study of transient response of plant leaf … · and effect of light on stomatal opening ......

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BEST 2015 , IISc Bangalore




A Project Report Submitted in

Experimental Engineering



Dept. of Bioengineering and Biosciences

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Indian Institute of Science

Bangalore -560 012

BEST 2015 , IISc Bangalore


I take this opportunity to express my

profound gratitude and deep regards to my guide

and mentor, Prof. Jaywant Arakeri for exemplary

guidance, monitoring and constant encouragement

though out my project. He regularly took updates

about the progress of my work and experimental

findings, pointed out fallacies, explained the

intricacies behind practical work and appreciated

genuine results. It was a novel experiencing to work

in the lab which encouraged me to work hard and to

experiment with open perspective.

I am deeply indebted to Navneet Kumar for helping

and encouraging me and sharing his experiences

thought out my project work. Finally, I would like

to thank other members of the lab Deepak,

Shashikant, Tariq, Somya, Subin and Albin for their

guidences and maintainence of positive environment

inside the lab.

BEST 2015 , IISc Bangalore


Infrared thermography can be used as a tool for studying the surface temperature

of a plant leaf non-invasively. The main aim of this project is to study the transient

temperatue response of a leaf towards constant thermal radiation incident upon it.

Knowing the temperature as function of time we can then compare it with

evaporation rates which can be measured with a precision weighing balance. The

main problem in the correct evaluation of stomatal conductance at leaf level is

due to the need of performing a measurement in a completely non-invasive

method. Thermography helps us to know the stomatal conductance indirectly at

different temperatures without actually disturbing the leaf. The main advantage

of thermographic method is the possibility to acquire information about

instantaneous conditions of transpiration over a large number of plants, with no

need of sampling and avoiding any contact with plants.

In my work I also tried to understand how the heating and cooling curves of a

leaf are different than some other materials having approximately same heat

capacity and mass. The behavior is different in the two cases as expected. It turns

out that transpiration is highly effective way of regulating the temperature of leaf.

Lastly, I tried to analyse the effect of visible light on stomatal opening and also

the individual components of light. The results showed that response towards blue

light is as much as ten times more than red light. Stomata barely respond to green


Keywords: Infrared Thermography



BEST 2015 , IISc Bangalore

1. Introduction: Now-a-days, the sustainable management of water resources represents a priority

for agriculture, especially in waterless regions, in fact approximately 70% of the

worldwide water use is committed to agriculture [1]. For plants, water is a central

molecule in all physiological processes, and its availability determines the distribution

of plant species and their productivity.Accordingly, drought represents one of the major

constrains to both crop productivity and quality, reducing average yields of 50% and

over [2]. The strategies of plant adaptation to drought stress include different

mechanisms. Thermal imaging by infrared thermography represents a suitable system

for studying the energy balance at both leaf and canopy level and can be used for the

estimation of evapotranspiration rates [3] which in turn can be directly compared with

digital weighing balance. The basic principle of this technique is the relationship

between leaf temperature and leaf transpiration. Authors demonstrated that, for porous

materials, at room temperature, there is a linear relationship between the cooling due

to the evaporation and recorded by IR detector and the flux rate [4]. Therefore,

temperature variations of leaf surface depend strongly on the plant water status, which,

in turn, is a function of the stomatal conductance [5]. Furthermore, infrared

thermography can be a useful approach for both proximal and remote sensing of plant

biotic stresses, for irrigation scheduling in arid environments [6], as well as for

screening the stomatal functionality in different lines of a crop of interest [7–9].

Combined procedures and technologies can improve the plant water-use efficiency

[10]. In this context, under drought conditions, the employ of antitranspirants may

improve the water-use efficiency, often assumed to express the irrigation system

performance and also defined as the ratio between the crop biomass and the amount of

water consumed by the crop itself,including rainfall, irrigation water and plant

transpiration [11]. There have been attempts to know water content of leaf and relate it

to stomatal conductance. One of such attempts is the paper regarding use of leaf

mounted thermal sensor for the measurement of water content of leaf. This paper

describes proof of principle experiments demonstrating a microfabricated thermal

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sensor capable of detecting changes in the water content of leaves. The device consists

of a resistive heater and 2 thin film thermocouples (TFTCs) formed on a polyimide

substrate. The heater induces a thermal gradient within a sample brought into contact

with the device, which is monitored by the TFTCs. Changes in the thermal gradient can

be related to the properties of the sample. In particular, monitoring the water content

of a leaf has been demonstrated in this paper[12].The problem with the above method

is that the thermal sensors have to come in contact with the leaf itself which may change

the rate of change of water content of the leaf.

