suffering from canker sores on tongue

Post on 07-May-2015



Health & Medicine



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How do you get canker sores? Unbelievable for this day and age, even the experts have not yet been able to ascertain exactly why canker sores develop. Stress, acidic foods, braces, etc are thought to be some of the causes. Canker sores are not contagious, unlike cold sores. They tend to clear up after two weeks; a long time when you’re hurting. There are many well-known home remedies for canker sores which can bring welcome pain relief from these little mouth ulcers.



Canker Sores On Tongue

Cold sores are known as fever blisters, while canker sores are often referred

to as mouth ulcers (aphthous ulcers). This article deals with canker sores;

specifically with home remedies for canker sores.

So, how do you get canker sores? Unbelievable for this day and age, even

the experts have not yet been able to ascertain why canker sores develop.

Some speculate that stress, acidic foods (strawberries, apples, figs,

pineapples, oranges, lemons and tomatoes) and ill-fitting dentures and

braces are causes. Other health conditions which may cause complex canker

sores include gastrointestinal tract diseases (Celiac and Crohn’s), iron

deficiency, nutritional problems or an impaired immune system.

Picture courtesy

Canker sore symptoms include annoying painful burning or tingling feelings

in your mouth whenever you eat and drink, even before these mouth ulcers

are visible. They start out as small red bumps which develop into mouth

sores which are either white or grey in color with a red border.

The good news is that they do heal on their own within a week or two; you

can however get some relief from painful mouth sores. Commonly used

treatment for canker sores include, but are not limited to the following:

Swab a mixture of 1 part water with 1 part hydrogen peroxide (strong

disinfectant) unto the canker sore(s). Follow with a dab of milk of

magnesia (you may prefer to use MoM only – just dab on mouth sores

with q-tip 3-4 times during the day). Apply this canker sore treatment

3-4 times daily.

Use toothpaste and mouthwash which do not contain the foaming

agent sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS). One such product is Sensodyne

Pronamel toothpastes and mouthwashes.

Picture credited to

Baking soda treatment for canker sores is another natural remedy to

get rid of canker sores fast. Add enough water to make a paste to 1

teaspoon baking soda. Use a q-tip and apply the paste to the canker

sore(s). Let it dry. You can also rinse with 1 teaspoon baking soda

added to ½ cup warm water.

A simple home remedy for canker sores is to press a wet black tea bag

against the mouth sore for several minutes – theory behind this home

remedy is that the tannic acid it contains changes the pH in your

mouth; making it less accommodating to the bacteria which causes

canker sores.

Ice brings welcome canker sore pain relief. Hold ice over the sores,

allowing it to melt. Ice numbs the pain and lessens the inflammation.

Rinse with aloe juice a few times a day or dab gel from fresh aloe vera

leaf to the ulcer (dry the canker sore with a cotton swab first).

Mix 2 tablespoons of salt into 1 cup of warm water and gargle to get

canker sore relief.

Picture courtesy

Rinsing your mouth with 1-2 tablespoons of plum juice for 2-3 minutes

(or soak cotton ball with plum juice and hold against canker sore for a

few minutes) or eating fresh papaya sounds like rather delicious

canker sores treatment methods.

A tried and tested remedy for many ailments is tea tree oil. Use a q-tip

and dab a single drop on the mouth sore a few times during the day.

Alternatively, rinse your mouth with a solution of 10% tea tree oil and

90% water twice daily.

Deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL) as canker sore remedy is quite

effective. Prepare a mouthwash by mixing powdered DGL with water

and rinse. DGL tablets can alternatively be dissolved in the mouth.

Vitamin E capsules: cut open and squeeze little bit of the liquid onto

the cold sore several times a day

Calendula (aka pot marigold): Steep 2 teaspoons of dried calendula in

1 cup boiling water for 10 minutes. Strain and leave to cool down.

Drink or gargle and rinse with the tea several times during the day.

Dried calendula picture courtesy

A chunk of onion pressed against your mouth sore for a few minutes is

another canker sore home remedy many swear by.

Sorrel, a bitter herb, is another great canker sore cure. A pinch of

sorrel placed on your mouth sore until it is soggy brings welcome relief

from the pain and speeds up the healing process. Do this several times

a day

Sage has powerful drying agents which will quickly dry out your mouth

ulcers. Brew some sage tea. Swish around in your mouth before

swallowing. Drink 1-2 cups daily. Alternatively, place powdered sage

directly on the ulcer.

Grapefruit seed extract has antimicrobial and disinfectant properties.

As a cure for canker sores, just add 5-6 drops to a glass of water and

rinse your mouth with the solution once daily.


Taking 200mg of Echinacea 2-3 times daily the moment you become

aware of canker sores developing will boost your immune system.

Take up to 30mg of zinc lozenges daily as soon as mouth sores start to

develop until they are gone.

Reduce the frequency of canker sores by 1) avoiding foods that can

irritate your mouth, i.e. chips, pretzels, salty and spicy foods 2) eat

plenty of healthy foods to prevent nutritional deficiencies 3) refrain

from eating and talking at the same time 4) heed good oral hygiene

and 5) reduce stress where possible.

When should you consult a doctor? Even when not treating canker sores

they should clear up naturally. Contact your dentist when:

unusually large sores

the sores are spreading

sores last longer than 3 weeks

find it difficult to take in enough liquids

appearance of sores bring about high fever


Hey, my name is Sonia. I research minor illnesses striving to bring

you the best treatment solutions which won’t cost you an arm and a

leg. For the full article on canker sores on tongue as well as

treatment options for a hangover, acne, sore throat, overactive

bladder, etc. visit my site here.

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