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Study of steel bars for use in reinforced concrete

produced by the “Tempcore” process

João Pedro Florindo Lourenço

Extended abstract

Dissertation for obtaining the degree of master in

Civil Engineering


Supervisors: Prof. Augusto Martins Gomes

Prof. Ana Paula Ferreira Pinto

October 2012


This paper tries to achieve a better understanding of the mechanical behavior of

Tempcore steel, steel whit which almost all reinforced concrete structures are executed


This text contains a detailed description of what really is Tempcore steel, what are its

constituents, its characteristics and the history of steel production technologies until now, also

presenting new technologies that might become the future of steel production.

An exhaustive description of the legal documents currently in use is made, their

evolution in time and how they compare to the Eurocodes which we will soon have to follow.

A comparative general analysis of Tempcore steel behavior with cold worked and multi-

alloy high strength steel is presented, identifying potential dangers / holes both in current

legislation and Eurocodes in regards to welding and corrosion influence in Tempcore steel


Lastly a series of experimental tests is described with the objective of better

characterizing the behavior of Tempcore steel subjected linear tensile tests (traction) when a

reduction in diameter occurs, for instance due to corrosion.

Key words: Tempcore steel; steel bars; reinforced concrete; steel production; steel bars

corrosion; steel bars welding.

1. Introduction

Nowadays, almost all the steel used in reinforced concrete is produced with Tempcore

technology or similar (hot rolled quenched tempered steels), so it is of the utmost importance to

clearly define the mechanical properties these types of steels present, while at the same time

understanding the rules and codes/standards currently in use, their differences and how they


2. Production

Tempcore steel is a technology that allows the steel mills to produce high resistance

steel without the addition of expensive metal alloys or post production mechanical treatments.

The increase in resistance of these types of steel is achieved by quenching the steel bars

surface at the end of the hot rolling process, followed by a tempering.

The quenching is achieved by exposing the steel bars, which at the end of the rolling

process are at a very high temperature, to a cold water spray, causing the bar’s surface to cool

very quickly, resulting in a martensite transformation while the core remains at the same


The resulting untempered martensitic steel is very hard, however it is also too brittle to

use in most applications, requiring tempering in order to be used in reinforced steel.

The tempering is achieved through the residual heat present in the core of the steel bar.

This energy heats the previously quenched section of the steel to below the critical temperature,

followed by a gradual and slow cooling by exposure to air until it reaches room temperature.

From this second heat treatment results a final product which roughly consists of a high

resistance tempered martensite surface, a plain pearlite core and a transition zone in bainite.

Figure 1 – Tempcore steel section with the three different microstructure types distinguishable after chemical treatment (

Steel as a material was historically obtain with the improvement of iron production, in

the 18th century, due to the invention of the reverbatory furnace, which reached 1300ºC, melting

pig iron. And a technique called pudling that consists on agitating the liquid pig iron, allowing

oxygen to reduce it, creating small globes of solid steel.

These globes could then be removed from the furnace, forged in order to remove slag,

presenting a final product with a quality that can be hot or cold worked in to billets.

The process that brought mass production to steelmaking was the Bessemer process,

invented in the mid 19th century.

Figure 2 – Bessemer converter (

This core of the process consists applying a series of hot air jets to the molten pig iron,

causing the pig iron to reduce in to low carbon steel. This also had the positive side effect that

the heat released from the oxidation reaction of the impurities was enough to even melt the

steel (1600-1650ºC).

A similar process that is still currently used in Great Britain was the Siemens-Martin

process. This process has the advantage of reducing energy consumption by using the hot

exhaustion gases to heat the hot air to be injected in the chamber.

Today there are two ways to produce steel, one is the full process of extracting,

producing pig iron (using blast furnaces) and finally reducing it to form steel. The other consists

simply of recycling scrap steel, being this the only way in which new steel is produced in

Portugal nowadays.

The transformation of scrap steel in new steel products is generally made using an

electric arc furnace. This type of furnace works by causing a high intensity electric arc to pass

through the scrap steel causing it to melt, while at the same time oxygen jets reduce applied to

the molten metal reduce it, removing any impurities.

