streaming and i/0 chapter 14 d&d. menu reading/writing text file streams reading/writing string...

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Streaming and I/0

Chapter 14 D&D


• Reading/writing text file streams

• Reading/writing string streams

• Command line arguments

Reading/writing text streams

All programs we’ve written so far have read input from standard input, and written output to standard output.

cin, cout, and cerr are C++ streams.

We will now extend this concept to disk files.

To access a disk file, we can open a file stream variable.

#include <iostream>

ifstream infile(“filename”); // input

ofstream outfile(“filename”); // output

fstream inoutfile(“filename”); // in/output

Example (code fragment):

#include <iostream>


ifstream input_data;“myfile”);

int n;

double x;

input_data >> n >> x;


Reading strings from streams (code fragment):

#include <iostream>


ifstream input_data;“myfile”);

string s;

input_data >> s; // read word



Reading characters from streams (code fragment):

#include <iostream>


ifstream input_data;“myfile”);

char ch;

input_data.get(ch); // get one character


Some other member functions of input streams:

input_stream.peek(ch); // look ahead one char

input_stream.unget(); // put the last char back

Some member functions common to both input and output streams:; // stream op failed

input_stream.eof(); // end of stream reached


Code fragment:

char ch;

ifstream input_stream;“mydata”);

input_stream.get(ch); // get one character

if(‘0’<= ch and ch <= ‘9’)



int n;

input_stream >> n;



Output file streams (code fragment):

#include <iostream>


ofstream output_data(“myfile”);

output_data << n << “_” << x << “\n”;

output_data.put(ch); // write a single character



Many compilers do not support string parameters to the open/close file function.


string s = “myfile”;

ofstream output_data;; // sometimes supported



member function s.c_str() yields standard C character array

Example paths as strings in Unix:


string s = “/home/ugrad/hacker/myfile.dat”;

s = “~hacker/myfile.dat”; // file in home directory

s = “myfile.dat” // file in current directory

On PC:

string s = “C:\\hacker\\myfile.dat”;

// corresponds with file C:\hacker\myfile.dat

File paths

User could be prompted for a file name

cout << “Type filename”;

cin >> s;

File name could be computed or concatenated:

string homedir = “~”;

s = homedir + “myfile” + “dat”;

String Streams

• #include <sstream>

• istringstream: reads from a string

• ostringstream: writes to a string

• Has same interfaces as other stream classes, but allows read/write to a string object.

Code fragment:


string input = “January 23, 1955”;

istringstream instr(input); // constructor

string month,comma;

int day,year;

instr >> month >> day >> comma >> year;


C++ does the conversion from string to the other types.

#include <sstream>

int string_to_int(string s)


istringstream instr(s); // constructor

int n;

instr >> n;

return n;


#include <sstream>

string double_to_string(double a)


ostringstream outstr; // constructor

outstr << a;

return outstr.str(); // return string equiv.


#include <sstream>

string double_to_string(double a)


ostringstream outstr; // constructor

outstr << setprecision(5); // 5 places after decimal

outstr << a;

return outstr.str(); // return string equiv.


// double_to_string(sqrt(2)) returns “1.41421”;

Command Line Arguments

• There are different ways to start a program:– click on icon– type name of program and return

• the latter is called invoking the program from the command line.

Command Line Arguments• You can include additional arguments on the

command line; e.g., in Unix:

ls -l

make main

g++ -Wall -ansi main.cpp -o main

Usually, we interpret symbols preceded by - as options.

Arguments to C++ main function

int main(int argc, char *argv[])




Example command line:

myprog -v input.dat

In this case

argc == 3

string(argv[0]) == “myprog”

string(argv[1]) == “-v”

string(argv[2]) == “input.dat”

argv[0] always gives the name of the program

argc always >= 1

Number of command line arguments can vary:

myprog -v input.dat


myprog -i -v input.dat -o output.dat

argv[0] always gives the name of the program

argc always >= 1

What is the value of argc in each of the cases above??

Caesar’s Encryption AlgorithmAlso known as Caesar’s Cipher.

Scrample message via algorithm:– specify integer key k between 0 and 25– to encrypt, shift each input character by k


k = 3, input = “ABCDEFG”

output = “DEFGHIJ”

To decrypt message, use key = -k

Program arguments

• optional -d flag indicates decryption rather than encryption

• optional encryption key -k<int>

• input file name

• output file name

• Examples:crypt -k11 input.txt encrypt.txt

crypt -d -k11 encrypt.txt output.txt

functions used

usage(string program_name);

open_file_error(string filename);

remainder(int a, int n);

encrypt(char ch, int k);

encrypt_file(ifstream& in, ofstream& out, int k)

string_to_int(string s);

main(int argc, char *argv);

Mainif argc < 3 or argc > 5


for all command line argumentsif -d option, then set decryptif -kn option, set key=n, otherwise key=3if not option, input filename or output filename

openfile (either infile or outfile)if(nfile != 2)


if(decrypt) key = -key;encrypt_file(infile,outfile,key);infile.close();outfile.close();


void usage(string program_name)/* PURPOSE: Prints usage instructions RECEIVES: program_name - the name of this program*/{ cout << "Usage: " << program_name << " [-d] [-kn] infile outfile\n"; exit(1);}

void open_file_error(string filename)/* PURPOSE: Prints file opening error message RECEIVES: filename - the name of the file that could not be opened*/{ cout << "Error opening file " << filename << "\n"; exit(1);}

void encrypt_file(ifstream& in, ofstream& out, int k)/* PURPOSE: Encrypt a file using the Caesar cipher RECEIVES: in - the file to read from out- the file to write to k - the encryption key*/{ char ch; while (in.get(ch)) out.put(encrypt(ch, k));}

char encrypt(char ch, int k)/* PURPOSE: Encrypt a character using the Caesar cipher RECEIVES: ch - the character to encrypt k - the encryption key RETURNS: the encrypted character*/{ const int NLETTER = 26; if ('A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z') return static_cast<char>('A' + remainder(ch - 'A' + k, NLETTER)); if ('a' <= ch && ch <= 'z') return static_cast<char>('a' + remainder(ch - 'a' + k, NLETTER)); return ch;}

int remainder(int a, int n)/* PURPOSE: Compute correct remainder for negative dividend RECEIVES: a - an integer n - an integer > 0 RETURNS: the mathematically correct remainder r such that a - r is divisible by n and 0 <= r and r < n*/{ if (a >= 0) return a % n; else return n - 1 - (-a - 1) % n;}

int string_to_int(string s)/* PURPOSE: Convert a string to an integer, e.g. "3" -> 3 RECEIVES: s - a string representing an integer RETURNS: the equivalent integer*/ { istringstream instr(s); int n; instr >> n; return n;}

int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ bool decrypt = false; int key = 3; int nfile = 0; /* the number of files specified */ ifstream infile; ofstream outfile; if (argc < 3 or argc > 5) usage(string(argv[0]));

for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { string arg = string(argv[i]); if (arg.length() >= 2 and arg[0] == '-') /* it is a command line option */ { char option = arg[1]; if (option == 'd') decrypt = true; else if (option == 'k') key = string_to_int(arg.substr(2, arg.length() - 2)); }

else { nfile++; if (nfile == 1) {; if ( open_file_error(arg); } else if (nfile == 2) {; if ( open_file_error(arg); } } }

if(nfile != 2) usage(string(argv[0]));

if (decrypt) key = -key;

encrypt_file(infile, outfile, key); infile.close(); outfile.close(); return 0;} // end of main

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