struggle & survival

Post on 10-May-2015






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Struggle & SurvivalBy: Sabrina Kiss

As early as 1508 naives sighted Spanish ships off the coast of eastern Mexico

The arrival of the Spanish coincided with the Aztecs spiritual beliefs of gods returning to there land

Ocelotl was born in 1496, came from a family of priest and priestesses

Ocelotl predicted the coming of the bearded white men

In 1521 Tenochititlan fell and Moctezuma was killed Before his death Moctezuma ordered the release of


Chapter 7

Ocelotl escaped smallpox and the murdering of fellow people and fled to the city of Tetzcoco

The surviving Aztecs were converted or persecuted by the Spanish for there beliefs

Ocelotl used his knowledge and business savvy to survive

Ocelotl was christened with the name Martin Ocelotl stayed with has former beliefs , too

strong to be fully converted He became friends with important Spanish and

made a good amount of money

Martin Ocelotl

Isabel Moctezuma Isabel was an Aztec

princess She was the most

prominent Indian women in Mexica for three decades

In 1526 Cortes granted Isabel the revenues and income from the village of Tacuba

From the beginning of the colonial period, the Spanish attempt to convert the natives to church abiding Catholics had been unsuccessful do to the pride the natives of Peru had in their beliefs

The church tried to force the natives to attend church

This transformed the economic and political structure of the natives

Chapter 2

Every year between 1,500 and 3,000 ships entered the port of Lisbon

“There were more ships in Lisbon the rest of Italy put together”

The port was being imported with herbs of the spice island, products of china, precious stones from India and Sugar from Brazil. Basically anything you could think of..

Chapter 8

During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries the Manao warriors roamed freely throughout the northwester Amazonia

They were seen by Europeans about 1640 and 1690

They were fierce and feared by their neighbors

When the Dutch showed up they traded everything from shelled necklaces to fish with the tribe

Chapter 15 & 16

Chapter 15 & 16

Frontiersman from Portugal headed into the hills looking for gold

Enslaving people along the way , conquering land and establishing mining camps

Whenever gold was found settlements were set up

The rest of the country was left the same and the Indians fought back when they could

Chapter 6

The Caiapo were natives who fought back They attacked travelers and severely

disrupted communication They refused to make peace or settle like

the rest of their countryman The government tried to pay off the Caiapo


Juan de Morga and Gertrudis de Escobar were slaves in the heartland of New Spain

They lived in central America in the middle of the seventeenth century

They were slaves working in ether the sugar plantations or the silver mines

Working side by side with African slaves They were looked at as nothing because

they did not attend mass or worship

Chapter 9

Juan had been born a slave in Oaxaca around 1627

Unlike most slaves he could read and write Because of the Spanish inquisition decant

innocent people were tortured and murdered “For God”

Juan de Morga

Opechancanough was the much vilified architect of bloody Indian uprisings in1622 and 1644

He was trained from child hood to be a warrior and a leader

His tribe the Powhatans were proud and very complex politically

Chapter 1

Opechancanough accepted a peace a peace treaty in 1614

After Opechancanough learned of Pocahontas’ death he was grief stricken and left his position to the next in line


Red shoes was a native American and a member of the Choctaw

They were a nation of 20,000 at the beginning of the 18th century

European disease devastated the Choctaw and was wiping them off the map

Red Shoes thought that he could learn from the Europeans as the Europeans learned from them

Chapter 3

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