succeeding with virtual teams · section i: the basics • core skills • rules and procedures...

Post on 25-May-2020






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Succeeding with Virtual Teams: Meetings, Challenges, and Skills

Leo Gonzalez, Manager, Talent Development

NFP has over 50 employees working remotely!

Why Virtual Teams?

Why Virtual Teams?

Section I: The Basics

• Core Skills • Rules and Procedures


Section II: Interaction with Virtual Teams and Running Meetings

• Holding virtual meetings/group sessions

• Communicating with virtual team members


Section III: Tips and Challenges

• Common challenges you’ll encounter • Tips and techniques


Section I: The Basics

Core Skills

Teleworker’s Core Skills

1. Self-Management 2. Time Management 3. Organization and Planning 4. Communication

Core Skills

Core Skills

Self-Management Recognize and remove bad habits.

– “What am I doing that is hindering my work?” – “Is this something I can change?” – “How does this habit affect me?”

Core Skills

Self-Management Establish good habits!

– Identify what you want to change – Write reminders to follow in the beginning – Fit new actions into your routine until they

become habit – Give yourself ample time to adjust, usually

between 30-60 days

Core Skills

Time-Management Identify and remove time wasters

– Excessive checking of email/text/phone messages

– Making personal phone calls – Extra time spent away from your work area – Extra time spent looking for things

Core Skills

Time-Management Use reports/metrics to track your time

– Self-analysis- take steps to correct something that is monopolizing your time

– Supervisors- use these reports to see where help is needed

Core Skills

Organization & Planning Develop a normal working day • Tips for building a routine:

– Determine tasks you normally do or need to be done

– Make a schedule or list of tasks – Factor in extra stress or surprises – Make it doable and leave room for changes or


Core Skills

Communication Be Clear and to the Point

– Be clear about what you want/need – State your point from the beginning – Follow up to make sure the other person


Core Skills

Communication Open and Frequent Communication

– Schedule regular conferences or one-on-one phone calls with people you are working with

– Provide the best time and ways to reach you – Send an email periodically to allow employees

to respond back at their convenience

Virtual Meetings

Agenda Outline topics and goals

– Jot down ideas on how to accomplish goals – Include specific topics to be reviewed – Objective must be clear – Share your agenda

Virtual Meetings

Agenda Share your agenda

1. Include it in a mass email so employees can read ahead of time

2. On video calls, have the agenda displayed at all times on the screen

3. For conference call meetings, read over the agenda first and allow employees to take notes

Virtual Meetings

Agenda Speak with your employees

1. Would they like to include something? 2. If adding a new topic, don’t forget to update

the agenda you provide to the participants before the meeting!

Virtual Meetings

Virtual Meetings

Preparing participants in advance Pre-Work

1. Provide information to participants to review before the meeting

2. Solicit information 3. Data gathering/information sharing

Virtual Meetings

Preparing participants in advance Check in frequently

1. Is everyone prepared to participate?

Virtual Meetings

Preparing participants in advance Check in frequently

1. Is everyone prepared to participate? 2. Track participation 3. Follow up, if necessary

Virtual Meetings

Virtual Meetings

Engaging & Focusing Participants Tips:

1. Make multi-tasking difficult – keep participants interested and occupied

Virtual Meetings

Engaging & Focusing Participants Tips:

1. Make multi-tasking difficult – keep participants interested and occupied

2. Keep them guessing – call on people often in an engaging and conversational way

Virtual Meetings

Engaging & Focusing Participants Tips:

1. Make multi-tasking difficult – keep participants interested and occupied

2. Keep them guessing – call on people often in an engaging and conversational way

3. Everyone off mute! • Take the group’s temperature often

Virtual Meetings

Engaging & Focusing Participants Tips:

4. Assign members different responsibilities • Have employees run meetings

Virtual Meetings

Engaging & Focusing Participants Tips:

4. Assign members different responsibilities • Have employees run meetings

5. Stick to the promised agenda & timing

Virtual Meetings

Engaging & Focusing Participants Tips:

4. Assign members different responsibilities • Have employees run meetings

5. Stick to the promised agenda & timing 6. Discourage the meeting being just another

status report!

Virtual Meetings

Virtual Meetings

Engaging & Focusing Participants Lack of visual cues

1. Determine level of engagement

Virtual Meetings

Engaging & Focusing Participants Lack of visual cues

1. Determine level of engagement 2. Do not dominate “air time”

Virtual Meetings

Engaging & Focusing Participants Lack of visual cues

1. Determine level of engagement 2. Do not dominate “air time” 3. Participants should remove visual

distractions • Turn it into an icebreaker!

