subject: french scheme of work: y8 term: summer

Post on 03-May-2022






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Subject @ SAA

Subject: French

Scheme of Work: Y8

Term: Summer

Topic / Unit(s) Unit 2 Studio 3 Bien dans sa peau

Overview / Context Learning about parts of the body and Illnesses


Success criteria

• Demonstrate understanding of a range of short passages which include opinions with basic reasons, details and reference to either the present and the past, or the present and the future, spoken clearly (including some grammar up to and including the 5th Step).

• Take part in short conversations on a range of topics, describing, informing, expressing opinions and giving reasons.

• Demonstrate understanding of a range of short and longer texts which include opinions and refer to the past or future as well as the present.

Transcribe short sentences.

Demonstrate spontaneity by asking some unsolicited questions.

Use processes to work out meaning in short authentic texts (e.g. adapted adverts, poems and songs).

Refer to the past or future, as well as the present, using a range of familiar vocabulary and common grammatical structures (including some grammar up to and including the 5th Step).

Demonstrate understanding of a range of short and longer texts which include opinions and refer to the present, the past and the future.

Read short authentic texts (e.g. adapted adverts, information leaflets, poems and songs).

Demonstrate understanding of short and longer passages which include opinions with reasons, a range of basic grammatical structures and reference to the present, the past and the future, spoken clearly (including some grammar up to and including the 6th Step).

Use increasingly accurate pronunciation and intonation.

Transcribe sentences.

Demonstrate spontaneity by asking unsolicited questions, and expand answers.

Translate into English short passages containing a variety of tenses, vocabulary and grammatical structures (including some grammar up to and including the 6th Step). Use increasingly accurate pronunciation and intonation.

Demonstrate understanding of overall message and key points of a range of texts, including extracts from literary texts, which include a range of at least three different tenses, opinions and some less familiar vocabulary and more complex grammatical structures (including some grammar up to and including the 7th Step).

Subject @ SAA

Begin to initiate and develop conversations and narrate events.

Use a wide range of common vocabulary and grammatical structures (including some grammar up to and including the 7th Step), referring to the past, present and future.

Use processes to work out meaning in a variety of short and longer authentic texts (e.g. emails and short magazine extracts, and adapted or abridged short stories).

Deduce meaning and demonstrate understanding of overall message and key points in a range of passages which include a range of at least three different tenses, justified opinions and some less familiar, as well as familiar, vocabulary and grammatical structures (including some grammar up to and including the 7th Step), spoken clearly.

Demonstrate spontaneity by asking unsolicited questions, responding to unexpected questions and expanding answers where appropriate.

Use increasingly accurate pronunciation and intonation.

Translate with increasing accuracy, into English, short passages containing occasional more complex grammatical structures and less common vocabulary.

Curriculum Opportunities

SMSC Spiritual Moral Social Cultural

Assessment Opportunities

PAIR Marking to be completed:

PAIR task: writing a paragraph to introduce yourself including character description and physical description.

Assessment Cycle:

1 2 3

Key Vocabulary e.g. la bouche le bras le corps le dos l’épaule (f) les fesses (fpl)

Subject @ SAA

le front le genou la jambe la main le nez les oreilles (fpl) le pied la tête le visage les yeux (mpl) Qu’est-ce qui s’est passé? Tu es touché(e)? Où est-ce que tu es touché(e)?

Wider Reading Students can visit to practise new vocabulary and extend their vocabulary through presentations and games.. Students will be given access to Active Learn to complete interactive tasks for homework and for independent revision. This can be monitored by the teacher. Staff should familiarise themselves with the specification.

Teacher Notes

The Three Peaks


Teaching and Learning Activities Assessment Notes

Lesson 1(Learning the parts of the body)

1. Gathering. 2. Processing

Name the different body parts

Bell task

Complete intervention and prevention task

Learning toolbox

Thinking caps: white + green + red+ black + yellow

Self-assessment of bell task and plenary.


Task worksheet provided in intervention handout

Key Vocabulary/Literacy

Subject @ SAA

3. Applying

Judge which part of the body has been hit.

Habits of mind: Strive for accuracy + persist + think before acting

Bubble map circle map

Memorise and learn

Listen to the song to learn the body parts

Classroom talk

Ask your partner to give their opinion of each activity

Grammar and application

Create and perform dialogues Create and perform a scenario in a group

Discuss who different body features pictured belong to


Recall different parts of the body in French

Teacher assessment of accurate pronunciation. Teacher/ student assessment of accurate conjugation and

Use of traffic light cards to check understanding

Targeted questioning or random using popcorn, name generator, lollipop sticks etc.

