study guide unit 6 economics and...

Post on 27-Mar-2020






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Name _____________________________________________ Period ______

Study Guide Unit 6 – Economics and Development

When you are asked to sketch maps, please put a key so that you can remember what the colors mean!

Chapter 9: Development

How does the author introduce the idea of Development on page 272? What do you think about this?

Describe the life of Rabea Rahman. What do you think about this?

Define level of development.

What is the difference between MDC and a LDC? List other names for each of each as well.

Key Issue #1- Why does development vary among countries? What is the Human Development Index (HDI)?

The three main factors included om of HDI are _______________________, ______________________ and


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What are the four areas that the UN measure to get the HDI?





The highest score a country can receive is __________. The current country at the top is _______________. The United

States ranks __________.

Sketch the map below with world HDI levels using the map on 275 as the source.

What does GDP stand for? Why is it useful to study GDP per capita?

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Using the CIA factbook at find the most recent GDP of the following countries:

China (note: China’s GDP is actually much higher because their government dictates how much the yuan is worth instead of letting market forces decide) –


Japan –

Germany –

France –

Russia –

India –

Mexico –

Turkey –

Iran –

Peru –

Bangladesh –

Cuba –

Kiribati –

Sao Tome and Principe –

Palau –

Marshall Islands –

Tuvalu –

Explain how each of the following factors can be used as a measure of a country’s economic health.

Factor Relation to Economy


Value added

Consumer goods

Education Levels

Literacy Rates

Caloric Intake

Health Care


Life Expectancy

Infant Mortality Rate

Natural Increase Rate

Crude Birth Rate

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Using the map on page 276, sketch the following map according to GDP per capita.

Using the map on page 279, sketch the following map showing daily average caloric intake.

What pattern do you see when you compare figures 9-1, 9-2, 9-4, 9-5, 9-6, 9-7, 9-8, 9-9, and 9-10? Why?

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Key Issue #2 – Where are MDCs and LDCs distributed? What is the north-south split? Why do you think this divide developed?

Using the map below, outline the 9 major regions (according to your book) and the location of the north-south divide


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Fill in the following chart about the worlds More Developed Regions. (notice that it continues on the following page!)

HDI Reasons for More

Developed Status


countries in

the region

Features unique

to the region


Western Europe

Eastern Europe

FYI, Rubenstein almost

completely attributes

the United States’ lower

than average (in an

MDC) life expectancy to

inadequate health care.

Other factors he forgot

to mention was that

Americans drive more

than other countries

(thus leading more car

accidents and deaths),

lifestyle choices, and a

higher than average

murder rate. None of

those have anything to

do with the quality of

medical care but

influence the life


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HDI Reasons for More

Developed Status


countries in

the region

Features unique

to the region


South Pacific

Is there a problem with describing China, Brazil, or Mexico as LDCs? What is it? (Hint: it wouldn’t show up on a

choropleth map of the world.)

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Fill in the following chart about Less Developed regions. (notice that it goes onto the next page!)

HDI Reasons for Less

Developed Status

Major countries

in region

Features unique

to the region

Latin America

East Asia

Southwest Asia

and North Africa

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HDI Reasons for Less

Developed Status

Major countries

in region

Features unique

to the region

Southeast Asia

Central Asia

South Asia



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Key Issue #3 – Where does level of development vary by gender? Define the word gender. (You might have to look at old notes. *GASP*)

What is the Gender-Related Development Index (GDI) and the Gender Empowerment Index?

Complete the following diagram about the GDI and the Empowerment Index.

Fill in the following chart about the Gender-Related Development Index.

How is it determined?

Economic Indicators of gender


Social Indicators of gender


Demographics Indicators of

gender differences




Development Index

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Using the map on page 291, sketch the following map according to female and male school enrollment.

Using the map on page 290, sketch the following map according to GDI levels.

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Fill out the following chart about Gender Empowerment.

Using the map on page 292, sketch the male literacy rates of the countries of the world.

Gender Empowerment

Economic Indicators of Empowerment Political Indicators of Empowerment

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Using the map on page 292, sketch the female literacy rates of the countries of the world.

Using the map on page 293, sketch the following map according to male/female life expectancy.

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Key Issue #4 – Why do LDCs face obstacles to development?

