stress management

Post on 25-May-2015






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Full details of stress management. with a case study.!!!


  • 1. GROUP 3

2. PADIGA AKHILESH GO6155ABHIJIT PAWAR GO6158IKAS REDDY MAREPALLY GO6148 VENKAT ASHISH GO6149 R SAI PHANI DEEP GO6165 SUJIT PUND GO6161PUTTY VENKATESH GO6162 PEKETI PADMAKANTH GO615 3. Defines as!!!Stress is the bodys reaction to a change thatrequires a physical, mental or emotional adjustment or response. 4. When Mahesh joined in Indian Bank in 1985, hehad one clear goal to prove his potentiality. Hedid prove that and had been promoted 5 timessince his entry into the bank. Compared toothers, his progress has been the fastest.Currently his job demands that Mahesh shouldwork 10 hours a day with practically no holiday.At least, 2 days in a week Mahesh is required totravel. 5. Peers and subordinates at the bank have appreciation forMahesh. They dont grudge the success achieved by Mahesh,though there are some who wish they too had been promoted as well.The post of General Manager fell vacant. One should work as aGM a couple of years if he were to climb up to the top of theladder. Mahesh applied for the post along with others in thebank. The chairman has assured Mahesh that the post wouldbehis. 6. A sudden development took place, which almostwrecked Maheshs chances. The bank has thepractice of subjecting all its executives tomedical check up, once a year. The medicalreports go straight to the chairman whowould initiate remedial measures, wherenecessary. Though Mahesh was only 35, hetoo, was required to undergo the test. 7. The chairman of the bank received a copy of Maheshs medicalexamination results, along with a note from the doctor. The noteexplained that Mahesh was seriously overworked andrecommended that he be given an immediate 4 weeks vacation.The doctor also recommended that Mahesh must takephysical exercise, everyday. The note warned that if Maheshdid not care for the advice, he would be in for heart trouble inanother 6 months. 8. After reading the doctors note the chairman sat back inhis chair and started brooding over the situation. Threeissues were the uppermost in his mind:1. How would Mahesh take this news?2. How many others would have similar fitnessproblems?3. Since the environment in the bank helps createproblem, what could he do to solve it? 9. The idea of holding a stress managementprogram* is flashed in his mind and suddenly, heinstructed his secretary to set up a meeting withthe doctor and some key members at the earliest. 10. If the news is broken toMahesh, how would he react? 11. Blame 12. Anger 13. Dilemma 14. Depression 15. Anxiety 16. What would be recommend, ifyou were to give advice to thechairman on this matter? 17. Change theculture 18. Personalmanagement... 19. Working @ sea 20. Monthly medical test 21. Club membership 22. WHAT CAUSES STRESS ? LIFE EVENTS SUCH AS DIVORCE OR SEPARATION, DEATH OF A LOVEDONE, THE BIRTH OF A CHILD, MOVING, A MAJOR FINANCIALSETBACK, EMPLOYMENT CHANGES OR BECOMING THE VICTIM OF ACRIME OR NATURAL DISASTER DAILY EVENTS SUCH AS TRAFFIC CONGESTION, LONGCOMMUTES, WORKING OVERTIME, DEADLINES, PERSONALCONFLICTS, CAR TROUBLE, JOB STRESS, AND JUGGLING HOUSEHOLDCHORES AND CHILDCARE ENVIRONMENTAL STRESSORS SUCH AS POLLUTION, WEATHEREXTREMES OR EXCESSIVE NOISE PHYSICAL STRESSORS SUCH AS PHYSICAL INJURY, CHRONICPAIN, TIRING PHYSICAL ACTIVITY (SUCH AS TRAVELING), ANDUNSATISFIED PHYSICAL NEEDS SUCH AS HUNGER, THIRST OR LACK OF 23. 1.DEATH OF A SPOUSE2.DIVORCE3.MARITAL SEPARATION5.DEATH OF A CLOSE RELATIVE6.PERSONAL INJURY OR ILLNESS7.MARRIAGE8.FIRED FROM A JOB9.MARITAL RECONCILIATION10.RETIREMENT11.ILLNESS OF A RELATIVE12.PREGNANCY13.SEXUAL PROBLEMS14.BIRTH OR ADOPTION15.BUSINESS READJUSTMENTContinued 24. 16. Change in financial status17. Death of a close friend18. Change to different work19. Increased arguments with spouse20. loan for major purchase21. Foreclosure on mortgage or loan22. Change in job responsibilities23. Child leaving home24. Problems with in-laws25. Outstanding personal achievement26. Spouse begins or stops work27. Begin or end school28. Change in living conditions29. Changing personal habits30. Problems with your boss Continued 25. 31. CHANGE IN WORK32. HOURS/CONDITIONS33. CHANGE IN RESIDENCE OR SCHOOLRECREATION34. CHURCH OR SOCIAL ACTIVITIES35. MORTGAGE OR LOAN36. CHANGE IN SLEEPING HABITS37. CHANGE IN FAMILY GATHERINGS38. CHANGE IN EATING HABITS39. VACATION40. ANY FESTIVALS41. MINOR LAW VIOLATION 26. PREDISPOSING FACTORS FOR STRESS GENETIC FACTORS INABILITY TO ADAPT INADEQUATE RELAXATION RESPONSE RESPONSE ACTIVITY VARIATIONS AGE PERSONALITY ISOLATIONEnvironment 27. HOW TOMANAGE STRESS?? 