoolBoards in the province, including

    Wheatland County, Drumheller Val-ley and Kneehill.

    You have to watch that historypart o it, said Kenworthy.The regional representive was also

    considered, and making sure each othe wards has approximately a simi-lar population.

    An impartial external consultant,Steve Cymbol o the Alberta SchoolBoards Association, was hired to de-sign the wards.The School Division sought public

    input about the change, but receivedhardly any.

    Last all they advertised throughoutthe School Division. There were alsomeetings between the board and allthe school councils throughout theDivision in October 2009.

    In November, there was an inor-mation night held or the public,which only had about six memberso the public attend.

    Another inormation session washeld all day in November wherepeople who didnt want to speak inpublic, but wanted to get their points

    across could come and speak withCymbol. However, no one showedup.The Board also encouraged email

    and letter responses rom the public,which Kenworthy said was very low.

    The new wards and number otrustees will be eective as o thenext election in October 2010.This also may mean current trust-

    ees may run against each other.Maybe thats a good thing because

    that might stimulate some interest insome areas, said Kenworthy. Will

    we lose some good trustees goingrom nine to six? Yes. We have verygood trustees.The six trustees will have to attend

    the same amount o meetings andevents that the current nine trusteesattend. There will also be ewer voic-es around the table.

    We hope the six trustees thatremain will keep their ear to the

    ground and be very vigilant in mak-ing sure all communities are heardrom, said

    Golden Hills Restructures Ward Boundaries and Trustees

  • 8/14/2019 Strathmore Times - Feb 18, 2010


    Fbruary 18, 2010 Strathor TimeS Page 5


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    of the Week

    Amy GreGson

    Times Reporter

    PAvinG PlAn revised

    Wheatland County once againupdated their 10-year paving pro-gram at the Feb. 8 meeting.

    David Churchill, transportationand infrastructure manager, saidthe changes reect whats beenhappening in the county such asdevelopment, industry and trafc.

    The county is trying to be pro-active in trying to set up a [paving]grid, said Churchill. [Its] so there[will be a] paved road thats withinsix miles of every resident in the

    county.Updates made in the last months

    included paving the Rockyford Rdin 2011.The next three years of the pav-

    ing project are as follows: 2010, Agrium Rd., Global Training Rd.,and Glenmore Trail East; 2011:eight miles of Rockyford Rd.;2012: Acreage Rd. and Oxbow Rd. The budget determines the

    amount of paving projects that

    happen each year.Besides paving roads, we grade

    and construct roads and theresa number of different things wehave to spread the money on.

    Roads must be constructed atleast a minimum of one year be-fore they are paved.

    Typically we want to leave theroad at least a year to settle in so ifthere are any problems with it wecan x it before we pave it, said

    Churchill.Problems could be a road wash-ing out or settling, it normallytakes a year or two for the soil toconsolidate.

    You wouldnt want to pave itand nd out later theres a prob-lem with it and dig it up and x it.The 10-year paving document is

    a living document, meaning it canbe changed at any time

    If theres a need for it could bereviewed or revised every year,said Churchill.GrAvel ProGrAm

    under review

    A few people who havent beenpaying their gravel bills are caus-ing Wheatland County to review

    and possibly revise the currentpolicy and how it is administered.

    Currently, if any county rate-payer wants a load of gravel, allthey have to do is phone the pub-lic works department, nd out

    where the loader is working andload their truck after they providetheir billing information. Peopleare then billed later.

    However, theres been instanc-es where the billing informationdoesnt match [such as] the ad-dress doesnt match the name orthe name doesnt match the ad-dress, said Gerry Van Oostwaard,public works superintendent.

    There is no way for gravel load-ers to access information to those

    who are purchasing gravel to seeif they are giving the correct infor-mation.

    We have to rely on the honoursystem and that used to work, butit doesnt anymore, said Van Oost-

    waard. There are three options the

    county is looking at to change itsgravel program.

    The rst option would be to puta clause on the bottom of the in-

    voice saying that if the invoice isntpaid the balance would be trans-ferred to the taxes. This optionisnt really viable under the Gov-ernment Act, said Van Oostwaard.The second option would be for

    ratepayers to come to the countyofce to ll out a form, which

    would indicate how much gravelthey want, where they are get-

    ting it and what the price wouldbe. The form would be presentedat the gravel pit and then a bill

    would be sent out later. The third option is a pre-paid

    system when they ll out theforms at the county ofce. This

    would require no billing or requirethe gravel operator to keep trackof the bills that come in.

    However, a problem lies withratepayers who live far away fromthe county ofce. They could po-tentially pre-pay another way toget their gravel. Van Oostwaard said there are

    both pros and cons to all optionsand the he along with the countyadministration will try to work out

    what is the best option.Its a rather drastic step to take

    for those whove been followingthe honour system and paying allalong, Van Oostwaard. Its a pen-alty to those folks and not fair, butthe rest of us are subsidizing thosethat dont pay and thats not faireither.HiGHwAy 1

    reAliGnment meetinG

    The Government of Alberta willbe coming back with three differ-ent options for the realignment ofHighway 1 near Strathmore. The province wants to realign

    the highway to bypass the town

    and eventually connect Highway 1with Highway 22X and establish acontiguous Highway 21/24. The options will not be made

    public until the open house is heldsometime in April.

    The options are based on thequestionnaire that was handed outat the rst open house, said DavidChurchill. They are trying to ac-commodate peoples concerns andquestions.

    Alberta Transportation is devel-oping plans to upgrade the twohighways to freeway status to al-low future trafc to ow safelyand protect lands required for fu-ture highway upgrading.The rst open house was held

    Nov. 23 to get stakeholders feed-back and identify issues.

    People are concerned that therealignment will go through farm-land that has been passed down

    through generations, and that therealignment would disrupt busi-nesses who depend on being onthe Trans Canada, as there mayonly be one or two access pointsto Strathmore from the main road.

    Churchill said its hard to ex-pand a highway when a town is

    built on both sides of the highway.The idea is to make it as safe

    as possible for both the people who live in the town as well asthe people who are wanting to getthrough in a hurry. The county is against the re-

    alignment of Highway 1 and hassent a letter to the provincial gov-ernment stating their views.

    County Updating Paving Plan, Gravel Program

    Public imput wantedContinued from page 1

    They will be using justice students from Mount

    Royal University, who are on their practical workterms, to help compile the results so the RCMPcan be able to analyze it.

    Surveys can be picked up at various locations

    throughout Strathmore, Langdon, Rockyford andStandard, including the Town of Strathmore Of-

    ce, Strathmore Library, Wheatland FCSS Ofce,Rockyford Village Ofce, Standard Village Ofceand Langdon School.


    f KB r e n t w o o dSchool StudentLuc Harris, who

    was adoptedfrom Haiti, andJim Jones, As-sociate Principal and a member of the Cheadle Lions Club, showoff the money the two groups raised in their Coins for Kids Haitifundraiser. The school raised $3,000 and the Lions Club donated$1,000, which will go to Gods Littlest Angels. The Cheadle LionsClub also donated $5,000 to the Lions Foundation in Haiti.