In all steelmaking processes the steel is tested and thoroughly analysed along its

production cycle in order to guarantee that the final product posses the necessary quality.

3. Legislation

Legislation applicable to steel used in construction, most specifically for use in

reinforced concrete, came to be with the objective of ensuring a good quality of buildings and

infrastructure while ensuring safety conditions for its use.

With the increasing exposure of markets to imported goods an ever tighter mesh of

legal documents has and is being created in order to change the scope of its action, protecting

not only national interests but also those of the community in which we are included, the

European Unity.

This is being made with the introduction of the Eurocodes (EC2) and the European

Standards (EN 10080), gradually replacing the national documents, in this case the Portuguese

Regulamento de Estruturas de Betão Armado e Pré-Esforçado (REBAP).

The first legal document applied to reinforced concrete in Portugal dates back to 1918,

called Instruções Regulamentares para o Emprego de Beton Armado (Dec. Lei 4036 of

3/4/1918), evolving and being replaced sporadically until 1983, when the legal document

currently in use, REBAP, was promulgated in the Dec. Lei n.º349-C/83 of July the 30th.

We are now experiencing a transition phase from this document to the Eurocode 2, but

in regards to the mechanical properties of steel, the demands are very similar in all documents,

the values required by current regulations fitting inside the value intervals presented by the


A difference is however observed in the way extension at rupture is measured between

some documents, as observed in figure 3.

Figure 3 – Difference between extension at rupture in REBAP against EC2 and LNEC Specifications

4. Behaviour

Tempcore steel bars behaviour is, according to PIPA, 1993, very similar to that of

natural and multi-alloy steel, presenting a higher yield stress resistance than all of them, but a

lower maximum stress resistance than multi-alloy steel.

In terms of extension characteristics, it is observed that it also has a lower strain at

maximum stress than multi-alloy steel bars.

5. Effect of welding and corrosion in Tempcore steel

Due to the nature of Tempcore steel bars, it is currently though that the mechanical

proprieties of this type of steel bars can suffer more from the welding and corrosion than cold

worked or multi-alloy high resistance steel.

5.1. Welding

The problem with welding is the possibility that the heat generated by the welding

process may be enough to negate the effects of the heat treatments applied to the bars,

causing a significant reduction in its load bearing capabilities.

This was investigated by RIVA et al, 2001, reaching the following conclusions:

Butt-welded bars by SMAW technique possess a similar stress resistance than

unwelded bars, while at the same time present a lower ductility;

But-welded joints are most suited to larger diameter bars due to the possibility

of altering the mechanical properties of smaller diameter bars;

Fatigue testing shows that butt-welded bars possess lower ductility than non

welded bars.

Tests made on cruciform specimen show that stirrups can be welded to

longitudinal bars safely as long as the welding made is just spot welding made

bay GMAW or SMAW techniques.

5.2. Corrosion

The specific problem presented by corrosion on Temcore steel bars related to its

structurally heterogeneous section, where the superficial area, which is most susceptible to

corrosion, is also responsible for most of the tensile resistance due to its martensite structure.

Another problem is that Tempcore steel presents a greater vulnerability to corrosion, as

proved by MPATIS et al, 1999, then cold worked or multi-alloy high resistance steel.

The effect of corrosion in the mechanical characteristics of Tempcore steel bars was

studied by APOSTOLOPOULOS el al, 2005 (tensile testing) and APOSTOLOPOULOS, 2007

(fatigue resistance), by subjecting steel bars to accelerated corrosion caused by salt spray

exposure, concluding the following:

Salt spay exposure to S500s Tempcore steel results in a significant mass

reduction, increasing this reduction with the increase in exposure time.

Exposure times of 40 days or more present realistic values with which to

simulate natural corrosion on old buildings in seaside areas;

The effect of the salt spray in the mechanical characteristics of this steel is

moderate. However, when associated to the considerable mass reduction, the

resistance of the elements is reduced in such way that the security coefficients

used are not sufficient to guarantee the elements resistance to the subjected


The effect of salt spray corrosion as a significant effect in the bars ductility,

noting that for exposures of over 35 days the legal requirement in regards to

strain at rupture is not met;

The maximum load in fatigue tests reduces with the increase in the number of

cycles, reduction which is higher to corroded specimens.

