stretching of hip joint muscles

Post on 21-Apr-2017






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By: Kanchan Sharma BPT 8 SEM (2013-2017) AMITY UNIVERSITY

Why do We do Hip Stretches?- Hip being a stable ball and socket type joint with an

inherently large range of motion. - It contains some of the largest muscle in the body as

well as some of the smallest. - Most people lack mobility due to a relatively sedentary

lifestyle. - Periods of prolonged sitting results in tightness of the

hip flexors and hamstrings. - Tightness in the muscles and ligaments can created

joint forces that result in arthritis, postural problems, bursitis, and mechanical back pain.

- Positioning of the hip affects pelvic and spinal posture and function so the regular performance of hip stretches will help you maintain a good posture and alignment.

STRECTHES Hip Flexors 1. IlioPsoas (Psoas major and iliacus)( Origin: Transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae)(Insertion: lesser trochanter of the femur)2. Rectus femoris(origin: anterior-inferior iliac spine of the ilium)(Insertion: Top of the patella and patellar ligament to the tibial


SELF-STRETCHTo stretch the left hip flexors kneel on your left knee and

put your right foot in front of you such that your right hip and knee are about 90 degrees.

- Put a cushion on the floor for your knee if you find this uncomfortable.

- Put your left hand on your left hip and push your left hip forward so that it is in front of your left knee.

- Keep your chest up and don't bend forward at the hips.

Hip Extensors1. Semimembranosus(Origin: Ischial tuberosity)(Insertion: Medial surface of the tibia)2. Semitendinosus(Origin: Ischial tuberosity)(Insertion: Medial surface of proximal end of the tibia)3. Biceps Femoris(Origin: Long head - ischial tuberosity)Short head - lower half of the linea aspera)(Insertion: Head of the fibula)4. Gluteus Maximus(Origin: lower posterior iliac crest andposterior surface of the sacrum)(Insertion: gluteal tuberosity & I.T. band)

SELF STRETCHThe standing hamstring stretch( depends on pelvic positioning) - Stand and face a chair or table.- Keep your chest up and back straight.- Bend forward at the hips until you feel a stretch in the back of your thighand maintain a 30 second hold.

The hamstring stretch throughthe doorway- This stretch is performed by lying on the floor with one leg on the wall and the other flat on the floor through the doorway.- Pull yourself closer to the wall as you feel a stretch and hold 30 seconds.

Hip Abductors1. Gluteus Medius(Origin: outer surface of the ilium just below the crest)(Insertion: greater trochanter)2. Gluteus Minimus(Origin: outer surface of the ilium beneath the gluteus

medius)(Insertion: greater trochanter of the femur)3. Tensor Fascia Lata(Origin: iliac crest)(Insertion: IT band)

Hip Rotators1. Piriformis (Origin: anterior part of sacrum)(Insertion: greater trochanter)2. Obturator Internus and Externus (Origin: Exernal surface of obturator membrane and anterior

bony margins of obturator foramen)(Insertion- Posteromedial surface of greater trochanter of

femur)3. Quadatratus Femoris(Origin: Lateral margin of obturator ring above ischial

tuberosity)(Insertion: Intertrochanteric crest of proximal posterior femur)

Internal Rotators- To stretch the left side in sitting cross your left leg over

the right so that your left ankle is laying across your right thigh.

- Put your left hand on your left thigh and gently press down until you feel resistance.

- Then tilt forward at the hips slowly as you exhale. (keep your chest up and your back straight. Don't allow yourself to hunch forward or lose the normal lordosis in your lower back.

- Hold this position for 30 seconds.

External Rotators-To stretch the left side, begin with your left ankle laying across your right thigh.-Grab hold of the left knee with both hands and pull your left knee up toward your right shoulder.-Pull to the point of resistance but not pain as you exhale slowly and hold this for 30 seconds.

Floor hip stretch 1- Sit on the floor with your left knee bent in front of you and

your right knee out to the side with right foot behind you. Bring your left foot around such that it touches the right knee.

- Put your hands on the floor in front of you with your arms straight. Inhale and lift your chest up.

- Breath out as you lower your shoulders over your front knee until you feel a gentle stretch.

- Inhale as you raise your chest while maintaining a good curvature in your lower back.

- Lower yourself again forward and repeat this until you can lower yourself to the floor.

- Rest your head on your hands and relax your breathing to allow the stretch to go further.

- When you are exhaling slowly look around toward the back leg and move your hands toward that direction.

Floor hip stretch 2- Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the

floor.- Cross your left leg over the right so that your left ankle is

across your right knee.- Keep your head and chest flat on the floor. Tighten your

abdominal muscles and push your lower back down against the floor and lift your right foot up off the floor.

- As you are lifting your right foot, hold onto your left ankle with your right hand and gently push your left knee down away from you.

- Hold this position for 30 seconds, relax, and breath.

Hip Adductors1. Adductor Brevis(Origin: Inferior ramus of pubis)(Insertion: Linea aspera)2. Adductor Longus(Origin: front of the pubis just below its crest)(Insertion: middle third of the linea aspera)3. Adductor Magnus(Origin: edge of the pubic crest and ischial tuberosity)(Insertion: linea aspera) 4. Pectineus(Origin: pubic crest or ramus)(Insertion: below the linea aspera)5. Gracilis(Origin: pubic crest)(Insertion: medial condyle of tibia)

SELF STRETCHES 1.- Kneel onto your left knee and put your right foot in front of you such that your right knee is at 90 degrees.- Inhale and slide your left knee out to the side and back. Exhale and left your chest up.

2.- Slowly work your legs apart as far as they will go. Hold this and relax for a few seconds.- Now as you exhale bend forward at your hips until you feel more resistance. - Be sure to keep chest up and maintain. a lumbar lordosis (normal inward curvature of the lower back)  - Hold this position for 30 seconds.

Iliotibial Band Stretches-Stand with your left side facing a wallor chair.Put your left foot behind your right footand point the toes of your left foot out about 45 degrees.- Put your right hand on your right hip and while keeping your left leg straight,push your hip in toward the wall.- A common mistake made when performing this stretch is to bend forward at the hips or to rotate the body.- Make sure you remain upright and keep your torso perpendicular to wall.


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