This is where thermography has advantage over other techniques. It is a non-invasive

method to know the transient temperature response of a leaf. The results obtained by

infrared thermography are more close to actual values than by any other technique.

There have been attempts to use thermoghaphy in very innovative and efficient ways

over the last few years and this technique has great promise for further findings.

BEST 2015 , IISc Bangalore

2. Theory:

2.1 Thermography

Infrared radiations are emitted by all objects with a temperature above

absolute zero according to Black Body Radiation Law.Thermography makes it

possible to see one’s environment without visible light.The amount of radiation

emitted by an object depends on it temperature.Greater the temperature of the

object ,greater will be the amount of radiations emitted.Thermographic cameras

allow us to differentiate between temperature variations. When viewed through a

thermal imaging camera, warm objects stand out well against cooler backgrounds;

humans and other warm-blooded animals become easily visible against the

environment, day or night. As a result, thermography is particularly useful to the

military and other users of surveillance cameras. In general thermographic cameras

detect radiations in the infrared range of the electromagnetic spectrum (7500-14000

nm).The images taken by thermographic cameras are known as thermograms.

Infrared radiation is energy radiated by the motion of atoms and molecules on the

surface of object, where the temperature of the object is more than absolute zero.

The intensity of the emittance is a function of the temperature of the material. In

other words, the higher the temperature, the greater the intensity of infrared energy

that is emitted. As well as emitting infrared energy, materials also reflect infrared,

absorb infrared and, in some cases, transmit infrared. When the temperature of the

material equals that of its surroundings, the amount of thermal radiation absorbed

by the object equals the amount emitted by the object

Some physiological changes in human beings and other warm-blooded animals

can also be monitored with thermal imaging during clinical diagnostics.

Thermography is often used for lava detection, breast screening, allergy detection,

and in veterinary use. It can also be used to detect swine flu by Airport

BEST 2015 , IISc Bangalore

personnel.Firefighters use thermography to see through smoke, to find persons, and

to localize the base of a fire. Maintenance technicians use thermography to locate

overheating joints and sections of power lines & rail wheels (e.g. Rajdhani Express),

which are a sign of impending failure.Building construction technicians can see

thermal signatures that indicate heat leaks in faulty thermal insulation and can use

the results to improve the efficiency of heating and air-conditioning units.

The appearance and operation of a modern thermographic camera is often

similar to a camcorder.A camcorder is a video device combining a video recorder

and a video camera.

Fig 1. Infrared image of hands showing variation of temperature in different

parts of hand.

Fig 2. Infrared image of a cooling plant leaf

BEST 2015 , IISc Bangalore

2.2 Stomatal Regulation

How do plants "decide" on the most appropriate stomatal aperture for any given

situation? The physiology of stomatal regulation has been an active area of research

for several decades, but there are still many questions that remain unanswered. It is

clear that there is more than one control system involved. In fact, stomata seem to

sense a variety of environmental parameters and respond accordingly. The precise

response depends on the crop species (and perhaps cultivar) as well as the previous

history of the plant.

Factors affecting stomatal opening: -

Light affects stomatal regulation both directly (blue light perceived by guard cells)

and indirectly (PAR increasing photosynthesis and decreasing leaf internal CO2).

Although the signal transduction pathway is not fully understood, it is known that

these effects cause K+ ions to be actively pumped into guard cells. The resulting

decrease in guard cell solute potential causes water to enter the guard cells, thus

increasing turgor and causing the stomatal pore to increase in size. A decrease in

leaf (or even root) water potential causes the opposite to occur: K+ and water exit

guard cells and the stomata close. Abscisic acid (ABA) is known to play a role in

inducing stomatal closure under water stress.

