street fighter: the heart of the battle

Post on 21-Jul-2016






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a compilaton of a great bunch of artist (including me)



Disclaimer and Thanks

This fan graphic novel and the people who have created and contributed to it have no association with CAPCOM or UDON Entertainment nor claim any ownership to the “Street Fighter” franchise. This is a fan work made solely for entertainment purposes without intentions of profit from the work.

“Street Fighter: The Heart of Battle" is a not-for-profit fan graphic novel based on the "Street Fighter” video game franchise by CAPCOM.

“Street Fighter: The Heart of Battle” has been a labour of love and passion project for its producer, Sean Anderson, who not only conceived the project, but also wrote the original story for, edited, and primarily financed the work. The story was inspired by the heartwarming Street Fighter fan-fiction “Hero of Heroes” aka “Ryu and Chun-Li Forever” written by the late Brian William Yip (Night/NightDragon), the amazing “Street Fighter” comics produced by UDON Entertainment, and the awesome “Street Fighter” video games created by CAPCOM.

Sean Anderson would like to offer his heartfelt thanks to all the monetary donators, writers, and individual artists who helped him bring every part of “Street Fighter: The Heart of Battle” and its appendices to life. And Sean Anderson would like to offer an extra special thanks to Team Rotaner and its three art teams for working the hardest of all. Without Team Rotaner this book would simply not exist.

Sean Anderson would finally like to offer his deepest and greatest thanks to CAPCOM for creating “Street Fighter”. Sean hopes CAPCOM is pleased by this compilation of not-for-profit fan work, and, through this work, finds market potential for official Ryu and Chun-Li stories in the future.

CAPCOM is more than a company, and “Street Fighter” is more than a game. CAPCOM and “Street Fighter” are sources of amazing characters, stories, and inspiration that help people overcome fear and ignorance to accomplish creative feats they never thought possible.

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An Open Letter to CAPCOM


There is a story recorded by English dramatists John

Dennis in 1702 and Nicholas Rowe in 1709: that

Shakespeare was commanded by Queen Elizabeth to

write the play “The Merry Wives of Windsor”,

because she wanted to see his character Sir John

Falstaff, a character she was so very pleased with,

in love.

All of us who have our names and artwork in this

book humbly ask if you would do something similar

for us. “Street Fighter”, your creation that we have

loved for almost three decades, is the Shakespeare

of fighting games. As you read through this book,

we hope you see how we are so pleased with your

characters Ryu and Chun-Li that we hope to see a

story about them falling in love. Then, like Queen Elizabeth did Shakespeare, please

“command” someone to produce that story, either as part of canon or in the form of a

"What if...?" tale.

Regardless of whether the story was told in a game, comic, web series, animated film,

or some other medium, we would gladly pay to experience this story - and we are not

the only ones. We are a group of 100+ people from all over the world, diverse as the

“Street Fighter” characters themselves, who were willing to dedicate our time and

effort to make this Ryu and Chun-Li experience exist. Imagine how many MANY more

would be willing to consume such an experience if you were to take the risk and

produce one! And, of course, the story we have produced here is not the one you have

to tell, only an example of the kind of story we would like to see.

Along with our hopes for a Ryu and Chun-Li love story, this book exists for one other

very important reason: to thank you CAPCOM. Thank you, not only for “Street Fighter”,

but for all you have done for us, the fans, over the years, and all the creativity you

have inspired and helped flourish. You are truly something special.

We will end this hope-filled open letter to you, CAPCOM, with a correction. “Street

Fighter” is the Shakespeare of fighting games - almost. It has history. It has tragedy.

It has comedy. But unlike Shakespeare, what “Street Fighter” lacks is a romance

between two of its most iconic characters. We hope, after reading this book and seeing

the hard work and great story potential within, you will finally add that iconic romantic

story to “Street Fighter” with our favorite characters, Ryu and Chun-Li, as the stars.

Ryu and Chun-Li...