Virtual Meetings

Virtual Meetings

Building Trust Tips:

1. What does trustworthy behavior mean?

Virtual Meetings

Building Trust Tips:

1. What does trustworthy behavior mean? 2. Create a safe environment

Virtual Meetings

Building Trust Tips:

1. What does trustworthy behavior mean? 2. Create a safe environment 3. Meet face-to-face

Virtual Meetings

Building Trust Tips:

1. What does trustworthy behavior mean? 2. Create a safe environment 3. Meet face-to-face 4. Enable opportunities to build


Virtual Meetings

Building Trust Tips:

5. Build in reasons to communicate frequently

Virtual Meetings

Building Trust Tips:

5. Build in reasons to communicate frequently 6. Allocate tasks so that small groups can work together, foster interdependencies

Virtual Meetings

Measuring Virtual Meeting Effectiveness Ask yourself:

1. Did we meet our objectives and desired outcomes?

2. Did we achieve the desired level of participation?

3. Did the technology add value?

Virtual Meetings

Measuring Virtual Meeting Effectiveness Ask yourself:

4. Did we work within our timeframe? 5. Did participants demonstrate confidence and trust in the process and results? 6. Will team look forward to another meeting?

Challenges & Tips for Success

Section III: Tips and Challenges

Challenges & Tips for Success

Challenge: Feeling Isolated Tips:

1. Check in with your colleagues

Challenges & Tips for Success

Challenge: Feeling Isolated Tips:

1. Check in with your colleagues 2. Ask how they are feeling

Challenges & Tips for Success

Challenge: Feeling Isolated Tips:

1. Check in with your colleagues 2. Ask how they are feeling 3. Arrange a call or meeting

Challenges & Tips for Success

Challenges & Tips for Success

Challenge: You’re “Always in the Office” Tips:

1. Designate a place to get away

Challenges & Tips for Success

Challenge: You’re “Always in the Office” Tips:

1. Designate a place to get away 2. Close the office!

• Don’t mix home and business

Challenges & Tips for Success

Challenges & Tips for Success

Challenge: Family Expectations Tips:

1. Create some ground rules

Challenges & Tips for Success

Challenge: Family Expectations Tips:

1. Create some ground rules 2. Same rules apply at home as at work

Challenges & Tips for Success

Challenge: Family Expectations Tips:

1. Create some ground rules 2. Same rules apply at home as at work 3. Keep your manager in the loop

Challenges & Tips for Success

Challenges & Tips for Success

Challenge: Feedback Tips:

1. Schedule feedback

Challenges & Tips for Success

Challenge: Feedback Tips:

1. Schedule feedback 2. Prepare feedback in advance

Challenges & Tips for Success

Challenge: Feedback Tips:

1. Schedule feedback 2. Prepare feedback in advance 3. Determine how the feedback should

be delivered (by phone, email, etc.)

Challenges & Tips for Success

Challenges & Tips for Success

Choosing The Right Tools Communication tools • Examples of communication tools:

• Telephones – landlines, cellular or VOIP • Email systems - AOL, Yahoo!, Gmail,

Microsoft Outlook • Instant messaging programs - AOL IM,

MSN messenger • Video chat room - Skype, Google Hangouts

Challenges & Tips for Success

Choosing The Right Tools Collaboration and sharing tools

Challenges & Tips for Success

Choosing The Right Tools Collaboration and sharing tools • Examples of collaboration/sharing tools:

• Adobe Acrobat • Google Docs/Sheets/Slides • Microsoft Office • Novell GroupWise email • Basecamp

Challenges & Tips for Success

Choosing The Right Tools Collaboration and sharing tools • Examples of collaboration/sharing tools:

• Adobe Acrobat • Google Docs/Sheets/Slides • Microsoft Office • Novell GroupWise email • Basecamp

Challenges & Tips for Success

Choosing The Right Tools Project management software

Challenges & Tips for Success

Choosing The Right Tools Project management software • Examples of project management tools:

• Microsoft Project • Smartsheet • Basecamp • Podio

Challenges & Tips for Success

Choosing The Right Tools Project management software • Examples of project management tools:

• Microsoft Project • Smartsheet • Basecamp • Podio

Challenges & Tips for Success

Choosing The Right Tools Web conferencing tools • Examples of web conferencing tools:

• WebEx • MS LiveMeeting • GoToMeeting • Elluminate

Challenges & Tips for Success

Choosing The Right Tools Use what works for you and your team

• You know your team best • Trial and error • Learn how to use the tool so you can

focus on the meeting

Challenges & Tips for Success

Choosing The Right Tools Technology Tips:

1. Test technology ahead of time 2. Have a back-up plan 3. Start simple

Challenges & Tips for Success

Section I: The Basics • Essential Skills • Rules and Procedures


Section II: Interaction with Virtual Teams and Running Meetings

• Holding virtual meetings/group sessions

• Communicating with virtual team members


Section III: Tips and Challenges • Common challenges you’ll encounter • Tips and techniques


Final Thoughts

Final Thoughts

• Type your questions into the chat pod on the bottom right side of your screen

• Please complete short survey • Thank you!


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