Self/Peer assessment

MWB responses

Question wall


Journal evaluation


la bouche

le bras

le corps

le dos

les yeux (mpl)

Qu’est-ce qui s’est


Tu es touché(e)?

Où est-ce que tu es


le terrain

les règles (fpl)

le respect

Marking Opportunity: Teacher marks / corrects spelling and grammar in red pen during the lesson and halts the class to go over any common issues.

Recall/Homework: Complete intervention task



Subject @ SAA

Lesson 2(Touché)

1. Gathering.

Recall body parts in French

Complete intervention task

2. Processing

Explain the different ways of using articles in French

3. Applying

Imagine a scenario of paint ball including where you have been hit

Bell task

Translate any one of the 5 texts on the IWB.

Learning toolbox

Thinking caps: white + green

Habits of mind: Strive for accuracy

Tasks Learning the different forms of à + the definite article Reviewing the parts of the body Using à + the definite article à + definite article the nous form of the present tense

Describe an ideal person, consisting of the body features of different celebrities Play Simon says with body parts in French


Reflect on your learning and write down how well you understand articles in French

Self-assessment of bell task and plenary. Self-assessment of extended reading text. Teacher assessment of accurate pronunciation. Teacher assessment of accurate paragraphs.

Use of traffic light cards to check understanding

Self/Peer assessment

MWB responses

Question wall


Journal evaluation


Studio Grammaire page 48, ex. 1

Key Vocabulary/Literacy opportunities

la bouche le bras le corps le dos l’épaule (f) les fesses (fpl) le front le genou la jambe la main le nez les oreilles (fpl) le pied la tête le visage les yeux (mpl) Qu’est-ce qui s’est passé? Tu es touché(e)? Où est-ce que tu es touché(e)?

Marking Opportunity:

Teacher marks / corrects spelling and grammar in red pen during the lesson and halts the class to go over any common issues.

Recall/Homework: SMSC:

Subject @ SAA

The Three Peaks


Teaching and Learning Activities Assessment Notes

Lesson3 (Reading skillsPg 32)

1. Gathering: Name strategies that develop reading skills

2. Processing: Explain the meaning of an authentic text using reading skills and strategies

3. Applying: Apply reading and understanding skill to answer questions from the text

Bell task

Draw a circle map and write all activities you do and how long you’ve been doing them or Green pen improvement on Pair Task

Learning toolbox

Thinking caps: white + green

Habits of mind: Strive for accuracy + persist + think before acting


Circle map to brain storm the 5 senses in English Read the narration for each sense/body part and work out the meaning Reading comprehension Show understanding of a text by choosing the correct answer. Speaking:



Peer-assessment of pronunciation Teacher assessment of plenary sentences.

Use of traffic light cards to check understanding

Targeted questioning or random using popcorn, name generator, lollipop sticks etc.

Self/Peer assessment

MWB responses

Question wall


Journal evaluation


PowerPoint and Activeteach + Edexcel revision cards

Key Vocabulary/Literacy opportunities

goûter = to taste mon cerveau = my brain

classer = to classify

Marking Opportunity:

Teacher marks / corrects spelling and grammar in red pen during the lesson and halts the class to go over any common issues.







Subject @ SAA

Lesson 4

Mon corps et moi (Edexcel higher book P150)

1. Gathering.

Recall parts of the body to say where it hurts

2. Processing

Sort the sentences to match the appropriate images

3. Applying

Distinguish expressions with Avoir

Bell task from intervention and prevention pack

find the odd one out

Learning toolbox

Thinking caps: white + green + red+ black + yellow

Habits of mind: Strive for accuracy + persist + think before acting

Tasks Review how articles change in French

Reading comprehension: read the texts in French and select the correct sentences Match the expressions to the correct body parts


Self/Peer assessment of your work

Self-assessment of reading task. Peer-assessment of pronunciation Teacher assessment of bell task spellings plus plenary sentences.

Use of traffic light cards to check understanding

Targeted questioning or random using popcorn, name generator, lollipop sticks etc.

