
Post on 05-Mar-2016






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by Riko Matsuoka


Riko Matsuoka

Present Pictograph

Mayan ideograph

Ancient PictographPictograph:Earliest examples of pictographs were found on rock wall and these include prehistoric drawings or paintings.Pictographs are being used as Pictographs are being used as representational signs, instructions, or statistical diagrams today.

Textura: Textura is one of the most typical Black Letter. It was developed by Johannes Gutenberg for making 42-line Bible pulished in 1455.

Ideograph:It has meaning in each, so each letter can tell meaning by itself.

Initial Cap:Initial caps are placed on the very rst of the sentence, and usually bigger than the other letters, that’s because initial cap has a role to tell to the readers that the new section has begun.

De Historia Stirpium comentarii insignes

C. 1250-1300

Ampersand:An ampersand is a logogram representing "and". It was originally the conbination of et came from Latin meaning of “and”.


Spanish petroglyph in 1705


Petroglyph:Petroglyphs are also called rock engraving because these were created by removing part of a rock surfacecontaining pictogram and logogram images.

Sweden rune stone

Rune stone:Most of the rune stone were made in late Viking age,These are evidence of visiting Norsemen at the place which rune stones found.


Ligature:It is typographic letters that combine two or more letters.The set of “ffi” or “ffl” are common combinations.

Donatello’s “Schiacciato”

Low Relief :Low relief is kind of sculpture made by carving a shallow surface, so if seem from the side sculpture is not likely three- dimentional.This is the big difference between low relief and high relief.

Felix Peano’s “The Fight Over the Horn of Plenty”

High Relief:High relief is generally more than half the mass of sculpture protrudes from the background.It is ususally made by using almost same techniques as free-standing sculpture.

Frederick Hart’s“Creation of Manking”

Tympanum:It is the semi-circular or triangular shaped decoration of over an entrance.It usually contains sculptures or other ornaments of religious scenes.

Rose Window:It is a round stained glass window usually for Gothic architectures.

St. Denis

Pointed Arch :These were insprired by Islamic architecture durling Gothic period. In other word, the building that has pointed arch was usually built in Gothic period. Pointed arches are stronger than normal Pointed arches are stronger than normal rounded arches.

Flying Buttress :Flying buttress are frames to support the walls. Durling Gothic period, the walls were taller Durling Gothic period, the walls were taller than the previos period and the building had more windows, so ying buttress were created.

Ribbed Vault:Ribbed vaults represented with the itersection of two or three vaults, and made the “X” shape on the ceiling.These are one of the characteristic of Gothic architectures.

St. Vitus Cathedral

St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City,

Islamic Art:We can see Islamic art(arabesque) on the mosque’s wall or the surface of ceramics as the decorations.Islamic art usually represents the repetition Islamic art usually represents the repetition of the geometrical pattern of animals motif or plants motif.

The surface of ceramic plate

Cologne Cathedral

Andrea Mantegna’s “Lamentation over the Dead Christ”

Gerrit van Honthorst’s “The Matchmaker”

Michishige Ando’s “Sinagawa”


Woodcut:Woodcut is the relief printing made by carving into the surface of the block of wood. Image is leaved at the original surface level Image is leaved at the original surface level to show and other spaces are carved lower than the original surface level.

Chiaroscuro:Chiaroscuro is one of the painting techniques using stong contrasts between light and dark.It is also used for making volume of It is also used for making volume of three-dimensional objects such as the human body.

Chinese movable type

Foreshortening:Foreshortening is kind of perspective that Foreshortening is kind of perspective that draw the objects shorter than actual it. In the three dimensional world also,the Viewer’s distance makes the visual effect or optical illusion, and the objects looks shorter.

Movable Type:It is the system of printing and typography, and the first movable type was developed in China.Johannes Gutenberg invented the Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press around 1450. After that, the movable type was dramatically developed in Europe.

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