Alone they are formidable.

Together they are unbeatable.

Reunited after the events of Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike, Ryu and Chun-Li work together to solve one of the greatest mysteries in the Street Fighter universe: the origin of Q!

This not-for-proft fan-produced graphic novel is not only bursting with art and mini-comics from over one hundred amazing fan artists from all over the world, but also contains a story with action and romance that Street Fighter fans have wanted to read since Ryu and Chun-Li first appeared together in Street Fighter II!

Get ready for...



If you enjoy this book, and the idea of Ryu and

Chun-Li as a couple, let us know…

On Facebook: Ryu X Chun-Li Project

Using our Contact Form

Or send an e-mail to

We will compile all the comments we receive and

send them to CAPCOM, UDON Entertaiment, and

the producers of Street Fighter: Assassin’s Fist to

further show them the commercial potential of a

Ryu and Chun-Li story.

We look forward to hearing from you!

When I was first cast in “Street Fighter:

Assassin’s Fist” as Ryu, I instantly knew

that this was the role I was preparing and

hoping to play ever since I started my

career as a performer. What I did not fully

understand was the strength and passion

of the community of Street Fighter fans

around the world. I’ve interacted with so

many awesome fans of Street Fighter and

Sean Anderson is on the short list of the

most passionate. This is clearly evident in

the amount of care and thought that went

into “Street Fighter: The Heart of Battle”.

I’m humbled to be able to contribute to this

fan-made project for the fans. I was

fortunate enough to be involved in a project

that was created by superfans Joey Ansah

and Christian Howard, but also backed by

Capcom themselves. Although this book

may not be considered canon, it is so

refreshing to see such a well-crafted book

that gives Ryu a more human element to counterbalance the stoic personality

that is often showed in the games and films.

Ryu and Chun-Li are arguably the two most recognizable characters in the

Street Fighter universe and I’m sure many fans have wondered if they have

ever had a budding romance or if they’d ever end up together. I’ll admit, I’m

one of those people that wondered what it would be like if Ryu and Chun-Li

were a couple. “Street Fighter: The Heart of Battle” helps us fans see that

reality in a fun way.

I give Sean so much credit for having a vision and seeing it through to

completion. The path of a creative artist is a long and difficult one. The end

result is truly impressive and he should be very proud. I encourage all the

readers of the book to follow their creative passions. As Gouken says in Street

Fighter: Assassin’s Fist, “There are many paths to the top of the mountain, but

the view is always the same.”

Mike Moh


“Street Fighter II” was one of the first

games I ever played. I grew up

idolizing Chun-Li since then and have

always admired her beauty, strength,

and determination. As a child, I

dreamed of emulating her and now as

an adult I am able to embody that

through my Chun-Li cosplays. Chun-Li

will be one of those characters I will

most likely never retire. My love for

Chun-Li has definitely influenced me

throughout my life, inspiring me to

become the strong woman I am


“Street Fighter” is honestly one of my

favorite series of all time. When Sean

Anderson approached me about

participating in this project as well as

representing Chun-Li, I was truly

humbled. Not only could I be part of

something so great, but I also had the

opportunity to share my love for

“Street Fighter” with other fans.

For me, and for so many others, Ryu

and Chun-Li are the main characters

in “Street FIghter”. They have had the

most appearances together out of all the characters in the series. Many agree that

these two characters complement each other very well, which is why a romance

between them is a concept several fans, including myself, have been longing to

see. “Street Fighter: The Heart of Battle” definitely gives the two characters a

more humanistic and emotional feel. This story not only shows a love story

between Ryu and Chun-Li as very possible, but it also maintains all the elements

that are cornerstones in a strong Street Fighter story. It is evident that all the

people involved in bringing “Street Fighter: The Heart of Battle” to life have a true

passion for the “Street Fighter” franchise itself and a deep love and respect for the

characters involved. I have great respect for Sean Anderson, his art teams, and all

the contributors for their hard work and dedication. I also thank them for putting

together such an amazing project. They have truly shown that with hard work and

perseverance, dreams do come true.