    Photo submitted by Brentwood chool

  • 8/14/2019 Strathmore Times - Feb 18, 2010


    Page 6 Strathor TimeS Fbruary 18, 2010

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    Spinach Pie

    1 pkg thawed and drained spinach

    4 eggs - beaten

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    1 cup shredded cheddar cheese

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  • 8/14/2019 Strathmore Times - Feb 18, 2010



    Fbruary 18, 2010 Strathor TimeS Page 7

    Strathmore Times is published every Thursday by Strathmore Times Inc. and is distributed by Canada Post to Strathmore, Carseland, Cheadle, Cluny, Gleichen, Hussar, Namaka,Nightingale, Rockyford, Rosebud, Speargrass, Standard, Lyalta and Langdon. We also have various pickup locations throughout our coverage area. Our 11,500 issues are printed byCentral Web in Calgary, Alberta. The content in the Strathmore Times is copyright and reproduction without the proper written consent of the Strathmore Times is strictly prohibited. 403.325.0372 www.debbiemrry.c

    Debbie MrryFREE MaRkEt Evaluaton

    $359,9004 ee spi,hrdwd,gre hme!


    - Doug Taylor

    202, 114 Canal Garden, Strathmore, Alberta T1P 1Y4 403.934.5589

    Dear Editor

    Rules regarding the use o cell phones and other hand-held devices in vehicles has been debated around or awhile already. It was only a matter o time beore Albertagot on the bandwagon and presented legislation. AlthoughI agree that distracted driving can present risks to sel andothers, I am wondering how these new rules (once of-cially imposed and mandated) will apply to olks like theRCMP and other police services. Not so long ago, I wit-nessed a Calgary city cop driving while holding his cellphone to his let ear and peering at his dashboard com-puter in the center o the car. (I could not tell i his handwas on the keyboard.) And this is not the frst incidencethat I have personally witnessed. I such legislation is tobe reinorced, are the reinorcers going to be held to thesame standard? And what can a common citizen do about

    it when they witness such a potential hazard?Rules can be good. I dont deny that act. It is nice to

    have parameters within which to operate rom. It providescommon ground and a level o saety and security. I guessthe debate comes in wondering what becomes too much.I more and more rules get added (to continually protectourselves against ourselves), will common sense in apply-ing said rules totally y out the window? I am sure theaverage person can think o a plethora o scenarios where

    that could happen. Applying make-up while actually driv-ing is a no-brainer. Wait until you are stopped. Ideally, fn-ish your ace at home. It is the cell phone use that I can seegray areas about. I wouldnt be surprised to see headlinesin the uture bemoaning a preventable problem or tragedyi a cell phone had been handy. Or where some goodSamaritan helped someone with no risk to others but wascharged nonetheless or cell phone use. Or maybe wherea lie was even lost because one couldnt conveniently pullover. What about those in trafc calling in a problem to ra-dio stations or emergency departments? What about the 3second phone call rom your kid or spouse saying they arehome sae? I one gets such a call and needs to talk longer,then defnitely pull over to continue, or say that you willcall back when appropriate. But will those enorcing thelaw take that into consideration, or will anyone and every-

    one be fned as soon as a cell phone is held up to the earregardless? Something to seriously think about or sure.

    Finally, as another note to legislators: I distracted driv-ing is classifed as anything that would take the driversattention away rom the road, then you must, by defni-tion and reason, ban all children rom riding in vehiclesand prevent at all costs all parents, particularly moms, romever driving their kids around!

    Cheryl R

    Response to Distracted Driver Article

    Letters to the editor

    Mario Prusina

    Publisher / Editor

    Amy Gregson


    Rose Hamrlik


    Tracey Rogers

    Ofce Manager

    Jody Schneider


    Kevin SorenSon, M.P., crowfoot

    Parliamentary Report

    Canadas new Treasury Board President, the Hon.Stockwell Day, has been tasked with the job o prepar-ing our country or years o ederal spending restraintthat will lead to a balanced annual ederal budget.

    Its a challenging process. Its not going to be easy,he said shortly ater assuming his new Cabinet post.

    Our Conservative government has pledged to bal-ance Ottawas books without raising taxes. MinisterDay believes that spending reviews already conductedin ederal departments will be o increasing assistance

    in the next ew years. Our government has alreadyinstilled an annual strategic review process that in-cludes each department moving the least important 5per cent o its spending to higher priority areas withinthat department. As a result, we already have ederaldepartments working to identiy areas o spendingthat can be reduced.

    The concern or the ederal government to return toa balanced budget is a consistent message I have beenhearing in our riding during the pre-budget consulta-tion period. Our Finance Minister, the Hon. Jim Fla-herty has already assured us that it is important or theCanadian economy to continue to be protected romthe global economic recession. Canadas Economic Ac-tion Plan has one year remaining in its implementa-tion and is providing eective targeted stimulus that isprotecting and creating jobs in Canada. Our economicrecovery is ragile and tentative. The same can besaid o most o the economies o other nations in theinternational community. Some nations are laggingbehind in making the banking and credit structural

    changes necessary or them to emerge rom the crisis.2010 will see the second hal o Canadas economic

    action Plan implemented. Ater that, the ederal bud-getary defcit should be about hal o what it wasduring the two stimulus-spending years (2009-2010).Canada will begin paying back the tax dollars spent tosee us through the global recession.

    Treasury Board President Day adds that fscal re-straint (the commitment to not raise taxes) boostseconomic growth because investors and frms are at-tracted to jurisdictions with stable tax regimes. Canadawill attract this investment because investors will noteel that they will be vulnerable to defcit-fghting tax

    hikes. By growing our economy we will be increasingthe very tax base that provides ederal revenues. Theincreased revenue unds will assist greatly in reducingthe ederal defcit in the years to come.

    Canadians already know o our Conservative gov-ernments track record o paying down almost $40 bil-lion on the national debt between 2006 and 2008. Alarge portion o that money came rom our loweringthe high tax levels that the previous Liberal govern-ments maintained. Leaving money in the pockets oCanadian amilies to spend as they see ft, acts as allaround economic stimulus, again raising governmentrevenues through consumption taxes. I would remindeveryone that Alberta already managed to crush ourprovincial budgetary defcit in the 1990s - when Stock-well Day was our Finance Minister.

    I you have any questions or concerns regarding thisor previous columns you may write me at 4945-50thStreet, Camrose, Alberta, T4V 1P9, call 780-608-4600,toll-ree 1-800-665-4358, ax 780-608-4603 or

    Working Towards a Balanced Budget

  • 8/14/2019 Strathmore Times - Feb 18, 2010


    Page 8 Strathor TimeS Fbruary 18, 2010

    Amy GreGson

    Times Reporter

    As each potential prize

    was revealed, the studentsof Brentwood School gotlouder and louder Feb. 10as they kicked off theirannual fundraising event,the Hike-A-Thon. The school has one

    fundraising event each year, with all the pro-ceeds going towards funactivities at the school.