2.2.1 Light:

Light has both direct and indirect effects on stomata. Blue light

(especially) can bring about stomatal opening directly. The mechanisms by which

the light is perceived, and the subsequent signal transduction pathway, are currently

under investigation. Light can also indirectly cause stomatal opening via

photosynthesis, by decreasing the leaf internal CO2 concentration. Plants have

evolved multiple photoreceptor systems to monitor light quality, quantity and

direction. It is well known that stomatal morphogenesis is controlled by genetic as

well as environmental factors and in general, an increase in light intensity results in

an increase in stomatal. Light is perceived by various photo receptors and stomatal

movements are regulated by both blue and red light.The blue light response of

stomata appears to be strongly affected by red light. It is shown that blue light-

BEST 2015 , IISc Bangalore

induced stomatal opening is mediated by the blue light receptor phototropins and

cryptochromes. Recent findings suggest that the light control of stomatal

development is mediated through a crosstalk between the cryptochrome-

phytochrome-COP1 signaling system and the mitogen-activated protein kinase

signaling pathway. Blue light is required for the activation of phototropins, plant-

specific Ser/Thr autophosphorylating kinases, and the activated phototropins

transmit the signal to the plasma membrane H+-ATPase for its activation.

It has also been suggested that the guard cell response to red light is in part an

indirect response to red-light-driven intercellular CO2 uptake in the mesophyll. For

example, it has been shown that chloroplast-containing guard cells in albino sections

of variegated leaves do not respond to photosynthetically active radiation, but are

sensitive to blue light and CO2, bringing into question a direct role of guard cell

photosynthesis on red-lightmediated stomatal opening in intact leaves.

2.2.2 Carbon dioxide concentration

Stomata open as leaf internal CO2 declines, in order to reduce the resistance

to CO2 diffusion into the leaf. Thus, as photosynthesis increases, stomata open. If

photosynthesis decreases, leaf internal CO2 increases, and stomata close. Grasses

such as corn are very sensitive to leaf internal CO2, and stomata open and close

rapidly in response to natural fluctuations in photosynthesis. Drastically increasing

[CO2] in the air around a leaf will usually cause at least transient stomatal closure.

BEST 2015 , IISc Bangalore

Fig 4. Carbon dioxide concentration and stomatal opening.

2.2.3 Temperature Leaf temperatures may indirectly affect stomatal opening in

several ways. For instance, changes in temperature affect the

photosynthetic rate, and therefore alter leaf internal CO2 stomata respond on

the minutes time scale to such changes in CO2, as we have seen above.

Also, high temperatures cause leaf internal vapor pressure and therefore

transpiration to increase. This may lead to a reduction in leaf water potential,

causing stomata to close.Temperature may also have a more direct effect

on stomata. In most species, deleteriously high leaf temperatures may

induce stomatal opening, even when leaf internal CO2 is not limiting to

photosynthesis. (The effect occurs even in darkness.) This appears to be a

strategy designed to decrease leaf temperatures through evaporative


BEST 2015 , IISc Bangalore

Fig 3. Rate of photosynthesis vs Temperature.

2.2.4 Leaf Water Status

As leaf water potential drops, stomata tend to close. Again, this effect may be direct

or indirect.If water potential is very low, the guard cells themselves, and the

surrounding subsidiary cells,may lose turgor, causing stomatal closure

directly.Much more often, the response to leaf water potential is indirect. As leaf

water potential drops,the content of ABA in the leaves increases. This ABA appears

to sensitize the stomata to othersignals that would normally cause closing, and so

the average stomatal aperture is decreased.

2.2.5 Soil Water Potential

Obviously, as soil water content drops, leaf water potential also declines

(and xylem tension increases). Thus, low soil water potentials indirectly causes

stomatal closure by causing a decrease in leaf water potential. However, it is now

well established that low soil water content can lead to stomatal closing even in the

absence of a change in leaf water potential. It appears that as the soil dries, the roots

"sense" the lower soil water potential, and synthesize ABA. This ABA is transported

to the leaves in the transpiration stream (i.e., via the xylem), and produces the same

effect on stomata as leaf source ABA.

BEST 2015 , IISc Bangalore

This mechanism may allow plants to anticipate drought conditions and

respond accordingly, even before the leaf water potential has been affected.Some

species also open stomata in response to extremely high soil water content. This

can occur even at night, and presumably has the advantage of depleting soil water

and thus preventing root anaerobiosis.

2.3 Energy Balance of Leaf

The law of thermodynamics states that energy can neither be created nor

destroyed, but it can be converted from one form to another. In simple terms leaves

convert solar enegy received in the form of radiation into usable form of chemical

energy. Leaves in a crop canopy that are illuminated by sunlight absorb energy

primarily as shortwave and longwave radiation. They dissipate this energy in

different forms, through a number of physical processes, including:

1. Emittance of longwave radiation

2. Convection (movement of warm air away from leaves)

· 3. Evaporation of water (transpiration)

4. Conduction (warming of their surroundings by direct contact)

5. Storage of energy, either as heat energy in tissues, or chemical

potential energy in the products of photosynthesis.

