stress mgmt ppt by govind

Post on 09-Nov-2014






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Stress Free Living

Presented by:Govind Kumar SahCSE-A1, 6th SemUE103036

What is Stress

It refers to failure to respond adequately to metal,Emotional or physical demand, whether actual or imagined.

It is the body’s reaction to a change that requires mental, physical or emotional adjustment or response.


Types Eustress are the so called ‘good stress’ or ‘positive stress’ it gives one a feeling of fulfillment and makes excited about life.

Distress is ‘negative stress’ caused by adverse events it can be further classified to acute stress or chronic stress.

sYMPtoMs of StReSS :

-cOgnItiVe -EMOtional MemORy Problem MooDinEss inaBILIty TO cONcenTRAte SHorT TEmPER PooR jUDGeMENT seNSe of tEMper

-PhYsicaL -bEHavIOUraL DiArrhEa or cOnsTipAtiON EAtinG mORe oR leSS NaUsEa OR diZZinEss slEEpinG too Much/too littlE FrEqueNT cOLd NegLECtiNg rESpoNSibIlitY

Causes of Stress

Causes of Stress are known as stressor.

‘’Any idiot can face a crisis , it’s the day-to-day Living that wears you out”-Anton Chekov

Daily Stressors:Misplacing keys Excess Noise Arguments Traffic Jams Gossip Lack of Sleep Queuing

Internal Stressors :

Beliefs Perception

low self-esteem Personality


“Stress resides neither in the situation nor in the person it depends on a transaction between the two…….”

Major Life Events

Death of Loved one

Relationship Issues Work Matters

Financial Problems

This is something you get from everywhere Now lets have a look and understand stress from a spiritual aspect!!

Stress is a form of pain which means that I need to change somewhere.

We have a tendency to blame outside, the People , friends, relatives , things and situations . This a very deep rooted thinking which indirectly means ‘we do not want to change , we want to control and change everything outside.

Stress has become a daily routine an integral Part of people’s lives something very normal.

Stress = Pressure Resilience

What we’re doing is trying to change the numerator Which is not in our control.

We must have a check of what is in our control i.e , the denominator, our inner powers!!

It all begins with a thought . We need to stop check and evaluate our thoughts.

Identifying Stress :

Stress free living starts with identifying the sources of Stress in your life. Your true sources aren’t always Obvious, and it’s all too easy to overlook your own Stress inducing thoughts, feelings and behaviour :

a. Keep a track of it b. What caused you stress? c. How you felt both physically & emotionally?d. How you acted in response? e. What you did to make yourself feel better?

A person experiences stress in all age groups.

When we’re young we have the capacity to cope up with stress.

But as we grow between 35-40 our body , due to wear and tear , gets weaker and a little trigger from outside leads to disease.

Today all scientists and doctors believe the root of disease lies in mind, all diseases are psychosomatic.

Stress has become an integral part of our life , just like a measure of success or status symbol . It’s like the person who is stressed is DOING SOMETHING!!

We have a belief system that when

stress is important for better performance , because of which nowadays , parents pressurize

children and at workplace seniors on the juniors , which creates fear and anxiety among them and they label it as a motivator, which is again wrong.

We face different sitations in our day to day lives it is not the situation but the response that counts because we can’t control the situations but our own response I.e our THOUGHTS!!!

While in Stress our body secretes adrenaline which creates stress hormones under which we tend to work faster, but more of it can result in a BURNOUT!!!

It is similar to walking and running , if we run from one place to another we’ll definitely reach faster but get tired VERY SOON!!

And now lets understand how to do away with stress. Firstly, we have a very complex lifestyle we Need to ease it down here are some of the tips:

1.Get 8 hrs of sleep per night so that you can think more clearly.

2.Don’t try to be friends with everyone cultivate closer friendship with fewer people.

3.Before getting angry ask yourself if it will really matter after 20yrs.

4.Focus on being a good person not on pleasing others.


6.Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill.

7.Don’t try to help those who refuse to help themselves.

8.Forgive and forget end of story

9.Never go to sleep angry

10.Refuse to gossip ,talk behind others back.

11.Turn off T.V/Video games/computers they’re time consumers

12.Be Useful

13.Don’t eat when aren’t hungry.

14.Tell the Truth

15.Get an annual physical examination

Short term remedies to Relax and Recharge

Read a good book Go for a walk Call a good friend Listen to music Spend time in nature Play with a pet

Permanent cure:

Daily get some time out for YOURSELF! Sit in a quiet place. Stop thinking about anyone or Anything. This is your time meant just for you! Sit in and relax in a comfortable posture and imagine yourself as a peaceful being…Peace prevails in u…your are filled with happiness and love…you are enjoying your life…your purpose is to be happy, peaceful and contented….you have good wishes for everyone in the world….!! Try this

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