    This year if the school

    reaches $12,000, teacherswill be required to dressas aliens for alien day.

    In previous years, prin-cipal Laurie Huntley haseaten bugs and sleptovernight on the roof ofthe school if the studentsraised their goals. This

    year they are trying toget more of the staff in-


    [Its because of] the

    personal relationship be-tween kids and teachers,said Huntley.

    Other prizes include

    extra recess, a specialtreat, pancake breakfastand going swimming.

    Students are also eligi-ble for prizes like pencils,lights, water bottles, Fris-

    bees and the chance topick a prize from a trea-sure chest. Also, for each pledge

    that a student collectsthey will be entered into

    a daily draw.We even want the kids

    who bring in a tooniefrom home to be a partof it, said Huntley.

    Rules and forms weresent home with studentson Feb. 10 and are to bereturned Feb. 26. The Hike-A-Thon was

    chosen because theschool has been focus-

    ing on being healthy with

    their Heart Healthy Hik-ers program, where theschool has been countingthe amount of kilometers

    theyve walked. At the rally, they an-

    nounced that two of theteams with students fromeach grade, AwesomeOlympians and CardioCreatures, have both

    walked more than 1,000kms.

    Nine students fromkindergarten to grade six

    were also recognized for

    the amount of kilometersthey have walked, withtwo students walkingmore than 100 km.

    Brentwood School cel-ebrated the two eventsand the Vancouver 2010Olympics by having a

    Winter Walk outside afterthe assembly that includ-ed a torch relay.



    Brentwood School kicks off annual fundraisingTinas




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  • 8/14/2019 Strathmore Times - Feb 18, 2010


    Fbruary 18, 2010 Strathor TimeS Page 9

    Amy GreGson

    Times Reporter

    Are you interested in researchingthose who were an instrumental part ofthe history of Strathmore and surround-ing area? If so, there is a committee whois looking for your expertise.The Research Sub-Committee, which

    reports to the Names Advisory Commit-

    tee, is looking for people who are inter-esting in nding out more people whohad a great impact on the communityand its history.

    The objective is to recognize people

    in the community that deserve recog-nition, said Al West, vice-chair andspokesperson.The project of trying to compile a list

    of names started long before the sub-committee was formed.

    In February 2004, council passed abylaw that required Town Administra-

    tion to research and maintain a list ofnames that could be potentially used inthe naming of roads, municipal facilitiesand parks.

    Administration looked at historybooks and came up with names of earlypioneers, settlers and merchants to be-gin the list.

    However, they realized it would behard to do the project justice because ofthe number of hours that was requiredand it was requested that a sub-commit-

    tee be formed. The sub-committee was created in

    February 2009 and has since beenstudying and researching the town andsurrounding areas history.

    Currently, the group has ve sittingmembers plus two people from thetowns administration.

    Most of the community members saidthey joined the group because theywant to learn more about the Town ofStrathmore, whether it be because they

    have recently moved to Strathmore orwere born and raised here and want topreserve the history.West is hoping they can get a group

    of six to eight community members.The group meets every few months forabout an hour and West said its prob-ably about 10 hours of work prior toeach meeting researching sources. The committee has created a re-

    source list of different organizationsin Strathmore, such as the Lions Club,the Legion, the RCMP, which could all

    be potential sources of information orprovide additional places to look fornames.

    Each member is given an organiza-tion they would feel comfortable to re-search and contacting them.

    When you go to one place and talkto somebody, inevitably it will link to

    somebody else in another organiza-tion, said West. Its incredibly difcultbecause it all links together.

    West said their task as the sub-com-mittee is to break the links apart andnd supporting documents to say whythey believe that person should havespecial recognition.

    Other places with sources of informa-tion are the Glenbow Foundation and

    places with archives such as the Wheat-land County, WID or Town of Strath-more. Another starting point are history

    books of Strathmore and surrounding

    areas such as Namaka and Gleichen.These provide a wealth of informa-

    tion, but sometimes its not all the in-formation you want to have, said West.Theres a little bit more to be gleaned[researched] somewhere else.

    He also said they are researching theareas around Strathmore because they

    were just as important to Strathmoreshistory as Strathmore is to theirs.

    Sometimes places they check haveled to a dead end, such as the Alberta

    Sports Hall of Fame.Turns out no one from Strathmore

    is named in the Alberta Sports Hall ofFame, but its one more place we had tocheck, said West. After the sub-committee creates a

    list of names it is handed over to theNaming Committee who provides theirrecommendations to the town and sug-

    gests where a good place and a certainname might t, such as a wing at thehospital, meeting room in the [poten-tial] new town ofce, a park or a street. The group is also a good place to

    bounce additional ideas off each other.For example West suggested a Council-

    ors Way to honour each councilor whohas served Strathmore with a honoura-ry post potentially along the pathwaysand a Volunteer Wall of Fame in thepotential new town ofce to recognize

    volunteers. The group is also looking for sub-

    missions of names from Strathmoreresidents that they can further research.There is no time limit for how far in thepast a name could appear or how closeto the present.

    The town has made a good deci-

    sion to come up with the concept, saidWest. Lets get a list of names together before theyre forgotten and have thislist ready so we can use the names off

    that list any time we want.A list of criteria and submission form

    is available at or bycontacting Michelle at (403) 934-3133,who can also be contacted if you areinterested in joining the group.

    Researching history & people in Strathmore

    #105 - 318 Third AvenueStrathmore, AB T1P 1V9

    Tel: 403-934-3268 Fax: 403-934-5981

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  • 8/14/2019 Strathmore Times - Feb 18, 2010


    Page 10 Strathor TimeS Fbruary 18, 2010

    Build your dream homew.walkout. Great for

    home business. Privaterd, fenced & approach.All services near by,seller is motivated.

    3 acres1 mile east of town


    call la shaun

    New FabulousKitchen, Treed Lotwith Garage, New

    Exterior and Interior



    call robert & tamara

    Beautiful Abe Fehr build totallyupgraded throughout, Openconcept with 3 bedrooms3 full baths, bright sunny

    walkout to the 12th hole and

    so much more!

    fully finsHed villaon tHe golf course


    call la shaun

    In a golf coursecommunity.

    Let this be yourpermanent home or

    summer home!

    $169,900 adultliving condo -


    call sheila

    Japanese CherryHardwood. Vaulted

    Ceilings/Open ConceptDouble Attached

    Garage. Backing OntoGreenspace

    fully developed$277,900

    call robert & tamara

    Right along Trans

    Canada Hwy. 25 minutesSE of Strathmore. Gently

    rolling land w/goodbuilding sites. Excellent

    access. Great Price!

    27 acres bare land


    call ron

    3rd level corner condo

    with view!All new paint & flooring.5 appliances & drapes!Central location withloads of amenities!