Self/Peer assessment

MWB responses

Question wall


Journal evaluation


Edexcel foundation book page 142

Key Vocabulary/literacy opportunities

Using j’ai mal a to say

where it hurts

la bouche le bras le corps le dos l’épaule (f) les fesses (fpl) le front le genou la jambe la main le nez les oreilles (fpl) le pied la tête le visage les yeux (mpl) Qu’est-ce qui s’est passé? Tu es touché(e)? Où est-ce que tu es touché(e)?

Marking Opportunity:

Teacher marks / corrects spelling and grammar in red pen during the lesson

Subject @ SAA

and halts the class to go over any common issues.


Active Learn grammar



The Three Peaks


Teaching and Learning Activities Assessment Notes

Ca ne va pas

(Edexcel foundation book P 143)

Lesson 5

1. Gathering.

Recall and name the different parts of the body

2. Processing

Reason which part of the body is being talked about and who is talking

3. Apply Evaluate which expression will complete the sentence correctly

Bell task: With a bubble map, write a solution for 5 illnesses/body aches

Learning toolbox

Thinking caps: white + green + red+ black + yellow

Habits of mind: Strive for accuracy + persist + think before acting

Bubble map circle map

Reading comprehension:

Gap fill exercise

Listening task

Read and complete a dialogue

Create your own dialogue (At the doctors)

Simon says to review body parts


Self-assessment of reading task. Peer-assessment of pronunciation Teacher assessment of bell task spellings plus plenary sentences.

Use of traffic light cards to check understanding

Targeted questioning or random using popcorn, name generator, lollipop sticks etc.

Self/Peer assessment

MWB responses


PowerPoint Edexcel Foundation Text book

Key Vocabulary/Literacy opportunities

la bouche le bras le corps le dos l’épaule (f) les fesses (fpl) le front le genou la jambe la main

Subject @ SAA

to form a meaningful dialogue

Write 5 new vocabulary you have learnt with their meaning in English.

Question wall


Journal evaluation

le nez les oreilles (fpl) le pied la tête le visage les yeux (mpl) Qu’est-ce qui s’est passé? Tu es touché(e)? Où est-ce que tu es touché(e)?

Marking Opportunity:

Teacher marks / corrects spelling and grammar in red pen during the lesson and halts the class to go over any common issues.


Active Learn vocab to learn



Manipulating verbs,

pronouns and possessive

adjectives in your


Subject @ SAA

Touche Lesson 6

4. Gathering.

Recall body parts

5. Processing

Explain how to use the definite article with body parts

6. Imagine and talk about your online activities and media preferences

Bell task

can you match the parts of the face to the labels

Learning toolbox

Thinking caps: white + green + red+ black + yellow

Habits of mind: Strive for accuracy + persist + think before acting


Introduce à + definite article

the nous form of the present tense


Write appropriate answers to the questions based on the photo


p.032 Flashcards

p.032 Grammar

p.033 Grammar

p.033 Reading skills






Targeted questioning or random using popcorn, name generator, lollipopsticks etc.

Self/Peer assessment

MWB responses

Question wall


Journal evaluation


PowerPoint and Activeteach + Edexcel revision cards

Key Vocabulary/literacy opportunities

la bouche

le bras

le corps

le dos

les yeux (mpl)

Qu’est-ce qui s’est


Tu es touché(e)?

Où est-ce que tu es


le terrain

les règles (fpl)

le respect

Marking Opportunity:

Teacher marks / corrects spelling and grammar in red pen during the lesson and halts the class to go over any common issues.




Using the comparative

Subject @ SAA

Relative pronouns


The Three Peaks


Teaching and Learning Activities Assessment Notes

Le sport et le fitness

Lesson 7

1. Gathering.

Recall different sports in French

2. Processing

Explain the uses of il faut


Bell task

Circle map-different sports

Learning toolbox

Thinking caps: white + green + red

Habits of mind: Strive for accuracy

Bubble map circle map


Using il faut depuis + present tense Reading comprehension Read the texts and fill the table correctly Write



Starter 1 resource

Starter 2 resource

p.034 Grammar

p.034 Grammar practice

p.035 Video 3

p.035 Video worksheet 3

p.035 Thinking skills



Reading MWB responses

Peer assessment

Question wall


PowerPoint and Activeteach + Edexcel revision cards

Key Vocabulary/Literacy opportunities

Pour arriver en forme, il

faut …

avoir un bon programme

bien manger

être motivé(e)

faire du sport tous les


Le sport …

diminue le stress

est bon pour le moral

Subject @ SAA


Journal evaluation

Ça me fatigue.