Miss Gidget


After Sakura trained wIth me, I sent her to train wIth

Ken and Sean. Sean Improved greatly wIth sakura around, and she

wIth hIm. One thIng led to another and... they fell In love. They got marrIed In San Francisco. It was a

great weddIng. Now they’re on honeymoon In Europe.

we’re just startING. my kids and I are

building It ourselves, with help

from Yun, Yang, HOIMEI, and SHAOMEI. ONCE It’s done, the

dojo will double as our home.

I see… well, I’ll grab some food from the

kitchen and walk you to your hotel.

I’ve never had the chance to thank you for finally defeating Bison.

This is a plan based on chun-li’s

designs. I know some tricks that can save us some

time, but we’ll have to work together. Okay, here’s what we need to do.

She can’t stop looking at him.





at A private showing of Street Fighter: Assassin’s Fist...

He was my father. and he wasn’t

acting of his own free will. I’m

telling you it feels like a shadaloo


I’m not disagreeing with you. I’m just telling you what we can prove. And

while it’s true that q hadn’t been seen since we last fought bison, we never connected him to shadaloo or any

other criminal organization. if he was being controlled, it could have been by anyone - and they covered their tracks

well. we’ll keep digging, and let you know if we find anything. and chun-li...

i’m sorry.-click-

It’s...complicated, but when bison purged his soul of all light, that light became rose. They have a

connection. So if bison is still alive, Rose will know. if bison is no longer alive, not behind all this pain, then who is, and why?


ha! I could watch the pain on her face forever! Look at her! she

would have stayed with her father and died in the explosion

if Ryu hadn’t gotten to her.

I’m Afraid the Japanese Underworld is proving to be a

dead end as well, Chun-Li.

No luck, chun-li. there’s nothing left of S.I.N.

The illuminati completely wiped them out and took everything that wasn’t

nailed down.




I’ve been a wanderer forever. It’s my way of life. traveling

again should be easy. but now, as I look at her...

when Bison’s Shadaloo fell, urien’s organization took over. they

harassed me in the last Street Fighter tournament, but we’ve steered clear of each other since, just the

way I would like it.

Oh, did I do that?

I guess you and ryu won’t be

able to play house


I see it in your eyes, Ryu. I hear it in your voice when you speak of her. you care for her, but she’ll never

have you.


You tried to destroy everything I ever built, and now you insult me by not recognising me? Just for that, I will keep you just alive enough to watch ryu suffer at my hands.


Anyone who opposes

me will be destroyed!



Urien’s stolen mimetic warrior...


Who’s there? Who…?

Juri. The things she said. She’s… she’s Bison, somehow, isn’t she?

My clothes… My hair… How long have I been unconscious?

When Akuma first appeared, he defeated me, but spared my life in hopes I would offer him a greater challenge someday. He

corrupted my desire to train with fear.

In the world of street fighting, Akuma is the benchmark. He’s the glass ceiling that is

always there, but is never broken.

your thick skull?!


The Shadaloo tech in Juri’s eye and cruelty in her heart

make her a worthy host.

And I love the irony. Juri hated me. She tried to destroy me. She swore she would never be

under my control.

In the past...

One year ago...


we’re going, right?

Married for two

And when I dance here, I feel not just the life

of each tree, but the spirit of each fighter it


The trees of this place and I share a bond.

Each tree has grown tall and strong.

I planted each one for a fighter I have met.

Hmmm... two of the trees feel particularly strong today.

Ryu... chun-Li...It’s been so long since I’ve

seen them both.

Their spirits are full of such joy! Why? What has


Oh my...





Uhn... Where am I? The satsui no Hadou...

it’s gone! Where...?

Wait...I was dead. My heart torn from my chest. But now I’m... alive? how...?