    Just like New!

    adult condo$173,400

    call la shaun

    Brand new totally upgraded.Hardwood, tile, granite counters.

    3 bdr, 2 full baths. Fenced& landscaped included.

    Backs onto canal. Walkingdistance to all amenities.

    Perfect empty nesters home!

    totally upgraded,backs to canal


    call la shaun

    Chestermere FormerShow Home

    Now Available, Views of TheRockies, Downtown

    Calgary and Rainbow Falls,Walk-Out Basement/

    Double Garage / Central Air



    call robert & tamara

    Just minutes to town.All pavement - easy

    access. Flat with loadsof potential. For home,

    shop & more!

    5 acreswest of town


    call la shaun

    3 bedroom home on1.04 acres.

    32x56 shop with 220and gas. 20 minutes

    to Calgary.

    Home & sHop$249,900

    call robert & tamara

    Perfect condition,close to all amenities.


    3 bedroomtownHouse!


    call sheila





















    La ShaunAndrews


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    Strathmore & area


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    mls c3370180

    mls c3402736

    mls c3400092

    mls c3398552mls c3393319

    mls c3390198

    mls c3349926

    1733 SqFt Bungalow/Full Basement Oversized

    Double GarageIrrigation Equipment

    Included, Loads of Trees

    40 acres westof stratHmore


    call robert & tamara

    Fully developed6 bdr.

    Across from Park


    family Home

    call sheila

    mls c3402278

    we can Help

    you findyour dream Home!

    Spotless 2 bedroom

    condo. Large masterbedroom & ensuite

    Full basement. $289,000

    Call Ron Kaechele403-934-1097


    call ron

    Beautiful bilevel1/2 duplex,

    desirable community,4 bedrooms, 3 baths.

    Call Ron Kaechele403-934-1097

    spotless &spacious $287,900

    call ron

    mls c3403064

    Fully Developed3+1 Bedrooms

    Single OversizedDetached GarageClose to Schools/

    Hospital/Family Center


    call robert & tamara

    mls c3402341

    mls c3365398

    Sitting ON 3 Lot's...EXCELLENT REVENUEPPTY. 2bdr, recentlyrenovated Newer

    Carpet,New AppliancesNew Lino.

    $79,900call tracy

    1270 square foot 2 storeylocated in a quiet

    community on a quietstreet. New windows newsiding and new flooring

    plus an oversized heated2 car garage! $219,000

    cHaracter HomewitH class

    call tracy

    6 to pick from. End of May possession. 2 bedroom.1 to 2 baths. Your own deck/patio & yard. Includes6 appliances & 1 parking stall. Call for floor plans.

    C3404632 & C3404642

    new condos starting at $165,900

    abe feHr build - just 4 left!

    call la shaun



    $249,900call nonie




    $285,900call nonie




    $239,900call nonie



    $239,900call nonie



    $399,000call nonie

    4 Bdrm, 3 Bath4 level SplitBacks onto

    Greenspace in Aspen.Walk out, Infloor Heat,

    Tiered Deck

    perfectfamily Home

    call nicole

    Single DetachedGarage. 2 Large

    Bedrooms/2 BathsBacking Onto CanalWalking Distance to


    gated community$129,900

    call robert & tamara



    ---WHY RENT ??

    $206,900call nonie


    $258,111call nonie

    An "A" for Attractive, Affordable,and Above Average!! Five bedroombilevel on 3 acres near Bow River

    and Speargrass Golf CourseDouble garage

    Quiet location $549,000Call Ron Kaechele


    "a" as in acreagecall ron

    mls c340923

    Five bedroom home

    Large double garage andoffice. Five minutes

    to Strathmore$589,900

    Call Ron Kaechele403-934-1097

    3 acres!!!call ron

    mls c3389858

    Beautiful two bedroomcondo. Five appliances,

    fireplace, balconey.Two parking stallsCall Ron Kaechele


    just listed$149,500

    call ron

    mls c3407637

    Large Deck/Bright Open Concept


    21/2 Baths/Large Bedrooms

    fully developed$224,900

    call robert & tamara

    Bright/Open Concept/Hardwood$30,000 Solarium! Fully Developed2900 Sq Ft Heated Double Garage

    beautiful bungalow$424,900

    call robert & tamara

    Totally finished with loads ofextras through out! Over 1500sq ft with full basement and

    oversize double attachedheated garage, fenced & crossfenced for horses with trees &

    backs to canal!

    west of stratHmore

    bungalow on 4 acres

    call la shaun

    free marketevaluations


    buying or sellingcall us first


    mls c3403797

    Great bungalow on quietcul-de-sac! 4 bedrooms,

    2 baths, open concept withvaulted ceilings home has

    been well maintained,new appliances, and more!

    Priced to sell!

    fully developedbungalow$284,900!

    call la shaun



    $564,90043 acres

    call nonie



    $124,900call nonie

    mls c3404852

    Backing to the 12th hole upgradedhome! Hardwood, tile, and up

    graded carpet! Awesome walnutcabinets granite countertops

    throughout, corner fireplace andmore! Open concept,full walkout

    and double attached garage!

    just on tHe market

    beautiful villa inspeargrass $359,900!

    call la shaun




    $396,000call nonie




    $159,900call nonie

    c/sJUST LISTED -



    1163 SQ FT HOME

    $129,900call nonie


  • 8/14/2019 Strathmore Times - Feb 18, 2010


    Fbruary 18, 2010 Strathor TimeS Page 11

    Well kept bungalow.Front attached

    garage.2 bedrooms, 2 baths.Green space at side.

    40+ living$254,900

    call lorna

    Gorgeous 1739 sq ft of

    upgraded living.3 bedrooms, 2 full baths.

    24'x10' covered deckSingle detached garage.

    ranch estatesluxury living


    call shauna

    Gorgeous modular.Parklike setting.40+ community.

    Gated park.

    all dressed up!


    call lorna

    Brand newbungalow

    Hardwood floors

    in the ranch$354,900

    call lorna

    Immaculate home inwestpark Village.

    4 bedrooms.Large country kitchen.

    Lots of upgrades.

    affordable livingin strathmore


    call shauna

    12.4 treed acres.1915 - 1 1/2 storey

    historical home.Stained glass,custom design.

    rare find!$649,000

    call lorna

    1216 sq ft. modular. Inlike new condition. 3

    bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths.Large country kitchen.

    2 decks.

    immaculate in


    call shauna

    $178,900Build your dreamhome. Close to

    city and pavement.Great views

    Quiet- it's country!

    call lorna

    Hard to find 20 acres ofraw land. Less than20 minutes south of

    Strathmore.Irrigation access.

    20 acres nearstrathmore


    call shauna

    Heated shop -overhead doors.

    Bungalow. 10 acres.West on Glenmore.

    one screaminghot deal only


    call lorna





















    La ShaunAndrews


    "The Sign of experience"

    AZTEC IS GIVING IT BACK!A portion of the proceeds earned from each transaction by Aztec and our team of professionals will be donated to local charities. A local Real Estate Company giving back to the community that has supported us throughout the years.


