streamline the fix ms vsip 022513

Post on 28-Jun-2015






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Streamline the FixDiminish the Impact of Software Vulnerabilities with CAT.NET and TeamMentor Integration in

Visual Studio

Today’s Presenter

Dinis Cruz

Principal Software Architect

Security Innovation

Blog: Blog.diniscruz.comTwitter: @DinisCruz

Today’s AgendaWhat are the challenges?

What’s the best approach?

What process can I apply for better/repeatable results?

How do I select my applications? My tools?

Visual Studio/TeamMentor/CAT.NET demonstration

Development and Security are looking for a better way to identify, verify,

prioritize and fix software vulnerabilities.

Who We AreApplication Security Experts•10+ Years vulnerability research •Security Testing Methodology adopted by SAP, Microsoft, Symantec

•Authors of 8+ books

Products and Services•Standards - Best Practices•Education - CBT & Instructor-Led•Assessment - Software and SDLC

Reducing Application Security Risk•Critical Vulnerability Discovery•Secure SDLC Rollout•Internal Competency Development

Our Approach• Standards: Create security policies, align dev activities with standards and compliance requirements, fix vulnerabilities.

• Education: Create internal expertise through eLearning, Instructor-led and virtual classroom training.

• Assessment: Audit software apps against policies and compliance requirements and recommend remediation techniques.

Life is a BreachCompanies who suffered 1-10 breaches over the past 2 years, as a result of a software app being compromised.

A Process is LackingState they either have no process (like an SDLC) at all, or

an inefficient ad-hoc process for building security into their applications.

What Motivates Action?State there is no formal state that there is no formal

mandate in place to remediate vulnerable application code.

Common Use Cases1. Development teams don’t

know where to go for best practices guidance on software vulnerabilities.

2. There’s a need to communicate and share intelligence around specific vulnerabilities with your team.

3. Teams need to fix vulnerabilities and map to internal policies.

4. There’s a market need for making more sense of static analysis results to get to full-circle remediation.

Where can developers go?

• A software vulnerability has been identified.

• You need to verify it and need more information about it.

• What do you do, and where do you go for guidance?

Use Case 1- Security Team

How can you share the information?

Use Case 1I - Security Team• You’ve verified a software vulnerability.

• You need to communicate the details of that vulnerability or set of vulnerabilities to your team.

• How is this accomplished most effectively?

Integrating with what you already have

Use Case III - Development Team• You’ve verified a given vulnerability, and can now prioritize it.

• You have knowledge internally, or security policies you need to map to.

• How can I do this in a streamlined way?

Doing more with test results

Use Case IV - Development Team with Tools• The tool reports findings.

• You need to make more sense of the results.

• The findings point to guidance specific to the findings.

• Fix what you’ve found. Re-scan.

Determine your risk toleranceUnderstand your level of risk first. Determine your apps

second.•Take an inventory of your high-risk applications.

•Determine the business criticality of those applications.

•What’s your attack probability and how do you define your attack surface?

•Consider the overall business impact, security threats and compliance mandates.

•Rank your applications accordingly.

•Start thinking about the most effective set of testing tools.

Define data and applicationsClassify sensitive data. Then, prioritize your applications. •How sensitive is your data in a given application(s)?

•Does that data pertain to internal mandates or federal regulations?

•Threat modeling can determine threats, attacks, and the frequency and severity they are executed with.

•Rank and prioritize your applications accordingly.

•Compile the most effective set of testing tools.

Prioritize your applicationsRank your applications using a formulaic approach to

measuring risk.

Threat Rating

Sensitive Data Lifespan Compliance



Tier 1 Restricted Long High Yes

Tier 2 Private Mid Medium Yes

Tier 3 Public Short N/A No

Application Criteria

Map activity to your criteriaImplement your security testing strategy.

Depth, Breadth, Frequency

Threat Rating

Static Analysis

Dynamic Analysis

Manual Pen Test

Threat Modeling





Tier 1Required/

Major code changes

Required/Major code


Required/Per Milestone

Required/Per Release

Tier 2 Suggested/Monthly


Required/Per Release

Suggested/Per Release

Tier 3 Optional/Quarterly


Optional/As Needed

Optional/As Needed

Select your toolsSelecting your tool(s) should be the final step before

you start testing.•Apply your rankings to your tools selection.

•Determine your combination of automated vs manual tools.

-Consider how many applications, how much code and time-to-result.

-Do you need them to run on their own, or are they better used for a singular, manual purpose?

-Assume that automated tools cannot target business logic attacks.•Interpret your scan results with remediation in mind

Secure Development GuidanceA Real-Time In-Practice Companion Containing

4500+ Articles of Prescriptive Guidance and Code

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Take the TeamMentor Challenge!

TeamMentor for the individual, enterprise or partners:

• Go to: • This is the web version – a 2-week trial.

• Solve the challenge question and submit.• The winner will receive a new Microsoft Surface RT tablet.

• Full guidance library contains 4,500+ articles• Prescriptive guidance across technologies (.NET, Java, iOS, Android, C/C++)• Single user, cloud instance, business unit, enterprise-wide licensing available.• Partner organization licensing available also.• Contact us:

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