Moi, je trouve ça très

ennuyeux de ... (+ inf).

Je crois fermement que ...Marking Opportunity:

Teacher marks / corrects spelling and grammar in red pen during the lesson and halts the class to go over any common issues.


Learn irregular verbs



Imperfect tense

Mes résolutions pour

manger sain Lesson 8

3. Gathering.

Describe what you eat

4. Processing

Compare healthy and unhealthy eating habits

Explain how to form and use the imperfect tense

5. Applying Apply the negative form in sentences

Bell task

Dating site questions

Learning toolbox

Habits of mind: Strive for accuracy

Learning about healthy eating

Using the future tense

talking about the future

negatives: ne … pas and ne … jamais


Review your learning and copy any new vocabulary in the dictionary part of your journal


Starter 1 resource Starter 2 resource

p.036 Flashcards

p.036 Flashcards

p.036 Grammar

p.036 Grammar practice

p.037 Grammar

p.037 Grammar practice

p.037 Class activity

p.037 Grammar skills

Targeted questioning or random using popcorn, name generator, lollipopsticks etc.

Self/Peer assessment

MWB responses

Key Vocabulary/Literacy opportunities

les boissons gazeuses

les céréales (fpl)

les fruits (mpl)

les gâteaux (mpl)

les légumes secs

la nourriture salée Marking Opportunity:

Teacher marks / corrects spelling and grammar in red pen during the lesson and halts the class to go over any common issues.



Subject @ SAA

Question wall


Journal evaluation




Learn irregular verbs



Imperfect tense

The Three Peaks


Teaching and Learning Activities Assessment Notes

Je serai en forme! Lesson 9

1. Gathering. 2. Say how you plan to

get fit

3. Processing

Explain how the future tense is formed

4. Applying

Evaluate your PAIR task and make

Bell task

Draw a circle map and write al the TV programmes you enjoy watching

Learning toolbox

Thinking caps: white

Habits of mind: Strive for accuracy


Making plans to get fit

Practicing the future tense

Read text and answer questions that follow


Design a revision poster of how the past tense is formed.

Use of traffic light cards to check understanding

Targeted questioning or random using popcorn, name generator, lollipopsticks etc.

Self/Peer assessment

MWB responses

Question wall



PowerPoint and Activeteach + Edexcel revision cards

Key Vocabulary/Literacy opportunities

Je ferai du sport.

J’irai au collège à vélo et

pas en voiture.

Je mangerai équilibré.

Je marcherai jusqu’au


Je ne boirai jamais de

boissons gazeuses.

Je ne jouerai plus à des

jeux vidéo.

Subject @ SAA


Starter 1 resource

p.038 Grammar

p.038 Grammar practice

p.039 Class activity

p.039 Video 4

p.039 Video worksheet 4

p.039 Grammar skills

p.039 Thinking skills




Journal evaluation

Je prendrai des cours d’arts martiaux.Marking Opportunity:

Teacher marks / corrects spelling and grammar in red pen during the lesson and halts the class to go over any common issues.




Using direct object


le, la, les

Agreeing and

disagreeing with


Subject @ SAA

Es-tu en forme?

Lesson 10

1. Gathering.

describe how fit you are

2. Processing

Compare different tenses in French.

3. Applying Judge the personality of someone simply by looking at them.

Bell task

Write 5 sentences using the direct objects pronouns

Learning toolbox

Thinking caps: white + green + red+

Habits of mind: Strive for accuracy + think before acting


Describing levels of fitness

Using three tenses together


Write a short description of an English TV series.

Self-assessment of reading task. Peer-assessment of pronunciation Teacher assessment of bell task spellings plus plenary sentences.

Use of traffic light cards to check understanding

Targeted questioning or random using popcorn, name generator, lollipopsticks etc.

Self/Peer assessment

MWB responses

Question wall


Journal evaluation


PowerPoint and Activeteach + Edexcel revision cards

Key Vocabulary/literacy opportunities

Review of language from

the module

.Marking Opportunity:

Teacher marks / corrects spelling and grammar in red pen during the lesson and halts the class to go over any common issues.


Active Learn listening



Agreeing and

disagreeing with


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