    Strathmore & area


    www.aztecrealestate .ca





    Beautifulpark-like setting.

    5 bedrooms,3 baths.

    a home foryou! $254,900

    call lorna

    9.65 acres. Minutes toLangdon. 10 minutes toCalgary. Riding arena

    with lighting.5 stall barn ++

    hay horselovers!$699,900

    call lorna

    4.62 acresnear standard


    call shauna

    Handyman special withlots of petential. 3+1bedrooms, lower level

    den. Walkout basement.panoramic view.

    Can be rezonedcommercial west

    of Strathmore


    66.11 acres

    call lorna

    Adjacent toCarseland.Subdivision potentialor great investment.

    47 acrescall lorna

    Well built 2 st orey.3 bedrooms, 3 baths.

    Backing on canalin Hillview

    mountain views,city lights


    call lorna

    3 bedrooms2 full baths

    for the



    call lorna

    Fully finished bungalowon 4.91 acres.10 minutes to

    Strathmore. Upgradedkitchen. 2 garages,small barn, shop

    country charm

    near nightingale$429,900

    call shauna

    $169,9001520 sq ft

    modular. 6 acres.Leased land.


    call lorna

    Zoning industrialWest of


    11.9 acres$288,000

    call lorna

    Lifestyle plus!New carpets,


    get out ofthe snow!

    call lorna

    Great lifesylein the bay. Fullydev walk-out


    just listed!$319,000

    call lorna

    OffIcE SpAcE

    fOR RENT5 ffcsvlbl

    starting at

    $300 per month,utiitie inuded.

    ca Keith Garrioh

    403-333-8411 oroert Dejardin



    Exceptional custom builthome backing onto park.2+3 bdrms, 3 full baths.Fully finished lower level.

    Too many upgradesto mentions

    luxurious walkout

    bungalow $649,900call shauna

    Gated adult livingcommunity. 3 bdrms,

    2 full baths.Open concept.Large deck to

    relax on.

    ranch estates$114,900

    call shauna

    3 bdrms, 2 full baths.

    Partially finishedlower level.

    Oversized lot.Adjoins greenspace

    & playground.

    hillview estates

    bungalow $349,900call shauna

    Custom built home on2.99 acres. 1 mile fromLakes of Muirfield GolfCourse. Heated double

    attached garage64'x40' shop.

    beautiful lyaltaacreage - $589,900

    call shauna

    Gorgeous 2274 sq.ft.home in Cheadle

    Too many upgradesto mention!

    Triple, heated garage.Swimming pond withbeach & floating dock

    dream home on1 acre - $699,900

    call shauna

    Beautiful homein gated community2 bdrms, 2 full bathsLarge country kitchen

    Single detached garage

    immaculate in

    ranch estates -$134,900

    call shauna

    3 bdrms, 2 1/2 bathsUpgraded with laminate

    and tile flooringStainless steel

    appliancesSingle detached garage

    like new condo -$229,900

    call shauna

    In theRanch too!

    Hardwood floors

    it's new, new!$364,500

    call lorna

    Atmosphere plusso much space.Living just got


    life's grand$179,900

    call lorna


  • 8/14/2019 Strathmore Times - Feb 18, 2010



    f e b r u a r y 1 8 , 2 0 1 0

    Amy GreGson

    Times Reporter

    It was an Olympic theme atthe ladies bonspiel, includinga hand-made torch, red and

    white apparel and Go Cana-da signs.Olympics activities at the

    bonspiel included openingand closing ceremonies witha parade and torch lighting,Olympic trivia, hula hoopcontest as a tribute to the verings, a tribute to the game ofcurling and the blindfolded

    biathlon at their banquet.Im hoping that everyone

    enjoyed themselves, had lotsof fun and comes back next

    year, said Larissa Damen, or-ganizer.

    The timed blindfolded bi-athlon had a pair of curlers with one leading the blind-folded player to various sta-tions including dressing in

    winter clothing, pin the lighton the torch, shooting galleryand ring toss.

    In total 14 teams played inthe Feb. 10 to 13 bonspiel,

    including a few out-of-townteams.

    We always appreciate theirsupport, said Damen.

    She said the Strathmorebased teams all have specic

    tasks that go into making thebonspiel such a success. The bonspiel gives prizes

    out to the top four teams inthree separate events. Theyeach get to pick their prizefrom the selection available,including Olympic

    Ladies Bonspieltakes Olympic theme

    A Event Winner:

    hackleton eam

    defeated Rosecki-Budzey Team

    B Event Winner:

    Davis eam

    defeated Damen Team

    C Event Winner:

    Guenther eam

    defeated Burne Team

    Curling Results

    The Strathmore Curling Club hosted 14 teams during the annual Ladies Bonspiel Feb. 10-13.

    Amy Gregson Photos

  • 8/14/2019 Strathmore Times - Feb 18, 2010


    Fbruary 18, 2010 Strathor TimeS Page 13


    i ks s wh dsr d shg

    pr fr h ;

    S wh rg d dd, wh s

    frd f hrd wrk, d s wllg p h

    hllgs f dfl jb.

    if r hs kd f prs,

    h tw f Srhr ds s rghr.

    tds rg rspdrs d fr r h js

    pg rs d bdgg wds.

    or rghrs r h rs l f dfs rl d

    -d dssrs. th rsd vhl ds,

    hzrds rls ds, splzd rs ss

    lk hgh gl, srf wr d rs, d h sss

    vs rr f dl rgs.

    if r rsd bg br f r l ,

    Pk p ppl pkg h ls lsd blw

    or dwld p fr h tw f Srhr Wbs


    tw f Srhr

    680 Wshsr RdSrhr, aB


    Srhr Fr S

    721 Lksd BlvdSrhr, aB


    GiGU The Strathmore Storm

    Novice Tier 3 team

    went undefeated in the

    Kneehill Novice Tourna-

    ment Feb. 5 to 7.

    Photo Courtesy of

    Rhonda Zarowny

    Mario Prusina

    Times Editor

    It was not the way theUFA Bisons wanted toqualify for the playoffs, but at this point in theseason, beggars cant bechoosers. The team was hoping

    to win their nal tworegular season gamesand head into the play-offs on a high note.

    Instead, the team

    backed-into the nalplayoff spot with a pair

    of tough games versusNorth Division teams. The Bisons tied the

    Boston Pizza Rangers2-2 on Feb. 13, beforebeing blitzed 6-0 by theJ. Ennis Kings on Valen-tines Day.

    Despite gaining onlyone out of a possiblefour points on the week-end, the Bisons clinched

    the nal playoff spot and

    will face the LethbridgeYMen Hurricanes in the

    rst-round, best-of-threeseries. The Bisons will travel

    to Lethbridge on Feb. 17(7:30 p.m.) for Game 1 before hosting the Hur-ricanes on Saturday, Feb.20 (8 p.m.) at the Strath-more Family Centre.

