structure 2 – assignment 3.pptx

Post on 17-May-2017






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1. Which part of the sentence is a dependent clause?The rice which we had for dinner was good

a. The rice which we had for dinnerb. Which we had for dinnerc. Which we had for dinner was goodd. The rice was good

2. Which of the following is a compound sentence?

a. He was tiredb. He was tired, so he went to bedc. He was tired because he played all dayd. Although he was tired, he was happy

and he met a lot of new friends

3. Which part of the sentence is an adjective clause?The women who brought the yellow umbrella was tripped because the road was slippery

a. The women who brought the yellow umbrella

b. The woman was trippedc. Who brought the yellow umbrellad. Because the road was slippery

4. Which of the following is not a coordinate conjunction?

a. Andb. Orc. Yetd. That

5. … the teacher … the students … in the classroom yesterday

a. not only, but also, wasb. either, nor, werec. either, or, wasd. neither, nor, were

6. A : … B : I am a teacher

a. What do you do?b. What are you doing?c. What will you be?d. Who is he?

7. Lets go to the beach, … ?

a. Shall we?b. Wont we?c. Lets not?d. Lets?

8. Change this sentence into passive sentence:Mira makes me a cake

a. A cake made Mira by meb. I made a cake by Mirac. I was made by Mira to a caked. A cake was made by Mira to me

9. Mira is … by a snake

a. Brokingb. Frightenedc. Composedd. Qualifying

10. Drink your tea, …

a. It’s getting coldb. It get coldc. It got coldd. It is cold

11. He is always proud … being a farmer

a. Aboutb. Ofc. Tod. With

12. Do you mind … the chair for me?

a. Repairb. To repairc. Repairingd. Repaired

13. I would like … in English well

a. Speakb. To speakc. Speakingd. To speaking

14. The traffic light turns to red. He has to stop …

a. Driveb. To drivec. Drivingd. To driving

15. He avoided … my questions

a. Answerb. To answerc. Answeringd. Answered

16. She invited … to her party

a. Comeb. To comec. Comingd. Marcel to come

17. Even though I'm on a diet, I can’t resist … an ice cream

a. Eatb. To eatc. Eatingd. Ate

18. I prefer …

a. Skiing to snowboardingb. Skiing than snowboardingc. To ski than snowboardingd. To ski to snowboard

19. You can clean the vegetables … it … water

a. By washing, withb. With washing, byc. By wash, withd. To washing, by

20. My daughter is …

a. Enough young to go to schoolb. Young enough going to schoolc. Too young going to schoold. Too young to go to school

21. He likes John better than …

a. does Tomb. Tom doesc. He does Tomd. Tom does she

22. The mountains in Irian are higher than …

a. Sulawesib. Sulawesi arec. The mountains are in Sulawesid. The mountains in Sulawesi are

23. Which of the following sentence is a correct sentence?

a. More people come, the more excitingb. The more it is exciting, happierc. The more you work, the less you restd. More you study, more you tired

24. Which of the following sentence is a correct sentence?

a. Phyisic is the hardest between the twob. Of the two students, Mira is the

smarterc. Between the two subject, writing is the

most difficult for med. Unquestionably, of the two, my father

works the hardest

25. She needs to buy … eggs to make the cake

a. Moreb. More ofc. The mored. Many more

26. We need … these flour to make pancake

a. Moreb. More ofc. The mored. Many more

27. You will need … eggs and … butter

a. fewer, lessb. less, fewerc. more, fewerd. less, more

28. Complete the sentence by changing the question into noun clause

How old is Mira?I don’t know …

a. how old is Mirab. how old Mira isc. Mira is oldd. how Mira is old

29. Complete the sentence by changing the question into noun clause

Whose book is that?Could you tell me …

a. whose book is thatb. whose book that isc. that book isd. whose that book is

30. Complete the sentence by changing the question into noun clause

Where is Mira’s house?I don’t know…

a. where is Mira’s houseb. where Mira’s house isc. Mira’s house isd. what is Mira’s house

31. Complete the sentence by changing the question into noun clause

Is she alright?Could you tell me …

a. is she alrightb. she is alrightc. if she is alrightd. when she is alright

32. Which of the following sentence had the same meaning with:I don’t know what I should call you

a. I should call you I don’t knowb. Should I call you I don’t knowc. I don’t know what to call youd. What to call you I don’t

33. Will Mira come to Busan next month? I hope …

a. if she will comeb. that she will comec. will she comed. when she will come

34. Which of the following is the correct reported statement for this quoted statement?Mira said, “I want bakmi goreng”

a. Mira said I wanted bakmi gorengb. Mira says I want bakmi gorengc. Mira said me that she wants bakmi

gorengd. Mira said that she wanted bakmi


35. Which of the following is the correct reported statement for this quoted statement?Henry said, “You should stay here”

a. Henry told you should stay hereb. Henry said me that you should stay

herec. Henry told me that I should stay hered. Henry told that I should stay here

36. Which of the following is the correct reported statement for this quoted statement?Mira said, “I will call you later”

a. Mira said that she will call you laterb. Mira said that she would call me laterc. Mira told that she would call you laterd. Mira told that she will call me later

37. Which of the following is the correct reported question for this quoted question?Mira said, “Is she alright?”

a. Mira said is she alrightb. Mira said if she was alrightc. Mira asked if she was alrightd. Mira ask whether is she alright

38. Which of the following is the correct reported question for this quoted question?Mira said, “what are you doing here?”

a. Mira asked me what I was doing hereb. Mira asked what am I doing herec. Mira asked me what are you doing

hered. Mira said what did you do here

39. Which of the following is the correct reported order for this quoted order?Mira said, “Study harder!”

a. Mira advised to study harderb. Mira advised me to study harderc. Mira advised me studying harderd. Mira instruct to study harder

40. Which of the following is the correct reported order for this quoted order?Mira said, “Please come to my house”

a. Mira invited me to come to my houseb. Mira invited me to come to her housec. Mira invited to come to your housed. Mira invited to come to my house

41. You can go … you want

a. afterb. beforec. anytimed. until

42. We can leave … I wash my clothes

a. afterb. beforec. anytimed. until

43. She went to the place … her mother was born

a. whereb. anywherec. everywhered. wherever

44. I have looked for him …, but I couldn’t find him

a. whereb. anywherec. everywhered. wherever

45. Mira was … smart student … she could solve all the problems

a. so, thatb. such, thatc. such a, thatd. such an, that

46. Mira was nervous for the oral test. …

a. as a result she could not speak wellb. so she could not express even a wordc. As a result, she could not express

even a wordd. so that she failed the test

47. Mira turned off the light, …

a. so that I could sleepb. so that I can sleepc. therefore I can sleepd. for the fear that I could sleep

48. Which of the following is not the conjunction for adverbial clause of opposition?

a. Thoughb. Whilec. Inasmuch asd. Where

49. I still have a headache, …

a. although I have taken the medicineb. whereas I have seen the doctorc. in spite of the aspirind. but I have seen the doctor

50. … the rain, the race is being cancelled

a. Due tob. Becausec. Sinced. Now that

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