28. ABC STRATEGYA = AWARENESSWhat causes you stress? How do you react? 29. B = BALANCEThere is a fine line between positive / negative stressHow much can you cope with before it becomes negative ? 30. C = CONTROLWhat can you do to help yourselfcombat the negative effects ofstress ? 31. Change your ThinkingRe-framing Change the way you look at thingsin order to feel better about them. There are many ways to interpretthe same situation so pick the oneyou like. Helps you view things in a differentlight and less stressfully. 32. Change your ThinkingPositive Thinking Forget failure, powerlessness,dejection.Focus on positives. Focus on your strengths Look for opportunities Seek out the positive - make a change. 33. Change your Behaviour Be assertive(Self Assured)insteadof aggressive. Assert your feelings, opinions, orbeliefs instead of becomingangry, defensive, or passive. Eliminate as many sources of stressas you can. If you cant remove thestress, remove yourself. Dont compete with others behappy with what you have. Remember, sometimes its okayto do nothing. 34. Be Assertive Helps to manage stressfulsituations, and help to reducetheir frequency. Lack of assertiveness oftenshows low self - esteem andlow self - confidence. The key to assertiveness isverbal and non - verbalcommunication. Express your thoughts, feelingsand beliefs directly, honestlyand spontaneously in ways thatdont go against the rights ofothers. 35. Get Organised Poor organisation is one of the most common causesof stress. Structured approaches. Prioritise objectives, duties and activities Dont overload your mind. Try doing only one thing at a time. 36. Time Management Make a listWhat MUST be done What SHOULD be doneWhat would you LIKE to do Cut out time wasting Learn to drop Say no or delegate 37. Humour(Mood) Good stress - reducer Applies at home and work Relieves muscular tension Improves breathing Pumps Endorphins into thebloodstream - the bodys naturalpainkillers 38. Diversion and Distraction Get away from things that bother you Doesnt solve the problem Reduce stress level Calm down Avoid predictably stressful situations. 39. Change Your Lifestyle Healthy Diet Exercise regularly Sleep Leisure time Relaxation Avoid Smoking &Alcohol Make time forhobbies and interests 40. STRESS SYMPTOMS AND ITS REMEDIES 41. WHAT IS STRESS? Stress is a normal physical response to event that make you feel threatened or upset your balance in some way.STRESS SYMPTOMS Emotional Symptoms Physical Symptoms Behavioral Symptoms 42. Emotional Symptoms Moodiness Irritability or short temper Agitation, inability to relax Feeling overwhelmed Sense of loneliness and isolation Depression or general unhappiness 43. Physical Symptoms Aches and pains Diarrhea or constipation Nausea, dizziness Chest pain, rapid heartbeat Loss of sex drive Frequent colds 44. Behavioral Symptoms Eating more or less Sleeping too much or too little Isolating yourself from others Procrastinating or neglecting responsibilities Using alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs to relax Nervous habits (e.g. nail biting, pacing) 45. Stress remedies: If the stress in your life is out of control, here are some simple stress relief methods you can implement into your life to improve your day. Express and embrace your feelings:Find a good friend and try to express your problem or ask fora remedy. Enjoy the outdoors or go for a long drive Brighten up your home Spiritual living & Spiritual thinking Slow down and enjoy your meals 46. Wear comfortable clothing:Wearing clothes which are not comfortable to us will make us think negatively and drags our main attention. Try to watch funny things or videos:There by one can get a relief, so that his brain can work properly. 47. RELATING THE FUNDAMENTAL MECHANICAL STRESSEQUATION TO PSYCHOLOGY.WKT: { Problems}{ Area of scope }Example: Students before the examinations. A Project manager who is highly engaged with a lot ofwork. 48. By that way I feel that :1. A proper Scheduling & Future planning can be preventive action to be away from stress.2. Most importantly Widening the scope of thinking can make the stress reduced3. Reading good spiritual books 49. CONCLUSION:This is the question I put to every man..Are you strong? Do you feel strength?Strength is the medicine for the worlds disease. What ever you think, That you will be; If you think yourselves weak Weak you will be; If you think yourselves strong, Strong you will be

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