strima september 18, 2002. world trade center changed our vision of disaster september 11, 2001

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September 18, 2002

World Trade CenterWorld Trade Center

Changed Our Vision of Disaster

September 11, 2001

Types of DisastersTypes of DisastersTypes of DisastersTypes of Disasters

• Natural– Tornadoes

– Floods

– Hurricanes

– Fires

– Earthquakes

– Drought

• Natural– Tornadoes

– Floods

– Hurricanes

– Fires

– Earthquakes

– Drought

Types of DisastersTypes of DisastersTypes of DisastersTypes of Disasters

• Man-Made– Nuclear– Biological– Chemical– Cyberterrorism– Terrorist Acts

• Man-Made– Nuclear– Biological– Chemical– Cyberterrorism– Terrorist Acts

Security experts worry that al Qaeda terrorists may becoming more technically sophisticated, and suggest more security to guard against attacks launched via computer networks. (DefenseLINK)


"Kill one, frighten ten thousand."

Sun Tzu

”...the unlawful use--or threat--of force or violence against people or property to coerce or intimidate governments or societies, often to achieve political, religious, or ideological objectives."

"Kill one, frighten ten thousand."

Sun Tzu

”...the unlawful use--or threat--of force or violence against people or property to coerce or intimidate governments or societies, often to achieve political, religious, or ideological objectives."

Pearl HarborPearl HarborPearl HarborPearl Harbor

Bombing at BBC

Sunday March 4, 2001“A bomb attack has occurred on the BBC's television headquarters in west London. One man was injured in the blast, which happened as a bomb disposal team was trying to rid the area of the explosive.”© BBC

Terrorist Attacks WorldwideTerrorist Attacks Worldwide

Friday August 3, 2001

“A bomb blast occurred in Ealing ,West London sponsored by the Real IRA which caused injury to seven people and property damage for more than 200 meters “


Saturday August 7, 1998

“A bomb explodes in Nairobi, Kenya -its target is the American Embassy in Kenya resulting in 231 deaths, thousands injured, and $500 million dollars worth of damages including those sustained by twelve nearby complexes”


Monday September 13, 1999

“A powerful explosion ripped through an apartment building in southern Moscow early Monday, killing at least 23 people and leaving dozens unaccounted for. The Ministry of Emergency Management said at least 23 people were killed in Monday's explosion. The event leveled the building, which housed about 150 people.”


Terrorist Attacks WorldwideTerrorist Attacks Worldwide

Sept. 11, 2001 — considered the worst attack in history, hijackers crashed two planes into the WTC eventually causing its collapse and the loss of more than 3,000 lives . In a related incident, the pentagon was attacked causing death and injury to several hundred civil servants. Total costs for the two attacks are estimated at more than $30 billion

The US Grapples with TerrorismThe US Grapples with Terrorism

April 19, 2001 - a recent memorial was held to mark the sixth anniversary of the Oklahoma bombing which killed 168 people and commenced the era of a new threat “ intra-terrorism”. It also caused several million dollars in property damage

Nuclear/ Biological / ChemicalNuclear/ Biological / ChemicalNBCNBC

Nuclear/ Biological / ChemicalNuclear/ Biological / ChemicalNBCNBC

• Nuclear

– Thermonuclear

Fusion bombs have higher kiloton

yields and greater efficiencies

than fission bombs.

– Dirty Bombs

Device uses conventional

explosives to disperse

radioactive material

across a potentially wide area.


• Biological

– Smallpox

– Anthrax

– Plague

– Botulism

– Typhus Fever

– Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers (Ebola)



Design and Use

Blister Mustard Gas - HD

Blood Cyanide - AC

Nerve Gas Sarin - GB

Chemical ThreatChemical ThreatChemical ThreatChemical Threat

•25,000+ commercial facilities worldwide Produce/ process/stockpile chemicals Fall within the scope of the Chemical

Weapons Convention 1984 Bhopal, India (Methylisocyanate)

• Include dual use chemicals Legitimate industrial purposes Chemical warfare agents

Chemical Threat (Cont.)Chemical Threat (Cont.)Chemical Threat (Cont.)Chemical Threat (Cont.)

• 70,000+ different chemicals (billions of tons)

Produced/processed/consumed yearly by the global chemical industry.

• Chemicals sufficiently hazardous to be a threat, either by deliberate or accidental release.

FM 3-14

• 70,000+ different chemicals (billions of tons)

Produced/processed/consumed yearly by the global chemical industry.

• Chemicals sufficiently hazardous to be a threat, either by deliberate or accidental release.

FM 3-14

Toxic Industrial ChemicalsToxic Industrial ChemicalsToxic Industrial ChemicalsToxic Industrial Chemicals

• Chlorine

• Ammonia

• Solvents

• Pesticides

• Fertilizer

• Petrochemicals

• Chlorine

• Ammonia

• Solvents

• Pesticides

• Fertilizer

• Petrochemicals

• FBI Statistics on Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) show:

• 1998 - FBI opened 181 cases related to WMD events, 112 were biological in nature

• 1999 - 267 cases, 187 biological in nature

• 2000 - 257 cases, 115 biological in nature

• 2001 - 100 cases, 67 biological in nature PRIOR to September 11

• 9/11/01 - 11/6/01

• 7,089 Suspicious Anthrax Letters

• 950 Other WMD reports (bombs, etc..)