I intercepted your spirit on its way to the next world and restored you. i did this because i have need of you. Your son has married my daughter and that union may destroy your

world...or save it.

I am ingrid, the eternal goddess.

Welcome back to life, Gouki. We need to talk.






American hospital of Paris in Paris, France.

I don’T know. The French police and I found ryu like this, and only because he managed to activate the GPS I gave you two as a wedding gift. the doctors say he’ll be all right, but he won’t be waking up for a while.

Ken, what happened to him?Ken, what happened

to him?

I don’t know, the French police and I found ryu like this, and only because he

managed to activate the GPS I gave him a while back. the doctors say he’ll be all

right. but he won’t be waking up for a while.

I know. but I’m not aware of any street fighters in France, except abel, and he would never tear up someone like this. I even spoke with him, but he was just as surprised to find out Ryu was in France as I was.

I need to know who did


I know. but I’m not aware of any street fighters in France, except abel, and he

would never tear up someone like this. I even spoke with him, but he was just as surprised to find out ryu was in France

as I was.

whoever did this to you, my love, I’ll find them.

I promise.

Guile? What are you doing here? and why would vega do this? he hates ryu, but not enough to hunt him down. i don’t even know why ryu is here in paris! he

was supposed to be in a tournament in america.

I came as soon as I heard ryu was in the hospital. it was part of a classified international mission.

we couldn’t tell anyone. vega has started recruiting people for his own crime syndicate. he

was meeting a new bunch of japanese recruits here in paris. the french government learned ryu was in the states, so they asked me to ask him to come here, go undercover, and take vega down.

I knew taking down vega would be something ryu

could handle. so I asked him. he said yes. but then he

ended up here. I’m sorry.

If there is one thing I don’t miss about my time with INTERPOL, it’s keeping


It’s not your fault. you needed help, and ryu makes his own

decisions. but now iI need to find out what happened.

Bonjour, Chun-Li. Did you come all the way to

the city of lights to brighten my day with a


Well, I hate to admit it, but it wasn’t just me. It was me and fifty mercenaries. things have

changed. my role as leader of a new organization doesn’t

always afford me time to face an opponent one on one. but the

approach was worth it, I knew knocking out ryu would bring you to me. i’ve been following

your romance with interest.

i’m here to pay you back for what you

did to ryu!

Concentrate your mind and channel your inner strength. in order to learn the shoryuken

and the shinku hadouken you must

draw on more ki than you have in the past.


You’re doing great, my love.

Stand down,

Chun-Li. He’s Beaten!

Guile called me and

told me where you were going. ryu has

regained consciousness. Why don’t you go see him. we’ll take it from


Hey there


sorry I disappeared

like that.

No more secrets. Ever.

you helped a friend dear to

us both. I understand.

Not Bad, Ryu.

Not bad at all.

the END


Watching him train like this... It’s amazing

how close we are now.


EEEEEE!best hug






you rule!!!



Sigh. It’s bEen almost thirty

years since these two characters

appeared together. I wish CAPCOM would...


If you enjoy this book, and the idea of Ryu and

Chun-Li as a couple, let us know…

On Facebook: Ryu X Chun-Li Project

Using our Contact Form

Or send an e-mail to

We will compile all the comments we receive and

send them to CAPCOM, UDON Entertaiment, and

the producers of Street Fighter: Assassin’s Fist to

further show them the commercial potential of a

Ryu and Chun-Li story.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Ryu and Chun-Li...

Alone they are formidable.

Together they are unbeatable.

Reunited after the events of Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike, Ryu and Chun-Li work together to solve one of the greatest mysteries in the Street Fighter universe: the origin of Q!

This not-for-proft fan-produced graphic novel is not only bursting with art and mini-comics from over one hundred amazing fan artists from all over the world, but also contains a story with action and romance that Street Fighter fans have wanted to read since Ryu and Chun-Li first appeared together in Street Fighter II!

Get ready for...


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