
Post on 24-Sep-2015






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Secret of Success

Every human being wants to succeed in life. Everyone wants to enjoy the fruit of success. The problem is we want the success to come to us rather than we going for it. Is there any shortcut to success? Is there any secret for success? .We normally hear "Failures are the step stone to success,"Hard work is the shortcut to success". But we never like to fail we never like to work hard because we want the success to be at our hands without taking troubles. Every reader who is reading this article will look upon a "special secret" for achieving success.Yes I am writing this article on the request of my dear students. To convey what I feel, may be the secret of success. The content has been formulated based on my personal life experience, the experience of my close friends, relatives, colleagues, students and also from many people and books which have motivated me.Let me take B-tech life as the first example as it is of our interest. Many of us join engineering with passion. Many with compulsion, many feels engineering is the best option to get a good salary, many think engineering gives me respect and pride in the society and many join because of the fact that I didn't get medical seat, so Ill become an engineer which is the next best option. The truth is very few join B-tech to actually become an engineer or by having a passion. But there are also people who develop passion after joining. So here the question is "passion" a secret for success? May or may not be. When we start a task and fail, we normally give excuses by complaining about the situations. May be about other fellow mates or may be about society or may be about fate telling. I was unlucky, thats why I failed. But we never think of finding solutions to problems instead of finding excuses for that. That is where passion comes. Websters Dictionary defines passion as an intense, driving or overmastering feeling of conviction or a strong desire for or devotion to some activity or concept. If we have utmost interest on the work we are doing, if we do take a task out of passion and work selflessly, there is less chance of failure. I have seen people succeeding when they work for their loved ones. When the work becomes their prestige issue, they complete it by any means. So passion is not only the secret, but action is also needed. There is lot with our attitude and also with the attitude of the people us to make us motivated. Passion drives motivation. ******

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