6. Tensile test

6.1. Test

In order to achieve a better understanding of the mechanical behaviour of Tempcore

steel bars, specially the influence of the reduction in section caused by corrosion, a series of

tests was planned and carried out as follows.

The test sample consists of 12 A500 NR SD bars 300mm long, 6 with a nominal

diameter of 20mm 6 with a nominal diameter of 16mm, collected from various construction sites

in Lisbon.

In order to simulate the section reduction caused by corrosion but in a more controlled

(section reduction caused by corrosion isn’t uniform throughout the bar, APOSTOLOPOULOS

et al, 2005) and expedite manner, a lathe was used to wear down the surface to achieve

predetermined diameters along a 100mm long central area of the bars.

The resulting test bars present the geometric characteristics described in table 1 and

are shown in figures 1 and 2.

Table 1 – Test bars geometric characteristics

Specimen ø nominal

(mm) ø (mm) Area (mm


P1 20 19,8 307,9

P2 20 19,6 301,7

P3 20 18,0 254,5

P4 20 17,9 251,7

P5 20 16,0 201,1

P6 20 15,7 193,6

P7 16 15,1 179,1

P8 16 14,9 174,4

P9 16 13,9 151,8

P10 16 13,9 151,8

P11 16 12,0 113,1

P12 16 12,0 113,1

Figure 4 – Specimens P1 to P6

Figure 5 – Specimens P7 to P12

In order to measure the extension after rupture, marks with 20mm intervals were

marked in the central area of each specimen, as observed in figures 1 and 2.

All tests were executed in a universal traction test machine INSTRON Model 1343 and

data acquisition was accomplished automatically using a data logger Spider 8 HBM connected

to a computer.

Tests were executed in displacement control at a speed of 0,20mm/s, and the values for

strength and machine plate displacement were recorded at a frequency of 20Hz.

6.2. Results

As seen in table 1, test specimens P3 to P6 and P9 to P12 possess a heterogeneous

section; as such the results related to those specimens are obtained using the area

corresponding to the area of the machined section.

The results related to yield strength, tensile strength, maximum extension and extension

at maximum strength are shown in table 2 with the corresponding stress-strain graph for all

specimens represented on figure 3.

Table 2 – Test results

Specimen Ø nominal

(mm) Ø

(mm) Area (mm


Yield strength (Mpa)

Tensile strength (Mpa)

εu (mm) εu (%)

P1 20 19,8 307,9 547,9 662,7 - -

P2 20 19,6 301,7 581,1 689,5 22,0 22,2

P3 20 18,0 254,5 537,4 656,6 22,9 23,4

P4 20 17,9 251,7 558,8 676,5 22,6 25,1

P5 20 16,0 201,1 488,3 617,3 22,1 24,7

P6 20 15,7 193,6 470,1 615,0 20,8 26,0

P7 16 15,1 179,1 593,2 715,7 22,3 28,4

P8 16 14,9 174,4 609,9 735,8 19,1 25,3

P9 16 13,9 151,8 511,0 639,8 19,6 26,3

P10 16 13,9 151,8 506,4 633,5 18,9 27,2

P11 16 12,0 113,1 479,6 617,7 14,5 20,9

P12 16 12,0 113,1 462,9 593,7 15,0 25,0

Figure 6 – Stress-strain graph of all specimens tested

In order to allow a better understanding of the test results, the stress-strain graphs were

divided in two groups according to the specimens’ nominal diameter. So in figure 4 the stress-

strain graph refers to specimens P1 to P6 (nominal diameter of 20mm), and figure 6 the graph

represents specimens P7 to P12 (nominal diameter of 16mm). Also shown are the load-

displacement graphs, figure 5 representing specimens P1 to P6 and figure 7 specimens P7 to











0,00 5,00 10,00 15,00 20,00 25,00





Extensão (%)













Figure 7 – Stress-strain graph of specimens P1 to P6

Figure 8 – Load-displacement graph of specimens P1 to P6

Figure 9– Stress-strain graph of specimens P7 to P12

Figure 10 – Load-displacement graph of specimens P1

to P6

By observing the stress-strain graphs and the results in table 2, it´s clearly noticeable a

significant degradation of the mechanical proprieties of the specimens with the increase of their

surface wear. Such results were expected as the area of the bars subject to wear is composed

of martensite, which is responsible for the bars high strength resistance.