    Game 3, if necessary,will take place in Leth- bridge on Feb. 21 (2:30


    Bisons take nal playoff spot

  • 8/14/2019 Strathmore Times - Feb 18, 2010


    Page 14 Strathor TimeS Fbruary 18, 2010



    The Strathmore & District

    Agricultural Society is

    currently looking for

    Artists to design our

    2011 Strathmore

    Heritage Days Poster.

    Requirements- needs to be a photo. Size 11x17, must be signed,

    print quality resolution. Must have the SAGS Logo.Deadline or submission: March 30, 2010.

    Winner will receive $500 plus tickets to Rodeo/Chuckwagon events.Please drop o your submission at the ofce

    - Civic Centre 122 Brent Blvd.I you require urther ino (403) 934-5811




    GirlsFastpitCHsoFtBallage8-16ye Whendemenysch inf403-325-1907

    Amy GreGson

    Times Reporter

    The Strathmore High Spar-

    tans boys basketball teamhosted their annual hometournament over the familyday long weekend.

    It was a disappointing weekend for the boys asthey lost all three games that

    they played.I know we typically have

    the same teams coming hereand I knew this year a num-

    ber of these teams are in thetop 10 in the province, saidKyle Larson, head coach. Iknew it was going to be stiffcompetition for the boys this

    year. Teams came from places

    such as Camrose, Chester-mere and Medicine Hat. Theeventual winner was theCamrose Composite who

    beat Medicine Hat McCoy.Larson said the team end-

    ed on a high note when theyplayed George McDougall intheir last game.

    It was probably one ofour better games of the

    year, said Larson. The Spartans have a cou-

    ple of league games left be-fore play-offs start and then

    will have a play-in for zones.Well continue to work on

    our offensive and defensesets, said Larson. Our pass-ing has improved a lot so

    well keep working on

    Spartans host home tournament

    Amy GreGson

    Times Reporter

    There weretwo shots andtwo misses at the

    Wheatland Kings$10,000 shootoutFeb. 14.

    Ernie War-rack and JustinGeeraert tookthe challenge af-ter purchasingtickets for thechance to shoot.

    Its just fun tosupport the local

    junior team, said Warrack, whohas been on the

    Strathmore Mi-nor Hockey As-sociation Boardand has two boys

    who play minorhockey.

    I just hope Idont miss thenet, said Geer-aert, a 20-year-

    old from Rocky-ford who playedhockey untilmidget.They each had

    one chance toshoot the puckfrom centre ice tomake it through

    a small cut-outin the centre of asheet of plywoodcovering the net.

    Geeraert shotrst and endedup missing thenet, while War-rack hit to theside of the hole.

    Both said af-terwards that it

    was fun and it was hard to hitthe board.

    You neededa practice shot,said Geeraert.

    C.E. Franklinsponsored the$10,000 shoot-out.

    Shootout yieldsno winnerLogan Sandbeck, left photo, shoots the ball, while Mike Boonstoppel, #13, drives to the net as the Strathmore High School Spartans boys basket-ball team played the Medicine Hat McCoy Colts Feb. 12 at their home tournament.

    Amy Gregson Photos

    Justin Geeraert was one of two participantsin the Wheatland Kings $10,000 shootoutFeb. 14 at the Strathmore Family Centre.Unfortunately Geeraert and fellow shooterErnie Warrack came up empty-handed dur-ing the second intermission of the Kings 7-5

    victory over Blackfalds. Doug Taylor Photo

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    Fbruary 18, 2010 Strathor TimeS Page 15


    DAVID, Rose Marie

    Rose Marie David (nee Kam) was born October 20,

    1928 and passed away peacefully at her home near

    Strathmore, Alberta on February 8, 2010. Rose waspredeceased by her husband, Wilson David, and her

    daughter, Gloria Cairns. Left to mourn her passing

    is her son Wayne David; grandson Bradley Cairns;

    granddaughter Jackie David; sisters Margret and

    Leaone (Wendel). Roses kind and generous nature and

    sense of humour will be missed by all those who knew

    her. Memorial services were held on Monday, February

    15 at Wheatland Funeral Chapel at 11:00 a.m. To send

    condolences, please visit www.wheatlandfuneralhome.

    ca. WHEATLAND FUNERAL HOME LTD. (Strathmore) in

    care of arrangements. 403-934-5666

    WONNICK, Ronald Ross

    November 6, 1937- February 12, 2010

    It is with heavy hearts that we

    announce the passing of our husband,

    father, grandfather and best friend. Ron passed away

    suddenly on Friday, February 12, 2010. He will be

    greatly missed by Gladys, his wife and soul-mate of

    51 years, daughters Sherry (Mike) and Lori (Lindsay),

    and grandchildren Brandon, Jordan, Zachary, Ben, and

    Emma. Ron will also be lovingly remembered by his

    brothers Gordon (Eileen) and Fred (Laureene), sisters-in

    law Eileen (Herb) and Pat (Claus), nieces Debbie (Ed),

    Teresa (Larry), Barb (Mike), Kathy (Trevor), Heather

    (Rhonda) and nephews Wayne (Shelley) and Ross

    (Jennifer) as well as the many friends and colleagues in

    his life. Ron lived his life with love, passion and honour.

    He gave of himself unselshly and generously, with a

    genuine heart and steadfast loyalty to those who were

    fortunate enough to have known him. Ron valued a job

    well done and was passionate about his 50+ years

    career in the transportation industry. In all his relations,

    he strove for integrity, honesty and respect. In life,

    Ron was guided by his strong faith in Christ. He was

    condent in Gods enduring love and in his salvation

    through Christ. He left us his wisdom, his dedication to

    and love for his family, his determination to go on in good

    times and bad, and his ever present sense of humour

    as guideposts and memories for us to follow and build

    on. Special thanks are extended by the family to the

    paramedics, Strathmore RCMP, Victim Services and the

    Strathmore Fire Department for their live-saving efforts

    and compassion on February 12th. Funeral services

    will be held on Thursday, February 18, 2010 at Lord of

    All Lutheran Church, Strathmore at 1:00 p.m. In lieu

    of owers, if friends so desire, donations may be made

    directly to The Canadian Diabetes Association (#204,

    2323 - 32 Ave NE, Calgary, T2E 6Z3) or the Alberta

    Heart and Stroke Foundation (#200, 119 14 St. NW,

    Calgary, T2N 1Z6). To send condolences, please visit WHEATLAND FUNERAL

    HOME LTD. (Strathmore) in care of arrangements. 403-



    Golden Hills School Division is accepting

    applications for the part time position of Dormitory

    Assistant. Dormitory students attend a number of

    Golden Hills schools in Strathmore.

