studentvue aps’s new grade book system. studentvue is your portal to view messages, your...

Post on 04-Jan-2016






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StudentVUEAPS’s New Grade Book System

StudentVUE is your portal to view messages, your calendar, attendance, class schedule, grades, fees (coming soon) and student info

Currently, your menu options will appear as shown

On Tuesday, the Grade Book will go live and the Grade Book menu option should appear

Calendar ‐ will list assignments from the Grade Book that your teachers enter

All of your classes at La Cueva will show on this one calendar

Attendance – allows you to view your absences and tardies

Your attendance can be seen in two ways – the List Screen and the Calendar Screen

Class Schedule ‐ shows this year’s class schedule including the period, course title, room name and the teacher for each class

To view a different term, click on the term abbreviation (Sem 2) in the upper right‐hand corner. If you are taking any courses outside of La Cueva (CEC, eCademy) the Class Schedule called Semester 1 will show these courses, click on Sem 1 to view your La Cueva schedule

The Grade Book summary screen will show grades for each grading period

To see additional details about the grades, click on the blue text for that grade

A list of all of the assignments for the grading period is shown for the selected subject

To see the details of an assignment, click on the blue text for the assignment and it will bring up the Assignment Detail

Assignment Detail will show the date the assignment was distributed, the date on which the assignment is due, the score earned, the type of score, the total number of points, any notes entered by the teacher, and a full description of the assignment

To send the teacher an e‐mail, click on the teacher’s name.

1. Go to: https://mystudentlogin.aps.edu2. Click on I am a student

3. Click on I have an activation key and need to create my account

4. Read the Privacy Statement and click “I Accept” if you agree with the statement

5. Enter in your First and Last Name and the Activation Key on your StudentVUE Letter and click Continue to Step 3

6. Enter in a User Name (we suggest using your student ID #) and Password, Confirm your password and type in an email address and click on Complete Account Activation (you have to list an email address to set up an account, you can list your parents if you don’t have one)

To Set Up Your Account Go To:

Log in frequently to track your academic progress, view messages and your calendar!

From click on the StudentVUE link

Please make sure you take home the

ParentVUE letters and give them to each

parent so they can set up their account

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