For easier comparisons the specimens were grouped in pars as shown in table 3 and 4

where are shown variations in percentage of area, yield and maximum load and stress and

extension between the pairs.






0,00 10,00 20,00


ss (



Strain (%)

P1 P2 P3

P4 P5 P6







0,00 15,00 30,00 45,00




Displacement (mm)

P1 P2 P3

P4 P5 P6






0,00 10,00 20,00


ss (



Strain (%)

P7 P8 P9

P10 P11 P12







0,00 10,00 20,00 30,00




Displacement (mm)

P7 P8 P9

P10 P11 P12

Table 3 – Variation of mechanical and geometric proprieties of specimens with 20mm nominal diameter (P1 to P6)

P1/P2 P3/P4 P5/P6 Δ1 (%)


Δ2 (%)


Δ3 (%)


Ø (mm) 19,7 18,0 15,9 - - -

A (mm2) 304,8 253,1 197,3 -17,0 -22,0 -35,3

Fy (KN) 172,0 138,7 94,6 -19,4 -31,8 -45,0

σy (MPa) 564,5 548,1 479,2 -2,9 -12,6 -15,1

Fu (KN) 206,1 168,7 121,6 -18,1 -27,9 -41,0

σu (MPa) 676,1 666,5 616,1 -1,4 -7,6 -8,9

εu (%) 22,2 24.2 25,3 9,0 4,5 14,0

Table 4 – Variation of mechanical and geometric proprieties of specimens with 16mm nominal diameter (P7 to P6)

P7/P8 P9/P10 P11/P12 Δ1 (%)


Δ2 (%)


Δ3 (%)


Ø (mm) 15,0 13,9 12,0 - - -

A (mm2) 176,7 151,8 113,1 -14,1 -25,5 -36,0

Fy (KN) 160,3 77,2 53,3 -27,4 -31,0 -49,9

σy (MPa) 601,6 508,7 471,2 -15,4 -7,4 -21,7

Fu (KN) 128,2 96,6 68,5 -24,7 -29,1 -46,6

σu (MPa) 725,7 636,7 605,7 -12,3 -4,9 -16,5

εu (%) 26,8 26,8 22,9 0,0 -14,6 -14,6

In all compared pairs the yield and maximum load reduction was greater than the

corresponding decrease in area.

This reduction was less noticeable when comparing pairs P1/P2 – P3/P4, and should

indicate some problems with specimens P1/P2 given that if the area of the identification marks

is taken in to account, the reduction in area is actually greater than the reduction in yield and

maximum loads, which means an actual increase in yield and maximum stress strength.

Due to the likelihood of there being a problem with specimens P1 and P2, the analysis

should focus on bars with a nominal diameter of 16mm.

Figure 11 – Relation between load resistance and area for specimens with nominal 16mm nominal diameter







100 120 140 160 180 200




Area (mm2)

Yield Load

Maximum Load

Figure 12 – Relation between stress resistance and area for specimens with nominal 16mm nominal diameter

As observed in figures 8 and 9, the relation between load resistances, both yield and

maximum, and the corresponding stresses, and the specimens’ area are not linear, the

decrease in both types of load resistance being greater than the corresponding decrease in


Analysing yield stress of pairs P5/P6 and P11/P12 and comparing them to pairs P1/P2

and P7/P8 respectively. A decrease of 15.1% for the first and 21.7% for the latter is shown,

meaning that the specimens P5, P6, P11 and P12 posses yield stress resistance values inferior

to those legally established for this type of steel. This reduction is due to the fact that the

microstructure of the central area of the specimens possesses an essentially ferric + perlitic

nature, similar to that found in hot rolled steel bars.