• 29,331 telephone calls reporting suspicious packages

NBC ThreatNBC ThreatNBC ThreatNBC Threat


“It doesn’t matter whether it’s al Qaeda or a nation-state or the teenage kid up the street. Who does the damage to you is far less important than the fact that damage can be done. You’ve got to focus on your vulnerability…and not wait for the FBI to tell you that al Qaeda has you in its sights.” - Richard A. Clarke, Bush’s Cybersecurity Adviser

“When you work out the percentage of corporate budgets spent on IT security, it’s less than 1 percent. Most organizations spend more on coffee than IT security.” - Computer Associates

“It doesn’t matter whether it’s al Qaeda or a nation-state or the teenage kid up the street. Who does the damage to you is far less important than the fact that damage can be done. You’ve got to focus on your vulnerability…and not wait for the FBI to tell you that al Qaeda has you in its sights.” - Richard A. Clarke, Bush’s Cybersecurity Adviser

“When you work out the percentage of corporate budgets spent on IT security, it’s less than 1 percent. Most organizations spend more on coffee than IT security.” - Computer Associates

Kidnapping 1991 - 1999Kidnapping 1991 - 1999Kidnapping 1991 - 1999Kidnapping 1991 - 1999

Latin America / Colombia - OVER 4,000 ANNUALLY !

83% of Worldwide Total

Mexico - 1,320

Brazil - 642

Philippines - 547

United States -221

Guatemala - 196

Russia - 186

Venezuela - 129

Pakistan - 459

India - 97

* Note that many kidnappings go unreported

Anti-US Attacks - 2000Anti-US Attacks - 2000Anti-US Attacks - 2000Anti-US Attacks - 2000

Source: CIA

Type of Event Total U.S. Targets Attacked

Bombing - 179

Kidnapping - 11

Armed Attack - 4

Other - 3 Arson - 2

Firebombing - 1

Business - 178

Other - 17

Military - 6

Diplomat - 3 Government - 2

The Business Cost of TerrorismThe Business Cost of Terrorism

• • GGovernment and corporate overnment and corporate interests face increasing interests face increasing risks worldwiderisks worldwide

• • American businesses are American businesses are now seen as the largest now seen as the largest target of terrorism, but target of terrorism, but no no business is immunebusiness is immune

• • This fact translates into risk This fact translates into risk of business interruption of business interruption losses, increased capital losses, increased capital expenditures, and employee expenditures, and employee casualtiescasualties

Total US Targets Attacked












Crisis Management PlanningCrisis Management PlanningCrisis Management PlanningCrisis Management Planning

• Identify Your Vulnerabilities

Everyone Everyone ISIS Vulnerable !!! Vulnerable !!!

• Develop Solutions / Plans that Mitigate Risk

• Communicate Strategies to Appropriate Management / Staff

• Test

• Evaluate Results

• Political Organizations pose the greatest danger and include the following:

– Real IRA in Northern Ireland– Basque Separatists-Spain– Revolutionary Armed Forces of

Colombia-(FARC)– Aum Shinrikyo-Japan

• Terrorist Threats can also include non-political organizations:

– animal rights activists– anti-abortion activists

• Political Organizations pose the greatest danger and include the following:

– Real IRA in Northern Ireland– Basque Separatists-Spain– Revolutionary Armed Forces of

Colombia-(FARC)– Aum Shinrikyo-Japan

• Terrorist Threats can also include non-political organizations:

– animal rights activists– anti-abortion activists

• “Trophy” Building -- high profile, landmark

• Some Businesses are likely Targets:

– Electric/Gas Utilities– Petrochemical– Telecommunications– Large Consumables – Banking/Financial Services

• Just being near a Target places you at Risk

– Properties around WTC – Hilton in Colombo, Sri Lanka – Bombing in Ealing, West London

• “Trophy” Building -- high profile, landmark

• Some Businesses are likely Targets:

– Electric/Gas Utilities– Petrochemical– Telecommunications– Large Consumables – Banking/Financial Services

• Just being near a Target places you at Risk

– Properties around WTC – Hilton in Colombo, Sri Lanka – Bombing in Ealing, West London

Threats & VulnerabilitiesThreats & Vulnerabilities Threats & VulnerabilitiesThreats & Vulnerabilities

Mitigating RiskMitigating RiskMitigating RiskMitigating Risk


– Address risks (Natural/Man-made)

– Does the nature of your business make you a target?

– Does our geography signal possible natural disasters? (ex. - San Francisco = Earthquakes; India = Monsoons)

– Develop Action Plan - Employee inventory, call-down list, drills and escape routes, Information

Systems backup

– Communicate!

Mitigating Risk Mitigating Risk (con’t)(con’t)Mitigating Risk Mitigating Risk (con’t)(con’t)


– Implement appropriate plan in the event of an actual crisis

– Communicate!


– How effective was the emergency plan?

– What modifications should be made?

– Communicate!

Threat Vulnerability and Risk Threat Vulnerability and Risk AssessmentAssessment

Threat Vulnerability and Risk Threat Vulnerability and Risk AssessmentAssessment

Threat Vulnerability and Risk Threat Vulnerability and Risk AssessmentAssessment

Threat Vulnerability and Risk Threat Vulnerability and Risk AssessmentAssessment

PATROL ProgramPATROL ProgramPATROL ProgramPATROL Program

International Terrorists Incidents - 2000International Terrorists Incidents - 2000September 11, 2001 Changed the World’s Vision of Disaster

International Terrorists Incidents - 2000International Terrorists Incidents - 2000September 11, 2001 Changed the World’s Vision of Disaster

Source: CIA

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