    The Dorm Assistant will report to the Dormitory

    Supervisor and assist with the following:

    Supervise dormitory students and enforce

    dormitory rules and regulations

    Develop a rapport with students to meet their

    social, cultural and medical needs

    Maintain a positive dorm atmosphere for students

    Maintain discipline in the dorm

    Ensure attendance at school

    Guide after-hours activities

    Supervise dormitory assistants

    This position will include accommodation, meals and

    an allowance.

    The successful applicant should have good inter-

    personal skills and enjoy working with children and

    youth. Experience working with children is an asset.

    Successful applicants must be on site and available

    some evenings and weekends based on a schedule.

    Criminal and Child Welfare check will be required.

    Please submit resume and appropriate

    documentation to the undersigned on or before

    4:00 pm, Friday, February 19, 2010.

    Human Resources Department

    Golden Hills School Division # 75

    435 A Highway # 1

    Strathmore, Alberta T1P 1J4Phone: 403-934-5121

    Fax: 403934-5124 or 934-5125




    Dormitory Assistant

    help wanted

    Combz N CurlzStrathmore High Cosmetology Department

    is now accepting clients

    Monday, Wednesday & Thursday 11:30 - 2:30 pm

    Please call403-934-3135to book your appointment.We look forward to serving you!



    Anyone requiring


    should call Gisela 403-934-2635

    or Janell 403-934-2171

    before February 26th.

    After that we will be assigning

    unspoken for tickets to those that

    have requested additional tickets.

    The Parents of the

    2010 Graduating Class

    of Strathmore High School

    Misc wanted



    Reasonably priced. For a

    loving home. Call 403-616-




    ING. Detoxing and natural

    herbs, all available by calling

    403-901-0160. Mobile for



    Amy GreGson

    Times Reporter

    After struggling formost of the season, the Wheatland Kings endedthe season with a pairof wins against the HighRiver Flyers and Black-

    falds Ford Wranglers Feb.13 and 14 respectively. The team nishes off

    the year with a recordof seven wins, 25 losses,three overtime losses andone tie.

    Its a great way to wrap the year up, saidDoug Murphy, headcoach. We nally gotsome of the problems we

    had through the rest ofthe year sorted out.

    Murphy said the prob-lems during the year hadto do with chemistry and

    throughout the course ofthe season a few rosterchanges were made.

    He said that once thenegative attitude was re-moved from the dressingroom, the team saw it asa positive sign and thingsstarted to turn around.

    Murphy said the teamalso experienced lots ofunfortunate bounces andpuck mishaps during therst part of the year.

    You get a positive at-titude on the team, posi-tive things start happen-ing, the luck starts going your way and the goalsstart going in, Murphysaid.

    Going into next year,the Kings will only be los-ing forward Justin McKin-non due to age and Mur-phy expects most of the

    team to return, but said you never really know whats going to happenuntil training camp starts.

    Murphy said some ofthe stand-out playersthis year were McKin-non, who always broughthis all to every game;

    goalie Korey Burne whomade lots of saves in net;goalie Braydon Helfrich,who didnt play as manygames, but always playedequallywell; and defen-seman Mark Goodmanwhos been rock solid allyear long.

    Overall, Murphy saidits been a great year, es-pecially as a young fran-

    chise trying to get going.We cant say enough

    about the support thatweve had, said Murphy.

    Wheatland Kings endseason on high note

    Wheatland Kings goaltender Braydon Helfrich gets help defending the net during the teams 6-3

    win over High River Feb. 13 at the Strathmore Family Centre. dog aylo photo

    VrurdMembers of the Strathmore Le-

    gion had a very enjoyable visit

    with WWII Air Force Veteran,

    Clement Corbiell, at the Strath-

    more hospital, on his 90th birth-day, on Feb. 5. War memories

    were rampant. (From l-r) Mr. Cor-

    biell, sister-in-law Joan Mark, Le-

    gion President Jenny Schumann,

    1st Vice-President Guy Knappe,

    BSO Representative Vern Neis-

    zner, WWII and D-Day Veteran

    George Freeman and Reese Ya-


    photo cotesy of iene Knae

    Locally Owned & Operated


    202, 114 Canal Garden, Strathmore

    Hitting over 11,500households weekly!

    Contact Rose for all advertising needs!

    403.934.5589 Fax 403.934.5546


  • 8/14/2019 Strathmore Times - Feb 18, 2010


    Page 16 Strathor TimeS Fbruary 18, 2010


    Locally Owned & Operated


    202, 114 Canal Garden, Strathmore

    Hitting over 11,500households weekly!

    Contact Rose for all advertising needs!403.934.5589 Fax 403.934.5546


    help wanted

    Toddle Inn Daycare requirepart time childcare worker.

    Job requirements; criminal

    record check, 1st aid and

    must hold a childcare pro-

    fessional certicate. Dropoff resumes at the day care,

    309 2nd Ave. Strathmore.

    help wanted

    help wanted

    Stella-Jones Canadais now accepting resumes

    for entry level positionsfor its Carseland facility.

    Please fax resumes

    to (403)934-5880 or email

    117 Orchard Way, Strathmore


    All Insurance Claims Welcome

    Full Collision Repair

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    bobcat services

    Chk Ced U Ld. - She Bch

    EmpLoymEnt opportUnity

    mEmBEr SErviCE rEprESEntativEpee Full te ps

    The position is responsible for providing over-the-counter services such as:

    accepting deposits, cashing cheques, processing utility payments,calculating foreign and domestic exchange, processing loan payments,

    selling Travellers cheques, money orders and drafts, processing Mastercardcash advances and payments and other duties as assigned. The position is

    also responsible for custody, balancing and security of cash, etc. The positionresponds to member inquiries on all branch products and services.

    the del cdde us exhb:

    a positive attitude

    a desire to help people excellent communication skills

    team playerThey will nd opportunities to cross-sell or refer sales opportunities to appro-

    priate staff and have a desire to grow within a professional environment. Pro-ciency with Microsoft Ofce 2000 (Word, Excel and Outlook) and Windows

    operating Systems as necessary; experience in the service industry is anasset. Post-secondary education preferred, however not necessary. Training

    will be provided for the successful candidate. Please submit resumes to:

    Tracy Anderson - Morin - Supervisor Banking FloorStrathmore Branch

    100 2nd Avenue - PO Box 2067, Strathmore, AB T1P 1K1Fax (403) 934-5229

    Clsg De: Ul flledWe thank all applicants or their interest and will be in contact i we can oer an

    interview. You can fnd more about our organization at

    Full & Part Time help required for

    housekeepingWill train, $11/hour.

    Please submit resume to350 Ridge Road, Strathmore, AB T1P 1B5

    or fax(403) 901-0016 or

    call (403) 901-0000 ext 502.

    Golden Hills School Division is accepting applications

    or the position o Dormitory Supervisor. This position

    could be flled by a couple.

    Main responsibilities:

    Supervise dormitory students and enorce

    dormitory rules and regulations

    Develop a rapport with students to meet their

    social and cultural needs

    Maintain a positive dorm atmosphere or students

    Maintain discipline in the dorm

    Ensure attendance at school and assist students

    in medical appointments

    Plan and guide ater-hours activities

    Supervise dormitory assistants

    Light cleaning o acility

    This position will include accommodation, meals and

    salary to be negotiated.

