stress diary stress test

Post on 09-Mar-2016






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Assess your level of stress


WHAT IS YOUR LEVEL OF STRESS? Take a look below at the various lists of stresses and symptoms and then compare those with how you are feeling at this moment. [Tick those that apply to you]. Next, look for your score at the end of this self-test and you will discover your personal stress rating.

Stress Self Test score Add up your score to check how stressed you are: 0 – 4 symptoms: You are unlikely to be stressed. 5 – 8 symptoms: You are experiencing a mild form of stress and are not coping as well as you can. You need to make some changes. 9 – 12 symptoms: You are experiencing a moderate degree of stress. You need to make major changes to your life. 13 or more symptoms: You need to take urgent action to reduce your stress levels. The higher your score the more urgent is the need for action. GET YOUR STRESS ASSESSED AND FOR FREE PROFESSIONAL STRESS SUPPORT AND GUIDANCE JOINS US NOW @

Physical symptoms

□ tightness in chest

□ chest palpitations

□ indigestion or nausea

□ breathlessness

□ muscle twitches

□ aches/ pains

□ headaches

□ skin conditions

□ sleep problems/tiredness

□ constipation / diarrhoea

□ weight loss or weight gain

□ change in menstrual cycle

□ recurrence of previous illnesses/allergies

Emotional symptoms

□ mood swings

□ feeling anxious

□ feeling tense

□ feelings of anger

□ feelings of guilt

□ feelings of shame

□ have no enthusiasm

□ becoming more cynical

□ feeling out of control

□ feeling helpless

□ poor confidence

□ low self-esteem

□ poor concentration

Behavioural symptoms

□ drop in performance

□ more accident prone

□ drink &/or smokes more

□ overeat / appetite loss

□ sleeping patterns change

□ poor time-management

□ too busy to relax

□ withdrawing from relations

□ decreased libido

□ poor judgement

□ inability to express feelings

□ over-reacting

Psychological symptoms

□ ‘I am a failure’

□ ’I should be able to cope’

□ ‘Why me’?

□ ‘I don’t know what to do’

□ ‘I can’t cope’

□ ‘What’s the point’

□ ‘I cannot get on top of things’

□ ‘I am so forgetful’

□ ‘Self-doubt’

□ Negative self-talk

□ underestimating your skills

□ over-estimating your skills

Disclaimer: This 'test' is an informal informational tool, not a formal diagnostic test. The results are provided for general informational purposes only. It should NOT be used as a substitute for seeking professional care/advice to address health issues.

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