When plants are exposed to high temperatures, drought stress or intense thermal

radiations, they tend to cool themselves via convection,conduction through soil and

transpiration through stomata. Cooling through tiny epidermal pores called stomata

accounts for most of cooling mechanism of leaves. Apart from radiating longwave

radiation, plants mainly lose energy via conduction, convection and radiation.

Conductance: Heat may be dissipated via conductance. That is,

direct contact between the plant tissue and some other object, such as the soil, may

allow heat energy to be transferred from the warmer object

to the cooler one. Estimating conductance is difficult from a computational

standpoint. However, for individual sunlit leaves, conductance represents

a very minor portion of the total energy balance, and can therefore be safely ignored.

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Transpiration: It is the process of water movement through a plant and

its evaporation from aerial parts, such as from leaves but also fromstems and flowers.

Water is necessary for plants but only a small amount of water taken up by the roots

is used for growth and metabolism. The remaining 99-99.5% is lost by transpiration.

Leaf surfaces are dotted with pores called stomata, and in most plants they are more

numerous on the undersides of the foliage. The stomata are bordered by guard

cells and their stomatal accessory cells (together known as stomatal complex) that

open and close the pore. Transpiration occurs through the stomatal apertures, and

can be thought of as a necessary "cost" associated with the opening of the stomata

to allow the diffusion of carbon dioxide gas from the air forphotosynthesis.

Transpiration also cools plants, changes osmotic pressure of cells, and enables mass

flow of mineral nutrients and water from roots to shoots. Evaporation of water in

the interior of the leaf results in cooling due to the latent heat of vaporization

required to allow the water to enter the gas phase. It is a simple matter to multiply

the rate of transpiration by the molar latent heat of vaporization

to determine the energy dissipated .

Convection: The other major process by which leaves can dissipate heat energy is

the process of convection. Because the leaf is warmer than the surrounding air,

heat is transferred from the leaf to the air. This warmer air is moved away from

the leaf due to normal turbulence, and the leaf experiences a net loss of heat.

The rate at which convection removes heat from the leaf depends on

(a) the temperature difference between the leaf and the air and (b) the conductance

to movement of warm air away from the leaf (gA).

This is directly analogous to the process of diffusion: convective heat loss = (leaf

temp. air temp.) × gA × 29.2 J mol 1 °C 1 ,where 29.2 J mol 1 °C 1 is

the (approximate) molar heat capacity of air. gA is a function of both

windspeed and physical properties of the leaf itself that affect air turbulence near

the leaf surface (a thick "boundary layer" of unstirred air next to the leaf tends

to decrease gA)

BEST 2015 , IISc Bangalore

3. Experimental apparatus:


1. Fluke Ti 400 infrared camera Videos and images of transient


2. Fluke Telephoto Lens To Focus on Single Leaf.

3. GPA5202 weighing balance To measure mass.

4. Tripod stand To hold thermal imaging


5. Plant To carry out leaf temperature


6. Polythene(Polyethylene) To cover soil pot so as to

prevent evaporation of soil


7. Stainless steel strip To make artificial leaf.

8. Black spray To coat steel strip in order to

increase its emissivity.

9. IR lamp (150 watt) To incident IR radiation on

plant leaf.

10. Simple stand To hold the lamp.

11. Thermocole (polystyrene) To make artificial leaf.

In my experiment I used an infrared camera Fluke TI400, a 150w IR lamp, a

plant having large leaves, stand (to hold the lamp), steel plate, thermocole, black spray,

BEST 2015 , IISc Bangalore

a tripod (for holding the Infrared camera) and a weighing balance. Further, I needed

software to analyse data. I also had to work with matlab. Thermal camera helped me to

take videos of transient temperature response of plant leaf and also still images. Then I

used software to gather thermal data from the still images. I also measured transpiration

rates by precision weighing balance and tried to relate it with amount and type of the

radiation falling on the leaf.

Infrared Imaging camera

BEST 2015 , IISc Bangalore

Infrared Imaging camera

4. Experimental setup:

There are two major targets of my experimental setup. One is to know the

temperature transient response of a plant leaf surface when an incident IR radiation

falls on it till its temperature saturates to a constant value. We further try to compare

the time responses of heating and cooling curves. The other part is to know how light

quality and intensity affect the transpiration rate. It turns out that only some particular

wavelengths affect stomatal opening and closure. The detailed explanation of my

experiments is as follows.