The behaviour similarity of the bars steel core is also show by the behaviour in the

graphs relating fu/fy with the area of the specimens as represented in figure 13.

Figure 13 – Relation between fu/fy and the specimens’ area

As expected the value of fu/fy increases with the decrease in area, showing that the core

material is similar to hot rolled steel in that it has a higher relation between fu and fy than the

Tempcore steel bar as a whole.

The different ways in which the 20 and 16mm initial diameter bars evolve can also be

explained by a possibly thicker layer of martensite in the bars with 20mm initial diameter.








100 120 140 160 180 200


ss (



Area (mm2)

Yield Stress

Maximum Stress





100 150 200 250 300 350



Area (mm2)

20mm initial Ø

16mm initial Ø

This similarity is also evident by the look of the fracture area of the specimens witch, as

observed in figure 14, is different between a machined and non-machined specimens.

In non-machined specimens this area presents very angular structures, where as

machined specimens present a smoother, more regular look.

Figure 14 – Comparison between the rupture area in specimens P6 (machined) and P7 (non-machined)

In regards to extension values after rupture (table 2), it was measured in an 5Ø

extension centred on the rupture section using the 20mm marks etched in the specimens.

It wasn’t possible to derive any conclusion from those extension values because they

show different tendencies in specimens P1 to P6 and P7 to P12 as seen on table 3 and 4.

Specimen P1 rupture occurred outside the marked area, making it impossible to

measure this value.

An interesting phenomenon shown in figures 4 to 7, is the behaviour specimens

maximum extension. Contrary to the expected, which is that the steel the is present in the

central section of the specimens would have a greater ductility, the machined specimens

present less ability to resist extension.

This is easily observed comparing pairs P5/P6 (machined) to P7/P8 (non-machined),

which possess similar areas, and as such similar striction abilities, but the last pair shows an

extension at rupture 35,5% higher than the first.

In general terms, as observed in table 5, this propriety shows a greater reduction in the

specimens with a nominal diameter of 16mm. This was due to the decrease in striction ability

that results of the smaller section these specimens have.

Table 1 – Reduction in strain resistance (measured from the stress-strain diagrams)

Pairs Reduction in strain resistance (%)

P1/P2 - P3/P4 17,87

P1/P2 - P5/P6 22,51

P7/P8 - P9/P10 26,56

P7/P8 - P11/P12 41,58

6.3. Conclusion

Finally, and although the small number of test is insufficient to allow any definitive

conclusion, I can conclude that:

The central area of the specimens presents a similar behaviour to that of natural steel;

The superficial layer of Tempcore steel bars is responsible for a stress resistance much

higher than its proportional area.

7. Bibliography

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Mechanical behavior of corroded reinforcing steel bars S500s tempcore under low cycle fatigue,

Construction and Building Materials 21 (2007),

[3] - APOSTOLOPOULOS, Ch. Alk., Tensile behavior of corroded reinforcing steel bars

BSt500s, Construction and Building Materials 20 (2005),


Corrosion of steel used in concrete reinforcement, in various corrosive environments, Technical

Chamber of Greece, 13th Hellenic Convention for Concrete. vol. II, Rethymnon, Crete; 1999. p.


[5] - PIPA, José de Andrade Loureiro, Doctorate thesis with the title – “Ductility of Reinforced

Concrete Elements Subjected to Cyclical Actions, Influence of the Mechanical Characteristics of

the Rebar” in Portuguese, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa – Instituto Superior Técnico.

[6] - RIVA, P.; FRAMCHI, A.; TABENI, D., “Welded Tempcore reinforcement behaviour for

seismic applications”, Materials and Structures/Matériaux et Constructions, Vol. 34, May 2001,


[7] - Decreto-lei n.º349-C/83, de 30 de Julho, “Standards for Reinforced and Pre-stressed

Concrete Structures” in Portuguese.

[8] - prEN 1992-1 (final draft), October 2001

[9] - prEN 10080, January 2005, Steel for the reinforcment of concrete – Weldable reinforcing

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