What are the two major ways countries can choose to promote development?

What is the self-sufficiency approach to development? Give a good explanation of this because this is a key component

of this unit!

When using the self-sufficiency approach, goods produced inside a state are intended for consumption where?

How did India use the self-sufficiency approach? Was it effective?

List and describe the two major problems seen with the self-sufficiency alternative.

What is the main idea behind development through international trade?

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Fill in the following chart of Rostow’s Development


Describe the three major problems with the International Trade Alternative.




Drive to Maturity


Preconditions for takeoff

The Traditional Society

Age of Mass


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Fill in how each of the following areas using the International Trade Approach

The Four Asian Tigers Petroleum-Rich Arabian Peninsula

Why have most countries in the modern world accepted the International Trade Alternative?

Define the World Trade Organization (WTO). Why is it important?

Define Transnational Corporations. Why are they important?

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Fill in the following chart about Financing Development.

What is Fair Trade?

Fill in the following diagram comparing fair trade producer standards and fair trade worker standards.



Loans Structural Adjustments

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Chapter 11 -Industry

What are the two examples given at the beginning of the chapter about American jobs?

What is happening to American manufacturing jobs?

What is a Maquiladora? Summarize the story on page 344.

Key Issue #1 – Where is industry distributed? What is the Industrial Revolution? Where did it start? Why is it important?

What is a cottage industry?

What are the three regions world industry is located?

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Fill in the following chart about European industrial zones. (it goes onto the next page!)



What caused the

region to become an

industrial center

What do they


Features unique

to the region








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Using the map on page 347, outline the major manufacturing zones of Western Europe.

Fill in the following chart about Eastern European industrial centers. (next page!)

Location (physical


What is produced? Features unique to

the region

Central Industrial


St. Petersburg

Industrial District

Volga Industrial


Ural Industrial District

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Location (physical


What is produced? Features unique to

the region

Kuznetsk Industrial


Eastern Ukraine


Using the map on page 347, outline the major industrial centers in Eastern Europe.

Using the information on page 348, put the major events in the American Industrial Revolution in chronological order.

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Fill in the following chart about the North American industrial areas.

Location (physical




Features unique to

the area

New England

Middle Atlantic

Mohawk Valley

Pittsburgh-Lake Erie

Western Great Lakes


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Using the map on page 348, label the major industrial zones in North America

What are the major characteristics of East Asia’s industrial centers?

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Using the map on page 349, outline the major areas of manufacturing in East Asia.

Key Issue #2 – Why are situation factors important? What are situation factors? Provide examples of situation factors?

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Origin of Steel Industry

Changing U.S. Steel


U.S. Steel Industry

Copper Industry

Proximity Inputs

Fabricated Metals and


Perishable Products

Single Market




Proximity to


Fill in the following chart about proximity inputs.

Fill in the following chart about proximity to markets.

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Fill in the following chart about transportation.

Pros Cons





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What is a break-of-bulk point? Why are they important?

Key Issue 3 – Why are site factors important? What are site factors?

What is labor? What is a labor intensive industry?

What are textiles?

The textile industry accounts for ______ percent of the dollar value of world manufacturing but _____ percent of world

manufacturing employment.

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Fill in the following chart about the textile industry.

Describe the importance of land in industrial locations.

Describe the importance of capital in industrial locations.

Key Issue #4 – Why are location factors changing? What are interregional shifts in manufacturing?

Explain the U.S. example of interregional manufacturing shifts in the United States.

Textile Industry

Textile and Apparel Spinning Textile and Apparel Weaving Textile and Apparel Assembly

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What are right-to-work laws?

Explain the interregional shifts in Western Europe.

What are New Industrial Regions?

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Fill in the following chart about the three major New Industrial Regions.

Major Countries What are they


Why is region a

newly industrial

Features unique

to region


Latin America

Central Europe

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Using the graphs on page 365, list 5 observations you make comparing 1980 and 2008 and share of industrial







What are two reasons some companies are returning to generally less attractive areas like the northeastern United


Compared to 30 years ago, it’s actually fairly difficult to say whether a car is made in America (domestic) or made in

another country (foreign.) What are the threes distinctions that the US government makes?




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From which country do car companies import the largest amount of cars?

What is just-in-time delivery? List the major pros and cons of this type of system.



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