4.1. Transient Temperature Response of leaf surface:

In this part of the experiment in which IR radiation is directed

towards a plant. Thermal images were acquired every thirty seconds. The radiation

falling on the plant leaf increases the temperature of the leaf till it saturates. At

saturation there is a balance between energy loss and energy gain of the leaf. It gains

energy through radiation and loses via convection, radiation, conduction and

transpiration. Of the above heat loss processes, evaporation is the most effective one.

For taking the temperature readings, I used an infrared camera Fluke Ti 400 and took

images and videos which I later processed to plot variation of temperature at a point,

along and perpendicular to the main vein of leaf and parallel to main vein of the leaf.

The following graphs depict the transient temperature variation.

BEST 2015 , IISc Bangalore

Fig 5. Temperature variation of three points on three different leaves of a

plant on which IR radiation from a 150w lamp is incident.







0 50 100 150 200 250 300




re (

0 C)


Temperature Vs Time

P0 P1 P2

BEST 2015 , IISc Bangalore

Fig 6. One still image for above experiment showing temperature of three points

p1,p2, p3 and average temperature.

Fig 7. Temperature variation along central vein of leaf.








0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35




re (

0 C)

Distance from the tip

Temperature variation along leaf's central Vein

BEST 2015 , IISc Bangalore

Fig 8. It shows the cooling of a leaf when incident IR lamp is removed.


Fig 9. Temperature variation perpendicular to central vein of leaf.








0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45






Distance from one end

Temperature variation perpenticular to central vein

BEST 2015 , IISc Bangalore

Fig 10. Temperature variation along a line parallel to central vein.

From the above graphs various conclusions can be drawn. IR images make

it very clear that veins have lesser no. of stomata than the rest of the area of the leaf

surface. Also the saturation temperature at the edges of the leaf is lesser than that

in the interior region. The time responses of heating and cooling are approximately

the same.

4.2. Comparison between transient responses of a leaf and artificial

leaf made from black coated stainless steel:

This comparison didn’t serve our purpose as metals get heated and cooled in

much less time than a typical plant leaf so we couldn’t compare the results in the

two cases. One might argue that what sort of comparison is the one where you

completely neglect material properties but in reality we only need to have the mass

and thermal heat capacity of the two materials to be same in order to compare their

heating and cooling properties. The time responses are definitely lesser in metals.

I also tried to do similar comparison with a polystyrene leaf but unfortunately the

black spray digested it. Then we tried to paint it black but it absorbed the black

color. So we were forced to do it without a coating. The results were absurd as

white colored objects have very less emissivity.







0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400







Lenth from posterior end

Temperature variation along a line parallel to central vein of a leaf

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Fig 11.Transient temperature responses of a metal and a leaf.

4.3. Temperature variation of a steel leaf coated with black:

The following graph shows the transient temperature response of a

metallic leaf coated black. We kept shifting the distance between the lamp and the

metallic strip till we finally got a saturation of about fifty degrees. But as expected

the response time is very less as compared to that of a plant leaf.








0 500 1000 1500







Black Paint Coated Metal vs leaf

P0(M) P0(L)

BEST 2015 , IISc Bangalore

Fig 12. Temperature variation of three points on the black coated metallic leaf.

4.4. Cooling curves of a leaf attached to a plant and an isolated leaf: In order to get clearer picture of effect of transpiration on cooling of leaf,

I tried to carry this experiment on a just detached leaf so that mass remains

approximately same along with the properties. What I saw is that if I keep the

distance same as in the case of attached leaf, the saturation temperature is much

higher than the one achieved in attached leaf case which proves that transpiration

has the cooling effect on a plant. In order to compare the curves, we increased the

distance between the isolated leaf and the attached leaf so that saturation

temperatures are approximately same and we could compare the cooling curve









0 100 200 300 400 500 600




re(0 C



variation of temperature of a metallic strip coated black upon shining IR lamp

p0 p1 p2

BEST 2015 , IISc Bangalore

Fig. 13. Isolated and attached leaf response.

4.5. Transpiration in presence of IR radiation There have been many attempts in the past to know which wavelengths

photosynthesis of light alter the rate of transpiration and which doesn’t. It turns

out that some wavelengths affect it and some do not. Also different wavelengths

which affect photosynthesis to a different extent. It is known that blue light affects

photosynthesis and hence stomatal conductance ten times more than red light.

