student transitions project development day mike williamson hannah clarke tuesday 28 th of october...

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Student Transitions project development day

Mike WilliamsonHannah Clarke

Tuesday 28th of October 2014

Programme for today 1. Introductions and overview of quality review

2. The new Theme: Student Transitions

3. Generating project ideas

4. Lunch

5. Developing a project – session 1

6. Developing a project – session 2

7. Conclusions and next steps


By the end of the day you will –• Know more about the new

Enhancement Theme: Student Transitions

• Have developed ideas and plans for collaborative projects for work around the Theme

University Quality Review

Megan McHaneyNUS Scotland Policy and

Public Affairs Officer

Quality Enhancement Framework for Universities

Student Engagement

Institution-Led Review

Enhancement-Led Institutional Review

Public Information Enhancement Themes

The new Theme: Student Transitions

Dr Christine Macpherson, Assistant Director & Linzi Crawford, Stakeholder Engagement

CoordinatorQAA Scotland

Student Transitions

Two Tracks:1. Transitions into university• School or college

2. Transitions during and out of university• International• Postgraduate• Employment

Generating ideas

In groups discuss the examples and try to think of some more ideas for projects you could do that would fit the scope of the Theme.


1. Impact of societies on the first year student experience

2. Implementation of a mentoring scheme to improve transition of first years or international students

3. Designing an online module for senior honours students on employability skills


Developing a project – session

• Choose a project and go to that table• In groups, brainstorm ideas on the

flipchart paper• Use the form to develop a brief

project plan

Conclusions and next steps

• Keep in touch with each other about your projects!

• Tell your institutional team what you have planned and ask how they can help

• sparqs will be in touch to help

Conclusions and next steps

• If your project goes ahead you’ll be expected to run a workshop at the Enhancement Themes Conference in June – deadline in January!

• Come to the ET Student Network event on the 25th November

Thanks for coming!

Contact details -

Mike Williamson

Hannah Clarke


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