student achievement in the 21st century

Post on 17-Jan-2015






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Student achievement in the 21st century is dependent upon our educational programs. Community Learning Centers, before-and-after school activities, grant funding, and Race to the Top District Competitions are all factors in educational achievement. In this presentation you will learn how to build a successful Community Learning Center and get tips on how to receive more funding through TelePresenece Endpoints, TelePresenece infrastructure, and MXE/Show and Share. Audio is available for this presentation at


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Realizing Student Achievement in the

21st Century

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Today we will discuss:

• The purpose of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers program

• Examples of past funded projects

• A sampling of state 21st Century grant requirements

• Tips for building a successful community learning center

• A look at the new Race to the Top Districts program

• Resources available to help

• Technologies that are transforming schools

Today’s Agenda

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• Team of Regional Grant Managers for direct support

• Grant education/training and funding research services

• Feedback on applicant eligibility and project competitiveness

• Provide targeted grant application and writing support on a case-by-case basis

• Consult on post-funding project implementation

Cisco Grant Strategy Team (GST) Overview

21st Century Community Learning Centers

• Support President’s education goals

• Help students meet standards

• Provide academic enrichment

• Offer literacy and other educational services to families of participating children

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Funds the development and delivery of before and after school activities (including summer) that:

2012 Priority: States must give priority to applications that are submitted jointly by a local educational agency and a community based organization or other public or private entity

After School Activities

• Remedial education

• Academic enrichment learning programs

• Mathematics and science education

• Arts and music education

• Entrepreneurial education

• Tutoring services

• Programs for LEP students

• Telecommunications and technology education programs

• Assistance to students that have been truant, suspended or expelled

• Drug and violence prevention programs

• Counseling programs

• Character education programs

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Examples of Past Funded Projects

• Akron City Schools, OH

• Putnam County Schools, FL

• Los Angeles Unified School District, CA

• Lynchburg City Schools, VA

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A Sampling of State 21st Century Grant Requirements

Florida Department of Education

• Target Title I SWP-eligible schools or schools with at least 40% low

income families

• Deadline in June (June 15, 2012)

• $15 million available

• Broad eligibility

• 100% in years 1 and 2

• 80% in years 3 through 5

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A Sampling of State 21st Century Grant Requirements

Texas Education Agency

• Focuses on dropout prevention – students who are off track

• Deadline in March (Deadlines depend on year)

• $102 million available

• Administered by Afterschool Centers on Education

• Most of the 2012 funding went for continuation

• Look for an opportunity to apply for new funding in 2013

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A Sampling of State 21st Century Grant Requirements

New York State Education Department

• RFP will be released October 1, 2012

• Activities will need to be strongly aligned and coordinated with:

• Regularly scheduled school day

• New York State Learning Standards, including Common Core

• Social and Emotional Development and Learning Guidelines

• Program activities that will support school and district goals

• Regent’s Reform priority for college and career readiness

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Building a Successful Community Learning Center

10 Key Tasks for quality programming

1. Conduct Community & Campus Needs Assessment

2. Involve Community & Conduct Ongoing Outreach

3. Develop Program Strategies & Implement Activities

4. Recruit Students & Families

5. Resource Your Program (Staffing and Partners)

6. Manage Data Collection & Reporting

7. Implement Processes for Sound Fiscal Management

8. Maintain Quality Assurance Across Program

9. Develop Grantee & Center Project Plans

10. Improve Management Practices

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Source: PRIME Blueprint for Texas ACE

Race to the Top: District Competition

• Goal: To personalize education for all students

• Competitive priority:

• Integrate public or private resources to augment RTT-D

• Program priority

• Personalized learning environments

• Non-rural LEAs in Race to the Top states

• Rural LEAs in Race to the Top states

• Non-rural LEAs in non-Race to the Top states

• Rural LEAs in non-Race to the Top states

• $383 million available for 15-25 grants of $5-40 million

• Deadline: October 30, 2012 (full proposal), August 30, 2012 (LOI)

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Resource URL

After School Alliance

Annenberg Institute for School Reform

US Dept of Education

National Center for Quality Afterschool

Grants Office

Federal Grants Clearinghouse

School IT Grants Info

1. Learn as much as possible about each program to which you intend to apply.

2. Involve others in your project, but be judicious; have a purpose for their involvement.

3. Customize each proposal to the requirements of the funder.

4. Get reviewers comments for non-winning proposals and use their feedback in future proposals (

5. Include only support letters that demonstrate a real commitment on the part of the sender.

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10 Tips for Getting More Grants

6. Make grantseeking part of your agency’s strategy; don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

7. Be specific in your budget; most funders have generous allowances for budget length.

8. Don’t include materials other than those specifically requested by the funder.

9. Have an outsider edit your proposal before you submit it.

10.Follow directions.

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10 Tips for Getting More Grants

Applicable Cisco Solutions:

TelePresence Endpoints

TelePresence Infrastructure

MXE / Show and Share

In Some Cases:


Quad / IWE

Cius Tablets

Core Infrastructure

Uses of Cisco Technology in Education:

Distance and Online Learning (virtual field trip, teacher sharing)

Access to Education

Professional Development

Faculty-Student-Parent Collaboration

Student Engagement

Blended Learning

Education Grants Webcast Series – Sponsored by Cisco

Click “View Event Recordings”

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Recommended Next Steps: Contact Cisco for Technology Solutions and how they fit into grants Replay the weekly web cast series on stimulus activities

Stephanie Jones


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For Grants Development:

Dan Casion

Manager of Grants Development Services

(585) 473-1430 ext. 113

For other inquiries:

Kathleen Kelly

Manager of Business Development

(585) 473-1430 ext. 105

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