Experiments also show that green component of visible light does not affect

photosynthesis. In this part of the experiment, I tried to see the effect of IR

radiation on transpiration rate. It turns out that transpiration rate increases and

achieves a never steady state.








0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200







Isolated vs Attached

P(isolated) P(attached)

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Fig 13. Water evaporated Vs time graph. At t=75 min IR light is switched off.

Rate of transpiration decreases by 3.6 times when we turn off IR lamp.








0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100105



g) e





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Fig 14. Evaporated mass Vs Time when IR lamp is turned on.

Fig 15. Evaporated mass when IR lamp is turned off at time equal to 75(0C)

We can also show the transpiration rate as a function of time as in the next graph.

It is just the manipulation of the above data into a more comprehensive form. It is quite

clear from the below graph that when IR radiation is incident transpiration rate initially

increases and then saturates finally until the lamp is again turned off.

y = 0.0346500x - 0.0957087R² = 0.9998808








0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80









y = 0.0096230x + 1.8030423R² = 0.9971959








76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102


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Fig 16. Transpiration rate of a plant as a function of time. At t=0s to t=4500s

IR lamp is turned on and kept undisturbed. After this time period it is turned


Fig 17. Evaporation rate and Temperature variation in the same graph.















0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000









n r






Temperature variation and transpiration rate in same curve

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4.6. Comparison between evaporation rates in dark and in visible

light: It is the curvature of the guard cells controlled by turgor pressure that controls

the size of the stomata. When there is visible light available and the plant is able

to perform photosynthesis, carbon dioxide is utilized. So there is need to bring in

more and more carbon dioxide. This thing can happen only if there is an increase

in the stomatal aperture or the number of stomata increase. The following

experiment was performed with a plant whose soil pot was well covered in order

to prevent any evaporation from the soil. Plant was kept on a precision weighing

balance and kept inside a dark room. Water loss and time was noted to calculate

transpiration rate. Similarly, experiment was carried out in a room in which fair

amount of visible light was present. What I saw is there was initially no difference

in evaporation rate but eventually the evaporation rate for the plant inside visible

room overshoots. The graph is given below.

Fig. 18. Comparison of evaporation rates a plant first kept in visible light and then

in dark.

5. Results and Discussion: Our experiment started with analysis of transient temperature of a point on a plant

leaf. We get the entire description by plotting temperature against time. Then I tried

to analyse temperature along the central vein of leaf and perpendicular to it. The

conclusion was that at edges of the leaf saturation temperature of the leaf is lesser

than at the centre. Also we could see that veins cool slower than the rest of leaf








0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000




n r






Comparison between evaporation rate in visible light and dark.

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surface, thereby suggesting that veins contain lesser number of stomata. When the

analysis was done on the black coated metallic leaf, it turned out that metals took

very little time to get heated or cooled. Also when the analysis was done on isolated

leaf and attached leaf, effect of transpiration on saturation temperature clearly

suggested that transpiration is a cooling phenomena.

One more interesting thing was that when we persisted with at saturation

for some time, there was a dip of about 2.5 (0C) in the saturation temperature

suggesting some kind of late response of stomata. In the last part of the experiment

we tried to study the effect of light of different wavelengths on stomatal

conductance. The results suggested that IR increased the transpiration rate upto 5

mm/day when it was only around 0.72 mm/day. Further, I tried to compare

transpiration rates of the plant kept in the dark and that in the visible light. The

conclusions were positive. Initially, there was not much of a difference between the

evaporation rates but with time the graph for the one present in visible light

overshoots the other one.

6. Scope for Improvement:

We may like to develop an equation for cooling of the leaf by combining

the radiative, conductive and convective heat losses in a single mathematical

equation. We can also study cooling of isolated and attached leaf and at the same

time keep track of the changes in mass. The results can be improved to a very great

extent by using a plant having flat leaves which are approximately at same height.

Analysis will be more logical if we can do the above analysis with LEDs so as to

know the effect of heat on the stomatal conductance. Also we can perform the

transpiration experiment with higher precision balances in order to get better

readings. We know that only certain wavelengths of light affect the stomatal

conductance. In future we can try combinations of wavelengths and see if one

component acts as a stimulant for the other. There is a great potential to develop

drought and stress resistant plant species by combining and utilizing the techniques

of thermography and genetics.

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7. References:

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[12] Joseph J. Atherton∗, Mark C. Rosamond, Dagou A. Zeze A leaf-mounted

thermal sensor for the measurement of water content

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