    The successul applicant should be a good role model,

    have good interpersonal skills, cultural sensitivity and

    enjoy working with children and youth. Experience

    working with children is an asset. Criminal and Child

    Welare check will be required.

    Please submit resume and appropriate

    documentation to the undersigned on or beore

    4:00 pm, Friday, February 19, 2010.

    Human Resources Department

    Golden Hills School Division # 75

    435 A Highway # 1

    Strathmore, Alberta T1P 1J4

    Phone: 403-934-5121

    Fax: 403 934-5124 or 934-5125



    Dormitory Supervisor

    K-Ly SpukMortgage Specialist

    Strathmore & AreaTel: 403.333.6070Fax:

    Call for an appontment today!

    firSt in mortgageS


    real estate

    Over Sized LOt fOr SaLe

    56 x 120Two blocks from downtown.

    Back alley access &RV accessible.

    Fully serviced & lots of trees.

    Call Clare 403-934-7383orTracy 403-901-9143

    real estate


    CI 111, 2 bdrm suite,

    $900 month + SD. eating &

    Water included. o Pets. Call

    Jane 403-934-6896.

    3 D. n Centre Street(Strathmore), $950/month

    plus utilities. /S, /P. Con-

    tact eith at 403-901-9721.

    Available arch.

    DPx I IIW,

    backing onto green space.

    3 bdrm, 5 appliances plusmicrowave included. $1250

    plus utilities. Call 403-934-


    AAIA AC 1ST.

    AST with fur-

    nished common area with 3

    piece bath. 32 T, bar fridge

    & microwave. Shared utili-ties. o pets. $485/mth. D.D

    $350. Call 403-983-2725 or403-921-5082.

    2 D TWS

    available Immediately. ewer,

    sunny, very clean, with walk-

    out balcony. Includes all appli-

    ances and washer/dryer. 1 &

    baths. $925/month + utili-

    ties. o pets, no smoking.

    Call 934-0996

    Professional Directory

    help wanted help wantedfor sale

    17 GATWA FAT PAIT. 6 months old,

    ecellent condition, asking

    $100.00 Call ee 403-934-


    DIIG ST (5 piec-

    es). ound (oval with large

    leaf), dark espresso color,

    Counter height (bar style),

    cellent Condition Asking

    $400. Call 403-934-4969

    Get your Classified ads in!Call Tracey 403-934-5589

    Get your Classified ads in the times!Call Tracey 403-934-5589

    feed & seed

    WATD small, square

    bales, straight grass -timo-

    thy, brome, orchard (

    alfalfa). Call 306-662-2006.

  • 8/14/2019 Strathmore Times - Feb 18, 2010


    Page 18 Strathor TimeS Fbruary 18 2010

  • 8/14/2019 Strathmore Times - Feb 18, 2010


    Page 18 Strathor TimeS Fbruary 18, 2010

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    Fbruary 18, 2010 Strathor TimeS Page 19

  • 8/14/2019 Strathmore Times - Feb 18, 2010


    Fbruary 18, 2010 Strathor TimeS Page 19



    Proudly sponsored by

    Whs hPPenng i a fr wkly commuity caldar.f you av ral iformatio or a o-prot roup activity or pcial vt you would lik to promot, plamail you iformatio to or call 403-934-5589 or fax 403-934-5546 ad w will icludyour iformatio o ti wkly Commuity Pa. Du to pac rtrictio , pla kp iformatio to a miimum.

    Strathmore Elks Lodge #491meets 3rd. Tuesday at the Strathmore Curling Club6:30 pm. Steak Supper at 7 pm. New Members

    welcome. Call Greg 403-888-6155.

    RCL Ladies Auxiliary Events for February:16th Executive & General Meetings, beginning@ 7:30 pm. 21st LA breakfast from 9 am to 11am. Toast, pancakes, bacon, sausages, scrambledeggs, potatoes, juice, desert, coffee, tea.All for only $6 per adult & $3 per child.Old time music played on the piano by JimmyRisdon. PUBLIC & KIDS WELCOME!!!!

    Royal Canadian Legion Events for February:LPC & Sports Steak & Lobster tickets both for sale.

    20th Cash Crib starting at 11:00am23rd General Meeting, open to ALL LegionMembers, @ 7:30 pm. Meat Draws every Friday@ 6:30 pm & Saturday @ 2:00 pm. Bingo everyWednesday @ 5:15 pm. Darts & Crib throughoutthe week.Every Thursday Ukranian CuisineLunch 11:30am - 1:30pmLegion Veterans Hall & the Main Hall availablefor functions. February events calendar now at thebar.For more information regarding the above,please call 403.934.5119

    MOPS (Mothers Of Preschoolers) meet 1st and3rd Thursdays 9:30am 11:30am at the Strath-more Alliance Church. Babysitting available forages 0 - 6. For more information call Jennifer at403-934-5799 or visit

    Strathmore Lions Clubmeets the rst and third Thursday at theStrathmore Civic Centre at 6:45 p.m.

    Strathmore Photography Club.Photographers of all ages and skill levels are wel-come. For more information and meeting datescall Gaylene at 403-901-2760 or email -

    Strathmore District Health Services AuxiliaryMeetings are held the fourth Monday of the month@ 1:30 pm, (excluding July & August). Lower levelConference Room at the Strathmore Hospital.New members welcome. For more info pleasecall 403-934-4436

    Wheatland Rural Crime Watch.Meetings are the 3rd. Thursday of each Month.Featuring guest speakers. For more informationcall 403-934-4055.

    Come Fly With Us903 Royal Canadian Air Cadet Sqn. MeetWednesdays at 6:30pm at the blue buildingand Quonset on the Ag grounds. Boys & Girlswelcome between 12 & 19 years. Call JoannaHoward at 403-983-5796 for more information.

    Wheatland Further Education Course Calendaris now available. Call 403-934-5785 orvisit for more info.

    Strathmore Masonic Lodge #53meets the rst Monday of each Month at7:30 p.m. Call Glen at 403-901-6038.Website:

    Halt the Habit;Smoking Cessation Classes February 18 & 25,2010. 7 - 8:00 pm. at the Strathmore HighSchool. Call Colleen at 403-934-4444 ext #103to pre-register. Free of charge.

    Strathmore Homeschool Familes.

    Any Strathmore and Area familes that arehomeschooling are invited to join ourYahoo Group.

    Strathmore Caregiver Support Group- this is an opportunity for caregivers to ndsupport and benet from interaction with othersin a similar situation. For more information or toregister call Amy Yaneza at 403-361-7176.

    The Hope Bridges SocietyBoard meetings held the second Tuesday of eachmonth at 7 p.m. at #3-236-3rd. Avenue.Please visit our website at www.hopebridges.caor contact us at info@ho

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